Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 256 Slaughtering Devils

Chapter 256 Slaughtering Devils ([-])

The soldiers were all aware of the little devil's tentative attack.

Therefore, after only a few soldiers were slightly scratched, several convoys led by the little devil quickly followed Lei Zhan's convoy and quickly passed through the eagle's mouth.

After seeing the devil leading the truck through the mouth of the eagle mouth, the hidden soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion immediately touched their guns, slowly revealed their heads, began to observe, and were ready to fight.

At this time, the thunder sniper team and sniper fighters in the sniper position were all ready and waiting for the firing order.


As Lei Zhan expected, the convoy behind the devil gradually slowed down in front of Yingzuikou.

It seemed that the little devil in the back was still worried.

In the devil truck headquarters behind, the two major commanders, Hu Jisanlang and Sanye Inuxing, looked through the binoculars at the hills and mounds on both sides that did not appear, feeling a little relieved.

However, the two still remained vigilant.

"Order, machine gun fire, pass quickly!"

Seeing Mu Xunhuye's convoy out of sight, Hu Jisaburo immediately issued an order.

After all, cheating people are not so cheating, not to mention that there is no accident now, if Mu Xunhuye's squadron has an accident ahead, and he fails to rescue in time.

This responsibility is not small, and they don't want to take it.

"set off!"

After hearing the order, the little devil's convoy immediately started moving forward.

"Da da da!"

"Da da……"

At the same time, several light machine guns were mounted on each of the trucks of these little devils, and they began to shoot tentatively on the hillside.


The remaining convoy of little devils rushed into the mouth of the eagle with a roar.


"Oh shit!"

The soldiers who were already ready to attack hid again under such a violent probing attack.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The little devil's machine gun bullets hit the mounds and hills, directly causing a lot of dust to fly up.

"Damn it. Damn it, these bastards... forced to raise, bullets don't cost money!"


The special forces members all began to curse at this time.

They didn't expect that the little devils who came back would be so vigilant. The first round of trial shots failed, and there was another round.

At this time, the little devil was about to go to the mouth of the eagle.

Lei Ming at the sniper position on the hill saw the special warfare battalion suppressed by firepower and the little devil convoy that had already entered the ambush circle. A death-like smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, Lei Ming had already aimed at the little devil who set up a machine gun and fired from the scope.

Thinking of this, Lei Ming didn't listen to the attack signal, and pulled the trigger in his hand without hesitation.


After the gunshot, the machine gunner on the Devil's truck was headshot to death immediately.





At the same time, the moment the thunder shot, the soldiers of the rest of the sniper team also started to snipe.

At this moment, seven or eight of the little devil's machine gunners died, all of them were headshot to death.

However, the dead machine gunner of the devil was immediately replaced and continued to shoot.

"Bang bang bang!"

Afterwards, under the shooting of Lei Ming and other snipers, these little devil machine gunners who replaced them were headshot to death again.

"Quickly, quickly, speed up and pass!"

At this time, when they saw Hu Jisanlang and Sanye Inuxing Shao Zuo who really had an ambush at the mouth of Yingzui, their complexions immediately turned pale.

After all, combined with the terrain of Yingzuikou, there is an ambush by the Chinese people here, so they may be destroyed here.

At this moment, they had no choice but to retreat, they could only pass through this place quickly, so as to have the hope of surviving and fighting.


The little devil commander on the truck was yelling crazily, and their faces were already filled with fear.

The little devil's driver also understood the urgency of the matter at this time, and immediately stepped on the gas pedal under his feet, and the truck roared and rushed forward.


"Damn it, brothers, grenade, give me a stern hello, little devil!"

When Yang Fei heard the sound of the sniper rifle and the little devil stopped shooting tentatively, he immediately gave the order.

The soldiers on the hill, after hearing the order, immediately took out the black lacquered sweet potato grenade, knocked each other, and threw it towards the mouth of the eagle below.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

This time, the black grenade, like hail, violently fell into the mouth of the eagle below.


At this time, the little devil, who was about to rush out of the mouth of the eagle, saw hope on his face when he saw the road ahead.

However, the scene that happened next completely turned their faces into ashes.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A large number of black grenades were thrown towards them.

Then, amidst the horrified eyes and shocked faces of these little devils, the grenade began to explode violently.




At this moment, the entire mouth of the eagle, as well as the little devil inside, were immediately enveloped by the explosion. Black smoke, flames, various debris, and the little devil's stumps flew in all directions.

One grenade is not very powerful, but a hundred grenades explode at the same time.

"Boom, boom...!"

At this moment, the little devils suffered a heavy loss.

"Ha ha!"

At this time, Lei Ming, who was sniping on the occupied area, immediately smiled when he saw his comrades start to fight back.

"Brothers, kill me!"

Yang Fei, who was on the top of the hill position, roared, picked up the light machine gun, and started shooting at the little devil shrouded in flames below.




At this moment, the soldiers of the special warfare battalion roared one after another, holding light machine guns, and began to shoot at the little devil under the mouth of the eagle.




The little devil who had survived the explosion had not had time to rejoice, but was shot dead on the spot by the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion who were shot again.

"Bagaya Road!"

Suddenly, the angry roar of Major Hu Jisanlang came from the truck in front.


Immediately afterwards, there was the roar of Major Sanye Inuhoshi.

Because they became the leading convoy, they were relatively ahead. Under such circumstances, these two old devils survived.

However, after seeing the situation in front of them, the two major devils immediately became angry, and at the same time, their hearts began to mourn.

It's over, two squadrons of Imperial Warriors, that's it.


Some Major Sanye Inuhoshi, who couldn't accept the status quo, rushed towards the hillside crazily.

He held his command knife aloft.

He is crazy now.

He wants to kill all the hateful Chinese people.

However, Lei Ming on the sniper position was already smiling and pointed his gun at this guy!
(End of this chapter)

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