Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2506 Conquering Fenghe County

Chapter 2506 Conquering Fenghe County
Xi Le Yuan is a casino in Fenghe County, but the name does not match the casino. People who don’t know it may think that Xi Le Yuan is a brothel.

Following the girl's guidance, Ji Taichang led the special forces to the gate of Xileyuan quietly. Originally, they could not kill the last Japanese and let Yang Fei order them to come over, but Ji Taichang thought , since the county is to be seized, it must be seized, not a single Japanese can be left behind.

When I arrived at the door, I saw a few people standing at the door. They seemed to be thugs from Xi Le Yuan, which was normal. In such a place, if there were not many thugs, then something was wrong.

Ji Taichang immediately said to Li Da, "I went over and dealt with the thugs at the door first, and you rushed in immediately with someone!"

"Company commander, don't worry!" Li Da said.

Ji Taichang's skill is undeniable. When he just passed by, the two or three thugs at the door saw him and immediately shouted, "No, why are there soldiers!"

Even if you've never eaten pork, you've seen pigs run away, and one person turned around and shouted into it, "Be careful..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Ji Taichang rushed over in two steps in three steps, and broke his neck with lightning speed!
The remaining two people immediately took out daggers from their bodies and stabbed Ji Taichang.

"This is too childish!" Ji Taichang sneered, turned around and held the stabbed dagger, squeezed it hard, and turned his other hand into a fist, hitting the thug directly in the face.

Seeing this, the other person rushed over directly.

How could Ji Taichang dare to give him this chance, he just jumped up and kicked him, but that guy flew tens of meters away.

Seeing that everyone was settled, Li Da rushed over with the people, "Company commander!"

"Li Da, you take people to the back door, Li Er, take people upstairs to check, and the rest follow me to the basement! When you see the Japanese, shoot me immediately! Don't tolerate it!" Ji Taichang shouted.

"Come on!" After finishing speaking, Li Da rushed in with two people!
All of a sudden, the people in the casino ran away one after another as if they were fried!

Seeing this, Ji Taichang yelled immediately, "Don't move, I will shoot if you move again!"

After shouting, he said directly, "Squat down for me!"

All the people on the first floor squatted down.

Li Er led people up to the second floor, and also made all the people who were gambling squat down!
After searching for a long time, I couldn't find this Japanese!
Li San hurried down, "Company commander, I can't find this Japanese!"

"Can't find it? Impossible! If the news is correct, it should be here!" After speaking, Ji Taichang shouted, "Where is the boss, come out!"

With a loud shout, a man got up tremblingly from the ground, and then bent over to Ji Taichang, "Master Jun, I am the shopkeeper of this Happy Garden, and my name is Zhang Rong!"

"Boss Zhang, tell me, this Japanese should be with you, where is he now?" Ji Taichang's cold tone made Zhang Rong tremble.

He turned his head for a glance, shook his head, "Not here!"

"Not here? That's upstairs?" Ji Taichang asked again.

"Maybe!" Zhang Rong said.

"Come on, follow me upstairs, if you don't find this Japanese, believe it or not, I will kill you?" Ji Taichang shouted.

"Okay! Let's go up!" After speaking, Zhang Rong took them upstairs!
Upstairs, Zhang Rong carefully identified, "Strange, when I came up just now, the Japanese was there, why is it gone now?"

Just after saying this, Li Er ran out, "Company Commander, I was in this room inside and found this!" After speaking, Li Er held a set of Japanese military uniforms in front of Yang Fei's eyes.

"Hehe, this guy must have changed into ordinary people's clothes, so cunning!" Ji Taichang said.

"Company commander, what should we do?" Li Er asked.

"Are you sure no one ran out?" Ji Taichang asked.

"No, I'm sure I didn't run out!" Li Er said quickly.

"That's easy!" Saying that, Ji Taichang walked around the crowd with a submachine gun in his hand.

Then he stood in front of them again. In Tianjin for so long, Ji Taichang's skills are not only good at martial arts, but also fluent in Japanese!

"We found out that there are spies from the Eighth Route Army here. You better be honest, otherwise, I will kill them one by one!" After speaking, Ji Taichang asked Li Er to arrest two people!

"Shut him up in the room, I'm still willing to kill people!" Li Er said, and brought the two of them into the room!
Only the sound of "da da da" can be heard!

The people outside broke out in a cold sweat.
"Perhaps you still don't know that we, as the special forces of the Japanese Empire, are here in Fenghe County just to attack Xida Town tomorrow. Haha, of course, we will deal with the Eighth Route Army spies in Fenghe County by the way!"

Ji Taichang's Japanese pronunciation is a standard Kanto accent, and his words immediately made a Japanese present stand up, "Your Excellency, are you really Japanese?"

