Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2505 Li Mobai's Joining

Chapter 2505 Li Mobai's Joining
This old acquaintance, I didn't expect, I didn't expect, this met together, no wonder he has been active around Xida Town, it turns out that he is here for revenge!
Yang Fei didn't even think about it, and immediately became energetic, "Okay, since you Ito Ichiro are here for revenge, I will accompany you to the end!"

On the second day, Leopard came over and asked Yang Fei, "In the current situation, the martial arts competition is going on, is it okay?"

Yang Fei immediately said, "Okay, why not? No matter what, this martial arts competition can make the fighters concentrate. I think that the more it is at this time, the more the fighters must work hard. Only by improving themselves can they be able to compete in the future." Survive the battlefield!"

Leopard nodded, "Okay, I'll convey it now!"

With that said, the leopard left.

Yang Fei has been thinking that the most difficult battle may have passed, and the rest is to survive in such a difficult environment!Unlike the devil's national army, the Eighth Route Army has no money and no resources, and it is up to them to snatch these things back from the devil's hands!

Yang Fei felt that if he kept defending blindly, he would eventually be found by the devil. The best way to let go was to attack!
In any case, attacking the area under Ito's current control is conducive to their long-term encirclement of the base!
He looked at the map and found out a long time ago. Now that the devils are letting go in North China, the focus is on the most important big cities, like some county towns, where there are few poor Japanese soldiers stationed. They are going to liberate these county towns now!

This kind of thinking is exactly the same as what Li Jiguang and the others thought. Sure enough, in a few days, Li Jiguang will call them for a meeting!
Yang Fei and Zhao Gang went to the headquarters!

The main topic of this meeting is these counties. These counties can be used as a good rear. Compared with the countryside, the counties have gates to guard against the devil's attack!
Therefore, this meeting starts now, and it is for Yang Fei, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai to attack the nearby counties!Provide a good environment for base construction!

After Li Jiguang said this, he said, "This time, I will bring you a person. This person is our old acquaintance! You all know each other!" Then, Li Jiguang said, "Head Li, come in Bar!"

Captain Li?
Yang Fei and others don't know who this Captain Li is!

Just like that, when Li Mobai came in, Yang Fei was stunned, "Old Li?"

"Yang Fei, are you safe?" Li Mobai greeted, and Yang Fei stood up, "Oh, why are you free to come to us today, old Li?"

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang stood up with a smile, "Because of team building and management needs, Li Mobai's regiment is now under the direct jurisdiction of our division, so now Li Mobai is my general, and Yang Fei will fight with you in the future." Let's fight against Japan and save the country together!"

"Hahahaha!" Yang Fei was overjoyed, "This relationship is good, I met you Li Mobai today, I, Yang Fei, will definitely treat you and Erliang!"

"Captain Yang, you are injured right now, so why don't you just drink another day?" Li Mobai said.

"Another day?" Yang Fei shook his head, "Another day is not good, where can it be changed?" Yang Fei asked.

"Okay, everyone must know Li Mobai, I won't introduce too much, after today, they are just like you, they are members of our brigade! Welcome everyone!"

After speaking, everyone applauded warmly.

For Li Mobai's joining, it is a major trust in their brigade. Li Mobai has never said anything about fighting, especially as the head of the regiment who has studied, not to mention the future future, but the cooperation with everyone in the future is also very good important!

After many years of cooperative combat, Yang Fei has become familiar with Li Mobai's routines. He fights calmly and bravely. Yang Fei cherishes the opportunity to be with him very much!
Afterwards, Li Jiguang said that Li Mobai's line of defense was in Anhe Town, west of Xida Town. Yang Fei was familiar with Anhe Town, and it was where Heihe was located!
From the map, Yang Fei and Li Mobai will have a greater chance of cooperating in the future!
That's a good sign.

Yang Fei bought a catty of wine and a stack of peanuts from the tavern, and happily found Li Mobai.

After putting down the wine, Yang Fei sat cross-legged on the kang.

"Come on, Lao Li, you are welcome to join our team. In the future, we will definitely cooperate. I, Lao Yang, do not invite people to drink easily. Whenever I invite you to drink, it is because I, Yang Fei, think you are trustworthy!"

After finishing speaking, he poured Li Mobai a glass of wine.

"Old Yang, I also think that you can be a good friend. I have to study when you fight a war. If you buy me a drink today, I will buy you a drink another day!" Li Mobai said.

