Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 251 The Castration for Torturing and Killing Little Devils

Chapter 251 The Castration for Torturing and Killing a Little Devil ([-])

"Sisters and compatriots, rest in peace, these beasts will definitely pay the price in blood!"


After Lei Zhan finished speaking loudly, the bayonet in his hand ruthlessly stabbed down on the thigh of the little devil in front of him.


Originally, this little devil who was in a coma, after being stabbed into the thigh by Lei Zhan, suddenly howled miserably, and was completely awake under the stimulation of severe pain.


Seeing the howling little devil, Lei Zhan snorted coldly, and pulled out the dagger stuck in the little devil's leg.

Immediately, the blood on the little devil's thigh spurted out, drawing a bloody flower on the ground.


The moment Lei Zhan pulled out the dagger, the little devils in the room started howling again.

Because in order to save time, Yang Hu and the special forces team members have accelerated the speed of castration.


At this moment, the entire room was completely filled with the shrill screams of the little devil.

A strong bloody smell wafted through the room.

The floor of the entire room was completely stained red by the blood that had been spilled.


As the little devils struggled, the blood flowed out faster from the wounds on their bodies, gurgling like running water.


Even some little devils, after losing a lot of blood, their faces were extremely pale, all the strength in their bodies had disappeared, and they began to hum weakly.


The cold-faced Yang Hu and the special forces were in charge of the castration, while Lei Zhan was in charge of waking up the unconscious little devil.

And his method was to cut open the blood vessels on the little devil's legs.

Lei Zhan wanted these little devils to suffer pain and die slowly.

The July [-]th Incident, September [-]th, Nanjing Massacre, how many Chinese people died.

It does not count the bloody soldiers who died, because the duty of soldiers is to defend their homes and the country, and if they die on the battlefield, that is a worthy death.

As for the common people, tens of thousands of compatriots died under the mopping and massacre of the little devils. These little devils slaughtered bloodily, tortured tens of thousands of compatriots, and made them die in pain.

Also, how many of our sisters and compatriots died under the insults of the little devils, and who can tell the pain in their hearts.

Desperate, powerless!
Nanjing, Nanjing, the death of the country, the pain of the people!

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan also accelerated his speed.

Ten minutes later, Lei Zhan, Yang Hu and the special forces members completed the task.





At this time, the room was truly covered in blood, and the strong smell of blood spread in all directions of the village through the windows and doors.

The howls and blood of the little devils are slowly atoning for their sins.

In fact, these little devils at this time already regretted in their hearts. They came back to China later and did so many evil things.

Today, they finally paid the price for their sins.

"Hum hum!"

Time passed slowly, and apart from the slight humming of the little devils, many of them had already begun to die.


Lei Zhan led Yang Hu and the special forces out of the room, turned around and looked at the little devil who was hung up in the room, covered in blood, and the room completely soaked in blood, Lei Zhan snorted again.

This small team of devils is just the beginning. Later, Lei Zhan will lead the wolf team to kill more devils, protect the peace of the people, and comfort the heroic spirits of tens of thousands of compatriots who died tragically.


At this time, the special forces members who were in charge of guarding and killing the secret sentries outside came to this small courtyard.

"it is good!"



When the arriving special forces saw the scene in the room, they immediately yelled "Hello", feeling extremely happy in their hearts.

This is the way to treat animals. Only in this way can we comfort the people who died tragically in Yanjiazhuang.

The special forces members can't forget the people who died tragically in Yanjiazhuang, especially the mutilated bodies of these people.

"Regimental Commander, all the trophies have been loaded into the car, and the common people were buried by the soldiers who came later, please instruct!"

The special forces team members came to Lei Zhan and reported.


Hearing that the follow-up troops had arrived and buried the people who died tragically at the entrance of the village, Lei Zhan was very satisfied.

In this way, it can be regarded as worthy of the dead people. Burying into the soil is their current destination.

Revenge must be reported slowly, not in a hurry.


At this time, Xiao Lin Shahe, the leader of the devil team lying reclining at the door, was still yelling and cursing.

However, his voice has become extremely hoarse at this time.

His eyes had already started to become hollow. He really did not expect that his team would be so loyal to His Majesty the Emperor in this way.

"Crack. Crack!"

Seeing Xiaolin Shahe who was still hoarse and yelling, Lei Zhan pulled out the [-] cover without hesitation, and shot and killed Xiaolin Shahe.


The leader of the devil squad died, and his head, starting from the center of his eyebrows, was directly blown by Lei Zhan, red and white, splashing all over the ground again.


Lei Zhan snorted coldly, turned around and left, for the mastermind of the Yanjiazhuang tragedy, Lei Zhan was even more merciless.

"Burn it, retreat!"

While turning around, Lei Zhan also gave an order.

After all, the weather has started to get hotter. If the corpse is left untreated, it may cause more serious consequences.


Hearing Lei Zhan's order, Yang Hu and the special forces members began to prepare.

Walking in the village, Lei Zhan found that on the ground of the village, except for the blood stains on the ground, the corpses of the previous people had all disappeared.

The people who died tragically have been buried by the special forces.

At the entrance of the village, Lei Zhan saw a truck waiting outside.


When the two sentries saw Lei Zhan, they immediately saluted. Their eyes were full of admiration.

"it is good!"

Lei Zhan patted the shoulders of the two sentry soldiers with a smile, then greeted the soldiers waiting beside the truck, and returned to the truck.

Looking at the map on the table, Lei Zhan fell into deep thought again.

Next, it's time to close the net, lead the snake out of the hole, and annihilate it fiercely.


At this time, thick black smoke billowed from the Yan Family Village, which was also mixed with the sound of crackling wood burning.

"Tap Tap!"

After burning up, Yang Hu ran out of the village with his special forces.

Afterwards, all the soldiers got on the truck, and the truck drove off into the distance.

Now, even in Yanjiazhuang, where the corpses of the people were buried, the large bloodstains and torn bloody clothes at the entrance of Yanjiazhuang village still tell the tragedy of this place and the evil deeds committed by the little devil here.


LC County, headquarters!

At this time, Su Yunuan had already arrived at Lei Zhan's office and sent out the information.

After the information was released, Su Yunuan breathed a sigh of relief.

She had some expectations in her heart. If the imperial warriors attacked in time, they would definitely wipe out more than [-] Lei Zhan people in Shuijiang!
(End of this chapter)

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