"Of course!" After saying this, the man slowly walked over, "Hello, Your Excellency, I am Kosaka Sanno, the team leader stationed in Fenghe County!"

"It really is you!" Ji Taichang smiled, his smile was extremely sinister.

Li Er stepped forward without hesitation and grabbed him.

"Your Excellency, what's wrong with you? We are all Japanese!" Kosaka Sanno said.

"Sorry, you are Japanese, but I am not!" Ji Taichang sneered, "Come on, shoot!"

"Wait, wait!" Misaka Kosaka shouted, "Don't kill me, I have never killed a Chinese!"

"If you haven't killed it now, it doesn't mean you won't kill it in the future! Do the Japanese have any good things?" Ji Taichang said directly, "Kill!"

At this moment, Li Er shot at Kosaka Sanno without hesitation!

The sound of "da da da" hit Kosaka Sanye, with countless bullet holes, and died on the spot!
All the people present were too scared to look up.

This is the rule, when you see a murderer, look up, that's death!

Ji Taichang saw their appearance, and then said, "I won't kill you, but you should think about it for yourself. This Japanese committed heinous crimes on Chinese soil. If you kill this Japanese today, maybe whoever will be a traitor tomorrow, I will Still kill someone!" After speaking, Ji Taichang led them away.

Li Da came over from the back door, "Company commander!"

"Let's go, get out quickly!" After saying that, they quickly reached the gate of the city, opened the gate, and ten of them left.

Fenghe County was defeated so easily. No one thought that the Eighth Route Army could be so unscrupulous!

Laoye Mountain.

This mountain here connects the garrisons of the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese.The place here has long been occupied by a group of bandits.

The bandit leader's nickname is Sanfanhu, and his original name was Li Zhongxiao.

In Laoye Mountain, relying on the superior terrain, the Japanese don’t care, and the common people dare not go there, for fear of being caught. Hearing the name of the three-turning tiger, it wants to eat people, and it must be eaten within ten days. human flesh.

But at this time, Li Zhongxiao was also in trouble.

Not to mention other things, although the Japanese did not beat him on the surface, but Laoyeshan, which was beaten by the puppet army no less than ten times, was not beaten down, but this made Li Zhongxiao grudge. Li Zhongxiao is different this time, "Japanese things are better, and I am more happy to steal them. Why not steal them?"

So, later, Li Zhongxiao robbed the Japanese transport team when he saw it, and robbed it every time he saw it, which made the Japanese very annoying!

However, such things continued until the Eighth Route Army opened up a base area south of Laoye Mountain, and the Japanese stopped embarrassing Laoye Mountain.He even sent people to Laoye Mountain to negotiate with him several times!It is said that if he can join the Japanese camp, he will be named Li Zhongxiao General of Southern Hebei, with a monthly salary of [-] oceans, and provide weapons and ammunition!
Li Zhongxiao thought about it carefully, and did not dare to agree easily, but last night when he heard gunshots, Li Zhongxiao hurriedly sent someone to investigate, "What happened?"

As a result, the spy came back and said directly, "Brother, last night, it seems that the Eighth Route Army has occupied Fenghe County!"

This sentence made Li Zhongxiao embarrassed. A few days ago, the Japanese defeated the Eighth Route Army, and the Eighth Route Army almost returned to their mother's womb to start a new life. However, today the Eighth Route Army defeated Fenghe County again.Are the Japanese devils more powerful, or the Eighth Route Army more powerful?

"Brother, we can't hesitate about this matter. Since the Japanese have given us such generous things, we can just follow the Japanese!" The second leader who spoke was Li Xuewen.

Li Xuewensheng's five big and three rough, in fact, do not match the name at all, Li Zhongxiao waved his hand, "Second brother, don't worry about this matter, you have to know that the Laoye Mountain where we are located is Japanese in the north and Japanese in the south. The Eighth Route Army, which side is more powerful, it’s hard to say!"

Li Xuewen shook his head and said, "Brother, what are you thinking about? Look at the equipment of the Japanese, and then look at the equipment of the Eighth Route Army. Didn't the Eighth Route Army never stay in the south before, or was driven away by the Japanese? Today the Eighth Route Army With a comeback, how it ends, I think it should be the same as before!"

Hearing what Li Xuewen said, Li Zhongxiao also felt a little troubled, "There are hundreds of us brothers, and we have been on this mountain for more than [-] years. In the past few years, we have not seen any ups and downs! Hehe, the Japanese gave us high-ranking officials and generous salaries. I know what he's thinking, isn't it just to let us take up weapons and aim at the Eighth Route Army!"

"What's the matter? As long as there is food to eat, we can fill our stomachs, that's enough!" Li Xuewen said.