"Haha, yes, yes, very good! I'll be waiting for you!" Yang Fei smiled and clinked glasses with Li Mobai.

After eating a few peanuts, Yang Fei felt that the most beautiful thing was like this.

Not long after, the door opened, and Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai also came in.

They had some things in their hands, and when they came over, they said with a playful smile, "Hey, have you already drunk it?"

He wasn't too polite, just sat down and poured himself a glass of wine!

Yang Fei frowned, "Shen Gouzi, I invite Li Mobai today, it's none of your business! If you want to drink, invite him yourself!"

Shen Wanxi didn't take it seriously, "Old Yang, you bastard just doesn't listen to what you say. Why, it's a great thing that Lao Li has come to our brigade. I've also cooperated with Lao Li. What's the matter? Drive me away, Lao Li Do you agree?"

"Okay, let's sit down together and have a drink!" Li Mobai said, and then asked them to sit down.

Hu Dahai took out some fried beans and put them on the table, "It's better to get along with Lao Li in the future, come on, Lao Li, let's have a drink together!"

With that said, Hu Dahai poured himself wine, and then clinked glasses with Li Mobai!
Shen Wanxi also took out a few pancakes from a piece of kraft paper, "This sesame pancake was made by an old gentleman in our resident. It has been passed down in his family for hundreds of years. I heard that he used to be the imperial cook for the emperor. Hehe, today you are lucky. Come, have a taste!"

Yang Fei has never seen such a shameless person, he has no choice but to drink with them!
This bottle of wine will run out soon, Yang Fei smiled, "Hahaha, you two bastards, you will die as soon as you hear about drinking, look, the wine is gone, and you don't dare to drink more, I Let's go now, you two stay as long as you like!" After speaking, Yang Fei got up and left.

"Let's go, I'm just in time, go get another catty of wine!" Shen Wanxi said looking at Yang Fei's back.

Yang Fei turned around and looked at him. "shameless!"

After Yang Fei's regiment went through that severe trauma, the soldiers recovered their morale very quickly, thanks to Zhao Gang, the political commissar. After talking about the martial arts competition, everyone became excited at once. No matter what, for their battalion and for the face of their brigade, they have to train harder!

So, soon, the whole regiment was carrying out various trainings!
In fact, the competition this time is very simple, that is, draw lots, whoever draws the offense is the attacker, and whoever draws the defense is the defender.

This time, although the bullets are empty bullets, everyone has lime on their weapons, as long as you don't "kill" them!Then congratulations, you are a victim.

According to the order of the lottery, they compete in pairs. In order to be fair and just, Yang Fei also specially called out the trainers of the whole group as referees. The referees must also be fair and just!
In the end, whoever can become the ultimate victor is the final king!That means, Yang Fei's canned beef can be given to them!

Ji Taichang happily came over to find Yang Fei, "Leader, we are sure to win this competition!" Ji Taichang said.

"Is it guaranteed? Coach Ji, why are you so confident?" Yang Fei asked.

"You don't know, this time our guard company, plus ten special forces, our individual combat quality has improved a lot!" Ji Taichang said, "Also, this time, we, as the attacker, are attacking Liu Zhang I know their fifth company, most of them are recruits, how do they fight us?"

Yang Fei frowned, "No, it's not fair!"

"Leader, this rule is set by you. We can't change the rules like this after we have won the victory!" Ji Taichang said.

"This is obviously inappropriate!" After speaking, Yang Fei said, "Coach Ji, get the deputy head of the Leopard, and I want to discuss something with him!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

After speaking, Ji Taichang left.

When the leopard came, he asked, "Commander, what's the matter?"

Ji Taichang was also watching, and Yang Fei looked at Ji Taichang and said, "Coach Ji, I'll talk to the deputy team leader for a while, you go back first!"

Ji Taichang looked helpless, if he had known this, he would not have told Yang Fei.

Leopard looked at Yang Fei, "Is there something wrong with Coach Ji?"

Yang Fei nodded, "Yes!" Yang Fei said, "At the beginning, we wanted to form this guard company, but we selected the strongest ones from the whole regiment. Now, this kind of competition may be a little bit for other companies. It's not fair, Leopard, what do you think, what should we do about this?"

"Captain, I think this matter will be entangled in the future. Think about it, their guard company has not been established for a long time, and this is the scariest thing!" Leopard said.

"However, the current opponent of the guard company is Liu Zhang's fifth company. This fifth company is a newly formed recruit company. This is unfair to the recruit company!" Yang Fei said.

