Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2501 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 2501 The Uninvited Guest

Yang Fei was injured, and was attacked by the devil's special forces. Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai couldn't stand this incident. From their point of view, it was fortunate that Yang Fei survived the catastrophe. But they were still very unfamiliar with the devil's special forces. Li Jiguang called them and asked them to learn some experience from Yang Fei, which was a big deal.

Therefore, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai met and came to the location of Yang Fei's regiment headquarters.

The arm was injured, Yang Fei had taken the bullet and anti-inflammation, I believe he will recover soon, seeing Yang Fei injured, Shen Wanxi was so happy! "Hahaha, Lao Yang, I didn't expect you to be injured. Let me take a look!" After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi laughed suddenly, "Old Yang, you said that you can't even kill a special soldier. Are you made of iron?"

Yang Fei scolded, "Get out!"

"Don't be so sad, we came here this time to ask you about the devil's special forces!" Shen Wanxi said.

"That's right, Lao Yang, the brigade commander can say, you have experience in attacking special forces, let's learn!" Hu Dahai also said.

"Want to study?" Yang Fei asked, he got off the bed, his arm in plaster was tied to his chest, "Come on, let me tell you!"

The two moved their heads together, Yang Fei smiled and shouted, "Did you see the outside? Go out and turn left!"

"Oh?" Hu Dahai asked, "Turn left when you go out? What do you mean?"

"You don't understand this?" After Yang Fei asked, he shouted directly, "Get out!"

The two were shocked, "Well, you Yang Fei, you treated us guests like this!" Shen Wanxi said, "We must learn from this experience in combat! Otherwise, we will call the brigade commander and see if you can tell me." !"

Yang Fei snorted coldly, "What the hell, come to learn from Lao Tzu's experience, come here empty-handed, there is no sincerity at all! At least, you bring two taels of wine and a plate of peanuts! Isn't it? Let alone the wine, Just say a few nice words from you, and I, Lao Yang, appreciate it, but you are not very obedient, and you still want me to tell you my experience, so I give you two words!"

"Ah?" Hu Dahai asked, "What word?"

"Dream!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he lay on the bed again, "Lao Yang, I don't have the energy to talk to you right now, so get out now, or bring a couple of liang of wine over here, get out!"

Yang Fei's words made Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai a little disappointed.

But what is cheeky?
Shen Wanxi interpreted it perfectly, "Hey, I said Lao Yang, you're not too young, how did you learn from girls? What's going on?"

"Get out, don't talk to me!" Yang Fei turned his body to the other side.

"Yes, no wine, you are still injured, but when I came here, I brought a catty of pork head meat!" Shen Wanxi said.

As soon as Yang Fei rolled over, he immediately got up, "Damn, don't tell me if you have pig's head meat! Bring the pig's head meat here!"

Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai both smiled. Shen Wanxi went over and patted Yang Fei's head lightly, "Pork head meat! Eat it!":
"Your sister!" Yang Fei yelled, and Shen Wanxi asked someone to bring in the pig's head!
"Just put it on the table, you go out first!" Shen Wanxi finished.

Yang Fei got off the bed and sat on the chair in front of the table, "It's a good thing, it's a good thing, it's a waste to put this thing in Shen Wanxi's place!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei opened the kraft paper with one hand and smelled it. With the smell of pork head meat, Yang Fei couldn't wait to eat it! "

"After eating this food, should this experience be given to us?" Yang Fei asked.

"Of course, of course!"

Yang Fei said while eating.

At this time, Zhao Gang came in, "Commander Shen, Commander Hu! Hello!"

"Hey, are you the new political commissar? Hello!" The two shook hands with Zhao Gang.

"Old Zhao, that's it. Commander Shen and Commander Hu want to learn the experience of fighting special forces. Tell them about it!" Yang Fei said.

Upon hearing this, Shen Wanxi immediately asked, "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, our political commissar Zhao, he saw the special forces with his own eyes, and even killed him, you said, his experience is not richer than mine?" Yang Fei just finished this sentence!

Shen Wanxi immediately ran over and pulled out the meat from Yang Fei's mouth, "Dog, I thought you had some experience, spit out the meat and give it to Political Commissar Zhao!"

This made Zhao Gang's face full of black lines, "Haha, I won't eat meat, but I can briefly talk to you about the special forces!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Wanxi smiled and said, "It's you again, Commissar Zhao, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi wiped off the oil stains on Yang Fei's clothes, and chased Zhao Gang out.

Yang Fei smiled, and continued to eat the meat that Shen Wanxi pulled out just now, "Dog, how do you make this meat, it's so delicious!"


