Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2507 Li Jiguang visits

Chapter 2507 Li Jiguang visits
Zhao Qifa's troops were soon stationed in Fenghe County. Sure enough, stationing in Fenghe County is different from other villages. The county is big, so he can score several parts. People have to be stationed on the east, west, north, south, and north walls. Not only that , A part of the people is also used for security purposes!

The other troops also arrived at the predetermined positions according to Yang Fei's instructions.

Li Jiguang said happily, "Just after the meeting, Yang Fei fought a beautiful battle for me first! This battle really made me look good! In front of the superiors, I feel proud!"

Wang Wei said with a smile, "Brigade Commander, I heard that it was Yang Fei's special forces that took down the devil's county this time!"

"Well, I heard that! This kid has a few brushes. I think highly of him, so he must get me something good!" Li Jiguang said.

"The brigade commander, this time, there is another important thing. The place where Shen Wanxi and the others are stationed in the south is said to be the county where they want to attack the devils. Hu Dahai is also making plans!"

"They do what they do, no matter what, I don't know what's going on, I have great expectations for Yang Fei, and this kid finds me a lot of things, but looking at him is pleasing to the eye, there is no way! "Li Jiguang smiled.

"Brigade Commander!" Wang Wei came over with a map, "Looking at this map, Fenghe County is a sharp knife, piercing the devil's heart directly to the north! I think Yang Fei will have some Big move!"

"No!" Li Jiguang said, "It's been so many years, I still know how this kid fights wars, look, Heihe Village, he will definitely guard this place, but Yang Fei will never even take a look at the village in the north As a village on the plain, Yang Fei has suffered from this. Therefore, the villages that are safe to defend are his main means of choice. The villages in the north will not be there if they want to come to the Japanese. As for those places, Yang Fei would rather keep As a strategic buffer zone, they will not occupy it!" Li Jiguang still knows Yang Fei.

"Haha, you still understand!" Wang Wei said, "I think, should we go to Yang Fei's place someday?"

"That's right, we should go there for a while!" Li Jiguang said, "Why don't we choose another day than hit the sun, let's go today!"

"Haha, it's just what I want!" After saying that, they got up and went to Yang Fei's residence.

Tomorrow is the day of the martial arts competition. As special forces, Yang Fei's most valued unit, they gave Yang Fei and others a surprise first. In the next competition, they will try their best.

The whole regiment is in the most intense training stage, and Liu Ji Baozi and others even explained in their battalion, "This time, if you don't take the first place, you will also get the second place. As a veteran first battalion and second battalion, they are the most established. For a long time, the battalion with the strongest combat effectiveness, if it can’t get good results this time, how can it be in the whole regiment?” On the contrary, Liu Zhang is very optimistic, “This time, as long as it is in the top five, it will be fine. In the future martial arts competitions, go for No.1!"

Zhao Qifa personally guided the company, using tactics or various skills, and shared his past experience with the company commanders.

But Daguang is miserable, there is no more company, Yang Fei promised to give him at least two companies, but there is no movement yet, lying on the hospital bed, Daguang called the two platoon leaders over, "you two I listened well, although we fell down this time, you are all Guan Rong's. When the two companies are full, you will be the company commanders of the first company and the second company. It is an honor to survive, but you are given I am ashamed, how can I lose my morale! In the next martial arts competition, how can the Fifth Battalion show their energy!"

The two platoon leaders promised with tears in their eyes, "I know the battalion commander, you should rest well! Only when you are fully recovered will our fifth battalion shine!"

In the final preparatory stage, Zhao Gang was too busy, Yang Fei wanted to participate, but Zhao Gang said, I can do these things, you should cultivate your arm well, and it will be completely healed in the end, but you will be busy !

Yang Fei had no choice but to delegate power.

Li Jiguang's arrival surprised Yang Fei, "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, why do you come here when you are free?"

But political commissar Wang Wei was also surprised, "Yang Fei, tell me, how did you manage to get all the soldiers in the battalion to train?"

Yang Fei smiled, "Hey, political commissar, you don't know, our regiment is going to hold a martial arts competition tomorrow, so all the comrades in the regiment are training intensely, and when tomorrow is the time for their decisive battle, if the two of you If you are free, we can take a look together tomorrow!"

Li Jiguang smiled, "Damn it, I still know you well, you kid must want to use your newly formed guard company to go in for a comparison, don't you?"

Indeed, Yang Fei did not deny it, "That's right, this guard company is the best fighter I selected from the whole regiment, and their combat effectiveness is the highest in our entire regiment! However, their main duty is to be in charge The regiment headquarters are safe!"