"Then... Captain, do you mean to weaken the guard company?" Leopard asked.

"Weakness? Impossible, I just want to see the strongest strength of this guard company, this is impossible!" Yang Fei said.

"If we don't weaken them, we won't be able to strengthen Liu Zhang's Fifth Company. What should we do?" Leopard also asked.

Yang Fei thought for a while, "Leopard, what do you think, how about we ask the guards to restrain them?"

"Restrain? How to restrain?" Leopard looked at Yang Fei, thinking about what Yang Fei meant.

"Look, their guard company is so strong, we can ask them to limit the number of casualties to ten when attacking the fifth company. If their casualties exceed ten, then I'm sorry!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Yes, in this case, the strength of the guard company can be seen even more!" Leopard nodded in agreement.

"Since you agree, what do you think is the appropriate number of casualties for the guard company?" Yang Fei asked.Leopard said without thinking, "Ten, no more!"

Yang Fei also nodded, "I also think it is ten people. They are not only a guard company, but also special forces, so ten is the limit!"

"Okay, I'll go and talk to the guard about this!" Leopard said.

"Well, let's talk about it, this matter must be settled early, so that other companies can also prepare!" Yang Fei said.

As soon as Leopard left, Zhao Gang came.

He sat down directly, "Old Yang, I have something to discuss with you!"

"Oh? Political commissar, tell me!" Yang Fei said.

"That's right, I suggest! Let's divide the final winners into No.1, No.2 and No.3, and finally, a special No.1!" Zhao Gang said.

"Oh? Political commissar, why?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's like this. I visited the company of How Group in the past few days and found a problem. Everyone is very excited about this competition, but they are still worried. When they meet the guard company, the guard company is the last There is no need to compare the strong combat company, it is them!" Zhao Gang said, "So I suggest. We must give other companies in other rankings, so that it seems fair!"

"Haha! Political commissar, you don't have to think about it. I have already figured out a way to let Leopard do it. I discussed it with him. The combat effectiveness of the guard company should be the strongest in the whole regiment. This time, we I also want to see how strong they are the strongest! Therefore, we decided that the number of casualties in this martial arts competition of their guard company should not exceed ten people, and if there are more than ten people, they will be regarded as failures!" Yang Fei said.

"Haha, it's good, it's good!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Gang still said, "Head, then... once the guard company is No. 1?"

"Isn't that normal?" Yang Fei said.

"After all, the guard company is different from other companies. Commander, I still think it is necessary to set up a No. 1 and a special No. 1, that is, two No. 1s!" said Zhao Gang.

"Old Zhao, I think you want me to bring out some more canned beef?" Yang Fei smiled.

"Actually, I came here this time to tell you, this time, let's not let the guard company get involved at the very beginning. The ones they eliminate may be very capable. I think, let other companies compete first, and finally , Let the guard company compete with No.1 again, the final competition is not counted as a result, but give them a ranking, what do you think?" Zhao Gang's proposal may be better!

Who would have thought that Zhao Gang could come up with this, and Yang Fei thought about it too, let the guards even eliminate others, and they would have nothing to play with. Isn't this battle just to fight to the last person?
Yang Fei nodded, and then said, "Yes, yes, yes, you are right, then the guards will not be connected. Finally, let's let him compete with No.1. If he wins No.1, then the guards will not be connected. No.1!" Yang Fei thought it was right!

"Then hurry up and get the deputy head and don't let him go!" Yang Fei said.


The final decision made the whole group very excited. After all, they don't want to face the devil players as soon as they play!

Since the guard company is not involved in this for the time being, Yang Fei will order them to patrol!
This is not a good thing, but for Ji Taichang, it is a good thing!

Two days before the martial arts competition, Ji Taichang brought his company of guards to a high ground!

Ji Taichang has his own reasons for coming here!
"Da Li!" Ji Taichang called out.

"Company commander!" Mrs. Li ran over!

"Li Da, didn't your platoon go to investigate? How many devils are there in the county in front?" Ji Taichang asked.

"Company commander, I can assure you that there are only seven devils, and the security is very lax!" Li Da said.

"Okay, since that's the case, we're going to take down Fenghe County even today!" Ji Taichang said.

"Company commander, are we in the same company?" Li Da asked.

"Of course not!" Ji Taichang said.

"Is that a battalion?" Li Da asked again.

"No, we are special forces!" Ji Taichang said.

