Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 250 Killing Little Devils

Chapter 250 Torturing Little Devils ([-])

The little devils who were hoisted saw Captain Kobayashi on the ground like a dead dog, and immediately started shouting crazily.

They can't accept it. After all, their predecessors are the elite of the empire, but now, how can they accept such a result.

Insult, this is an insult, this is an insult to the empire on which the sun never sets.

"a ha ha ha……!"

Xiaolin Shahe, the leader of the ghost squad who saw the imperial soldiers waking up, especially when he saw the eyes of his subordinates, Xiaolin Shahe began to laugh miserably.

He felt guilty and blamed himself. The scene in front of him was caused by himself.

It was him who personally sent these imperial warriors into this endless abyss.

Thinking of the fate of all of them, Xiaolin Shahe could only smile miserably.

"let's start!"

Ignoring these little devils who kept clamoring and cursing, Lei Zhan directly gave the order.

He wants these little devils to die under endless torture. Only in this way can the crimes they committed in China be redeemed.

Only the tens of thousands of compatriots who died tragically in China, and the people who were tortured to death in Yanjiazhuang, can rest in peace!


"Damn it, you have a hard mouth!"

The special operations team kicked Xiaolin Shahe in twos and threes without moving, and just leaned on the ground with his head on the spot, humming continuously.

His eyes were fierce, fixed on Lei Zhan and the others.

He wants to see how the hateful Chinese in front of him will treat their imperial warriors.

Hearing Lei Zhan's order, Yang Hu nodded expressionlessly with a cold face. He waved to the rest of the special forces team and took the lead to walk towards the innermost part of the room.

The special forces team members followed Yang Hu closely and walked inside.

Execution must start from the innermost part.

Lei Zhan's arrangement, the first punishment, is castration.

The punishment of castration was implemented in response to the little devil's insult to the women compatriots in Yanjiazhuang.

Today, Lei Zhan led the special forces into this courtyard, and when he saw the sisters and compatriots who were brutally abused and died, Lei Zhan decided that the little devils must be castrated.

These damn beasts, among the evil things they did in China, how many sisters and compatriots were humiliated to death by these beasts.

For these beasts, Lei Zhan will never be soft-hearted.

"Bagaya Road!"


At this time, more than 70 little devils who were hung on the beams of the house completely woke up after seeing this scene.

They were deceived, and these "elite elites of the empire" in front of them are all fake. They are Chinese people, whom they have always regarded as slaves and livestock.

They never dreamed that they would fall into the hands of China Pig at this time.

Therefore, at this time, they felt a great insult and began to roar angrily.

Especially when they saw the special forces members walking towards them with [-]-style bayonets in their hands, they began to panic in their hearts.

These little devils, thinking of their next fate, falling into the hands of the Chinese, what the consequences are, these little devils are extremely clear in their hearts.


Under the leadership of Yang Hu, the special forces members came to the innermost part of the room.

Looking at these little devils in front of them, cruel smiles appeared on the faces of all the special forces members.


The little devil at the back of the room saw the Chinese man coming in front of him with a [-]-style bayonet, and immediately started screaming in fear.

Facing the cold bayonet, fear had already begun in their hearts.

Of course, the biggest reason for this is because they thought of what they were going to face next.

Cold bayonet!

"Hurry up, don't waste time."

Seeing the sneering special forces members, Lei Zhan frowned and urged.

After all, they are conducting a blitzkrieg this time, so they can't waste too much time in Shuijiang. If the little devils know that they have only 200 troops entering Shuijiang, then what they will face next is not so simple up.

At the same time, Lei Zhan also took out a [-]-style bayonet from his waist, and walked towards Yang Hu and the others.


Hearing Lei Zhan's urging, Yang Hu and the special forces members immediately started to act.




At this time, the seven or eight little devils in the innermost place became completely frightened.

Yang Hu took the special forces team members and suppressed the nausea in his heart. At the same time, he swung the [-]-style bayonet in his hand amidst the horrified and frightened cries of the little devils.





At this moment, the seven or eight little devils in the innermost place felt the heart-piercing pain, and immediately began to howl the most tragically.

After howling a few times, they passed out.




Yang Hu and the special forces team members suppressed the nausea in their hearts, and threw the disgusting thing full of blood on the ground.

At the same time, the moment Yang Hu and the others dodged, blood spurted out from the lower bodies of these seven or eight little devils, as if they didn't want money.

The blood column splashed, it was extremely bloody!
"Bagaya Road!"

"You pigs have a bad conscience."

"Spirit of Bushido, yours, the work of cowards!"


The rest of the little devils, seeing the scene of their companion being castrated, immediately felt infinite fear in their hearts, and at the same time began to yell.

Their voices were hoarse, because they knew what would happen to them next, so they used words to stimulate the Chinese people in front of them and let them give themselves a good time.

Instead of being like this, dying under torture, especially being castrated, is this still a complete man?
At the same time, the current little devils have already begun to regret in their hearts. They regret coming here. If they hadn't been stationed here, their fate would not have been like this.

Castration is not as good as dying on the battlefield.

"Uh, quack, quack, quack...!"

At this time, Xiao Lin Shahe, the leader of the devil squad who was half lying on the ground at the door, had a livid face and muttered indistinctly.

In his heart right now, he was about to die of guilt. If it wasn't for him, the warriors of the empire would never have suffered such humiliation.

Castration, this is a method for animals, how can it deal with their imperial warriors.



Lei Zhan came to the innermost part of the room, he ignored the little devil's shouts.

For this group of beasts, Lei Zhan disdained to talk to them.

Yang Hu and others started the next goal, more than 70 little devils, their project volume is still very large.

Moreover, he had to suppress the extremely disgusting feeling in his heart.

Lei Zhan came in front of these comatose little devils who were covered in blood and had already dyed the ground red.

"Sisters and compatriots, rest in peace, these beasts will definitely pay the price in blood!"


After Lei Zhan finished speaking loudly, the bayonet in his hand ruthlessly stabbed the thigh of the little devil in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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