Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2498 Special Warrior

Chapter 2498 Special Warrior
Not to mention, there are so many people in the regiment, and these fighters who came here are all skilled. Some of them are good at boxing, some are good at marksmanship, and some fighters are very good at bayonet fighting. Look, the ten special forces soldiers selected as the priority were quickly selected, and Zhao Gang also showed joy on his face.

Ji Taichang smiled, "Commander Zhao, it seems that our special forces have been selected!"

"Yes, we have selected these ten people. The rest of the guards seem to be fully staffed. Comrade Ji Taichang, congratulations!" Zhao Gang said.

"Congratulations?" After hearing this, Ji Taichang was also very happy, "This is the luck of our regiment! There are so many talented people, what kind of Japanese devils are we afraid of!"

After a day's selection, a guard company with 90 people has been selected!

When this matter was reported to Yang Fei, Yang Fei was very happy and immediately arrived at the selection venue from the rescue scene.

"Coach Ji, thank you very much!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he stood on the stage.

"Comrades!" Yang Fei said, "Thank you very much for coming over to select our guards! Why do we value the selection of the guard company so much? Maybe you know, as for our regiment, what I have always valued is actual combat effectiveness , I personally feel that the importance of the security company is not high, but because of this, I have also been criticized by the brigade commander. Safety is not only about me as the regimental commander, but also many government officials in our regiment. For everyone's safety , For the normal operation of the head of the regiment headquarters, we must do this. The brigade commander is stationed not far from us. Since we can walk together, it means that we are destined. Showing my ability, today's selection, I think it is very fair and just!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at Zhao Gang and Ji Taichang, "The political commissar and Coach Ji put in a lot of hard work and sweat for the selection of the guard company, and ten more outstanding personnel were selected from them this time. , I looked at the results, and it really is among the best, not to mention other things, in order to commend them! You may have noticed these sets of clothes on the table, these clothes are for commending the top ten things!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei picked up a bulletproof vest from the table, "Did you see it? This is only worn by excellent personnel. Hehe, don't blame Lao Yang for being biased. It is not easy for you to wear this suit! To be honest , this clothes are stripped from the Japanese devil special forces, there is a Japanese flag on it, wait a while, let the tailor tear up the Japanese flag, and replace it with our sickle and axe, this is the clothes of our Eighth Route Army Haha! Five sets of clothes are not many, and ten people are not enough, so I have to say sorry to No.6! You didn’t work hard, you worked hard, so this clothes is yours, but the skills are not as good as others , don’t complain! I, Lao Yang, also speak based on strength. To be honest, I am not qualified to wear it myself! The top ten selected here are the special forces of our Eighth Route Army. You must grow up quickly under the training of Coach Ji. , All fighting punches must be done well, and only after a good punch can we wear our clothes!" Yang Fei smiled.

He said again, "Okay, the top ten... no, the top five, come up, show everyone, let everyone see what you look like!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Taichang began to hold the list and shouted, "Did you hear that? The leader said, you are honored, come, I will call your name, come on stage!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Taichang called out their names, and when all five people came up, Yang Fei smiled and shook hands with them.

After finishing, one person said, "Commander, where are the clothes? Where are our clothes?"

Yang Fei smiled, "Dog, do you think No.1 is great? Clothes, I can't give you now. The five of you are No.1 now, but there are only five sets of clothes, and the top ten will be ranked within a week." , Let Coach Ji do a selection, and whoever performs well will give it to him!"

"Head, this is not fair, we are already in the top five, and you also said just now..."

"I said it, but I didn't say I'll give it to you right away! Be honest with me, do you think this dress is easy to get?" Yang Fei glanced at him. "If you want clothes, just behave well!"

The soldier curled his lips, "Speaking doesn't count!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Hey, I mean what I say, if you perform better within a week, I'll give you this clothes!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said, "Okay, I announce, Ji Taichang Comrade is the company commander of your security company, and also the captain of your special forces, if you want to make meritorious service, you should listen carefully to what Comrade Ji Taichang said, well, I'm done talking, now let Political Commissar Zhao say a few words to you!" said With that, Yang Fei dared to go to the rescue scene again after getting off the platform.

Today's selection meeting is indeed a relatively positive event. Even several battalion commanders wanted to sign up, but Yang Fei disagreed. If they came, wouldn't they take up other people's quotas and be honest? A battalion commander, very good!

