Chapter 2497

For the new political commissar, Yang Fei didn't know what was going on in his heart. He had a university knowledge, which would definitely be helpful for the construction of the entire team, but Yang Fei felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

For the knowledge of the devil's special forces, let everyone break up the meeting immediately, and then think about countermeasures. At this time, Ji Taichang came out from the outside, and then found Zhao Gang who hadn't had time to pack his things.

"Commissioner Zhao, hello, I'm Ji Taichang!" Ji Taichang introduced.

"Hello comrade, what can I do for you?" Zhao Gang asked.

"Political Commissar Zhao, that's it. Tomorrow is a big day for the selection of our security company. I think, let you go with me tomorrow. Needless to say, the importance of the security company is the most important thing. I just heard what you said about the special forces, and I thought, according to our strength, can we also form such a special forces?" Ji Taichang asked.

Hearing this, Zhao Gang immediately became excited, "Comrade Ji Taichang, you are so right. In fact, I have been thinking on the way I came here. Under what conditions can we select a group of such high-quality fighters. You If you have any ideas, tell me now!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Gang asked Ji Taichang to sit down, and then got a glass of water, but he didn't have time to clean up the unpacked things.

"Political Commissar Zhao, this is what I think. Since we are going to be selected tomorrow, why not take advantage of this opportunity to form a guard company, and select at least ten high-quality people from the guard company. We will start from shooting, bombing, etc. Select from some necessary kung fu, and then the top ten in the ranking will naturally become our special forces, and we will focus on training these ten people!" Ji Taichang said.

Hearing what Ji Taichang said, Zhao Gang seemed relieved, and he said with a smile, "Comrade Ji Taichang, I didn't expect that you have a heart!"

"Political Commissar, what do you think about our selection?" Ji Taichang asked again.

"Have you talked to Commander Yang about this?" Zhao Gang asked.

"Not yet, I was thinking, Commissar Zhao, do you have any experience in this field, or do you know anyone? How can you train systematically?" Ji Taichang asked.

"This is hard for me, but I will use various channels to get us this instructor! If we also have special forces, then it will be much easier to deal with the various watchtowers and checkpoints of the devils." Already!" Zhao Gang said.

"Then I will trouble you, Political Commissar Zhao, then tomorrow, we will select the guard company together, and then, what indicators will we pass?" Ji Taichang asked.

"Comrade Ji Taichang, no matter how you say it, political thinking comes first. According to the consistent practice of our Eighth Route Army, soldiers who protect the safety of regiment headquarters must have no historical problems. Secondly, there must be soldiers who are not afraid of suffering or death. Revolutionary spirit, in addition, we must be diligent, that is, diligent in eyes, ears, hands, and feet, and we must be proactive in small-scale work, as for the level of education, we do not require it!" Zhao Gang said.

Ji Taichang nodded, "Dou, I will write down these points, and there are some special skills, Commissar Zhao, what do you need?"

"As you said just now, in addition to shooting, you also need to practice the scout's fighting boxing, capture the enemy's fighting boxing, and sword fighting boxing. These are the most important!" Zhao Gang said.

Ji Taichang nodded, "Yes. I'll write these down too!"

"Comrade Ji Taichang, thank you for working so seriously!" Zhao Gang said gratefully.

"This is what I should do, political commissar. I hope you will join me in the selection tomorrow. The team leader is busy with work! He doesn't have to participate!" Ji Taichang said.

"No problem, I've heard it a long time ago, our regiment is brave in battle, and has always been at the forefront in many battles. This time, I want to take a good look at whether our troops are really as good as the ones in the legend. Such a legend!" Zhao Gang said.

"Okay! Commissar Zhao, I believe that our regiment will definitely give you a refreshing feeling!" After speaking, Ji Taichang left.

For these things, Ji Taichang took the paper and made a form again, and then wrote the names of the applicants, followed by a score.

At this time, Yang Fei found Ji Taichang, "Coach Ji, I have something to tell you!"

"Leader, if you have anything to do, just come to me, why do you need to come here in person?" Ji Taichang said.

"What are you talking about, I'm here to find you, of course I'm here!" Said, Yang Fei sat down by himself, then took the paper in Ji Taichang's hand and read it again, "This is the selection of tomorrow person?"

"Yes, head, there are more than 200 people who signed up for the guard company this time!" Ji Taichang said.

