Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2496 Importance

Chapter 2496 Importance

Even if Yang Fei said so, Liu Ji and Shouhou were unwilling. It was not easy for them to cultivate wise and courageous people, but an order was transferred by Ji Taichang. Said, if you want to go to the guard company, you can sign up!

All of a sudden, the whole regiment was overwhelmed and wanted to go to the guard company!

Not for anything else, just because joining the guard company is to encircle the regiment commander and encircle the regiment headquarters. This is a very honorable thing!
The two were walking on the road, and Liu Ji looked at Shouhou, "Damn it, what is going on with us? Create a guard company and take away all the excellent fighters we have worked so hard to train over the years! I see, this Ji Taichang, he is a very scheming fellow!"

"Who says it's not! Among other things, the little Wang I trained is very accurate in marksmanship. No, I heard that the guard company is about to be established, so I ran to sign up immediately! I can't say what I want!" Liu Ji was very angry.

"No, the two of us have to spoil his action this time!" The skinny monkey stomped his feet angrily.

"You're crazy, the head of the group agreed to something, you came here, didn't you mean to make the head ugly?" Liu Ji said.

"Then what should we do, we can't just swallow our anger like this!" Said the thin monkey.

"The instigator of this matter is Ji Taichang. We are targeting Ji Taichang, not the guard company. You have to be clear about this!" Liu Ji smiled.

"Yes! Yes!" said the thin monkey, "I almost made a mistake if you didn't say that!"

"So, isn't this selection held the day after tomorrow? Let's make Ji Taichang look bad, this kid is going too far!" Liu Ji said.

"Do you have a solution?" asked the thin monkey.

Liu Ji smiled treacherously, said a few words in the thin monkey's ear, and then smiled.

The establishment of a guard company is a very important matter. It is necessary to ensure the safety of the regiment headquarters. After all, unlike in the past, there are more copywriters in the regiment headquarters, and the number of party members is also increasing. Although Yang Fei does not want to Involved, but, no doubt, he was in no way out of it.

As the direct person in charge this time, Ji Taichang has experienced many things. For example, a certain company commander went to him to buy something and said that he wanted to join the guard company, and someone directly talked to the person in charge of the party group. Go to the guard company. In short, since they learned about this incident, many people came to Ji Taichang, hoping that Ji Taichang would verbally promise to agree to other people's affairs.

However, Ji Taichang smiled and refused without mercy.

Although they gritted their teeth and hated Ji Taichang, but after thinking about it carefully, they had no choice but to give up!After all, who can touch the relationship between Ji Taichang and Yang Fei?

Not to mention his side, Yang Fei encountered a problem at this time, and the hot-sought job was finished, but now, he must understand that there are actually not so many people stationed in Xida Town, so he has to find a way , Let them go to find this new camp, so he called all the three battalions, four battalions and five battalions.

Of course Zhao Qifa needless to say, he fully understands this matter, Liu Zhang and Da Guang also understand that the more troops stationed, it is not a good thing.

But after Ji Taichang found out, he shook his head, "No! No!"

Ji Taichang's breaking into the door disrupted Yang Fei's plan at once.

"Coach Ji..."

Yang Fei was a little embarrassed!

Ji Taichang said, "Head, I won't talk about it at other times, but it's not possible now. We haven't been here for a long time, and the mass base is not solid. Besides, we are going to set up a security company right now. When the security company is established Now, can you think about it?"

"It's only a matter of three or two days, I don't think it matters!" Yang Fei said.

"Commander, don't be afraid of [-], just in case! All the battalions will be evacuated from Xida Town. If Dieters come over, we are the regiment headquarters here! The consequences will be unimaginable!" Ji Taichang said, "Otherwise, I will It is suggested that one company from the Fifth Battalion be responsible for the safety of the regiment headquarters, and the rest can choose to withdraw!"

Da Guang looked at Ji Taichang, and then at Yang Fei, "Commander, I think what Ji Taichang said is right, we can spare a company to temporarily protect the safety of our regiment headquarters!"

"Alright then!" Yang Fei said.

In fact, Yang Fei didn't take this matter seriously in his heart, because after so many years, they had never had any guard company or guard class, and the leader was a battalion commander and an instructor, so this matter seemed to him , might as well put them on a knife's edge.

The reason why Ji Taichang attaches so much importance to the guard company is that it started from the last time he beat Jing Teng, he met Li Mobai, and the two chatted happily. When Ji Taichang learned that Li Mobai had this guard company, he immediately thought of it. He didn't realize that they didn't, so he paid more attention to this matter.