"Second brother, do you know why we went up the mountain?" Li Zhongxiao asked.

"At the beginning, the landlord Laocai cheated our family's land, which left us with no land to grow. Later, a flood happened, which made us unable to eat, so we killed the landlord Laocai's family! Counting the two For more than ten years, we have lived longer than that landlord Lao Cai!" Li Xuewen said.

"However, whether you are full or not is not about the stuttering rewards from others, but whether you have it in your hand!" Li Zhongxiao thought clearly.

"Brother, let's disagree with the Japanese. If the Japanese come again, we will at most defend one more time. What I am worried about is that the Eighth Route Army will also attack our Laoyeshan! At that time, we may not be able to defend it if we are attacked from both sides! "Li Xuewen said.

"No, no, no, there is absolutely no such possibility!" Li Zhongxiao said confidently, "Look, the Japanese in the north are flattering me now, they just want me to deal with the Eighth Route Army, which means that the Japanese have no time to come here to fight now. The Eighth Route Army wants to use our hands to deal with the Eighth Route Army! As for the Eighth Route Army, which was defeated by the Japanese last time, it is estimated that they are recuperating now, so it will not be difficult for us!"

"Brother, you've already said that, if we join Japan, doesn't that mean our territory will be big?" Li Xuewen said.

"No, we have to think about this matter!" Li Zhongxiao shook his head, "Second brother, think about it, we also have enmity with the Japanese, and the third child died at the hands of the Japanese? Is there not enough to rob the Japanese? If they bite us back, it will be hard to say!"

"Brother, if you are afraid of wolves before and tigers later, it will be difficult for us brothers in the future!" Li Xuewen said.

"No, this matter has to be considered!" Li Zhongxiao said.

Recalling back then, Li Zhongxiao took people up Laoye Mountain, with only a few earthen guns in his hands, which were made by fighting with those around him. His own things were more comfortable to use, and he accepted Japanese things for no reason. Willing, but not practical to use.

Three Flip Tigers, this is the nickname given to him by others. Even if Lao Hu falls to the ground, he will stand up again and fight with them. Don't be afraid to die.
After so many years, the number of their Laoye Mountain has reached a hundred and ten people. Anyone who comes to Laoye Mountain's bandit den, which is known as 300 people, has to take a detour.

At this time, a spy came to report, "Brother, the Japanese from Yamashita are visiting!"

"The Japanese? What are they doing here?" Li Zhongxiao questioned, "Go, call them up, I want to see what the Japanese are doing!"

After speaking, one; I ran out, and then came in with three Japanese.

A chunky Japanese came in and said, "Long time no see, Master!"

"Hehe, it's you?" That's right, this chunky Japanese has been here three times, and his name is Hanabu Saburo.

This Huabu Saburo was originally a businessman, but he came here several times just to lobby them.

"My master, I don't know what you think about it? The conditions proposed by us Japanese are already very generous!" Hanabu Saburo said.

"The conditions are good, but..." Li Zhongxiao looked at Huabu Saburo, "It will take time to think about it!"

"Haha, don't think about it anymore. Our Ito Dazuo promises you that we will add another hundred oceans to your previous salary, how about it?"

Just listening to the hundred oceans, Li Xuewen felt that it would be impossible to refuse such a favorable condition.

He looked at Li Zhongxiao, "Brother, what do you think?"

The more this happened, the more Li Zhongxiao felt that it was necessary to negotiate. The Japanese were not human beings. It was clear that they had encountered more difficulties than them. Why didn't the Japanese come to lobby before?Now that the Eighth Route Army is here, they come over again and again, which is enough to show that Japan has no spare time now!Since there is no way to spare, the Eighth Route Army can attack them. Even though Huabu Saburo is a businessman, the shrewd Li Zhongxiao is not stupid, and he will never waver.

Despite Li Zhongxiao's embarrassment, Huabu Saburo said again, "Hehehe, master, you don't have to be burdened. The things we Japanese provide you are definitely the most generous. When we came, our Ito Dazuo had already told me Now, if you feel that you are not satisfied with the conditions we put forward, you are completely free to propose new conditions!"

As he said that, Huabu Saburo snapped his fingers, and one or two Japanese came in carrying a box, opened the box, and it was full of gold and silver.

Li Xuewen's eyes widened, "This..." He ran over, saw the soft gold and silver inside, took it out casually, looked at it in front of his eyes, bit it with his teeth, looked up at Li Zhongxiao and said, "Brother, it is true!"

Even so, Li Zhongxiao remained indifferent, "Hua Bu Saburo, take the things back, and I will give you an answer tomorrow, how about it?"