Zhao Gang told Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai about the special forces again. The two of them were curious about such new things, so they took notes and wrote them down in their notebooks.

"Commander Zhao, I don't know what measures you have taken against this devil's special forces?" Shen Wanxi asked solemnly.

"Head Shen, it's like this. The reason why our regiment was able to wipe out a small number of special forces of the devils is that under the leadership of our regiment leader Yang Fei, we achieved such a victory!" Zhao Gang said, "We took traps and landmines. , Surround and other tactics!"

"Trap? Land mine?" Hu Dahai asked strangely, "If it's that simple, isn't it a special soldier who can kill devils by anyone?"

"Head Hu, this has to be tailored to local conditions. Our head has fully analyzed the attack and retreat routes of the devils, and on this basis, launched a siege to the special forces of the devils!"

Zhao Gang fully affirmed Yang Fei's contribution, so he did not allow others to question him.

"If you say that, Yang Fei is indeed a special soldier who killed devils, and we have to learn!" Shen Wanxi said, "Is there any other way?"

"Of course!" Shen Wanxi said, "Our regiment is probably different from yours. Our regiment has only established a guard company in the past few days, and then we have fully selected some personnel with relatively good skills from the guard company to be our guards. Special Forces!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Gang said, "Of course, this is because we killed the devils enough and took the combat uniforms of the devils' special forces. As for how to train, we are also groping!"

"What?" Shen Wanxi glanced at Hu Dahai.Devil's combat uniform?
"Yeah, we just took off the devil's combat uniform, and our special forces are using it!" Zhao Gang said.

"Hey hey!" Shen Wanxi looked at Zhao Gang with a smile, "Commissar Zhao, I have a heartless feeling!"

"Oh? Commander Shen, tell me!" Zhao Gang was relatively innocent.

"How many sets of combat uniforms do you have?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Yes..." Just as Zhao Gang was about to say something, Yang Fei came in, "Dog, what are you thinking in your heart, do you think I don't know?" What's on your mind?"

"Ah?" Zhao Gang shook his head.

"He was thinking, take back a few sets of combat uniforms for him!" Yang Fei smiled, "Is it saving investment?"

"Hehehe!" Shen Wanxi smiled, "Old Yang, we are all from our own family, you and I are still brothers, and you ate my pig's head just now! Why, it's not too much to take two sets of combat uniforms, right?"

"Stop!" Yang Fei said, "The pig's head meat is what you should give to learn from our experience! Don't think I don't know what you think, you just want to come here to take my combat uniform, tell you , Impossible! If you have such a thought, get rid of it as soon as possible!"

"Haha, look at you, Old Yang!" Shen Wanxi shook her head, "Okay, I don't want your clothes!"

Shen Wanxi stood up, "Actually, Lao Hu and I want to borrow a set, so as to open our soldiers' eyes. This is a devil's special soldier that your regiment commander Yang committed suicide himself. These clothes are the spoils of war!"

Hu Dahai also hurriedly said, "Yes, yes!" Then he continued, "Yang Fei, I think this is a good thing. We will hold an exhibition in the whole group to let everyone know and be more vigilant. It's a good thing too!"

Just as Yang Fei was about to speak, Zhao Gang said, "Yes, this is indeed a good thing!"

"Political Commissar Zhao, this weasel has no good intentions to give the chicken New Year's greetings. In the end, whether this combat uniform can be taken back is another matter!"

Yang Fei said.

"Old Yang, it's because you are narrow-minded. Tell me, what can I do? With your combat uniform, I can't form this special forces unit, just to visit!" Shen Wanxi said.

Yang Fei chuckled, "Dog!"

"Old Yang, will you give it? If not, we will talk to the brigade commander, and then the brigade commander will ask you. At that time, can you not give it?" Shen Wanxi moved Li Jiguang out, but Yang Fei didn't agree. Eat this set.

"I think, after you have learned this experience, you can get out and go!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he pulled Shen Wanxi to stand up, and then pushed it out!

Hu Dahai smiled, "Old Yang, you don't have to give Shen Wanxi this, but you have to give me a set! This exhibition is very important!"

"Get out! You didn't even eat the pig's head meat, you're right, get out!" Yang Fei shouted!
The two smiled helplessly, they couldn't beat this old fox no matter what!
"Okay, let's go! But, let's take a look, you have to take a look? We are all here, how can we explain to the soldiers when we go back?" Shen Wanxi said.

"Leader, just show them!" Zhao Gang said.

"Look?" Yang Fei looked at Zhao Gang, "Okay, then show them!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai came in again.

Zhao Gang went out, and after a while came in with a set of combat uniforms. Shen Wanxi took the combat uniforms, "What kind of material is this? It's so hard?"

