Chapter 2495
The First Battalion, which had been in ambush for a long time, entered the planned design target under Liu Ji's watchful eyes. Liu Ji ordered, "Ambush the devils immediately!"

With the firing of the first shot, the sound of "da da da" guns began!

The puppet soldiers walking in the front row immediately became the ghosts under the gun.

After all, the devils in front of Liu Ji were not the only ones who came. Devils from all directions heard the gunfire and hurried to support.

This support was about to go wrong, and the second battalion of thin monkeys also attacked the devils on the small high ground!
The devils who were attacked in two places immediately ordered to gather troops to attack one place!
Devils are worthy of being devils, they are very shrewd, they will not divide their troops to fight until they find out the real strength of the enemy!

At this time, under the flank attack of Liu Zhang of the fourth battalion, the third battalion shelled the devils for a while, and then charged!
At this time, the devils realized that what they encountered was a large-scale Eight Route Army, so they immediately ordered to retreat!

In this battle, the devils were fighting all over the place, and more than 300 devils including the puppet army were wiped out. These 300 people, for the devils, it was a heavy loss!

Three or four battalions immediately cleaned the battlefield. After cleaning the battlefield, Yang Fei immediately ordered, "Hurry up and organize the common people to rush to harvest. We must harvest all the wheat before the devils. There is no delay!"

Fang Mengru, who is in charge of propaganda, naturally had to mobilize all the people. That afternoon, the people in the nearby villages had already started harvesting!

Look at so much wheat.Yang Fei was also very anxious, if the devils called again, how many people would it be?
Not to mention that much, Yang Fei immediately ordered Daguang's Fifth Battalion, "Help the common people harvest food very much, without a sickle, even if you pull it by hand, you have to pull it all up!"

This is a death order!

Da Guang received the order, and even ordered their brothers in the fifth battalion to help the common people harvest wheat!

Food is the most important thing for the people, if the devils come, let alone wheat, even the wheat bran will probably not be seen by the common people!
At night after harvesting, taking advantage of the moonlight in the sky, Yang Fei didn't let them rest, "Fifth battalion, come back, change to fourth battalion!"


The devil who was attacked didn't even know what kind of enemy he had encountered!
Yamazaki held the teacup, "Who the hell is that?"

"Captain Yamazaki, the group we met has relatively strong weapons and equipment, and we lost [-] people! In my opinion, it should be the national army!"

"National Army?" Yamazaki frowned, "If it was the National Army, it wouldn't be such a trouble. How long did it take for the National Army to come? En?"

"Captain Yamazaki, we have no clue that the national army is coming!"

"Since there is no national army, what are these troops? Could it be the Eighth Route Army?" Yamazaki frowned, "Whatever it is, go and find out for me immediately!"

"Captain Yamazaki, I'm going now!" Yamazaki looked at the map, and couldn't believe it. The people they met on the mobile phone of the national army, the national army had already left here in defeat. If it was possible, it would be eight routes, but, When did the Eighth Route Army come here?It stands to reason that only a small part of the Eighth Route Army is fighting guerrillas here. How could it be possible to encounter such a strong Eighth Route Army now?

Thinking of this, Yamazaki breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he will not be the one to chew on such a hard bone soon. The higher-ups will send a boss this time, and this boss is Ito Ichiro!
Although Ito Ichiro's troops were wiped out, under Koizumi's guarantee, Ito quickly returned to HD!At that time, let Jing Teng chew on this tough bone!
Yamazaki has been in Hebei for a long time. He thinks he is a loyal soldier of the empire. However, for so long, he has no chance of promotion at all. He worked hard to get into the military academy, but he still couldn't change his destiny.Many of the soldiers he led before have become his superiors, but he still doesn't move!
Yamazaki looked at the map and quickly came to his senses, "If it's really the Eighth Route Army, how could it be so powerful?"

"What if?" Yamazaki asked himself.

"If it is true, then don't think too much, just go to attack! How many weapons and equipment can the Eighth Route Army have?" Yamazaki thought of this.

Sit down and take a sip of water. "It would be ideal to give Ito a gift before Ito comes!" He smiled.

Soon, a team leader came over immediately, "Captain Yamazaki, according to our information, it is definitely the Eighth Route Army!"

"Is it the eighth road? How many people are there in the eighth road?" Yamazaki asked.

"Roughly estimated, the Eighth Route Army has at least one regiment!"

"A group?" Yamazaki frowned. "A group, how could there be a group? Where did this group come from?" Yamazaki asked.

"Captain Yamazaki, if the guess is correct, they should have come from Shanxi, because there is no other explanation except this explanation!"

"You are right, since they dare to come down, we will drive them all away! Immediately pass on my order to attack the Eighth Route Army immediately!" Yamazaki gave the order!

