Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2499 Firm Faith

Chapter 2499 Firm Faith
As for the special forces to deal with devils, in Yang Fei's view, they were all trivial matters.

But Ji Taichang didn't think so. He said, "Your safety is more important than anything else. If the deputy head hadn't said it, I would have been transferred! Head, can't we carry it together if we have something to do?"

Yang Fei smiled, waved his hands and said, "No big deal! Besides, I'm ready!"

Hearing what Yang Fei said, Ji Taichang suddenly felt a little funny, but since he came, he had to do something.

"Head, I can help, for sure!" Ji Taichang said.

"Haha, okay, someone will come over in a while, and after that, we won't have to worry about not being able to catch the devil's special forces!" Yang Fei was very confident.

Sure enough, not long after, the guard came in, "Commander, I found the person you are looking for, and they are at the door!"

"Okay," after finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at Ji Taichang, and then took a map from the table, "Coach Ji, you take this map first, do you see what is marked on it? These places, It is very possible that the special forces of the devils will attack, I have recruited some hunters, these hunters are experienced, and I think it is very effective for us to catch the special forces of the devils!" Yang Fei said.

"Hunter? Leader, we are real swordsmen who want to fight devils, hunter? What can hunters do?" Ji Taichang asked.

"Haha, Coach Ji, the devils are smart. The special forces of these devils will never come to fight us in broad daylight. They can only fight at night when everyone is resting. We can only fight them at night. This time it is me. It's the first time I've come to Hebei to compete with devils, so I must win them!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, I still don't understand!" Ji Taichang said.

"Don't understand? Okay, follow me for a while, let's go hunting!" After speaking, Yang Fei and Ji Taichang went out.

Ji Taichang was always wondering, could it be that Yang Fei wanted to use a hunter's bow and arrow?However, is the devil's submachine gun a vegetarian?

Thinking of this, Ji Taichang followed Yang Fei out and saw five or six hunters.

It's late at night, what can you do if you bring the hunter?
Yang Fei greeted those hunters with a smile, "My fellow countrymen, I'm sorry, I've brought you here at such a late hour, and I'm going to trouble you this time!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, I don't know, what are you looking for us for?" the hunter asked.

"You are hunters, of course I want you to hunt, there are no bears and blind people here, and our appetites for wild dogs and hares are not so small, so it is time to catch some prey that is not too big or small! "Yang Fei said with a smile.

Not only the hunter, but even Ji Taichang beside him swallowed. Yang Fei is undoubtedly smart, but is it a bit of a joke to find a hunter?

Anyway, Ji Taichang wanted to see what Yang Fei was going to do.

The special forces of the Eighth Route Army he recruited had not undergone systematic training, so naturally they could not be used, nor could they be sacrificed in vain.

After thinking about it, Ji Taichang still shook his head and didn't know what Yang Fei was going to do.

Needless to say, the geographical location of Xida Town is not as good as that of SJZ, but it is also a major transportation route. As long as they can camp here and fight steadily, it is undoubtedly the best choice for them.

After discussing with Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai at that time, Yang Fei thought that Xida Town must be occupied. Shen Wanxi was to the southwest of him, and Hu Dahai was to the southeast of him. What he was facing above were the cities occupied by the devils. I just didn't expect that the devils would detect so quickly that this was the regiment headquarters of their regiment.

Leading people, Yang Fei went to a forest in the northwest of Xida Town. This forest is not big, but it is absolutely hidden. If the devils touch it from here, they will be caught off guard.

Yang Fei said with a smile, "My fellow countrymen, I'm sorry to trouble you, I want you to set a trap for me from here!"

Hearing this, Ji Taichang understood that Yang Fei originally wanted to hunt like this, but, is it okay to deal with the devil's special forces like this?
Not to mention whether it works or not, this is a method!
In Yang Fei's heart, devils are also made of flesh and blood, and after falling into a trap, they will struggle and panic!

"Captain, what kind of trap do you want to make?" the hunter asked.

"For this trap, just make a big net. Under here, you must dig a hole for me, and then put some sharp branches in the hole. If the devil falls, he will not die, but he will also injure me. Disabled!" Yang Fei said.

"That's easy!" the hunter smiled.

"You don't just want to make one!" Yang Fei said. "Here, I will mark a point for you, and I will do it from here later, and this side! Come with me!"