Zhao Gang didn't say anything, he smiled and told everyone some precautions, and then let everyone disband.

As a guard company, the company was temporarily assigned to a dilapidated temple in Xida Town. The temple was not small, so the ninety people temporarily lived with the Buddha statue.

The landslide was severe and the farmland suffered considerable damage, but thankfully, the wheat has been harvested and the farmers haven't planted other seeds yet!

At night, Yang Fei was thinking about a special thing, why did the Japanese special forces appear here.

He found Leopard and discussed with him.

Leopard said decisively, "Leader, there is no doubt that this devil is after us!"

"Leopard, what do you mean, the location of our regiment headquarters has been exposed?"

After hearing this, Yang Fei broke into a cold sweat from fright!
"If you didn't guess wrong, that's it. Commander, why do you think this devil didn't go to other places and came here directly? Just like the regiment in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei base area, the position of the regiment headquarters was exposed, and the Japanese special forces went to take them. The regiment headquarters!" Leopard said, "I'm very fortunate, it rained heavily last night, it must have made the devils retreat!"

"If that's the case, should our regiment headquarters retreat?" Yang Fei asked.

"Leader, tell me, can we catch a big fish?" Leopard asked.

"Fishing big fish?" Yang Fei looked at him, "Leopard, what do you mean, let's pretend we don't know about the devil's plot?"

"Yes!" Leopard said, "This devil will definitely not let it go. If there is no accident, they will definitely come back within three days! Let's catch them in a jar!" Leopard smiled.

"Leopard, you can move, but for the sake of safety, the regiment headquarters still has to evacuate!" Yang Fei said, "The ghost knows how powerful the Japanese special forces are, or should we transfer these troops to other places? Then , Let the soldiers show a lazy attitude and confuse the devils!"

"Okay, commander, where do you think the regiment headquarters should be transferred?" Leopard asked.

Yang Fei took out the map, "Devils are smart, our regiment headquarters can't be too far away, and can't be too close, the best location should be here!"

Looking at the place Yang Fei pointed at, Leopard said in surprise, "Anxi Village? Commander, this place can be said to be good, but it can also be said to be bad! It's too close to the devil's stronghold!"

"It doesn't matter, don't we still have a guard company!" Yang Fei lit a cigarette, "I'm sure! Haha!"

Leopard looked at Yang Fei, "Leader, let's..."

"Deputy head, I know what you mean, are you afraid of the passing news?" Yang Fei asked.

Leopard nodded and said, "Yeah, if it's true that the devils already know the news about our regiment headquarters, it must be that we have passed the news internally. I think we should let the political commissar do work for our comrades. Let comrades do a good job of keeping secrets, only in this way can we prevent similar things from happening!"

Leopard was right, and Yang Fei also said, "You are right. I believe our comrades did not intend to walk. However, it involves our safety, so we have to bring it up!"

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll discuss it with the political commissar!" Leopard said.

Yang Fei looked at the leopard. In fact, after so many days, Yang Fei could feel the change of the leopard's mood. Presumably, it was because of the sacrifice of the fire stick. That was his brother for many years. He was really lonely when he sacrificed all at once. , "Leopard, as a brother, I have to tell you something!"

"Leader, tell me what you want!" Leopard said.

"That's right, I'm really sorry about the sacrifice of Comrade Burning Firestick!" Yang Fei said.

"Commander, let's not talk about this, the fire stick is my brother. He sacrificed himself for the victory this time. I think he did a good job. If I were me, I would definitely do that. We are revolutionaries, and the Eighth Route Army did not." I dislike my background, and gave me a chance, as long as I kill devils, that is revenge for Shao Huo stick, and I also believe that if Shao Huo stick knows something underground, I should feel content!"

What Leopard said was good, Yang Fei was also happy, "Comrade Leopard, thank you!"

"The team leader said so, I can only help everyone by doing my own thing well! Leave the transfer to me! I will definitely do it well!" Leopard said.

"Okay, I'll rest assured I'll leave it to you. I will find a way to kill the devil's special forces. Aren't they awesome? Let's see what they can do in front of me, Yang Fei!" Yang Fei said.

"It seems that the leader has already made plans, good!" Leopard said.

When Yang Fei left Leopard's residence, he saw the guards running over, "Head, an important discovery!"

Yang Fei hurriedly asked, "Don't bullshit, tell me quickly, what's the matter?"