"Captain Yamazaki, Hachiro is now tying farmers to harvest wheat!"

"It's just right, if we attack now, we will be caught off guard!" Yamazaki said.

Yang Fei was also very anxious at this time. He was afraid that devils would come to attack him. After all, he hadn't reached his intended target. He heard that Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai's two regiments had already arrived, so he had to deal with the matter here quickly. , and go!
But at this time, an intelligence agent came over and said, "The enemy is found ahead!"

Yang Fei immediately took out the map, glanced at the map, and then frowned, "How could this devil appear so quickly! How many of them are there?"

"Reporting to the head, the devils are coming from He'an Town in front, and they are expected to arrive in half an hour. The devils probably have a large group!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei frowned, "How about the devil's equipment?"

"Report to the commander, the Devils have a motorcycle company! The mechanized troops are the main ones!"

"Really?" Yang Fei frowned, this is not a good thing, the devil's mobility is so strong, if he really came over, would the **** be able to beat him?

Thinking of this, Yang Fei immediately asked, "How is the wheat? How much is left?"

"Leader, there is still about an hour before we can finish the harvest!" Ji Taichang said.

"Okay, that's an hour!" Yang Fei finished, pointing to the map, "Now, order Liu Ji of the first battalion to stop the enemy, the thin monkeys of the second battalion will attack the enemy from the flank, Zhao Qifa of the third battalion Always prepare for battle!"


Not long after the order was given, Yang Fei heard the sound of gunfire.

"Tonight, I'm doomed to have no sleep! Now, let Da Guang from the Fifth Battalion help harvest the wheat right away! It's still the same sentence, pull it out for me!" Yang Fei gave the order to die!

Yang Fei is undoubtedly at a disadvantage now. They are isolated and helpless, and they have gone deep into Hebei without a formal base. Although the apprentices under their feet belong to the land of the Chinese, how can they be allowed to come here again when the Japanese have their hands in the places they used to live!
The war of time made Yang Fei a little anxious!

"Coach Ji, go to the front with me immediately to see the battle situation!" Yang Fei said.


When they reached the front line, Liu Ji's soldiers dug trenches and attacked the devils!

You come and I go for a while, but there is no progress at all.

He was used to fighting, but Liu Ji was a little embarrassed by his active attack on the devils.

Seeing Yang Fei approaching, Liu Ji immediately asked, "Head, why are you here?"

"Liu Ji, what's the situation, how many devils are there in front?" Yang Fei asked.

"Regiment leader, don't worry, I will stick to my position and create time for the common people!" Liu Ji said.

"There are so many devils ahead, what will you do if the devils come from the north?" Yang Fei asked.

"Regimental Commander, the Third Battalion Commander is to the north, and Shouhou is to the south. They will come over in a while, and by then, we will be able to wipe out the devil brigade!" Liu Ji said.

At the front of the gunfire typing position, the surrounding weeds began to burn around, "Liu Ji, thank you for your hard work, you must defend me. After an hour, if there are still so many devils, choose to retreat!"


"From here, retreat to the south. There is a small highland over there. The devils probably won't dare to do this by then!"

Yang Fei said.


After Liu Ji finished speaking, he shouted loudly, "Comrades, you must hold on to me. This is our Chinese place. How can we let the Japanese devils come and leave as soon as they say! Hit me!"

"Da da da……"

The machine gun fired forward. I don't know how many people the devils lost, and I don't know how many people they lost. Anyway, now, it's an anxious battle!

Yamazaki frowned, "There is no progress at all, we must find a way to fight through!" After Yamazaki finished speaking, he hurriedly said, "Send a small team to the north to attack the Eighth Route Army's position from the north. In addition, let the motorcycle company attack from the south. Attack, let's encircle the three-way, I don't believe it, the seagulls can't take the Eighth Route Army's position!"

The order went down.

Zhao Qifa, who is in the south, is also very anxious now. Although he has not encountered devils here yet, and many people have said that he will take the initiative to move closer to Liu Ji, Zhao Qifa shook his head, "No, if we really get there At that time, we were passive, and it was uncomfortable to be beaten by devils all the time!"

After finishing speaking, I heard the sound of "rumbling" motorcycle!

"Battalion Commander, the devil's motorcycle company!"

"Sure enough, the devil is coming, tell comrades, get ready to fight!" Zhao Qifa quickly loaded the bullet, aimed at a Japanese devil on a motorcycle, and shot him with a "bang"!

Immediately afterwards, the machine guns of the third battalion began to move, and the "da da da da..." began to fight.

The devils were caught off guard, so they got out of the car in a panic, and when they knew where the Eighth Route Army was, they quickly started shooting.

"Bomber, hurry up, blow up the devil's motorcycle!" Zhao Qifa shouted.

