Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2500 Yang Fei Injured

Chapter 2500 Yang Fei Injured
When Abe Kameda's people rushed over, they realized that the Eighth Route Army they killed was only three or five!
Immediately, he shouted angrily, "It's unreasonable, quickly find a regiment headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, and wipe them all out!"

At this time, Yang Fei was hiding in a corner under the protection of Ji Taichang.

"Commander, this Japanese soldier is coming!" Ji Taichang said.

"That's right, I'm just waiting for them to come! These devils won't give up until they reach the Yellow River. It just so happens that our company's soldiers will wipe them out!" Yang Fei said.

"It seems that the devil's weapon is undoubtedly a submachine gun!" Ji Taichang poked his head out and watched.

"Of course, Zhao Gang won't lie to us! We are also preparing!" Yang Fei said.

After speaking, a squad of soldiers rushed over.

"Da da da!"

The heavy machine gun was fired at the devil, but the devil's special forces suddenly disappeared!

"Fuck, where did these Japanese go? I saw them just now! Where did they go?" Yang Fei asked angrily.

"Leader, wait, I'll go and have a look!" Saying that, Ji Taichang quietly moved forward!

As soon as Ji Taichang showed his head, he heard the submachine gun of the devil "da da da" shooting towards him!
Yang Fei was in a hurry, and immediately started to fight with a pistol "bang bang bang".

Ji Taichang flexibly rolled around on the ground, and then hid behind a tree.

"Coach Ji, be careful in the northeast direction!" Yang Fei said.

Ji Taichang took a deep breath and wanted to probe, but was forced by the devil's submachine gun to dare not show his face!

"Fucking shit!" Ji Taichang also cursed unintentionally!
He quietly took a step back, then got down on the ground, and rolled down a small slope.

Yang Fei was exposed here.

Two Japanese soldiers approached from behind him.

Yang Fei also knew that this place could not stay for long, but since the Japanese rushed over, he dared to fight. Although Yang Fei was used to seeing life and death, he did not forget that newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

He walked along a broken wall and slowly circled to the west.

Observe the devil's movement from the wall seam.

At this moment, "Da Da Da"'s submachine gun fired at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei quickly lowered his head, "Damn it, why is the firepower so fierce!" Yang Fei shook his head violently, the tinnitus just now made him feel unbearably uncomfortable.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three shots were fired, and when he heard the sound of falling to the ground behind him, Yang Fei looked back and saw a Japanese soldier fell to the ground.

Not far away, Ji Taichang said, "Leader, be careful!"

Yang Fei nodded.

A company was divided into several groups by Yang Fei, and it was divided into parts in order to more effectively wipe out the enemy under the cover of the village.

At this time, Yang Fei didn't know how many soldiers were left in this company, but Yang Fei always felt that the Japanese devils should be almost finished, right?
Even though he thought so, he didn't dare to think too much.

He made a roll on the ground, then went to the Japanese, grabbed a submachine gun and came over, "This thing is really light!"

The special soldiers walked silently, as if they would fly over the walls, and for a while, they didn't find a single Japanese!

Not long after, "da da da" gunshots rang out again.

Yang Fei clenched his fists tightly, and not long after, several Eighth Route Army soldiers retreated!
Seeing Yang Fei, he immediately asked, "Where are you going?"

Several soldiers said in horror, "Commander, these devils are ghosts, we can't stop them, we only have three people left!" Forgive me, they ran away without looking back!

Yang Fei opened his eyes wide, "You son of a bitch, this battle has come to this point, how can they escape?
This is a capital offense!
However, Yang Fei didn't care about them. Now he immediately became vigilant. After a while, three Japanese soldiers rushed over. up.

The bullets passed through the bodies of the two Japanese soldiers, and they fell,

Another Japanese soldier immediately hid behind the bunker. Yang Fei took a grenade and threw it towards the bunker!

It was too late and then soon, the Japanese soldier suddenly rushed over from behind the bunker, pointed his gun at Yang Fei and started shooting!
"Da da da……"

Yang Fei was stunned. He had never seen Japanese soldiers fighting like this. Aren't they afraid of death?

Yang Fei dodged subconsciously, but the bullet still bit his arm heavily!He immediately covered his arm with his hand!
"Boom bang bang..."

With the sound of a few pistols, Ji Taichang finished off that person, and rushed over, "Head, are you alright?"

Yang Fei gritted his teeth, "I can't die, it's just that my arm was bitten by a devil's bullet!" He said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, I'm used to it!"

Yang Fei said, lying on the ground, "Coach Ji, the gunshots are quiet now, you should inform the past, so that the soldiers don't attack blindly, now, let's wait! We will fight again when the devil shows up, if the devil hides Get up, I don't believe it, how long can they hide!"

