Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 253 Luring Ghosts Out

Chapter 253 Luring Ghosts Out (Part [-])

Eagle mouth.

This is a very special geographical location, with hills and slopes on both sides.

In the middle, there is a road leading to Lingchuan. Although this road is wide, it is not the main road leading to Lingchuan.

Of course, this is mainly because of the time of war.

At this time, on the hillsides and hills on both sides of Yingzuikou, the special operators brought by Yang Fei set up heavy machine guns and light machine guns.

There are also two mortar emplacements.

It's arranged like this, but it's enough for the little devil to drink a pot.

At this time, Yang Fei was standing on the highest hill on the left.

Holding a telescope, he kept observing the surrounding terrain in order to memorize it by heart so as to deal with emergencies.

"Order to let Lei Ming lead the sniper team to look for the sniper location. The team leader should be here soon."

Yang Fei put down the binoculars, glanced at his watch, and ordered to a soldier beside him.


The soldier who heard the order immediately turned around to convey the order.

After the soldier left, Yang Fei picked up the binoculars again and began to observe.




At this moment, there was a burst of rapid gunshots in the distance. Hearing the gunshots, a cold smile appeared on Yang Fei's face.

Come on, little devil!

There are two meanings in the sound of gunfire to see off the soldiers.

One is to see off the comrades who died, and the other is to send a definite signal to the little devils chasing after him in the county.

Otherwise, how could the little devil who lost his target go to the mouth of Yingzui? If the little devil didn't go to the mouth of Yingzui, then Yang Fei, who was waiting at the mouth of Yingzui at this time, would have gone in vain.



When the soldiers finished shooting and were hit by bullets, the scene immediately returned to silence.

No one spoke, including Lei Zhan.


At this moment, on the main road ten miles away from Lei Zhan and others, a group of convoys were driving fast.

"Yo Xi, where the gunshots sound, kill the chicken!"

The first car in front of the convoy, the commander Shuijiang sitting on the co-pilot, Mu Xunhuye, immediately cheered up after hearing the gunshots coming from the front.

With a smile all over his face, he stuck his head out of the window, held up his command knife, and yelled.


Afterwards, these truck drivers, under the order of the co-pilot devil, immediately increased their horsepower, and galloped away ten miles ahead.

On the truck in the middle of the little devil's convoy was a temporary command post. Because he left in a hurry, Shao Zuo Mu Xuntoye didn't get into the two trucks at all, but got into the leading truck.

At this time, in the temporary headquarters, Hu Jisanlang and the two young assistants were talking with smiles.

"Sanlang, after this mission, when we go back, we must send the Chinese people we captured some time ago to Gaoping. After all, it has been so long, and it takes a lot of food to feed these Chinese people."

Major Sanye Inuhoshi looked at Hu Jisaburo in front of him and expressed his thoughts.

"Well, it is necessary, Quan Xing, not only for this reason, the Anlong Research Institute also needs these Chinese people very much.

As long as we send the Chinese detained in the camp to Gaoping, we will make a great contribution at that time, and we will be promoted to lieutenant assistant just around the corner. "

Hearing the words of Major Sanye Inuhoshi who had analyzed it thoroughly, Hu Jisaburo said again.

"Haha, the work of the lieutenant commander!"

Afterwards, the two laughed out loud in the truck headquarters, and were promoted to the rank of lieutenant commander, which they had been looking forward to for a long time.


rally point.

"Okay, let's go!"

Three minutes later, Lei Zhan gave the order directly, then turned and walked towards the truck.

The cold-faced Yang Hu next to him waved at the soldiers when he heard Lei Zhan's order, and then followed Lei Zhan's footsteps and jumped onto the truck.


The soldiers who heard the order put away their guns and quickly jumped onto the waiting truck.


After waiting for all the soldiers to board the vehicle, the convoy began to head towards the mouth of the eagle mouth.

However, the speed of the Lei Zhan convoy was still very slow.

While advancing, some soldiers threw the devil uniforms that had been gathered in advance behind the convoy.


Moreover, some soldiers shot the sky behind them from time to time.

The purpose of doing all this is to lead the little devils behind to move forward.

For all this, Lei Zhan had anticipated and planned it long ago, because Su Yunuan existed in the county town, his plan could be foolproof.

As for the understanding of RB agents, when Lei Zhan set off, he knew that Su Yunuan would find a way to send the information about their attack on the Shuijiang area to Colonel Takamori in Gaoping.

It happened that Su Yunuan was used to send out the information that Lei Zhan only had more than 200 people attacking Shuijiang, so that the little devils in Shuijiang area took it lightly and began to come to chase and kill him.

Without Su Yunuan, this plan would have been impossible to complete, but now with Su Yunuan, the little devil is doomed to stumble again at Eagle's mouth.

On top of the first truck that was driving slowly.

Lei Zhan was looking at the map in the headquarters at this time, his brows were furrowed, and he was lost in thought.

The map in front of him has now been replaced with a map of the entire Gaoping area.

What Lei Zhan is thinking about now is the plan for Gao Ping in the future.

For this plan, Lei Zhan has been planning it in his mind for a long time, and now he has a rough preliminary plan, and the details need to be continuously improved by him.

Only when all the plans are completed can Gaoping be formally dispatched.

Of course, there is also Lei Zhan's worry, which is the devil's revenge.

It has been silent for so long, although it is because of the tension of the troops on the frontal battlefield that the little devils cannot come to retaliate.

However, according to Lei Zhan's understanding of the little devil, they will not let it go, so Lei Zhan thought, the little devil must be holding back and planning something.

The little devil who hasn't mobilized for such a long time must be plotting a bigger conspiracy.

Therefore, Lei Zhan fell into deep thought. He was thinking, what kind of bad fart is the little devil holding back for such a long time without magnifying his moves!
Yang Hu on the side, still expressionless, sat motionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

Several other special forces members are resting with their eyes closed at this time. The thoughts in the hearts of the special forces members are that their task is to fight. As for making a battle plan, let the team leader and the others do it.


Because the speed of Lei Zhan's convoy was very slow, at this time, three miles away, the speeding little devil's convoy had already caught up.

(End of this chapter)

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