A few mortars were placed in front, and the bombardier put the shells in the past and fired them with a "whoosh"!
The fiery red light suddenly illuminated the specific location of the devil, "If you see the devil, hit me hard! Be sure to fight with the power and prestige of our Eighth Route Army!"

"Grenade, blow it up for me!" Zhao Qifa doesn't mind how to save bullets now, when you save bullets, the devil will come over!

The motorcycles fought by the third battalion couldn't even lift their heads. The motorcycles were blown up one after another. The devil finally set up a machine gun, but was blown up by his own motorcycle.

Soon, the devil's motorcycle company quickly retreated!

"Battalion Commander, pursue?"

"Don't chase, don't chase, the poor don't chase!" Zhao Qifa understands this truth well.

"Now, listen to my order, and slowly approach the first battalion, step by step, and look at the surrounding terrain!" Zhao Qifa said.

On the other side, Shouhou's camp is the same as Zhao Qifa. Although Liu Ji has endured an extremely difficult task, and their camp is under increasing pressure, Shouhou still doesn't move closer to him, watching the time every minute and every second In the past, when the thin monkey was about to give the order to move closer to the first battalion, he found the devils.

The thin monkey smiled, "Damn it, just one more second late, I'll be enough!"

When the devil rushed forward without thinking, the thin monkey immediately ordered, "Hit me, hit me hard, and beat me out of the dog's dung!"

After saying this, the machine gunner, the grenade, fired forward without hesitation!
The devil was ambushed and immediately launched a counterattack on the spot.

The devil's machine gun spewed out a tongue of flame, and the thin monkey hesitantly pulled out the string of the grenade, and threw it over there!
"Boom!" With a sound, the devil's machine gun was blown up.

"Second Battalion, you are all great heroes, now listen to my order, one company and two companies surround Gou Ri's from the flank!" After the thin monkey finished speaking, one company and two companies withdrew from the battle and surrounded the devils, and the thin monkey immediately Ordered, "Shoot me when you see devils in three or four consecutive rounds. Don't be afraid of wasting bullets! The common people must fight for an hour!"

After saying this, after playing for about 10 minutes, Liu Ji reckoned that they had all arrived at the predetermined position, "Comrades, follow me, rush!"

All of a sudden, Yilian and Erlian suddenly came out from the side, and Sanlian and Silian rushed towards the enemy's bullets!

The Japanese who came here never thought that the Eighth Route Army could be so resistant, yes!The current Eighth Route Army is not the former Eighth Route Army!

Now they are well armed.

In just 10 minutes of firefighting, Thin Monkey successfully wiped out more than 60 devils, seized weapons and ammunition, and then led them to continue attacking from the flank!
An hour will be up soon.

Yamazaki was a little puzzled now, "What's the situation, what's the situation on the side now?"

"Report to Captain Yamazaki, the situation without them now!"

"No? Did something happen?" Yamazaki asked.

"Captain Yamazaki, I'm worried, the enemy isn't one regiment at all! It's made up of three regiments!"

This sentence made Yamazaki break out in a cold sweat.


"Captain Yamazaki, I heard the gunfire just now! It seems that the gunfire just now was very loud, not the sound we should make!"

Yamazaki sighed, "If that's the case, wouldn't we have hit a rock with an egg!"

"Captain Yamazaki, I think we should conduct in-depth intelligence work on the enemy more carefully!"

"Then retreat!" After Yamazaki finished speaking, the devil put away his gun and walked away slowly!

Liu Ji stared at the front closely, and he didn't start to pant until there was no gunfire from the devils!
"Where's the devil?" Liu Ji asked.

"Battalion Commander, the devils seem to have retreated!"

"Retreat? Shit, retreat?" Liu Ji finished, "Listen to my order, no one is allowed to leave here, wait until the people have completely transported the food back!"


After a while, Zhao Qifa and Shouhou came over, and they reached Liu Ji's side, "Liu Battalion Commander, the devils have withdrawn!"

"Withdrawn? Really withdrawn?" Liu Ji asked.

"Really!" Zhao Qifa said.

"That's good, that's good!" Liu Ji said.

After a while, a Ji Taichang ran over, "Liu Battalion Commander, Zhao Battalion Commander, you are all here, the regiment commander ordered us to transfer immediately, the people have transported the food away and hid it!"

"Okay, that's good!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he ordered, "Comrades, withdraw!"

The soldiers who withdrew from the battle suddenly relaxed a lot.

After this battle, Liu Ji's battalion lost the most, losing about a hundred comrades, while Shouhou and Zhao Qifa suffered the least, but they annihilated a lot of enemies!
They retreated overnight. In order to hurry, Yang Fei ordered, "Get to our predetermined location quickly! Hurry up!"