"Head, I'll go right away, but you..."

"Go, I'm fine!" Yang Fei said, "This battle is really exciting! Thinking of killing the devil's special forces, I am very happy!"

"Hurry up and leave me alone!" Yang Fei said.

After finishing speaking, Ji Taichang could only shuttle among the various groups.

Destined to be a sleepless night, Yang Fei leaned against the wall with cold sweat on his face. He tightly covered the wound with his hands, trying not to let the blood flow out too much, otherwise, his body would not be able to bear it.

Thinking of this, Yang Fei gritted his teeth and had to pull out to be alert to the surrounding enemies.

Since the thin monkey Liu Ji was not notified, they were stationed there and did not come to support them!
However, it's okay if you don't come here, so that you can eat the devil's special forces!
After a long time, Ji Taichang came over, "Leader!"

Yang Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, "Tell me?"


Ji Taichang looked at him, "I'll give you a simple bandage!"

Saying that, Ji Taichang tore off a piece of cloth from his clothes, and wrapped it around Yang Fei's gun.

"The Japanese raised by the mother, wait a minute, I must kill them personally!" Yang Fei said.

"Commander, I don't know where the devils are now! I'm afraid, what will these devils do! Otherwise, I'll take you out of here first!"

"This is impossible!" Yang Fei said, "I'm leaving, what about the soldiers? I found them, and I can't let them get hurt again!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei asked, "How many fighters are there?"

Ji Taichang gritted his teeth, "Thirty!"

"What?" Yang Fei asked in surprise, "Thirty? I have a company, and now there are thirty people?"

"Regimental Commander, the number of these devils is supposed to be small, and their fighting power is too strong!" Ji Taichang said.

"Dog, I originally thought that these soldiers would follow the government officials to withdraw, but now that I think about it, I'm really scared!" Yang Fei said.

"That's right, a company didn't stop the devil's attack. If there were no one, our damage would be even more serious!" Just as Ji Taichang finished saying this, he heard a "boom"!
A house has been blown up!
Yang Fei frowned, "Coach Ji, what are you going to see? How could this house be bombed?"

"Captain, don't look, it must not have been done by our soldiers, it must have been a little devil!" Ji Taichang said. "They must want to take away our regiment headquarters, but their wishful thinking is wrong!"

"There is no gunfire, which means that our soldiers haven't found them yet. This devil is hiding well!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he moved his body.

Ji Taichang saw that Yang Fei's expression was not right, he knew that Yang Fei's going on like this would definitely not work, if he didn't treat it in time, the wound might be infected!
"Leader, let's go, the soldiers can deal with these devils!" Ji Taichang said.

"Wait!" Yang Fei said.

"I can't wait! I can't wait!" Ji Taichang said.

At this moment, another "boom" was heard.

"Devil, it seems that he is thinking about where the mechanism is!" Yang Fei sneered, "I can't miss such a beautiful thing, Coach Ji, if you are worried about me, just stay with me from here!"

Ji Taichang really had no choice but Yang Fei had a strong body, but he was injured by a bullet, how could it be good?

Minutes and seconds passed, Ji Taichang couldn't wait any longer, "Leader, go, listen to me!"

Saying that, Ji Taichang was about to drag Yang Fei away!
At this time, he saw a group of people coming in from outside the village. Yang Fei watched and asked, "Coach Ji, look who is here?"

Ji Taichang saw that they were all wearing Eighth Route Army uniforms, so he said, "Regimental Commander, they belong to us!"

"Our people? Our people are here? Didn't I let them come?"

Yang Fei tried his best to speak, the corners of his mouth were grinning dryly, and his eyes seemed to be occupied by sleepy bugs.

The mental state is very bad!

After a while, Zhao Gang came with someone.

When Ji Taichang saw it, he said, "Head, it's Political Commissar Zhao who is here, bringing our guard company with us!"

"Nonsense!" Yang Fei said, and was about to stand up, but his heavy head couldn't support a body weighing more than 100 kilograms. He fell down and said with some powerlessness, "These guard companies are all my precious bumps!"

When Zhao Gang came over and saw Yang Fei, he immediately asked people to hide, "Head, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Fei looked at Zhao Gang, "Old Zhao, what do you mean? These guard companies have only been established for less than a day. What do you want to bring them here?"

"Head, this is a war, I must ensure your safety!" Zhao Gang said.

"I don't need your protection, I'm doing well! Zhao Gang, even take people away, they are my treasures, but a few special forces of the Japanese devils, I'm not afraid!"

No matter how hard Yang Fei said, he was seriously injured now. Although it was only his arm, his whole body was not well.

