Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 257 Slaughtering Little Devils

Chapter 257 Slaughtering the Little Devils ([-])
"Kill the chicken!"

At this moment, Major Sanye Inuhoshi charged upwards with a livid face.

At this time, he only had one belief in his heart, that is to kill the Chinese people on the hillside and avenge the dead squadron of imperial warriors.

However, now he has been completely dazzled by hatred.

"Kun Xing, you bastard, come back and work!"

And Shao Zuo Hu Jisaburo, who was behind, saw Sanye Quanxing madly rushing towards the hill, and immediately cursed anxiously.


However, it is a pity that devils must die, and the sniper captain Lei Ming has already fired.


Major Sanye Inuhoshi, who was holding a command knife, was shot through his head by a sniper bullet before he could finish his last sentence.

The red and white brains splashed on one side, and Major Sanye Inuhoshi fell to the other side.

"Dog Star! Bagaya Deer!"

Seeing the death of his companion, Major Hu Jisaburo became even more angry.

Although he was angry, he didn't have the guts, so he could only hide in place, clamoring for the remaining imperial soldiers to attack.

"Da da da!"



Whether it's the bullets of the machine gun or the bullets of the [-] Dagai, they are all cold and ruthless.

A large number of little devils were shot and killed in the mouth of the eagle.

Gunpowder smoke is everywhere, corpses are everywhere, and blood is dazzling.



Gradually, the remaining little devils began to fight back. After all, in this world, there is life, and little devils are no exception.

There are two squadrons with more than 400 little devils, and there are less than 100 people left at this time.

The hundred little devils were basically all wounded, and those who were seriously injured were shooting on the spot.

"Kill the chicken!"

At this moment, Shao Zuo Hu Jisanlang was still clamoring crazily.

At this time, there were more than a dozen intact little devils beside him. Hearing the command of Commander Hu Jisanlang, he immediately started to fight back.


However, the result of the counterattack was cruel. Every little devil who showed his head was killed on the spot.

Moreover, all of them were killed by headshots.




Five minutes later, the soldiers launched a charge. Under the leadership of Yang Fei and under the protection of the thunder sniper team, Yang Fei's more than 5 special forces surrounded the remaining little devils in Yingzuikou.

All the participating little devils looked at the Chinese in front of them with fear on their faces.

They know what's next.

Little devils are also human beings. At this time, they were seriously frightened, and they had already started to pee their pants and tremble all over.


Looking at these little devils coldly, Yang Fei gave the order to kill them without hesitation.


The soldiers who heard the order pulled the trigger in their hands without hesitation.


"Da da……"

The remaining sixty or seventy little devils were directly shot to death on the spot.

"Bagaya Road!"

Suddenly, behind Yang Fei and the others, came the yelling of a little devil officer.

Hearing this, Yang Fei turned around and saw Hu Jisanlang, the devil's Shaozuo captured by the special forces.

"Baga, you Chinese people have a bad conscience and work cowardly."

Hu Jisanlang, who was brought to Yang Fei's side, was still roaring angrily.


Hearing Hu Jisanlang's yelling and cursing, the special forces members immediately raised their guns and pointed the cold muzzle at Hu Jisanlang.


Hearing the scolding, Yang Fei came directly to Hu Jisanlang's side, and raised his hand to give him a few big slaps.


It was very strange that after being slapped twice by Yang Fei, this Hu Jisanlang was slapped without saying a word.

At the same time, Yang Fei and the soldiers could still see fear in his eyes.

At this time, Hu Jisanlang was really scared, especially when he saw a large number of black muzzles pointing at him, he was scared.

He knew the feeling of the bullet hitting his body, so he wanted to live now.

Therefore, he dared not continue to yell and curse, but thought in his heart to see if he had the capital to exchange with the Chinese in front of him, in exchange for his own life.

"Take it away, after all, he is a little devil officer, let the regiment leader deal with it, maybe there are other uses."

Yang Fei thought for a while, and immediately gave the order.

"Da da da da..."

"Clap clap..."

Suddenly, the sound of fierce fighting came from the direction of Lei Zhan's convoy.

"Go, brothers, go support the leader!"

Afterwards, under the leadership of Yang Fei, the soldiers of the special warfare battalion quickly rushed towards the place of firefight.

The one who moved faster than Yang Fei was Lei Ming. Before the battle at Yingzuikou was over, Lei Ming led a sniper team and quickly chased after Lei Zhan's convoy.


When Lei Zhan's convoy entered Yingzuikou, Lei Zhan had already issued an order, and the convoy speeded up and headed to the second position.

This position was randomly selected by Lei Zhan on the map. Lei Zhan didn't want to see casualties among the soldiers.

It wouldn't take long to just stop at the same spot and wipe out the little devils, but in this way, there would definitely be soldiers sacrificed.

In the absence of a bunker, the direct exchange of fire resulted in the death of a large number of personnel on both sides.

Therefore, Lei Zhan chose this temporary position.

However, the sudden acceleration of Lei Zhan's convoy also caused the little devils' convoy to chase even more frantically.

Devil convoy, the first truck.

"Haha, Your Excellency, Major, our imperial fighters are invincible. As long as ours catch up with the work of the Chinese, they will all die."

The devil driver kept slapping Shao Zuomu and Tono's flattery.

"Yoxi, work with the machine gun on!"

Seeing the target getting closer and closer, Mu Xunhuye knocked on the back and immediately gave the order.

Hearing the order, the little devil immediately set up his machine gun and started shooting.

Especially when he saw the Chinese soldiers in his hands, Shao Zuo Mu Xunto became even more happy.

"Da da da da...!"


Being hit so suddenly by the little devil, two soldiers were injured on the spot.

Fortunately, only minor injuries, not fatal.

"Oh shit!"

Seeing that the soldier was injured, the captain of the special warfare battalion immediately cursed, picked up the [-] cover in the hand of the soldier next to him, and aimed at the machine gunner on the front of the little devil's car behind him.


After aiming, the captain immediately pulled the trigger.


The little devil on the front of the devil truck behind was shot dead immediately.


However, there are many substitutes for the kid's machine gunner, and one of them took over while cursing.



The devils had a good plan, but they didn't expect that the special forces members at this time picked up the [-] cover one after another and started to fight back.


"Yo Xi, Your Majesty, the Chinese, you can't do it!"

Seeing that the Chinese man was injured, the ghost driver started flattering again.



However, I didn't expect that the devil driver had just finished speaking, and was hit immediately, lying on the steering wheel with blood all over his face.


Seeing this, Shao Zuo Muxuntono turned pale with fright!
(End of this chapter)

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