Saying that, Yang Fei led the people to the small river in front again, "Here, make me some more earth pits, it is best to make some potholes about 1.6 meters seven, and then fill them with water, hehe, These little devils are only 1.4 meters five, and if they are 1.6 meters tall, they will be big men, let them take a bath in the water and wake up!" Yang Fei said.

Ji Taichang secretly admired Yang Fei, Yang Fei was confident, not making trouble out of reason, on the contrary, he had done enough homework.

About a dozen traps have been set up around Xida Town. Generally speaking, although they will not die, fear can always make them realize that bullying the Chinese is a fantasy!
There is no shortage of smart people in China, but many smart people are lost in their own world, always thinking that as long as they live alone, as a Chinese in troubled times, shouldn’t they take the responsibility of the world as their own?
Yang Fei gave the points to the hunter. The hunter is very familiar with this generation, and of course he knows where these places are without writing.

"Coach Ji, come with me now, there is one more important thing, this devil will not let us go, even if we withdraw from Xida Town in the end, we won't be able to take advantage of you, little devil!" Yang Fei said.

Back at the command post, Yang Fei called a company over, "Go, install all the mines I prepared, and let the devils have a taste of mine warfare, I'm afraid they have forgotten it!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, you mean to plant landmines around Xida Town?" Ji Taichang asked.

"Yes, we must stop the enemy from coming. This little Japan is not easy to bully. If he can be bullied, I will count him as one of them. A devil is a devil after all, so don't be afraid of him!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes, the location of Xida Town is very good. If we stick here like a nail, we will separate the devils from the north to the south. In this way, we have mastered this line of communication. You know, people with faster legs than us , It’s a mule and a horse. What’s faster than a mule is a car, but what’s faster than a car is a train! I won’t let the devil easily leave this train track!”

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he shouted, "Did you hear that, take the mines and follow me!"

A company followed Yang Fei out of the town, and then planted landmines on the riverside outside the town, in the woods, and on all major traffic arteries.

These landmines were still taken from the arsenal. In order to deal with the devil's special forces, Yang Fei also used all his belongings.

Seeing everyone laying mines in full swing, Ji Taichang was very moved. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that his regiment leader, his master, turned out to be so mighty and domineering!

After working all night, Yang Fei looked at Ji Taichang with a smile, "Coach Ji, do you still think I'm not safe now?"

Ji Taichang shook his head, "I really didn't expect it, leader, you have already thought about how to do these things!"

"Haha!" Yang Fei smiled, "That's you, if you were Shen Wanxi or Hu Dahai, I would have scolded you a long time ago, I don't like others meddling in my affairs, once I make a decision, it cannot be questioned!

"Leader, I understand now that my worries may be unnecessary, but I still want to protect you!" Ji Taichang said.

"Okay, then let's go to the theater. It's too late tonight, and the little devil probably won't come! In less than three days, the little devil will definitely come back, what do you think?" Yang Fei asked.

"I also think you are right!" Ji Taichang said.


What happened to Abe Kameda on the other side made him unable to calm down his complicated mood for a long time, not to mention the loss of soldiers and generals, this weather really made him feel unlucky!

After Ito Ichiro found out about this matter, he immediately scolded Abe Kameda. The matter was not done, and so many special forces died!
It's a shame!

Regardless of Abe Kameda's explanation, Ito only had a few words to tell him, "Don't come back if you don't give me the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army!"

This is a strong order, Abe Kameda has nothing to say, he can only lower his head, "Kai, I will definitely complete this task!"

Just as he was about to leave, Jing Teng called out to him, "This time, it's okay if the Eighth Route Army didn't discover your intentions, but if the Eighth Route Army discovered your intentions, hehe, Commander Ah, you should apologize to the Emperor!"


After Abe Kameda left, he felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. Seeing that eight of his team had died before seeing Eight Routes, how could he not feel sad?
It can't be so early in the past. If it goes like this, Balu will definitely be suspicious!wait!
Can only wait!
When the Eighth Route Army became paralyzed and thought it was just an accident, he had no choice but to set off!
After a night, when Abe Kameda went out to train soldiers by chance, he met Ito Ichiro again!
This is really embarrassing!
Seeing Ito, Abe went over, "Master Ito!"

Jing Teng looked at him, "Let me tell you, Commander A, are you sure you can take down the regiment headquarters of the Eight Route Army?"