"Captain, listen to me!"

Just after saying this, Yang Fei fainted.

Seeing Yang Fei fainted, Zhao Gang immediately said, "Coach Ji, now I order you to take Yang Fei away, our medical staff are in Anxi Village!"


Saying that, Ji Taichang picked up Yang Fei at once, and ran away towards Anxi Village.


Red flowers, green leaves, many children are running fast on the ground, they are laughing, having fun, playing with each other, Yang Fei seems to have seen this beautiful scene before!
He was lying on the grass with a dog's tail grass in his mouth!
Looking at those children happily, the children ran over, "Dad! Dad, come play with us!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Hahahaha! I... No, your father, I will tell you a story now!"

"Yes! Yes, Daddy, tell us a story!"

The children sat down around Yang Fei and looked at Yang Fei with their chins up, looking very childlike.

"I think back then, your father and I walked through thousands of mountains and rivers with a gun, and killed countless Japanese devils! I didn't have any skills. The greatest skill was to kill my old opponent Ito Ichiro! This Ito Ichiro, do you want to know how bad it is?" Yang Fei looked at them and asked.

"Father, I want to know, the Japanese are very bad, why are they so bad?"

"Xiaohuaer, do you want to know? Dad told you that the Japanese are generally very bad, but except for a few! For example, this Ito family is extremely cruel to our Chinese people, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil. Man, if I see your father, I will die!" Yang Fei said.

"Papa! Papa! Which Japanese are still good?"

Yang Fei looked at the child in front of him, "You look so familiar to me..."

"Of course it looks familiar, I'm my mother's child!"

Yang Fei frowned. At this time, footsteps came from behind him. Yang Fei smiled and looked at the other party. Shen Ling came over and hooked Yang Fei's nose, "What? You are telling the children about your glorious deeds again. gone?"

"Shen Ling?" Yang Fei exclaimed excitedly, "These... are all our children?"

"of course not!"

Yang Fei turned his head again. At this time, he saw Tomoko Koizumi again. She dragged her wooden clogs, and then walked over slowly, "Boss Yang, it seems that you have forgotten our child too!"

Yang Fei was shocked, and looked at Shen Ling, but Shen Ling smiled and said nothing.

"Is it gone?" Yang Fei asked tentatively.

"What about me? What about me?"

Hearing the voice, Yang Fei turned around and saw Xiu'er, "Zhang Xiu'er..." He muttered something, and then asked, "Xiu'er?"

"Leader! I'm here to find you! Hehe!"

Yang Fei's heart beat faster, he touched his nose, " came here alone?"

"Of course not, and she..."

Following the direction Zhang Xiuer was pointing at, Fang Mengru walked slowly with a child in her arms, the sun shone on their bodies, their faces looked natural and kind, "Head, did you just call me?" ? I sneezed twice!"

"Meng Ru?"

Yang Fei looked at these four girls in surprise!

He swallowed, "Is this all mine?"

Facing a dilemma!

Yang Fei hugged the children around him, "Are these children ours?"

"Of course, Captain!"

"Yes, Yang Fei!"


Yang Fei looked at the women around him?

"Are you all my wives?" Yang Fei asked tentatively.

"Yeah yeah!"

"These are our children?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Yeah yeah!"

"His name is Xiao Zhong, her name is Xiao Hua, his name is Xiao Sheng, and his name is Xiao Li?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yeah yeah!"

"I don't believe it!" Yang Fei shook his head.

Shen Ling smiled, "If you don't believe me, I'll pinch you!"



Yang Fei roared loudly, when he opened his eyes, everything in front of him was shocked!

Fang Mengru looked at him, surrounded by Ji Taichang, Liu Ji, Shouhou, Zhao Qifa, Liu Zhang, and Daguang!
Their mouths pouted!

Round, as if surprised!
"Fuck, I'm scared to death!" Yang Fei shouted.

Then I saw a nurse wrapping gauze on his cock.

"Huh?" Yang Fei asked.

Thinking about what happened just now, Yang Fei realized that it was a dream!

Waking up from the dream, Yang Fei couldn't help feeling helpless!

"Leader, leader! You just..." Liu Ji looked at Yang Fei with a squinting look, and then asked.

"What's the matter? Just say something!" Yang Fei said angrily.

"Captain, were you dreaming just now?" Shouhou asked quickly.

"Ah?" Yang Fei's expression changed, and he immediately said, "No, I'm not dreaming!"

"Hey!" Liu Ji said quickly, "Head, did you dream of marrying a wife?"

"My grandpa!" As he said, Yang Fei was about to get up, but the nurse held his arm, "Don't move!"

Yang Fei looked at Liu Ji, "Wait for you kid, you'll see me!"