"Hey hey, you really understand it!" Li Jiguang said, "You, Yang Fei, are the only ones who dare to mobilize the power of the whole regiment! The last battle suffered heavy losses, and you still dare to be so arrogant, aren't you afraid that the devils will come again?"

"Haha, Brigadier Commander, if the devils want to come, I welcome them at any time. Our regiment is not afraid of the devils, but we are afraid that the devils will not come. The weapons and ammunition are all stretched out now. By the way, when will you get the ammunition you promised us last time?"

"When did I promise you?" Li Jiguang frowned and asked.

"Haha, the brigade commander also refused to admit it. At that time, he gave our battalion a resounding title of "Tiger Battalion", saying that it was to keep our elixirs. In the end, we didn't see a single bullet. All the bullets were from the Japanese we robbed. Yes!" Yang Fei said.

"Haha, haha!" Li Jiguang smiled, "No, no, you are already a group now, so you must look down on these ammunition, so forget it, forget it!" Li Jiguang walked straight away after finishing speaking Come in to Yang Fei's command post.

Yang Fei hurried in, "Guard, come pour tea!"

"Yang Fei, Yang Fei, I see that the map here is more detailed than mine, this map, please give it to me!" Li Jiguang went over and put the map away, and then rolled it together.

Yang Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Brigade Commander, you are so nice to be a Brigadier Commander. Now that you're here with us, you...are you not a bandit?"

"Fuck you, the things from my place are better than yours! I'll take this stuff, if you don't accept it, go and sue me!" Li Jiguang rolled up and smiled happily!

The leopard led the man up the mountain.

At the gate of the cottage, a little bandit stopped them, "What are you doing? Get out of here!"

"Young master, we have something to disturb your boss!" Leopard said.

"who are you?"

"I'm the deputy head of the Eighth Route Army of our master!" Leopard said.

"Okay, you wait!" After saying that, the little bandit went to spread the word.

In fact, Leopard didn't know what would happen when he came here, but he knew that the bandits wouldn't detain them, right?

After a while, the little bandits came out, "Come in!" After saying that, they asked people to search their bodies, unloaded their guns, and led them inside.

This cottage is not small, and the bandits around are staring at Leopard and the others.

The leopard walked in with its head held high.

After walking for ten minutes, I saw a person standing on a platform.

The little bandit went over, "Brother, someone brought it!"

Li Zhongxiao turned around and swept the leopard up and down.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, but not long after, Li Zhongxiao's eyebrows widened.

Although he didn't speak, the leopard raised his fists over his left shoulder, and then enjoyed a stretch.

Li Zhongxiao said, "It must be someone of the same kind, I wonder if they will bump into each other?"

Leopard smiled, and naturally knew that the bandits for more than 20 years were not for nothing.

"Where did you guys come from?" Li Zhongxiao looked at the leopard and asked.

"The head of the family, I can't be called a man, I got the post of deputy commander in the Eighth Route Army, and I made a living!" Leopard said, of course, it was also a bandit's word.

"Then make a report and let miscellaneous people know each other!" Li Zhongxiao stood on the stage.

Although it was a feeling of superiority, seeing that the leopard was like-minded, he couldn't help becoming kinder.

"I'm the pointed vine!" Leopard said with his head bowed.

"Stop gossiping, come in and have a seat!" Li Zhongxiao got off the stage and walked straight into their gathering hall.

As soon as he sat down, Li Zhongxiao stared at him, "Tell me, deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army, what do you mean by coming here?"

"Master, we have nothing else to do, but we are new to Guidi and want to make friends with you!" Leopard said.

"Friends? Hehe, are you friends with me? You are not the same as us, this official gangster is different." However, after he finished saying this, he was stunned. Just now, this person obviously made a set of bandits. Did he Not a bandit?
"To be honest, I also had my own stockade in Taihang Mountains years ago, and raised a banner to fight against the devils, but in the end, I still couldn't defeat these devils. When we were desperate, the Eighth Route Army took me and a group of brothers in. So, now I am The Eighth Route Army is now in charge, and now the national crisis is at the forefront, but any Chinese with a conscience will fight against Japan together!" Leopard also knew that when he came up, he would say something righteous and awe-inspiring, which would make others uncomfortable, and then he said, "It's expensive at first. Hey, I heard that there is also a master in Laoyeshan, so I came here with some small gifts!"

After finishing speaking, Leopard asked for some Japanese sabers to be brought over.

Flickering in front of Li Zhongxiao's eyes, Li Zhongxiao immediately frowned, and muttered in his heart, "This guy is trying to drag him into the water! Otherwise, why would he bring the Japanese saber?"