"There are a lot of people!" Yang Fei frowned. "It's not a big deal for these 200 people to gather in Xida Town at the same time. Is there a better place where they can set up a table?"

Ji Taichang said, "Leader, this time, we decided to go to the entrance of the town. There used to be an open-air market. Later, because the Japanese came, it disappeared. Now it is an open space!"

"That's good!" Yang Fei said. ,
After finishing speaking, Yang Fei went on to say, "Coach Ji, I want to say, since the devils have special forces, can you also select the best people from our guard company to form special forces, even though we don't know anything about it?" , but, slowly, will these things be perfected? Moreover, our special forces are different from the Japanese special forces. Our special forces, our special forces are directly ordered by me. When the time comes, We can come in handy for all kinds of emergencies!"

Ji Taichang smiled, "Leader, I have the same intention!"

"Just right, I'll teach you this. At least ten people will be selected, and these ten people must be of high quality in all aspects!" Yang Fei continued to instruct.

"Yes, I know!" Ji Taichang said.

"Okay, then I won't bother you, think about it carefully, how to do this!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay Captain, I've made a note!"

When Yang Fei left, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, as if it was going to rain.

Ji Taichang also saw the weather conditions, "If this is the case, can it still be held as usual tomorrow?"

Thinking of this, Ji Taichang said firmly, "No matter what, it must be held as usual, even if it rains heavily, this can better test the bravery of the soldiers!"

After speaking, Ji Taichang looked at his list, and then began to modify it again!
The dark clouds covered the whole afternoon, but there was no rain. The swallows flew low for a long time, and it took a long time for the ants to finish moving. However, the weather was so hot that there was not even a wind.

This kind of weather is really too abnormal.

Yang Fei looked at the weather, "This is going to grow up in one breath!"

It seems that it came according to such words, and there was not a drop of rain in the whole afternoon.

Ji Taichang sent a telegram to the soldiers of the regiment, telling them that even if it rains, tomorrow's selection will still go ahead!
In the evening, Ji Taichang found Zhao Gang, and the two began to discuss tomorrow's affairs.

And at this moment, there were bursts of thunder, and lightning illuminated the entire sky.

Ji Taichang was taken aback.

"It looks like it's going to rain heavily this time!" Zhao Gang said standing at the door with his hands behind his back.

"Yeah, it's been cloudy all afternoon, it's time to rain for a while!" After finishing speaking, raindrops the size of beans began to drip down, and soon, the raindrops formed a line, and the "crash la la la" began to fall rain!
Along with the thunder, the whole town was plunged into heavy rain.

Zhao Gang quickly called the two guards into the house, and quickly closed the windows.

The sweltering weather suddenly cooled down.

And on the other side at this time.

Abe Kameda was on the road with the Japanese special forces. Braving the heavy rain, more than a dozen Japanese special forces had already arrived in the mountainous area, and their goal was to point directly at Xida Town.

"Captain, it's raining too much, can we go another day?"

"Baga! Just take advantage of this time, we will take down the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Xida Town! This is a good opportunity, and the opportunity is not easy to come back!" Abe Kameda roared angrily.


"Go on, go on!"

Abe Kameda shouted.

The rainy day was indeed a good opportunity. When the lightning struck, the speed of the dozen or so Japanese soldiers was indeed affected to a certain extent, but the speed was so fast that they disappeared in a blink of an eye!
Their thick armor became a burden in rainy days, and they ran quickly with submachine guns on their backs.

Abe Kameda wiped the raindrops off his face, "Hurry up, everyone!"

The heavy rain washed down, the rainwater flowed down from the heights, and the yellow-brown river blocked their progress!

"Captain, if this continues, we may encounter accidents!"

"Hachi, is it useless for me to talk now? Go ahead, go ahead, we just came, we must give Ito a big gift!" Abe Kameda said, "This is what he needs most now!"

"Captain, there is a big river flowing on the road ahead, we..."

"No matter what, we have to move forward! Apart from this, we have no other choice!" Abe Kameda shouted.

On the main road, the road surface that has been washed by the river has formed potholes, and every step they take is uneven and bumpy.

This is the first time to carry out a mission in such heavy rain.

"You guys, go under the tree in front! Look at the enemy situation ahead! You two go to the small slope ahead and guard!" Abe Kameda shouted.


Thunder and lightning illuminated the road, and three Japanese soldiers watched the current situation in Xida Town ahead from under the tree.