"Captain, the landslide has been cleaned up, and the bodies of three devils were found below!"

As soon as the guard finished speaking, Yang Fei hurriedly asked, "Are they Japanese special forces?"

"Yes, it's exactly the same as what I saw under the tree this morning!" said the guard.

"Damn it, I really got rich this time!" After speaking, Yang Fei hurriedly set off towards the accident site!

When he got there, Ji Taichang and Zhao Gang were also there, he said happily, "Come, let me see!"

Zhao Gang said, "Commander, from this we can know that these special forces are coming towards us! I think these devils will come again soon!"

"I know this, I have already arranged it!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei shouted, "Come here, take off all the clothes of these devils, this is a good gift for you, don't want it for nothing!"

After getting all the body armor and other things off, Yang Fei handed them over to Ji Taichang, "Coach Ji, these things are for you, remember, tear up the Japanese flag for me, and replace it with our flag!"

"Head, don't worry, I've already handed it over to a few lesbians!" Ji Taichang said.

"Okay, very good! This time, I want to teach the devil a lesson!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he laughed loudly, then turned and left.

Yang Fei knew exactly how to deal with the devil's special forces. Aren't the devil's special forces easy to sneak around?Well, let them come secretly, promise, let them never come back!
When Yang Fei just returned to the war room, he simulated the sand table, and Fang Mengru came.

Seeing Fang Mengru, Yang Fei asked, "Mengru, what's the matter?"

"Head, it's like this. I think, can we have some condolences as normal tomorrow? For example..." Before Fang Mengru finished speaking, Yang Fei said quickly, "I'll leave this matter to the deputy head of Leopard, you You can discuss it with him! Okay?"

Fang Mengru looked at him with a bit of displeasure on his face, but he still said, "Okay, since you said it, I'll go find the deputy head!" After saying that, Fang Mengru turned around and left.

Yang Fei sighed, "It's really strange, I'm really embarrassed, I have rejected the brigade commander's kindness many times!"

Lowering his head, he looked at the sand table again, drew a few lines with a small stick, and then drew a few lines on the map, then nodded, "Yes, that's it!"

After finishing speaking, he hurried to the foot guard, "Go, look for a good hunter in the village! Find it for me!"

The guards left quickly after getting the order.

Yang Fei sat down, then lit a cigarette, "Wouldn't it be a beautiful thing if we could really clean up the devil's special forces!"

At this time, Zhao Gang came in, "Commander, you said it, you know, we have to defend, in case the devil's special forces come..."

Yang Fei looked at Zhao Gang, "Old Zhao, I think I can do many things by myself, so don't worry about it! Besides, I have a clear division of labor with the previous political commissars. Military, I have the final say on military affairs, and I don’t need to report to you. You are in charge of daily affairs, and I don’t ask too much. You are a political commissar, and you take care of the ideological and political affairs of your comrades. Most importantly!"

Seeing that Yang Fei didn't appreciate it, Zhao Gang became a little anxious, "Head, I think it's a bit narrow-minded for you to say that. I'm the political commissar of our regiment. Although I don't have much time to come, I think I have the right to ask you. Some requirements, such as this matter, I think, I have the right to know what you should do!"

"Oh, Lao Zhao, I, Yang Fei, am used to being alone. Look at me, I do a lot of things by myself. It's not normal. After so many years, the political commissar I partner with just manages their lives. , you are the same, don't ask me too much, let me tell you one thing, I can eliminate the devil's special forces!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain Yang, I think it's very necessary for you to tell me about this..."

Zhao Gang said.

"I said you don't understand, look at this sand table, can you understand it? Maps, can you understand it? I know, you are a literate person, but I am better than you when it comes to directing wars." There are many more experienced!" Yang Fei said, stood up, and went to the sand table again, "Political commissar, if there is nothing wrong, I suggest that you quickly draw up a plan, so that everyone in our group has a rule, The most important thing is to have the ability to keep secrets. This time, the devil's special forces are obviously going to Xida Town to wipe out our regiment headquarters. God couldn't stand it and gave us a warning. This matter should not be underestimated! "

"I know! Commander, so, let me discuss with you..."

"Don't discuss with me, you have the final say on this matter! The two of us are high-ranking officials of the entire regiment. I take care of my military affairs and guarantee victory, while you take care of your life and guarantee my military supplies. One point, we have to be clear, if not clear, who will lead the whole regiment?" Yang Fei said.