He couldn't wish him that, ever since Ji Taichang came with Yang Fei, he thought that Yang Fei's life must be protected in the best way!

In this way, a company from the fifth battalion of Daguang was assigned to be responsible for the safety of the regiment headquarters, and all the rest left.

Ji Taichang said at this time, "Commander, I think we need not only the guard company in the city, but also the reconnaissance company!"

"There is no need for this. Whoever fights, whoever investigates, this is our consistent practice!" Yang Fei said lightly.

"Head, this is different," Li Mobai said, "This time, if we have no experience in doing this, I suggest setting up a special investigation class in the guard company, train one class first, and then go to the big ones!"

Yang Fei looked at Ji Taichang with a serious face, a little funny, but what Ji Taichang said was right, he just nodded perfunctorily.


The location of Xida Town is important. For such an important town, of course no one knows how many traitors there are in this town!
Since the Japanese occupied the three eastern provinces, they began to look at Guannei. No, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident began. Up to now, the Japanese have occupied so many places in China at the fastest speed, and have cultivated a large number of traitors!
Walking alone in Xida Town, I saw an Eighth Route Army soldier, and then walked over with a smiley face, took out a cigarette from him, and lit it for the soldier, "Oh, looking forward to the stars and the moon, I can count you as hopeful." Already!"

"Fellow, don't be so polite. Originally, we wanted to liberate the whole of China, so that all ordinary people like you have fields, food, and clothes!"

The fighter refused the man's cigarette.

"I see that our soldiers are all in high spirits. That's great. May I ask, whose army are we? Whose army can train such powerful fighters?" Obviously, this is a cliché, the soldier Glancing at him, "This is your army, of course it can train powerful fighters!"

He was very vigilant, so the man didn't dare to ask more questions, then smiled and gave him a thumbs up, "Okay, the fields are allocated to us common people!"

With that said, he returned angrily.

There are quite a few incidents like this happening every day. The Eighth Route Army soldiers from Shanxi were tight-lipped about which army they belonged to, but among the local recruiters, they quickly said, "We belong to Yang Fei's regiment!"

Therefore, it is not difficult for the Japanese to obtain this information!
Soon, this matter reached Ito's ears!
When Jing Teng learned that Yang Feituan was stationed near Xida Town, he was overjoyed!

Thinking that the setback he suffered in Salt Lake was caused by Yang Fei, he immediately ordered, "Clear Xida Town!"

Yamazaki immediately said, "Master Ito, our people are preparing food now, can we take a break?"

Thinking of this, Jing Teng had no choice but to say, "Okay, after a week, send me the soldiers and horses." However, after speaking, I Teng said again, "No, there is no need to transfer troops!"

The corner of his mouth smiled, "I don't need troops this time, I have a surprise soldier in my hand! This surprise soldier will definitely come in handy!"

Yamazaki asked, "Master Ito, surprise soldier? What kind of surprise soldier?"

Jing Teng smiled, "Naturally, it is a surprise soldier who can take down Yang Fei's regiment in one fell swoop!
The so-called surprise soldiers were when Ito came from Tianjin. Koizumi deliberately dropped a special unit that was executed in the puppet Manchuria. The special unit that came over had a full set of German equipment and was armed to the teeth. They and Ito Arriving on the same day, in order to completely wipe out the Eighth Route Army in front of the Japanese, they did everything possible, but the more fierce you are, the stronger the Eighth Route Army's fighting power will be. They are like sparrows. When you pass by, they will retreat. As soon as you withdraw, they come back like sparrows, which annoys the Japanese very much.

This is also the tactics of the Eighth Route Army.

Back then, once the Japanese arrived in Hebei, the national army in Hebei could be said to be unimpeded all the way. The national army was like a broken beast. However, when the national army withdrew, the Eighth Route Army filled in!
Originally, they were not taken seriously at the time, but the Eighth Route Army became more and more arrogant, and even occupied several counties with a few broken guns!

It had a great impact on their sending troops to the south!

They often set up obstacles on train tracks and places where traffic is more important, capture train stations, destroy railways, and ambush troops!
The Japanese have a big head for these things!

Therefore, this special unit was transferred by Koizumi just like that, and before leaving, Koizumi said, "Ito-kun, don't say anything, this time, you must make contributions to the Great Japanese Empire, and let's put aside the matter of Xi'an for now." Let go, now the south is attacking Wuhan, after Wuhan there will be Changsha, we can only obey the strategy of the Great Japanese Empire!"

Ito nodded and said, "Yes!"

