Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 252 Luring Ghosts Out

Chapter 252 Luring Ghosts Out (Part [-])

The truck was speeding on the main road. At this time, the entire Shuijiang area was still ringing with gunfire, but at this time, the gunfire had begun to thin out.

Sparse gunshots meant that the special forces members had completed the tasks assigned to them by Lei Zhan.

It means that this blitzkrieg is completely completed!
Moreover, all the special forces members rushed towards the assembly point at an extremely fast speed.

The completion of the Blitzkrieg mission represents the start of the next mission.


Gao Ping, Devil Command.

"Report without cheating Mas!"

A telegraph soldier quickly ran into Takamori Takashi's office, handed the telegram in his hand to Takao Takako Takako with a gloomy face, and turned to leave.

"Bagaya Road!"

Seeing the contents of this telegram, Takamori suddenly became furious again. He glared angrily and panted heavily.

This telegram was sent by Keiko Fangshima and Su Yunuan, and it contained more than 200 troops for Lei Zhan's attack on Shuijiang this time.

Thinking of being attacked by more than 200 people in such a large county, the anger in Takamori's heart became even more violent.

The mere 200 people in China have made trouble in his Shuijiang area, and the dogs and dogs are restless, even scaring the Shuijiang commander to hide in the county town and dare not attack.

This made Takamori feel deeply ashamed.


Thinking of this, Takamori immediately picked up the phone on the table.

"Connect me to the river!"


Shuijiang.County Headquarters.

At this moment, Major Ki Xunto was talking with the other two majors in the office.

These two majors are the two squadron leaders who came to support him.

However, looking at their appearance at this time, it seems that something happened.

"Tono-kun, it's wrong for you to do this, ours, we can't waste time working here, we are going to annihilate the enemy."

Shaozuo Hu Jisaburo looked at Mu Xunhuye in front of him with displeasure, and said.


The other major was also nodding. He wanted to attack and didn't want to stay in the county seat.

At the same time, he was disdainful in his heart. He believed that Colonel Takamori had given the Wolf Warriors to Shinhwa, and it was impossible for the Chinese troops to be so powerful.

This truth has been thoroughly proved in previous wars. Wherever their imperial army fought, the Chinese army either surrendered or fled steadily.

Regarding the previous defeat of Colonel Takamori Takamori, he felt that His Excellency should be making excuses for his mistakes in command.


"Ding ding ding...!"

When Kimura Tono heard the words of Major Hu Jisaburo in front of him, he was about to fight back, but suddenly, the phone rang on the table, breaking the stalemate here.

"Moshe Moses, I'm Muxun!"

After Mu Xunhuye picked up the phone, he started asking.

"Muxun, your idiot's work. In the Shuijiang area, there are only more than 200 people from the Wolf Warriors. Your work, hurry up and annihilate it."

As soon as Master Mu Xunto finished his inquiry, he immediately heard Takamori Takao's roar on the phone.

"Hi Yi! Hi Yi!"

Hearing that there were only two hundred people in the water river, Mu Xunhuye's face suddenly showed a smile, and he quickly hid.

There are more than 200 Chinese soldiers, just over 200 Chinese soldiers, and now they, together with the troops who came to support, have a total of four squadrons, except for the one squadron left behind in the county.

Then they still have three squadrons that can be used. It is more than enough to use three squadrons of more than 600 imperial fighters to wipe out more than 200 fighters in China.

Even if they were the Wolf Warriors known as 'devils and god-killers', facing a three-to-one force disparity, they would definitely be annihilated.

"Hurry up, attack and work!"

After putting down the phone, Shao Zuo Mu Xuntono, with a face full of excitement, grabbed the command knife on the table and ran out of the headquarters.



Hu Jisanlang and Shao Zuo were stunned when they saw Mu Xunhuye whose attitude suddenly changed. They didn't understand how this guy could change so quickly.

Could it be that his head was broken by a pig.



However, when they heard that Master Mu Xunhuye agreed to attack, the two guys walked happily outside the headquarters.

Ten minutes later, more than 10 large trucks roared out of the county town and headed for the place where the gunshots rang out.

They want to wipe out all the wolf warriors who will commit crimes in the future, so as to wash away the shame brought to them by the Chinese.




At this time, Takamori Takada, who was in Gaoping, was still angry, and the brand new teacup on the table that had just been replaced by the soldiers was smashed to pieces by Takako Takamori again.

"Order, the first and third squadrons, hurry up and capture the Chinese people, and send them all to me in the Anlong Regional Research Institute, hurry up."

Now that there are no problems in the Shuijiang area, he is about to start working on the Bacteriology Research Institute. After all, this matter is personally supervised by General Shou of the temple.

Also, the research on the TZ-[-] bacterial bomb is related to the success or failure of the entire North China battlefield, and even the entire Asian battlefield.

If the research on the TZ-[-] bacterial bomb is completed, it will undoubtedly completely speed up the progress of their empire on which the sun never sets.


Thinking of this, a cold and cruel smile suddenly appeared on the face of Takamori Takashi.


At this time, Lei Zhan had joined the other 200 fighters at the assembly point.

Lei Zhan got out of the car, looked at the soldiers who were a little tired but full of fighting spirit in their eyes, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, in this battle, a large number of devil strongholds were destroyed, more than a thousand enemies were wiped out, and a large number of guns and ammunition were seized.

In addition, in this battle, [-] players were slightly injured, [-] were seriously injured, and [-] were sacrificed. Please give instructions to the team leader! "

This time, the temporary team leader who was in charge of gathering and leading the team, saw Lei Zhan approaching, hurried to Lei Zhan's side, and reported the battle situation to Lei Zhan.

Hearing that ten soldiers had been sacrificed, the pain in Lei Zhan's heart flashed.

Lei Zhan will not feel sorry for the soldiers who died on the battlefield, because the duty of soldiers is to defend their homes and the country, and the battlefield of soldiers is their belonging and their honor.

Unlike the soldiers who were persecuted in the county, Lei Zhan felt sorry for them and regretted that they could not be sacrificed on the battlefield.

Yang Hu, who was following Lei Zhan, still had no expression on his face after hearing the battle situation.

In his cognition, a soldier died on the battlefield of killing devils, and he deserved his death!

"For the sacrificed comrades-in-arms, see off!"

Lei Zhan roared, pulled out the bastard box on his waist, and started shooting towards the sky.

"Crack. Crack. Crack!"

Seeing Lei Zhan taking the lead, the rest of the soldiers immediately raised the bolt of their guns, aimed their guns at the sky, and pulled the trigger with a solemn expression.





The sudden dense gunshots sounded like a signal, guiding the little devils who were chasing after them.

(End of this chapter)

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