"Yeah, so hard?" Hu Dahai also touched it!

"You fellows, we might know what kind of material this is?" Yang Fei snorted coldly.

Shen Wanxi gave Hu Dahai the combat uniform, and then gave him a wink. Hu Dahai immediately understood and stood up quickly. Yang Fei also stood up when he saw it. Shen Wanxi quickly hugged Yang Fei, "Sit down, sit down, What are you doing?"

"Old Hu, what do you want to do?" Yang Fei asked.

Hu Dahai looked at Yang Fei, "This combat uniform is pretty good! It's a pity, I'm going to run away!" Hu Dahai ran out with his combat uniform in his arms!

Yang Fei was going to chase after him, and Shen Wanxi hugged Yang Fei, "Old Yang, don't get excited, don't get excited, can Lao Hu really take away your combat uniform?"

"Get off, get off!" Yang Fei struggled, and Shen Wanxi shouted, "Old Hu, where are you, kid? I really can't move this cow!"

"Get out!" Yang Fei knew that he had been fooled, and when he reached the door, Hu Dahai had already rode his horse and ran away.

Shen Wanxi laughed, "Old Yang, I'm sorry! I'm leaving too!" Saying that, Shen Wanxi ran out the door, got on his horse and ran away!
Zhao Gang looked confused, "This...what's going on?"

Yang Fei frowned, "What's the situation? The combat uniform is gone!"

"Ah?" Zhao Gang said, "Are you sure they are commanders and fighters of the Eighth Route Army? They are obviously bandits!"

"Bandits? Hehe, isn't it a bandit or something? I'm afraid of being poor, so I miss this other people's good things!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, then..."

"Forget it, just give them a set of combat uniforms! It's really bad luck to meet these two guys every day!" Yang Fei finished speaking and went out.

Zhao Gang still couldn't believe it, "Is this... a little... too unexpected?"

In his impression, this is the head of the regiment, shouldn't he be more calm and steady?Why did Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai behave like this?Not to mention this, even Yang Fei himself is like a bandit!He really didn't believe it, how could it be like this?
It's right that he doesn't know, who can make him understand.Doesn't this see through a person?

Zhao Gang shook his head helplessly, "It seems that we still need to get in touch more!"

Even so, Zhao Gang still couldn't take it anymore. In their group, Liu Zhang, Zhao Qifa and others, Shouhou, Liu Ji Daguang and others looked like bandits!
This will not work!To change!
Thinking about it, Zhao Gang decided that there should be a vote among the whole group!

At least let the soldiers conduct a selection for their battalion commander or company commander!
The evaluation activity must also be launched as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Zhao Gang immediately discussed the merit evaluation activities with various party members in the organization of the regiment.

There is no doubt about the final result, and everyone also felt that there should be such an event, at least to let the commanders and fighters clearly realize their own shortcomings and the importance of this event.

He thought about it, and he still wanted to tell Yang Fei and the others that the masses represented by the party and the fighters representing Everbright had to make this clear to Yang Fei!
As he said that, he found Yang Fei, who was looking at the map right now!

Seeing Zhao Gang, Yang Fei asked, "Commissioner Zhao, are you here?"

Zhao Gang said straight to the point, "Head, just now a few comrades from our party affairs organization had a small meeting, and it was about an evaluation activity for our commanders and fighters?"

"Excellence appraisal activity? What appraisal activity?"

Yang Fei asked.

"It's just to let our soldiers vote on their leaders, isn't it very qualified!" Zhao Gang said.

"This..." Yang Fei looked at Zhao Gang in surprise, "Is this what you guys think? Is this okay?"

"Okay!" As he said that, Zhao Gang analyzed the pros and cons of this event. The pros outweighed the cons. This is a good thing!

But Yang Fei disagreed!

"I disagree! Commanders and fighters don't let their own fighters comment, but let the enemy comment!" Yang Fei continued to look at the map!

"Leader, this is an important event within the party! I think it is very necessary. This afternoon, I will hold a meeting about this event!" Zhao Gang said.

"Okay! I want to see if comrades are welcome!" Yang Fei said.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, all cadres above the platoon leader attended the meeting.

In a small alley in Anxi Village, Zhao Gang got straight to the point and talked about the main topic of the meeting!
The commanders and fighters discussed one after another.

"Political commissar, this is unnecessary. Leading the army to fight depends on the wisdom of the people! It's not about judging the best or not!"

"That's right, political commissar, in this way, commanders and fighters have no status at all!"

"Political commissar, we have to wait for a while to figure this out. We just got a new comrade in. This is not good!"

Although everyone said so, Zhao Gang shook his head, "No, it's very necessary!"