After Yamazaki left, Koizumi immediately found Abe Kameda!

Abe Kameda is the captain of this special force.

After seeing Ito, he immediately asked, "Master Ito, please give instructions!"

Ito stood up, "Captain A, this time, we have to face the enemy in front of us again! The arrogance of the enemy has exceeded our tolerance. Although Xida Town said that there is no other place to do it in the strategic position, but that place It is also a small transportation hub, now it is occupied by the Eighth Route Army, you are going to reach Xida Town now, and then give me the command post of the Eighth Route Army regiment headquarters!"

Abe Kameda nodded immediately, "Kai, please don't worry, Mr. Ito, I will live up to my mission!" After speaking, Abe Kameda left.

At that time, Abe Kameda demonstrated to Ito that no matter whether it is a mountain or a jungle, no matter whether it is a plain or a cliff, they can always enter the land of no one, and even destroy the enemy in the shortest time to achieve a strategic attack!

In Hebei, there are not only such troops as Abe Kameda. Not long ago, in the Jinchaji base area, such a thing happened. Served!

Therefore, at that time, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army issued an order that we must pay attention to the safety of the regiment headquarters. If the regiment headquarters is gone, it is equivalent to losing a brain. Other troops can only passively defend!

Yang Fei also had a copy of such a document. Looking at the report at that time, he couldn't help feeling chills in his heart!
At that time, he still thought about not using the guard company, but now, he had to pay attention to it.

For such a matter, it is not enough for Yang Fei to pay attention to it. He called all the cadres above the battalion level and circulated this document to them.

When everyone finished watching, they waited for Yang Fei to speak.

"Did you see it? This devil probably trained a group of death squads now, but this death squad is not fighting you desperately. They can kill your regiment headquarters with very little cost. The regiment headquarters is gone. Think about it." , What are the consequences?" Yang Fei asked.

Several battalion commanders also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Let me tell you this, it is equivalent to a person without a head! You battalion commanders are my right-hand men. Without your head, you will naturally become stiff. Therefore, the safety of the regiment headquarters must be taken seriously. In addition, Aren’t we going to select a group of soldiers from the guard company tomorrow? Let’s all cooperate, and then, the recruiting work must be done for a moment! Do you understand?”

"Head, this is something we have never relaxed!" Daguang said.

"Head, for things like this, we can't just defend!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Oh? Battalion Commander Zhao, tell me, what should we do?" Yang Fei asked.

"I think we should fully understand the background of the devil's army, and then find out their weaknesses! We can't have such an accident like the Jinchaji base area!" Zhao Qifa said.

"I also want to ask what should be done about this matter, but the conditions do not allow it. Only this document, just reading it, is useless!" Yang Fei said.

"So, this guard company must be established as soon as possible. This is a big deal!" Zhao Qifa said, "Our battalion has now selected [-] people, and these [-] people are veterans who have experienced battles. Experience!"

"Very good, everyone must learn from Head Zhao Qifa, don't hide it, my life doesn't matter, think about it, those civilian cadres who have never held a gun!"

This sentence made Liu Ji and Shouhou a little embarrassed. After all, they were the only two who had complained to Yang Fei!

At this time, the guards ran in, "Head, there is a person who claims to be the political commissar of the new report, and he is at the door now!"

Yang Fei opened his eyes wide, "Damn it, I still want to live a comfortable life for a few days, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I sent someone over so soon!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at everyone, "Well, you are all here, so let's get to know the new political commissar!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said to the guard, "Go, call him in!"

After speaking, the guard went out.

After a while, the new political commissar came in. As soon as he entered the door, he saluted Yang Fei and the battalion commanders, with something on his back, "Head, hello, I'm Zhao Gang, and I'm here to report!"

Yang Fei waved his hands, and then said to several battalion commanders, "Everyone, look out, this is the new political commissar Zhao Gang, you should quickly recognize it!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked him up and down. This Zhao Gang has a handsome face, thick eyebrows and big eyes. This nose is a nose, and eyes are eyes. Yang Fei smacked his mouth, "Which unit did you belong to before?"

Zhao Gang looked at Yang Fei, "Hello, Commander Yang, I used to be an instructor in the [-]st, [-]nd, and [-]rd Battalions of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Base Area, and my superior ordered me to come here!"

"It's from Jinchaji!" Yang Fei rolled his eyes, "It's just that we are talking about the fact that a regiment in Jinchaji was transferred to the regiment headquarters at that time. I'm afraid you know more about this matter, so let everyone know. Let's talk about it!"