Huabu Saburo smiled, "The master, our Ito Dazuo is willing to settle the feud with our cottage, and our grievances in the past are over. This is a great thing. There are many brothers on the mountain, and it is time to give them a good home!"

"Haha, I understand this!" Li Zhongxiao said, "Then you take the things and please bring them back. If I agree tomorrow, it won't be too late for you to bring them back!"

"I won't take the things anymore. I think you are the wisest person in charge, and you will definitely agree to our request in the end. Therefore, this thing is for you. I will come back tomorrow!" Huabu Saburo turned around after saying that. I said goodbye and left.

Li Xuewen came over as soon as the Japanese left, "Brother, why? This box of gold and silver is so soft, we can't get it back for a lifetime!"

"Second brother, is it important to live, or the gold and silver?" Li Zhongxiao's words made Li Xuewen swallow a mouthful of saliva, isn't it, the Japanese's motive is obvious, and this is also the biggest bribe.

However, this made it clear that Li Xuewen also wanted the gold and silver.

"Brother..." Li Xuewen said, "How can we accept this gold and silver, let's make a decision in the end?"

Li Zhongxiao looked at him, "My second brother, I suggest, don't move, just put it there!"

"We should also consider the brothers, the final destination!" Li Xuewen also felt that Huabu Saburo was right, "Brother, how many years can this battle last? Sooner or later this battle will be over, and we brothers will not be able to be I have been a bandit for a lifetime, and being a bandit is a last resort, if I can give my brothers a good home, if I can get my brothers some money to go home, it will be enough for a lifetime, and that will be enough!"

"Bastard!" Li Zhongxiao stood up angrily, "Second brother, we should consider this matter, but we can't take this thing, if you want to take it, you can join the Japanese!" Li Zhongxiao turned around and left.

Li Xuewen looked at his elder brother Li Zhongxiao in surprise!

Who can understand many things?Nobody understands!
Ji Taichang took over a county town with just ten people, and Yang Fei was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, "Leopard, have you seen it? Ji Taichang really gave me a good sign. I think our special forces can come out of the mountain." !"

Leopard also said with a smile, "Commander, you are right. According to the request of the headquarters, we have launched a beautiful counterattack. Fenghe County has been taken down, and we can just garrison there!"

"You're right! Fenghe County I've had my eye on it for a long time, but Ji Taichang took people to fight the county. I don't know anything about it, and the sky is turned upside down!" Yang Fei put his hands behind his back, and then laughed again. Said, "However, this is the same as me, I also like to kill first and then play!"

"Captain, since Fenghe County has been defeated, we must first let Zhao Qifa's troops garrison it, and then change the defense line!" Leopard said.

"That's right, that's right, that's it!" As he said, Yang Fei took the map, "Fenghe County was taken down, let Zhao Qifa's troops station there, and then let Liu Ji's troops move north to Heihe Village , Shouhou people, I think they will be stationed at Laoye Mountain, and let Liu Zhang's troops be in Wangtai Village to the west!"

Yang Fei is right, such a defense is perfect for Fenghe County!
However, Leopard said, "Leader, I'm a little afraid that there will be difficulties!"

Yang Fei looked up at the leopard, "Oh? Difficult?"

"The Laoye Mountain that Liu Ji is going to, I'm afraid it won't work!" Leopard said.

"Laoyeshan is not working? Why?" Yang Fei asked.

"As far as I know, there is a group of bandits in Laoye Mountain. They have been in Laoye Mountain for more than [-] years, and they are deeply rooted. There is no possibility of us getting involved!" Leopard said.

"Oh?" Yang Fei looked at him strangely. "Can't beat it?"

"Captain, I think Zhao'an and the others are the best way to deal with this group of bandits!" Leopard said.

"Zhao'an?" Yang Fei looked at Leopard, "You're right, but since these bandits have been in Laoyeshan for more than [-] years, and have been hovering around the devils and us and the army for so long, they still have some strength. I'm afraid they will agree!"

"Leader, let me try it!" Leopard said.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you!" Yang Fei said, "When you go, there is always a meeting gift, deputy head, what do you think this meeting gift is?"

"Regimental Commander, our Eighth Route Army is poor and useless. I want to open their eyes. I think, let's prepare some Japanese sabers for them!" Leopard said.

"Yes, just give the Japanese sabers and let them know that we are fighting devils! This must be made clear to them!" Yang Fei said, "Also, don't you have some canned beef? Take some with you!"

In fact, Yang Fei was also a little distressed. He didn't know what this bandit was, but Leopard was born as a bandit. Thinking about it, it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with them!
He looked up at the leopards, "Be careful with everything, if it doesn't work, let's bypass them!"

Leopard smiled, "Good!"

(End of this chapter)

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