Hearing this, Li Da was shocked.


At a loss for words, Li Da didn't know what to say.

"Go, let me find the special forces!" Ji Taichang said.

"Do you really want to fight?" Li Da confirmed again.

"Can I still lie to you?" Ji Taichang said.

When ten people came over, Ji Taichang said, "You three platoon leaders are also members of the special forces. Today, I tell you that there are only seven devils in Fenghe County. One soldier, one soldier. Last time, as you all know, when the devil’s special forces came, it was time for us to attack, but the head of the regiment refused to let us go, just to let us recharge our batteries. For this reason, the head of the regiment was also injured , Today, we put on the combat uniforms of special forces on our bodies, and we have to show the majesty of our Chinese special forces. The devils and special forces can lose, but we can't afford to lose!"

"Company commander, I got it!" Li Er also said.

"Okay, this time, I won't say anything. Now, listen to my password, and now quickly go to the outside of Fenghe County, and prepare to board the city! The remaining guard companies are here to meet us. Once we have three hours If Nei Mie comes out, you should go back and tell the head!" Ji Taichang said.

The rest of the guard company swallowed. To be honest, even if another company was sent to attack Fenghe County, they might not be able to defeat them. Ten of them plus Ji Taichang would be able to defeat them?
It's not that they doubt the strength of the special forces, but they are a little worried!

Pack your things, and the special forces will set off!
These days of training, coupled with some suggestions from Zhao Gang, their ability to comprehend is also very good. When they arrived at the bottom of the city tower, Ji Taichang made a gesture, Li Da agreed, then nodded, and put a hook towards the city wall Throw it up!
He tugged hard, and then gave an "ok" gesture.

Then, several language team members climbed up along the rope.

After a while, all ten of them went up.

Ji Taichang looked around, "It seems that the Japanese's defense is nothing more than this, and it is exactly the same, we must take it down as soon as possible!" After speaking, Ji Taichang asked again, "Da Li, you have been here, the Japanese are now What direction?"

"Company commander, it's in the front, in a compound in front!" Li Da said.

"Well, good! Everyone, follow up, let's go now!" After Ji Taichang finished speaking, he led people down the city wall, and there was no one on the road in the middle of the night.

Under Li Da's leadership, Ji Taichang and others arrived in an alley.

"Start here, the two of you will stay here, and if the situation changes, tell me right away!" After Ji Taichang finished speaking, the two of them stood at the entrance of the alley, and the others walked into the depths of the alley!
Arriving at the gate of a compound, "This is it, company commander, look!"

Ji Taichang looked at it, and then said, "No matter what, hurry over the wall and go in! Then open the door!"

After finishing speaking, Li San threw the hook in, kicked a few times on the wall, and flipped in!
This guy is amazing!

While admiring, Li San has already opened the door, "Go in!"

Seven or eight people rushed in directly, "Look from room to room!"

At this moment, Ji Taichang heard a woman shouting, "Help, don't! Help!"

Upon hearing this, Ji Taichang hurriedly said, "Someone is calling for help, a few people hurry over! The rest, follow me to other places!"

After finishing speaking, Li Da ran over with a few people!

Ji Taichang kicked the door open with someone. Two Japanese were sitting and talking at the table, but the door was kicked open.

"Baga! Road!" the Japanese just said!
Ji Taichang started to fight with a submachine gun.

In an instant, the two Japanese fell down.

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside, Ji Taichang was holding a gun, and the Japanese just showed his head when he was shot to the ground by Ji Taichang's gun.

At this time, Li Da on the other side saw two Japanese men attacking a Chinese girl, and there was no breakup. In the past, he beat a Japanese man to the ground with a gun butt, and then took out his pistol. "Boom!" Another Japanese devil also fell!
The girl quickly got up and curled up to one side, Li Da threw the clothes over to her, "Don't worry, get dressed quickly, let's go!"

With that said, they went out the door.

When they met in the courtyard, they found that they had only killed six Japanese. "Didn't you say that there were seven Japanese in the general attack?"

"Yes, company commander, there are seven, no more and no less!" Li Da said with certainty.

"It doesn't matter, what kind of waves can the remaining one make!" Ji Taichang finished speaking, and then said, "Let's go, let's retreat quickly!"

With that said, they were about to run.

At this time, the girl from just now ran out, "The rest of the Japanese is in the Happy Garden!"

Ji Taichang frowned, "Xi Le Yuan? What is that place?"

(End of this chapter)

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