Zhao Gang was also polite, put down the things on his back, and then said, "Leader, let me briefly talk about it!"

As he said that, Zhao Gang looked at several battalion commanders, "To be honest, I was in the third battalion of that regiment at that time! That night, the devils took over our regiment headquarters by surprise, causing our battalions to passively stick to it. In the position for three days, the losses were heavy!"

Regarding such a matter, Zhao Gang did not hide anything, "The final investigation result of this matter is that the devils are sent by special forces!"

"Special forces?" Yang Fei looked at him in surprise, "Is this special forces stronger than our security company?"

Zhao Gang said with a faint smile, "Special forces, as the name suggests, are specially trained troops. They are more fully armed than a squad of us. From head to toe, the money spent on them is more than that of a regiment of ours." many!"

"Such an exaggeration! Could it be that they are carrying mortars on their backs?" As soon as Yang Fei's words came out, several battalion commanders smiled.

Yes, on the side of the Eighth Route Army, the most handy weapon, which cannot penetrate the grenades made in the border area, is the mortar. Therefore, when the devils see the mortar, they must think that it is a large force of the Eighth Route Army!

Yang Fei asked like this, which meant that Wu Xia Amon, but he did say what was on his mind!

Zhao Gang shook his head, "No, the clothes they wear are bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets on their heads, iron shoes on their feet, and submachine guns in their hands, so they can handle all kinds of difficult operations without any difficulty! "

As soon as he heard about bulletproof helmets and armor, Liu Ji hurriedly asked, "Political commissar, what do you mean? This bulletproof helmet and armor can't be penetrated by bullets?"

"It's not that you can't get in!" Zhao Gang re-explained, "Bulletproof helmets and bulletproof armor, at the current level, they can withstand the bullet attack with a rate of fire of 150 meters per second!"

Hearing this, Liu Ji and Shouhou both laughed, "So, this bulletproof vest and bulletproof helmet are useless! Just think about it, how can the speed of fire of this bullet be only 150 meters per second!"

Zhao Gang shook his head, "After experiments by foreign experts, the most important thing for soldiers to get injured is the source of shrapnel. The bulletproof armor is made of special steel. Although they are not 30.00% able to withstand bullets, they can guarantee a good People are not killed by shrapnel, and the mortality rate is [-]%, which means that this bulletproof armor is still useful!"

What Zhao Gang said, everyone is actually not very familiar with numbers. He said this, which shows that Zhao Gang has a lot of research on this and is also very professional!
"The political commissar means that after wearing bulletproof armor, serious injuries and death were avoided!" Daguang said.

"Yes, that's what it means!" Zhao Gang said.

"Also, they use submachine guns?" Daguang asked again.

"Yes, special operators, they use submachine guns! But unfortunately, this is also mentioned in foreign reports, and I have never seen it!" Zhao Gang said.

"In the final analysis, what does submachine gun mean?" Zhao Qifa also asked.

"Talking about the submachine gun, the first feature is that its bullets are fired continuously. The second is that it is light, lighter than a machine gun. More importantly, the submachine gun has a high rate of fire and strong firepower, which is very suitable for close-range combat!" Zhao Gang explained.

"Then if this thing becomes popular, wouldn't we all be able to do it with ease?" Liu Zhang was also very interested.

"Yes, but, according to the current level of our Eighth Route Army, we can't make submachine guns. This kind of firearms is very expensive and requires high craftsmanship. I read these in books. It is really true. I have never seen this submachine gun!" Zhao Gang also said regretfully.

"Yes, but the most important thing for us now is to arrange more soldiers on duty, so that we can find their special forces, and we should not be afraid of meeting special forces. I also said that soldiers are most vulnerable to shrapnel. So, see They just throw grenades in our border area! The guard company is ready for defense to ensure the safe evacuation of our regiment headquarters, which is the most important thing!" Zhao Gang said.

Yang Fei took the lead in applauding, and all the battalion commanders applauded.

"Political commissar Zhao is a great talent. Look, we have discussed for a long time without any results. When this political commissar came, he told us everything. He said so professionally. Where can you find it?" Yang Fei smiled. "Commander Zhao, welcome to our army, our regiment has been battle-tested!"

"Captain Yang, I've heard of your fame a long time ago. With so many big events in front of me, I, Zhao Gang, can't wait to see you early, especially when you commanded the troops to surround Jing Teng. I think, This is a total victory!" Zhao Gang was very excited.

"Hahaha, no way! Old Zhao, you're too polite! I'm just an ordinary person, and I can lead troops to fight devils. I really can't learn anything else!" Yang Fei laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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