Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 254 Luring Ghosts Out

Chapter 254 Luring Ghosts Out ([-])

The road leading to Yingzuikou was very desolate and very open, so after the little devils chased after them, the soldiers on the last truck immediately spotted the little devils' convoy.

"Captain, the little devil is catching up!"

Sitting at the back of the truck, the special forces member who kept shooting backwards to guide the little devil immediately reported the situation to the captain sitting inside after spotting the little devil.


After hearing the soldier's report, the captain got up in the carriage and walked towards the back of the truck.

At the same time, the captain picked up the binoculars and looked behind.

The captain saw through the binoculars that there were more than 20 trucks of the little devils chasing after him frantically. From this point of view, the strength of the devils should be about three squadrons.

Upon observing this situation, a cruel smile appeared on the captain's face immediately.

There are quite a few little devils in the three squadrons. As long as they can be eaten, it will definitely be a painful blow to the little devils in the Shuijiang area.

"Telegram the head of the group, saying that the little devil has already chased him up, please give instructions."

After the captain finished observing, he still decided to report the situation to Lei Zhan on the first truck, instead of making a decision without authorization.


After hearing the order, the electric commander immediately sent electricity to the head of the regiment, Lei Zhan.

Above the first truck.

"Drip drip!"

The sound of the radio kept ringing, and after a short while, an electric order soldier came to Lei Zhan who was looking at the map with an electric order.

"give it to me!"

The cold-faced Yang Hu at the side saw that Lei Zhan was contemplating, and immediately took the telegram from the telegraph soldier.

Seeing the content on the telegram, Yang Hu finally showed a trace of expression on his cold face.

However, this expression, in the eyes of others, is so awkward.

"what happened?"

At this time, Lei Zhan put the pen in his hand on the map, looked at Yang Hu, and asked.

"Captain, your plan has succeeded, the little devil has caught up."

Seeing Lei Zhan waking up from deep meditation, Yang Hu handed the telegram to Lei Zhan while speaking.


After Lei Zhan received the telegram, he looked at the contents above and smiled.

Lei Zhan knew that the most important reason for this plan must be Su Yunuan. If Su Yunuan hadn't sent the information, the little devils in Shuijiang County would definitely not have caught up so quickly.

"Order, rear the truck, set up the light machine gun, and at the same time, speed up and start fishing for devils."

After looking at the car, Lei Zhan issued the first order.

"Also, give Yang Fei power, just say that the big fish has been hooked, get ready, get ready to catch the fish!"

Immediately after the first order was issued, the second order was issued again.


After receiving the order, the electric commander immediately started generating electricity.

This is the advantage of having a radio station, commanding operations anytime and anywhere, so that orders can be executed in a timely manner.


After receiving the order, the special forces members on the last truck mounted light machine guns and began to guard against the little devil.

At the same time, the speed of the entire Lei Zhan convoy also began to accelerate invisibly.


"Quick, quick!"

At this time, the little devils who were chasing after also spotted the Lei Zhan convoy ahead.

Commander Mu Xuntoye, with a face full of excitement, almost leaned half of his body out of the co-pilot, waving a command knife in his hand, shouting and giving orders.

"Work faster!"

The co-pilot on the truck behind saw it and immediately started giving orders to the driver.


Afterwards, the speed of the entire little devils convoy began to increase.

middle truck.

"Yoxi, Mr. Sanlang, we have seen the shadows of the Chinese troops ahead. Judging by their appearance, they are fleeing."

At this time, Sanye Inuxing came to the front of the truck, and through the upper window, he observed the Lei Zhan convoy that suddenly accelerated with a telescope.

In his opinion, Lei Zhan's convoy must have discovered the pursuit of their big RB imperial army, so they started to flee.

"Well, Yoshi, but Inukei-kun, yours, come and see what the map does."

Shao Zuo Hu Jisanlang was also very happy after hearing the news, but he, who was observing the map, felt worried.

Because he now discovered the terrain in front of them on the map.

Eagle mouth!
This is a special terrain.


Hearing Major Hu Jisaburo's words, Major Sanye Inuhoshi put down the binoculars and came to the map.

"You look here?"

After Sanye Quanxing arrived, Shao Zuo Hu Jisaburo immediately pointed to the map and introduced him to Sanye Quanxing.

"The work at Yingzuikou has a special terrain. It is surrounded by hills and earth slopes. In the middle, there is only one road that can advance. If there are ambushes on all sides of Yingzuikou, Quan Xingjun, yours, understand?"


Hearing Hu Jisaburo Shao Zuo's explanation, Sanye Inuxing was immediately surprised in his heart.

What Hu Jisanlang said was not wrong at all. If there was an ambush at Yingzuikou, it would be a devastating blow to the three squadrons.

"Ha ha!"

"Mr. Sanlang, you, don't think so about working. Don't forget, the workers of the Chinese army in front are fleeing. There is no way for them to have ambushes."

Thinking of the Chinese army that came to attack the Shuijiang area, Major Sanye Inuhoshi immediately spoke with disdain.

"Also, the guy who takes the lead is Kishitono, isn't he? With him in the lead, what are we worried about?"

Sanye Inuxing said again.

"Yoxi, with Mu Xunhuye leading the way, we really don't have to worry."

Hearing the words of Shao Zuo Sanye Inuxing, Hu Jisaburo immediately let go of the worries in his heart.

Because their never-ending empire is invincible, and China is just their hunting ground.


"Captain, the little devil is getting closer and closer to us."

When the machine gunners saw the little devil convoy quickly closing in, they immediately reported to the captain.

"Shoot, lure!"

The captain's order was very simple.


After hearing the order, the special forces team immediately started shooting at the little devil behind him.

"Da da da da!"

"Da da……"

The convoys were less than a mile apart, and the range targets of the machine guns were scattered. However, the purpose of the soldiers was to lure them.


"Baga, the work of Zhina's stupid pig, you can't shoot at such a long distance."

On the first truck, Major Kisudoto, heard the sound of the light machine gun, and immediately spoke with disdain.

"Yo Xi, Your Excellency, Major, they just want to scare us and scare us away.

However, we are the warriors of the empire on which the sun never sets, and we are invincible. They work like weak chickens. "

The ghost driver on the side also spoke disdainfully at this time.

"Haha, yours, Yoshi!"

Hearing the driver's words, Shao Zuo Mu Xuntoye suddenly laughed happily in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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