Thinking of this, Li Zhongxiao was already very dissatisfied in his heart. If the Japanese knew about it, wouldn't this be their enemy?In today's world, it is better to remain neutral!
"No need!" Li Zhongxiao said.

Leopard was taken aback, looked at Li Zhongxiao and said, "The boss, this is..."

"Go back and tell your bosses that I know about your kindness, but I can't afford your gift!" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, his face turned green!
Since he is a fellow, it is not good for him to be in any danger, "Go, go!"

After speaking, several bandits ran over.

Zhao Qifa knew that this must have irritated them, there must be something wrong with the gift, so he hurriedly said. "The head of the family, our team leader said, and some food has been delivered!"

As he said that, he had someone take it out again, a total of two hundred boxes of canned beef.

Li Zhongxiao looked at it and said, "I can accept this thing as a friend, but you take this saber back!" After speaking, the bandits came and came out with the leopards.

Leopard shook his head when he came out of the cottage, "It seems that the people in this cottage are watching! The Japanese are definitely coming, and the things they produce are definitely much better than theirs!"

When he went back, he told Yang Fei about the cottage.

Yang Fei didn't take it seriously, "It's okay, deputy head, it's really hard work for you!"

"Head, tell me, what is going on with this bandit? I think the Japanese are always going back to the cottage, and Sanfanhu will definitely reconsider the strength of both of us. If they join the Japanese side, I think... we are doomed! They will definitely start from the cottage and attack us directly!" Leopard said.

"Don't worry, deputy head. According to Li Zhongxiao's opinion, at most they are still waiting to see whether they will join us or join them in Japan, or they may remain neutral. They have been bandits for more than 20 years, not for nothing!" Yang Yang Fei said, "Go and rest first!"

"Then... that's fine! Captain, I think we must implement it as soon as possible on Sanfanhu's side! Otherwise, someone is sleeping soundly next to the pillow, but I can't stand it!" Leopard left after finishing speaking.

Yang Fei smiled, "This guy seems really difficult to deal with. Since he is difficult to deal with, let him go first, and the Eighth Route Army will not beg others!"

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei came in one after another, "I saw the leopard just now, but the leopard didn't seem to see us, Yang Fei, what's the matter, what happened?"

"It's true that something happened, but it's not a big deal. I can handle it well!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, you know how to be brave! Tell me, can we help you?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Help, I definitely can't help, but if you want to help me, then give me guns and ammunition, everything else is easy to talk about!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Damn it, I'm asking you for nothing! If I have it, I'll give it to you, mainly because I don't have one either!" Li Jiguang smiled.

"Okay, it's nothing to you, if you like it, you can live here, if you don't like it, you can leave!" Yang Fei said and was about to go out.

"This dog, this face is definitely a dog's face, let me go, I won't go, let's see your martial arts competition tomorrow, what the hell is it! If it's good, you can spread it in other regiments, if it's not good, hehe, then Forget it!" Li Jiguang said.

In the western part of Henan, bandits are rampant, and there are bandits on almost every hill.

However, in many cases, they are not called bandits, but swordsmen, and heroes of the forest.

Some of them are good bandits who rob the rich and help the poor, and some are villains who specialize in harming the common people. Recently, Hu Dahai seems to have encountered such a nail.

By the way, there is a swordsman in western Henan, nicknamed "Hua Monk". At first glance, he sounds like Lu Zhishen from the Water Margin, but behind the scenes, he is indeed a heinous master who colludes with the government, commits misdeeds, rapes, burns, kills, and robs people's wealth. scoundrel.

In this way, Hu Dahai's construction base entered other people's hills silently, but he was shot.

When Hu Dahai heard this, isn't this the opposite?So they mobilized two companies and planned to attack Monk Na Hua.

However, the two mobilized battalions went up to the cottage, but they all ran away, and they ran away long ago!

Reluctantly turning back, this group of bandits attacked a village at night, robbing food and some guns.

Furious, Hu Dahai spun around in circles, and he swore secretly, "If I don't kill this bandit, I swear I won't be a human being!"

Even so, in the western Henan area, bandits are more difficult to deal with than officials. They even fight in the same way as the Eighth Route Army, that is, guerrilla warfare. They will not fight you head-on, but they will annoy you if they harass you bother.

Several meetings were held, and the regiment kept talking about how to suppress the bandits!However, despite the thorough planning, there is still nothing to do after the person passes by!
They even sacrificed a company commander and two platoon leaders in the subsequent suppression of bandits!

Hu Dahai felt distressed and had a headache, so he decided to temporarily abandon the suppression of bandits, rebuild a revolutionary base area, and draw a clear line with bandits.