Is this a taunt?
Yes, this is it!
Jing Teng knew that the eighth road on the opposite side was Yang Fei. He was new here and wanted to do something, but most of his troops were outside, and it would take time to get back!

Therefore, he hopes that Abe Kameda can give him a surprise!
Abe Kameda bowed his head, and said respectfully, "Don't worry, Ito, I will definitely take down the regiment headquarters of the Eighth Route Army!"

"I hope you can! Captain of the Security Force, I don't want this matter to drag on for too long, too long, it's easy for Balu to be on guard!"

"Your Excellency, don't worry, we will dispatch tonight, and we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

Abe said.

"Okay! I'll wait for your good news!" Ito said and left!

Abe breathed a sigh of relief, he has a lot of ways to deal with the Eighth Route Army, even in broad daylight, he can completely take down the command post of the Eighth Route Army through disguise, but the risk of that has increased a lot!

Night, then night!
Abe Kameda made up his mind, if he couldn't get rid of the Eighth Route's regiment headquarters, he wouldn't just spend it back!
In this way, for one day, Abe Kameda gave his special forces a day off!
At night, Abe began to train soldiers!
"You are all soldiers of the empire. The empire needs us now! Our equipment is the best in the entire army. Tonight's action must be worthy of our clothes! In addition, you must go all out! Don't leave yourself Retreat, death, is an honorable thing, but if you escape, it is a shame! The shame will affect your family! Including your parents, your son, and the most important thing is the face of the emperor!"

Abe Kameda frowned, "You should have heard that some time ago, in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei area, our special forces easily took over the regiment headquarters of the Eighth Route without sacrificing a single person! Tonight's operation, I also hope it will be the most perfect of!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the sky, "Look, how bright the moon is tonight, the action begins!"

With that said, more than [-] people started to act!

Abe Kameda does not plan to enter Xida Town through the main entrance this time. After all, the people who died there, in his words, are bad luck!
Now, he led his people to the small river, crossed the small river, and then entered a forest to reach the northwest corner of Xida Town, so as to take down the regiment headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, with ease!
He grinned, "Haha, this time, we're sure to win!"

As he spoke, he ordered, "Walk over the river!"

The order is issued, a few people are alert, and a few people act!

Abe said, "There's no need to be vigilant. The Eighth Route Army can't possibly find out that we're coming tonight. Their defensive focus should be at the village entrance of the town. Hehe, advance at full speed!"

After speaking, all twenty people started to go down the river, and then walked forward.

Although it is summer, the water in the river is still cool enough. Occasionally, a few crows can be heard from the woods on the other side of the river, and sometimes cuckoos flap their wings and fly away to the distance!

The sultry and irritable crickets are screaming about this hot summer.

What a beautiful summer night picture!
Abe Kameda's hometown is also in the countryside, and he can hear cuckoos, cicadas, and crickets.

It seems that here is the same as hometown!
He smiled, "This is destined to be my home! It's my second home!"

When they arrived at the shore and counted the number of people, Abe Kameda gave the order, "Now, hurry up and enter the woods!"


After finishing speaking, the group of people ran forward, and suddenly, a soldier fell into a puddle like a head, "Baga!" Abe yelled!
"Go, get him up!"

After finishing speaking, the two Japanese soldiers passed by. It was Yang Fei who asked the hunters to make these puddles, and they dug many hidden puddles side by side!
When the two Japanese soldiers passed by, they suddenly slipped and fell into the puddle!
"help me!"


Abe frowned, seeing those people struggling in the puddle, the water was so deep that it had already submerged up to their mouths!
"Hurry up, get them up! Don't disturb Balu!"

After Abe finished speaking, a few soldiers went over to get him up!
Even if it is not dead, it will be frightened @!

"You guys take it easy, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Abe Kameda and his party went to the woods.

The woods are dense, and the moon above the head cannot be seen when looking up from the woods. Occasionally, the moonlight penetrates through the leaves, as if it is covered with a layer of white gauze.

Beautiful and touching!
"Everyone be careful!" Abe had just finished speaking when a soldier next to him tripped over something, and then triggered a mechanism not far away, dragging the Japanese soldier for a distance, and finally wrapped it around his ankle He was pulled up alive!


The Japanese soldier roared loudly!
"Don't yell!" Abe said.

"Come down quickly!"

The Japanese soldier hurriedly took out his dagger, and cut at the rope around him!
When he fell from above, he fell into a pit!