The branch fell and hit one of them. As the Japanese soldier yelled "Ah!", Abe looked over and saw the Japanese soldier shouting, "My leg! My leg!"

Abe frowned, "Baga! How embarrassing!"

Just after saying this, another lightning strike struck the tree, and the two Japanese people under the tree fell to the ground at once!
"How is the situation ahead? Please stand up quickly!" Abe Kameda shouted!
However, under the tree did not answer.

All of a sudden, Abe Kameda frowned, "The two of you go over and see what's going on!"

Just after saying this, the three people had just climbed downhill when they were washed down by mudslides, and they shouted loudly, "Ah!"

Soon, he was buried in the mudslide!
All kinds of natural disasters have hit Abe Kameda's confidence!

"No matter what, we are going to attack their regiment headquarters!" After finishing speaking, Abe said, "Follow me, our group will move forward!"

Just made a forward gesture, a Japanese ran forward, but suddenly fell into a puddle, he struggled, struggled, and when he finally stood up, he was submerged up to his neck!

"Captain, save me!"

"Hachi!" From Abe Kameda's point of view, this is definitely meeting pig teammates. How could they do this?How could it be so unreliable?

In the past, he pulled the person up, and said, "What's going on?"

"Captain, it's very possible that there are pits ahead!"

"Ah?" Abe Kameda frowned, "How could it be all pitfalls?"

"Captain, it's not appropriate for us to advance! It's really inappropriate to advance. We have already lost six or seven soldiers from the Great Japanese Empire. If this continues, there may not be anything ahead!"

Abe Kameda's confidence was hit, he gritted his teeth, "Okay!" After saying this, he immediately backed away, "Try to avoid under the tree and down the slope!"

With that said, Abe Kameda walked forward!


Unexpectedly, Abe Kameda also fell into a puddle, and with the help of two soldiers, he barely got up!
"Okay, let's go! Let's go!" Abe Kameda was frightened for a while, but he was unwilling, "When we arrive at the village ahead, let's do something about it!"


In this way, Xida Town missed the attack of the Japanese special forces by mistake, but another village made a terrible mistake!
Since the sound of lightning and thunder drowned out the sound of gunfire, no one could know what happened to the village this time!
Zhao Gang and Ji Taichang discussed for a long time, and then said, "If we follow our requirements, the establishment of the guard company can be made. In addition, the ten-man special forces can also be made! Comrade Ji Taichang, I thank you You are so caring!"

"Political Commissar Zhao, I have to thank you for not giving me these requests. It's really great! Without your requests, I'm afraid this guard company wouldn't be able to be selected!" Ji Taichang said.

The two guards listened to them and seemed to hear something in their ears, "Commissar, did you hear the gunfire?"

Zhao Gang frowned, stood at the door, and listened carefully. However, he shook his head, "No, there was a gunshot?"

The guard continued to listen, "Could it be that I really got it wrong?"

"Haha! Xiao Li, don't be nervous, look at the heavy rain! It's hard for the devil to come over!"

The next day, the little bird started chirping and chirping early!

Zhao Gang got up early, went out, and told the guards, "Go to the town quickly to have a look. I am afraid that many people's houses have been hit by the heavy rain yesterday. If it is broken or leaked, quickly call the soldiers to go there." Help the common people repair their houses!"

"Yes commissar!"

The air in the morning was very fresh, and the town of Xida, where it was raining for the first time, looked extremely peaceful at this moment, with the smoke rising from the kitchen, and Zhao Gang was strolling in the town.

For them, today's day is a special day!

This day, needless to say, is the selection of the guard company!

It is a very honorable thing to be a guard company, it is a glorious thing for the security regiment headquarters, the security agency, and the political commissar of the security regiment leader.

Soldiers who signed up came from various places!

Ji Taichang had already made full preparations at the entrance of Xida Town. Unexpectedly, the heavy rain last night washed away the stone road outside. He originally thought that this open space would be very bad. No one cleaned it all so clean.

Ji Taichang asked the director of the Propaganda Department who could write big characters to write the words "guard selection meeting" on red paper, and posted it on the wall. Suddenly, he felt very formal.

Soon, Zhao Gang came over, and he was very satisfied when he saw the scene!

"Comrade Ji Taichang, today's selection must be going well!"

Zhao Gang sighed.

"Yeah, I also think it will go well!" Ji Taichang said.

The soldiers who came to the selection were standing and waiting in an open space in front of the headquarters.