Yang Fei didn't speak, just sat there and looked at everyone!

Liu Ji said at this time, "Political commissar, I want to know, what's the difference between being rated as excellent and not being rated as excellent? Could it be that I, the battalion commander, will be dismissed without being rated as excellent?"

"Liu Battalion Commander, this will not dismiss you, but it can encourage you to do better. This is a major event, and it is to let comrades recognize our Eighth Route Army, and of course, our commanders and fighters!" Zhao Gang said.

"It's not necessary. If the soldiers don't recognize our Eighth Route Army, they won't join the army!" Liu Ji said.

Shouhou also didn't understand, "Political commissar, this is really unnecessary. Our commanders and fighters must ensure victory with the greatest energy during the war. During the truce, we must train diligently, so as to ensure that the soldiers come back alive!"

Zhao Gang said, "Commander Shouhou Battalion, I understand what you mean. This is what soldiers should do, isn't it? I don't think we need to discuss this matter in depth. The evaluation of excellence is an important event within the party. The selection of outstanding commanders and fighters will be recorded in your files, which will serve as an important basis for future promotion!"

Zhao Gang was a bit self-willed, but there was no doubt that he was considering the healthy development of the entire regiment.

The Eighth Route Army, not bandits!

You can't use the style of bandits to command battles!
Commanders and fighters should have a set of scientific combat experience!

This is something Zhao Gang has to consider!
Zhao Gang's remarks suddenly exploded in the meeting. Didn't the commander beat the soldiers during the training?If the soldiers were to judge the best, how could they be selected?
Is there any commander who hasn't scolded others, even Yang Fei scolded others, not to mention the soldiers under him?

Da Guang looked at Yang Fei, "Leader, please say something!"

"What did I say?" Yang Fei asked, "Remember what the political commissar said, those who lead troops to fight, pay more attention to the safety of the soldiers, that's right! I, Yang Fei, have nothing to say! Now that the political commissar has made a decision , then let the political commissar do it!"

Yang Fei said.

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't understand. There had never been such a thing in the regiment or in the previous battalion. What kind of evaluation, what kind of selection!

Everyone looked at Zhao Gang, "I will issue the specific documents for this evaluation, and I will distribute them to you! Then, this meeting is over, let's adjourn!"

After the meeting was over, Liu Ji Shouhou and the others immediately surrounded Yang Fei, "Head, what is the purpose of this award? I didn't beat and scold the soldiers less. At that time, I don't have an award, which is a shame! "

"Yes, regiment commander, we are training soldiers, if we don't be ruthless, the soldiers will lose their lives on the battlefield!" The thin monkey also hurriedly said.

"I know, but there's no other way. The decision made by the political commissar, no matter it's them, you still have to judge me!"

Yang Fei said.

"Leader, we will definitely give you an excellent evaluation, but what should we do?" Da Guang also asked quickly.

"Here, go back and find a solution yourself, but for the honor of our regiment, don't think about bribing your own soldiers, the Eighth Route Army doesn't do that either!" Yang Fei said.

It's not a good thing for everyone to return in a huff.

Everyone can accept praise, but criticize, but let the soldiers criticize themselves, this... how uncomfortable no matter how you think about it!
Soon, a document from Zhao Gang was issued.

Up to the political commissar, the sword instructor, and the instructor, as the party's grassroots cadres, they must fully let the soldiers in!
Moreover, this evaluation activity is anonymous, which means that everyone can speak freely, but their leaders are absolutely invisible!

Zhao Gang is very confident that this evaluation of excellence will allow all commanders and fighters to fully realize their own shortcomings. This is the purpose of this event!
Anyway, Yang Fei doesn't have much confidence in this event, what is excellent, Yang Fei has his own opinion on these two words!
It can be said that everyone is excellent, but some people's excellence does not lie in fighting, and excellence is manifested in all aspects.

Although Yang Fei was not optimistic about this event, it was held in full swing from the squad to the regiment. The commanders and fighters were not happy, but the soldiers valued it very much. This fully shows that the soldiers have something to say!

As long as they have something to say, they have room for improvement!
Beginning with the squad leader, the soldiers voted for good and bad. If anyone gets the most bad reviews, Zhao Gang will ask for an interview.

This is fatal!

Liu Ji Shouhou and the others gathered together, as if they had locked in the bad reviews, smoking a cigarette, looking at the front, "This time, I'm really doomed!"

"Old Liu, I'm done too, this time in the whole group, I'm going to lose my lord!" Shouhou was also very helpless.

"Okay, okay, didn't the political commissar say that no matter how bad it is, your battalion commander will not be removed!" Daguang said.

(End of this chapter)

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