"I said head, why didn't you listen to me?" Zhao Gang was a little angry.

Yang Fei smiled, "Commander Zhao, many things are not as difficult as you think, nor are they so easy! I have my own method!" Yang Fei said.

"It's unreasonable!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Gang went out.As soon as he came in, he touched the ashes on his nose.The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

He found the leopard, perhaps, the leopard knew about it.

Knocking on the door, Leopard let him in, seeing Fang Mengru talking to Leopard inside, he hurriedly said, "Oh, sorry, please tell me first, I'll go out and wait!"

Fang Mengru hurriedly said, "Political commissar, it's all over! Come in!" After speaking, Fang Mengru looked at Leopard and said, "Deputy head, I'll leave first. I think what you said makes sense. !"

Seeing Fang Mengru leave, Zhao Gang went in and sat down first. Leopard poured him a glass of water, "Commissar, what do you need from me?"

"It's true that I just went to Commander Yang, and this guy didn't listen to me at all, so I came to ask you, the special forces about the devils are coming to harass us again, and the commander has no news at all. Tell me, you know?"

Zhao Gang asked.

"Political Commissar Zhao, it's like this. The head of the regiment has a rule in doing things, that is, when you should know, you know it. When you shouldn't know it, no one can tell it. For several deputy battalion commanders over the years, that's not okay, he only said it when he thought it was okay!" Leopard said.

"I know our Regiment Commander Yang is good at fighting, but... as a political commissar, I have the right to know. Although I am not as capable as Commander Yang in combat, I am also thinking about the safety of the entire regiment. I don't think what I did was wrong!" Zhao Gang said.

"Haha, political commissar, I also think you are not wrong, but our regiment leader is different from other regiment leaders. Although he feels a little headstrong, he never fights uncertain battles! Even if it is me I made a mistake in front of him, and he scolded me all over my face!" Leopard said, "In his heart, everything must be as serious as embroidery. Although he looks rough, but there are many details. , He can think of anything we can't think of, so I think you should be more tolerant!"

"Hey!" Zhao Gang sighed, "Okay, I've only been here for two days, and I don't understand a lot of things! But the deputy head, if there is anything, you have to tell me in advance!" Zhao Gang said.

"Okay, that's it!" Leopard said, "I'll tell you what I know, our regiment leader, now we have an idea, that is to attract the special forces of the devils and then destroy them, but what method does he know?" He didn't tell me either, thinking about it, the head of the group also has his own ideas, and the office of our group will be transferred tonight, the head of the group has already told me the exact location!"

"Transfer?" Zhao Gang asked, "It is indeed necessary to transfer. I was about to tell the leader, but he didn't give me a chance to speak at all!"

"Haha!" Leopard laughed, "Okay, political commissar, you will transfer with us tonight!"

"No!" Zhao Gang said, "I can't transfer. I have a deep hatred with the devil's special forces. I want to see Yang Fei destroy these special forces. If they don't, it will be a fatal blow to our regiment and other regiments." ! I want to see it with my own eyes!"

"I'm afraid it won't work. All the cadres of the government must be transferred. For the safety of the regiment headquarters and your safety, political commissar, we'd better leave! The regiment leader asked me to take charge of this matter, so I will immediately An order was given!"

"Deputy Commander Leopard, I appreciate your kindness, but I can't leave Commander Yang here alone! He can fight, but I'm also responsible for his safety!" Zhao Gang said.

Leopard was stunned all of a sudden, if Zhao Gang really didn't leave and Yang Fei blamed him, he would have no good fruit to eat!
He never imagined that this Zhao Gang had such a side.

If you don't leave, don't leave, but for their safety, Leopard had to make adjustments again. He asked Ji Taichang and an excellent special soldier selected today to stay, so let them all see it!
Then, let the guards go to the agency to inform everyone that you only need to take away the important documents, and everything else is easy!
Zhao Gang returned to his residence and asked his two guards to go to Yang Fei's place, saying that he wanted them to ensure the safety of the notification.

Soon Ji Taichang brought people over.

Yang Fei looked at them, "Why are you here? Huh?"

Ji Taichang said, "Announcement, you didn't tell us about such a big event?"

"What's the big deal? It's all a fuss!" Yang Fei said disapprovingly.

(End of this chapter)

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