And this bandit also seemed to know that the Eighth Route Army could not deal with them now, and gradually began to camp again in the cottage, bullying the common people became commonplace.

Hu Dahai and Li Jiguang reported the situation of the bandits in western Henan several times, but Li Jiguang said, "The matter of the bandits needs to be resolved by you yourself. If there is a good solution, I can give it to you!"

Is this a perfunctory sentence?No!Hu Dahai has a regiment, why can't they beat the bandits, this is a problem with the method!There is a county on the edge of Hu Dahai's line of defense. This county is called Minghe County. Li Jiguang has long wanted Hu Dahai to take down Minghe County, and then using Minghe County as a point can completely pose a threat to this bandit. However, Hu Dahai I still like to do construction in the countryside.

It's not that Hu Dahai didn't want to, it's just that the officials in the county and the bandits outside had been working together for a long time, and any movement of them could not escape the eyes of the bandits.

This kind of trouble can only be digested slowly by Hu Dahai.

Speaking of which, Yang Fei is here.

The next day, it was the martial arts competition.

There are currently twenty companies in the whole regiment, and the offensive and defensive performances will be performed according to the order of the lottery.

In the morning, ten companies were engaged, and the remaining company was on guard against devils and bandits.

Li Jiguang couldn't help but want to go to command the martial arts competition all morning.

There is no doubt that Yang Fei's martial arts competition this time is really impressive. The commander of a company is also quite capable, especially Liu Ji's battalion and company. Various channels, and finally easily defeated Liu Zhang's Sanlian.

"Yang Fei is so lucky to have such a good company commander. How can this dog own all the good things?" Li Jiguang sighed.

"Hey hey!" Yang Fei smirked alone.

"Brigade Commander, if you want to be optimistic, I guess you have to wait until night!" Yang Fei said.

"Why?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Need to say? My guard company finally had a decisive battle with No.1, and we also stipulated that as a guard company, the number of casualties should not exceed ten people. If there are more than ten people, even if they lose, my guard company commander Ji Taichang, It's the one who defeated Gui Zifeng and the county seat, a legendary existence, brigade commander, I want to see it, I will accompany you at night!" Yang Fei said.

"Since you say that, I'm very interested!" Li Jiguang said. "In my opinion, you have a battalion and a company, and your combat effectiveness is already very high!" Li Jiguang said.

"They? Hehe, no, the powerful companies haven't come out yet. The first company of the second battalion and the first company of the third battalion are all the most powerful companies in our regiment. The main reason is that I have a good vision, Lao Yang, and there are a few good ones. Battalion commander, Liu Ji and Shouhou don't talk about it, Zhao Qifa is my new battalion commander, his level of management of the company is undeniable! There is also Liu Zhang, although it is said that he was transferred later, but this person is calm and good at fighting Generally, they will look for the smallest loss. The fifth battalion that rescued Daguang last time, before seeing the cavalry company of the devils, they had already sounded the charge horn, making the devils frightened and retreated. Brigadier, the best is yet to come. What!" Yang Fei said proudly.

"You Yang Fei, I can trust you, but this bragging is not what you do! Then I'll wait for the next company battle, I want to see how the remaining companies of yours are fighting!" Li Jiguang said happily , and then went to another place with Wang Wei.

At this time, it was the first company of the second battalion and the second company of the third battalion who were anxiously fighting!
As Yang Fei's proud soldiers of the two battalion commanders, Yang Fei naturally didn't want to see them. How good they are depends on their final results.

On the simulated sand table, Li Jiguang said, "Look at the political commissar, the Second Battalion and the First Company, as the attacking party, have already occupied the commanding heights. Win!"

Wang Wei nodded, "Yes, I think so too. There is no doubt that the second battalion and the first battalion won consecutively. The third battalion and the second battalion don't have a single point to break through!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, you have heard the phrase "survival in a desperate situation, right? I can guarantee that the second battalion will win the first battle in a row. I believe it, but it will never be so easy!"

"Hehe, Yang Fei, are you so sure?" Li Jiguang asked.

"The third battalion and the second company are the sharp knife company when I attacked the devil's salt lake. One company's brave charge occupied several high grounds of the devil in a row, and created a very favorable environment for the final attack on the devil's base camp. Even if the thin monkey came , and won't say that they will win very easily!" Yang Fei said, "If you don't believe me, let's watch?"

"Yang Fei, you know your group so well, what else can I say! The result is already obvious!" Li Jiguang said.

At this time, the guard ran in, "Commander, unexpected accident!"

(End of this chapter)

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