Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 255 Slaughtering Devils

Chapter 255 Slaughtering Devils ([-])

Eagle mouth.

At this time, the special forces members at Yingzuikou were fully prepared, waiting for the arrival of the little devil.

"Battalion Commander, the regiment commander is here with the little devil."

The company commander of the special warfare battalion, who was observing the enemy's situation on the highest hill, immediately observed after hearing the gunshots. He saw in the binoculars two convoys approaching the Eagle's mouth quickly.


After hearing the report, Yang Fei immediately stood up on the hill, picked up the binoculars, and began to observe.

"Okay, that's great, now we brothers can do a big job again."

The company commander of the special warfare battalion on the side continued to laugh and talk.

There was no fighting during this period, and he felt that his body and the sharp gun in his hand had begun to rust.

Moreover, there has been no battle for so long, and the soldiers under him have great opinions.

After all, their Special Operations Battalion is the most powerful force in the entire Wolf Warriors Group.

"Order the soldiers to start preparing. You must hide yourself well and wait for the little devil to enter the ambush circle before shooting. You must do this. Completely suppress the firepower of the little devil from the very beginning."

While observing, Yang Fei gave an order at the same time.


After hearing the order, the laughing company commander of the special warfare battalion, filled with excitement, ran down the hill and began to give orders.

At the same time, Yang Fei also walked down the hill. After all, the little devil has arrived. If he continues to stand on this high hill, he may directly expose his target.

"Ready to fight!"

The company commander of the special warfare battalion came to the position and immediately began to convey orders.


"Damn it, brothers, it's time to enjoy yourself!"


The special forces members who heard the arrival of the little devil had already begun to get excited.

The blood in their hearts began to burn, and the fighting spirit in their chests was about to burst out of their bodies and soar into the sky.


The soldiers bolted all the guns in their hands, including [-] caps, light and heavy machine guns, and waited expectantly for the arrival of the little devil in their hearts.

On several high slopes in front of the ambush position, Lei Ming and the members of the sniper team have already set up the sniper position.

Under the suppression of forced firepower, they have only one task, and that is to call and kill them one by one.

After all, it is impossible for a little devil who was suddenly attacked and suppressed by powerful firepower to find the position of the sniper.

At this time, Lei Ming was on the sniper position, looking down at the entire ambush battlefield. His immature, mature face showed a pensive look.

He really didn't expect that he, a little beggar, would be able to snipe and kill the little devil here at this moment after such a short period of time.

All of this was given to him by his father Lei. In Lei Ming's heart, he had already regarded Lei Zhan as his father.

After all, if the two of them, brother and sister, hadn't encountered Lei Zhan, they might be dead by now.

Either starve to death, or be beaten to death by little devils and traitors.


Thinking of this, Lei Ming picked up the sniper rifle on the ground, entered the state of preparation, and waited for the arrival of the little devil.


"Da da da da!"

"Da da da……"

At this time, on the main road, the devils were chasing the front of the convoy, and Lei Zhan's convoy was 'fleeing'.

Moreover, in the cognition of the little devils, the purpose of the continuous gunshots from the Zhina convoy in front was to scare them away.

The more this happened, the more arrogant the little devil who was chasing after him became.

In particular, Major Kizuruto, who was on the first truck, was filled with joy when he heard the gunshots from the Chinese convoy ahead.

"Let's fight, let's fight, when you waste your bullets, you Chinese monkeys will die!"

Looking at the Lei Zhan convoy ahead, a cruel smile appeared on the face of Major Kimura Tono.


The devil driver on the side also had a smile on his face, and he was also very happy in his heart. If he can wipe out the Chinese troops this time, then his contribution will be great.

Middle convoy.

"The order goes on. Our two squadrons behind must wait for the leading convoy to safely pass through the eagle's mouth before moving forward again."

Major Hu Jisanlang, who was still worried in his heart, issued an order.

His plan was to let the Mu Xunhuye Squadron lead the way, and as long as they passed the eagle's mouth safely, they would continue to move forward.

After all, the terrain at the Eagle's Mouth in front is really special. If there was an ambush, their losses would be great.


Hearing Hu Jisaburo's order, Major Sanye Inuhoshi on the side immediately gave him a thumbs up.

Anyway, they are stationed in the Gaoping area, and they will eventually return to Gaoping. As for the loss of Kimura Tono Squadron, that is not their concern.


On the command truck led by the wolf team, Lei Zhan looked at the map and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

"Order Yang Fei to wait for the Devil convoy to start attacking after the lead truck passes through the eagle's mouth without error."

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan gave the order again. He thought of one thing. After all, the terrain of Yingzuikou is too special, and the little devil is not a fool.

Such a special and dangerous terrain, after the little devil sees it, it is very likely that he will retreat.

Only by allowing the devil convoy to lead the truck and pass safely can the devil convoy behind be lured forward.


The telegramman who heard the order began to send telegrams again.

"Prepare to fight. After passing through the mouth of the eagle, enter the battle immediately, and immediately kill the devil convoy behind!"

Looking at the special forces members who were resting, Lei Zhan ordered again.


The cold-faced Yang Hu reacted the fastest.

After hearing Lei Zhan's order, the rest of the special forces woke up one after another and began to check the firearms in their hands.

After all, they still need to kill the trucks that pass through the mouth of the eagle.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan's order was sent to each truck, and the special forces members on it began to prepare for battle.


At Yingzuikou, the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion who received the order were all ready to fight.

All the special forces members of the special warfare battalion had cruel smiles on their faces.

Killing devils and beasts is what they are most willing to do.


Ten minutes later, Lei Zhan's convoy roared into the mouth of the Eagle's mouth, and quickly passed through the mouth of the Eagle's mouth.

"Your Excellency, the terrain ahead."

The devil's driver of the truck is an old driver. Seeing the terrain at the mouth of the eagle mouth in front of him, his heart suddenly became tense.

"Pass quickly, don't hesitate to work!"

At this time, Shao Zuo Muxunto was completely dazzled by the excitement, and immediately gave an order to speed up.

"Da da da da!"

"Da da da……!"

At the same time, a light machine gun was set up on the Devil's truck, and it started shooting tentatively at the peaks on both sides of Yingzuikou.


"Bang bang bang...!"

For this situation, the soldiers have long been prepared, all hidden themselves.

The devil's machine gun bullets hit the soil, splashing a lot of dust.

(End of this chapter)

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