The person fell, and a lot of sharp wood was buried underneath, which pierced the devil's head in one fell swoop.

Abe hurried over, frowning, "Yoshida?"

That Japanese soldier died like this!
At this moment, Abe thought, "There should be an ambush by the Eighth Route Army here!"

But after thinking about it, he still has to go forward. Yang Fei asked them to arrange a lot of organs in the forest. Abe quickly raised a hand, "Stop!"

After finishing speaking, Abe took out the map, "You can't go here, you might encounter some dangers if you go there! Listen to my order, let's retreat and go through the small highland in the northeast corner!"

As he said that, he put away the map, retreated tens of meters with the people, and then ran towards the northeast.

In fact, how can Yang Fei not know the devil's movements, he has fought for many years, and with his experience, he also knows that the Japanese want to take away the route of their regiment headquarters!
If you don't know, Yang Fei's team leader is also in vain.

Sure enough, as Abe Kameda thought, in front of them was a highland, which was more than ten meters above the ground. Isn't this a piece of cake for them?
Thinking of this, Abe immediately ordered, "Go up!"

Throw it up with the hook, pull it, and it just hits something!

An order is given!
A soldier pulled the rope and walked up like a monkey!

As soon as he got to the edge of the high ground, he just grabbed the edge of the high ground with one hand, and a mechanism popped up, "Ah!"

After hitting the Japanese soldier, the Japanese soldier lost his center of gravity and fell off a small plateau more than ten meters high!


Abe doesn't believe this evil!

Without hesitation, a few special forces took a few extra ropes and threw them up, hooked them all, and then began to climb up quickly!
Finally, the wounded Japanese soldiers came out and all climbed up!

Climbing up is like picking up a life. For Abu, this life is hard-won!
He looked at the plateau, and said, "Start here, and go on!"

After finishing speaking, they quickly walked towards the small slope in front, but just when they reached the small slope, there was an explosion!


The fragments of the bomb immediately hurt these Japanese soldiers, and in an instant, the three Japanese soldiers fell in a pool of blood!

Abe's face was also a little scarred by the mine!
He hurriedly asked people to lie down, "Go over and see if there are any landmines!"

Saying that, two Japanese soldiers crawled over, and then began to clear the mines!
After scanning for a long time, they did not find a single landmine, "There is no captain!"

"No, let's go!"

With that said, they moved on!

This time Abe was shrewd, "Go! Go!"

Several soldiers went forward, and he was behind.


This time, it really wasn't that there were mines on the road, but on the side of the road!
The Eighth Route Army is going to give them a surprise victory!

The dreamy Abe Kameda who was blown up knew that the victory this time was greatly compromised, but he had no choice but to continue to order, "Go quickly! Don't get tripped up by trivial matters here!"

Looking at the three Japanese soldiers who fell down on the ground, Abe continued, "Don't leave them alone, let's move on!"

walked to the front.

After finally going down the slope, they saw a house!
"Okay, it means that we are close to the place where the eighth road is, everyone hurry up!"

Just passing by, I saw a tongue of fire erupting from a broken wall!
The machine gun fired at them "da da da"!

"The Eighth Route Army is really cunning!" Abe quickly got down on the ground, "You know where the Eighth Route Army is, go around and start a hand-to-hand combat with the Eighth Route Army! This time, we must destroy the Eighth Route Army!"

Listening to the gunshots, Abe also knew that the number of the Eighth Route Army this time should not be many!

As expected of the Japanese special forces, although they have been met many times, they can still make quick adjustments in case of emergency. Three people go east, three people go west, and then they encircle the Eighth Route Army!
The Japanese grenade is not a vegetarian either, it was thrown into the broken wall, and with a bang, the wall was blown over.


Abe shouted!
Four or five special soldiers got up from the ground and rushed towards the broken wall!
"Call me if you see the Eighth Route Army, don't be polite!" Abe Kameda shouted with a hideous face!

"Da da da!"

Although the machine guns of the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army did not stop, the Japanese soldiers also had rich combat experience. They found cover, and then moved slowly, throwing grenades one by one, and wiped out the enemy in a large area.

After a while, the sound of machine gunfire was no longer heard.


After Abe finished speaking, he held a submachine gun and started to fight "da da da"!
At night, these tongues of fire seem to spit out angry flames, which makes people feel scared when they see them.

"Da da da!"

Abe fired recklessly.

(End of this chapter)

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