"Leader, do you want to marry a wife? Just now, you called several people's names!" Shouhou said with a smile.

"Calling the name? Who's name?" Yang Fei lay down and quickly closed his eyes, how embarrassing it was, how embarrassing it was!

"Lie down, Mengru is right here, you called him by his name just now!" The thin monkey added.

Yang Fei quietly opened his eyes, and saw Fang Mengru's face was slightly red, and soon, Fang Mengru pushed through the crowd and left.

At this time, Zhao Gang also gathered around, "I said, Lao Yang, you are not mean enough, how many concubines do you have? Hmm? Why did you say the names of four women in one breath?"

Yang Fei really wanted to vomit blood, he didn't expect Zhao Gang to find out about his own scandal first.


Yang Fei smirked.

Several battalion commanders gathered around and began to gossip, "Commander, according to what we understand you, the eldest lady should be reporter Shen Ling, the second lady should be Zhang Xiuer, the third lady should be Miss Tomoko Koizumi, and the four Ma'am, hehe, it's Fang Mengru, Minister Fang! Hehe, that's ok, head, it's bullshit!"

"Get out!" Yang Fei refused to talk about it.

"Head, you are wrong. How could you be like this? When you were just dreaming, you were laughing to yourself. Why? You won't admit it so soon?" Liu Ji asked.

"Am I laughing? What am I laughing at? Why am I laughing?" Yang Fei refused to admit it.

The leopard also smiled in front of him, but didn't interrupt.

At this time, Yang Fei looked at Zhao Gang, "Old Zhao, come here, I have something to ask you!"

Zhao Gang came to Yang Fei, "Why? What can I say?"

Yang Fei frowned and asked, "Old Zhao, if I remember correctly, who asked you to take the guard company? They are my precious lumps. Tell me honestly, did you bring them back safely? "

"What are you talking about!" Zhao Gang smiled.

Ji Taichang said at this time, "Leader, don't tell me, the political commissar is really good at leading the troops!" Then, Ji Taichang continued, "The political commissar analyzed the devil's situation correctly, and then gave the devil to the devil without bloodshed." All wiped out!"

"What?" Yang Fei was surprised, he turned his head to look at Zhao Gang, feeling uncomfortable in his heart!

To put it this way, isn't there a big difference between Yang Fei's presence and absence?

"No casualties?" Yang Fei asked.

"No!" Ji Taichang said.

"Old Zhao, you can do it, boy, I didn't expect you to be really good at it!" Yang Fei said with a half-smile.

"Regimental Commander, stop making fun of me. If you hadn't fought so bravely and killed so many special forces, I wouldn't have captured the leader of the devil's special forces!"

"What?" Yang Fei was surprised again, "You kid captured the captain of the special forces?"

This made Yang Fei angry. He fought the devils desperately, not to mention his own injuries. Moreover, he caused so many casualties to the entire company, which made Zhao Gang take advantage of it.His displeasure made him feel physically ill.

"Head, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Gang asked.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay!" Yang Fei said, he was very reluctant to cooperate with Zhao Gang, but Zhao Gang's ability is indeed there.

"Captain, you have been in a coma for two days, how do you feel these two days?" Zhao Gang asked.

"I've been in a coma for two days?" Yang Fei asked, he looked at his arm, "It's just a little injury on the arm, how could I be in a coma for so long?"

At this time, the nurse said, "Head, you are tired. Have you not closed your eyes for a few days?"

This is true, Yang Fei's sleep quality is not very good recently, he can't fall asleep when he always lies down, and can only look at the sand table and the map!
Only when looking at the sand table and the map can Yang Fei feel better.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay!" Yang Fei said.

"The Brigadier came here, and seeing that you are not awake, he is also very anxious!" Zhao Gang said. "You wake up, and when you are fully recovered, go see the brigade commander!"

"Well, I got it!" Yang Fei said.

"By the way, commander, this time, including the Japanese devils by the river and in the woods, a total of more than [-] enemies were wiped out. Of course, we also brought the entire set of equipment!" Zhao Gang said.

"Very good, we must train our special forces well!" Yang Fei said.

Xu Shi saw that his anger had eased a little, so Liu Ji asked again, "Leader, you haven't said yet, which woman do you like? Reporter Shen, or Minister Fang?"

"Get out!" Yang Fei roared.

"Hey, Xiu'er has died, and Tomoko Koizumi is a Japanese! There are only reporter Shen and Minister Fang, and reporter Shen is not with us, only Minister Fang is left. Hehe, leader, Minister Fang is beautiful, It's just right for you!" Liu Ji made a selection for Yang Fei.

"Get out! I tell you to get out!" Yang Fei cursed angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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