When the order was given, the soldiers ran all the way!
Because of this hasty march, they were two days short of the scheduled time.

When they arrived at Xida Town, Xida Town had already been captured by Shen Wanxi, and when Yang Fei came, they took the initiative to evacuate.

For this, Yang Fei is still very grateful to this guy!Because of Yang Fei's participation in the war, the devils paid more attention to the Eighth Route Army. Yamazaki had not moved to the west for a long time. When they got the information, Yamazaki knew that the Eighth Route Army had already retreated. When they wanted to go to the common people to shoot food At that time, there were already troops stationed there, so Yamazaki had no choice but to return without success!

The construction of the base area can be said to be smooth sailing.

In order to meet the requirements of consolidating the base area, Yang Fei specially ordered the first battalion to be stationed at Qizi Mountain in the north. Qizi Mountain is not a very high mountain, but with Qizi Mountain, they can use it as a basis. The surrounding area of ​​Qizi Mountain is called The village of Hanwang Mountain Village.

When he was free, Yang Fei was not idle. He actually arranged and deployed the surrounding defense situation, and then attacked the surrounding security team against the devils!

Fight against landlords, fight against local tyrants, and distribute the world to the peasants.

All of this, the most important work, was done by Fang Mengru.

In her spare time, Fang Mengru organized the art team to perform performances, and everything was done according to the predetermined goals.

When the fire came, the brigade headquarters of brigade commander Li Jiguang also moved here. Both Li Jiguang and Wang Wei thought it was the wisest choice for them to choose this place as their base.

Therefore, the marriage between Yang Fei and Fang Mengru was put on the agenda again.

Yang Fei was rather repelled by this, because he already had Shen Ling in his heart, and he didn't know where Shen Ling was now, but Yang Fei still hoped that she could appear.

He found Shen Ling's photo album, and the old photos always reminded him of Shen Ling's smiles.

Yang Fei's evasion was not enough to keep Li Jiguang from looking for him, he couldn't escape, Yang Fei had to face it.

"Brigade Commander, can we wait until this matter is over?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yang Fei, what exactly do you mean? Do you think you already have something you want?" Li Jiguang asked.

When asked here, Yang Fei had to tell the truth, "Yes, brigade commander, you also know that there is a reporter named Shen Ling! I have liked her for a long time!"

"Shen Ling? It's the female reporter who has been with you for a long time!"

"Yes, it's her, brigade commander. Shen Ling left me because of a misunderstanding. Last time I went to Tianjin, we met again!" Yang Fei ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.

"Meet it, and then?" Li Jiguang asked.

"It's nothing. Then, when I came back, I told Uncle De that if she came to find me, she would say that I was back!" Yang Fei said.

"But Shen Ling hasn't looked for you for so long!" Li Jiguang said.

"No matter what, brigade commander, I hope that I can arrange my own happiness," Yang Fei said, "Fang Mengru is very good, and I can see it, but..."

"Haha," Li Jiguang smiled, "Well, I understand your situation, but I don't care about it anymore. When you and Mengru develop, that's when you develop, but you are also hurt her!"

"Don't worry, Brigadier, I have a measure!"

Farewell to Li Jiguang, Yang Fei went back and lay on the bed. Here, it was really different from the past. At this time, there was a lot of rain, so much that Yang Fei got tired of writing.

In Shanxi, if you want to rain, you have to wait for a while, but here is different. If you are not careful, it will take less than 10 minutes from sunny to rainy!

At this time, Liu Ji and Shouhou came to look for Yang Fei.

Their faces were unhappy, "Leader, we will sue!"

"Hehe, it's different for you two to file a complaint! In the regiment, who can bully you?" Yang Fei asked.

"Head, you don't know, this Ji Taichang is too domineering, and he is about to hold some kind of martial arts competition in the whole group!" Liu Ji said.

"Martial arts competition?" Yang Fei didn't hear Ji Taichang say it.

"You don't even know? What is this Ji Taichang! Isn't it just better kung fu!" Liu Ji said angrily.

"Well, what else is there?" Yang Fei asked.

"I heard that this martial arts competition is for the selection of the guard company. You said that the guard company can be selected from all the members of our regiment. Can we send out people? But Ji Taichang disagreed, facing the whole regiment. To encircle the regiment headquarters, the soldiers are extremely excited!" Liu Ji sat down angrily.

"Hahaha! I thought it was something, so I asked Ji Taichang to handle this matter! Do you disagree?" Yang Fei asked.

Both Liu Ji and Shouhou opened their eyes wide, "Yes..."

"Yes, that's right, you all cooperate with his work! This time, the guard company is not as tight as our regiment headquarters. The brigade commander and the others are not far away. At that time, the guard company may have to protect the brigade commander. They!" Yang Fei said.

(End of this chapter)

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