Yang Fei was also taken aback when he came out, and then looked at them with a smile, "You boys, show me a better performance today. The safety of comrades in the encirclement agency is very important! In addition, after learning the skills, It's yours! Got it?"

"Understood!" The soldiers were also very excited when they saw the regiment leader.

But at this moment, the guard came, and he panicked, "Commander, something happened!"

"What happened? What could happen?" Yang Fei asked.

"Leader, there is a landslide outside, but I don't know if someone is buried below!" said the guard.

"It must have been caused by the heavy rain last night!" Yang Fei said, "Hurry up and inform the company left behind by the Fifth Battalion, and let them quickly clean up the accident site."


Hearing this, Yang Fei also arrived at the scene immediately.

But when we arrived at the scene, we saw many villagers watching.

Yang Fei squeezed in, "What's the matter?"

As soon as they saw that it was the head of the regiment, they immediately said, "Look, Head Yang, how many dead people are here!"

Yang Fei went over to take a look, and saw a soldier dressed differently. He went over and looked at the soldier, "It's strange, this is a Japanese soldier!"

On the clothes, he clearly saw the Japanese flag. Isn't this a Japanese soldier?
Attack the corpses of five Japanese soldiers!

When did they die here?Didn't get this news at all last night?

"Hurry up, go and notify the political commissar, he is well-informed, he must know these people!" Yang Fei said!
I heard that there are corpses of Japanese soldiers!Zhao Gang ran over immediately, and when he saw the Japanese soldiers lying on the ground, he immediately became surprised, "Regimental Commander, these are not ordinary Japanese soldiers!"

"I know it's not ordinary Japanese soldiers, but when did they get here?" Yang Fei asked.

"Head, they are Japanese special forces!" Zhao Gang said in surprise.

"Ah?" Yang Fei was also surprised, "Are these Japanese special forces?"

Sure enough, after a closer look, the armor of these Japanese special forces is indeed made of steel plates. These equipment are different from others, "Hahaha!"

Yang Fei suddenly laughed.

"Head, why are you laughing?" Zhao Gang asked.

"Political commissar, this is a good thing. I think they must be the special forces who came to us last night to perform a mission. Look, this is under a tree. They were electrocuted to death by lightning! This is God's will! "

Thinking of this, Zhao Gang also shuddered, "Yes! They must be like this!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Gang said, "It seems that our regiment headquarters has been known by the Japanese. Commander, I think our regiment headquarters should be transferred?"

"The transfer is certain! However, the Japanese don't dare to act rashly now. It is still necessary to select the guard company! After the selection of the guard company, it will not be too late for us to transfer!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" After Zhao Gang finished speaking, comrades from a company hurried over with shovels in their hands.

Yang Fei quickly directed them and said, "Comrades, quickly deal with the road surface of the landslide. I'm really afraid that there are still people buried underneath! We must work hard to deal with these mudslides!"


"Then deal with it quickly!" Yang Fei said.

Zhao Gang found Yang Fei and said, "Regimental Commander, we still said that we don't have any special forces clothes. It seems that we have them now!"

"You mean to pull off these Japanese special forces clothes and let our people wear them?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, the Japanese flag was torn off, and our sickle and ax were embroidered on it, what do you think?" Zhao Gang asked.

"Alright, whoever can be selected today, give them this clothes!" Yang Fei said.

"I think so too! Captain, then I will do it!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Gang said to the villagers, "Villagers, come and help me, strip off the clothes of the Japanese, and bury the dead body outside!"

The villagers are not surprised by this matter. Many people die every year, so this matter is nothing to them.

Soon, all the equipment was taken off, including a body armor, boots, helmet, submachine gun, and dagger!
These weapons and equipment are enough to open Zhao Gang's horizons!

This is what you want!
He took the things to the selection site.

Under the auspices of Ji Taichang, everything is ready to start now.

After turning on the computer, Zhao Gang, Ji Taichang hurried over, "Commissioner Zhao, I was planning to find someone to look for you! Fortunately, you are here now!"

"Coach Ji, look, what is this?" Zhao Gang asked with a smile.

Ji Taichang went over to look at it, touched it with his hand, and then asked in surprise, "The clothes of the special forces?"

Zhao Gang nodded, "Yes, so you see, I have prepared these things, and it depends on everyone's performance! Whoever performs well will be able to get these things!"

Ji Taichang nodded, "Yes, this is a gift for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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