Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2508 The decisive battle of two people

Chapter 2508 A decisive battle between two people
Upon hearing the surprise, everyone looked at the guard.

"Say, what's the matter!" Li Jiguang asked quickly.

"Brigade Commander, I originally thought that the third battalion and the second company would not be able to defend, but unexpectedly, the third battalion and the second company broke through the western defense line of the second battalion and the first company!" said the guard.

Hearing this, Li Jiguang clapped his hands in surprise, "I see, you go first!" After speaking, Li Jiguang went to the sand table again, "Western defense line..." He muttered to himself.Not long after, he said again, "Yang Fei, there is an opening in the west defense line, and the third battalion and the second company may not be able to get out!"

"Hey, brigade commander, I just said that it's not that easy to fail. Among all the scheduled victories, there will definitely be waves. The third battalion and the second company have already done it, and it's already very powerful!" Yang Fei was very proud.

"Yeah, everything seems to be due, but it's all hard work. The three battalions and the second company are doing well!" Li Jiguang said excitedly.

In fact, this is just a drill, but Li Jiguang's attitude is very correct, and he looks at this battle with a warlike attitude.

The final result, of course, was the victory of the second battalion and the first company, but there is no doubt that this was the result of a very exciting exercise. Although the second battalion and the first company won, more than half of them suffered casualties.

From the battle in the morning to the exercise in the afternoon, Li Jiguang never missed a match. His heart was always fluctuating. As the battle intensified, it became more exciting!
The final decisive battle was fought by the [-]st Battalion and [-]st Company and the [-]nd Battalion and [-]st Company. The place they chose was Laoya Mountain.

Laoya Mountain was a high ground battle. As the attacker, the Second Battalion and First Company had made sufficient preparations, but the same First Battalion and First Company had also made fortifications on the high ground.

In this battle, Li Jiguang arrived at Laoya Mountain in person, and Liu Ji, the commander of the first battalion, and Shouhou, the commander of the second battalion, accompanied Li Jiguang in person.

Yang Fei, Leopard and Zhao Gang were watching.

Although there was no real gunfire, it was enough to touch the hearts of all of them.

Li Jiguang said, "As the attacker, why did you choose to be in Laoya Mountain?"

Shouhou, the battalion commander of the Second Battalion, went over, "Brigade Commander, our Second Battalion was trained by Captain Li Mobai and Li. As the earliest company, we are also the company that the system has learned from Captain Li Mobai. If it is in the village or on the plains, if it is in the village or on the plain, we will not be able to do something that shows the difficulty of this battle and the invincibility of victory!" The thin monkey said bluntly!
Liu Ji smiled, "Hey, brigade commander, we, as the defensive side, have already made deployments on the mountain. I believe that my first company commander, Qin Hai, has made foolproof preparations!"

"Brigade Commander, let's see how Han Feng, the commander of our second battalion and first company, attacks the high ground!" Shouhou also said.

Yang Fei smiled, "You two guys must be holding a breath in your heart. Who can battalion, what does it mean? It means that the brigade commander will personally present you with the flag of the sharp knife company. This is an honor! Who is the last Whoever is the winner is worthy of the final glory."

Li Jiguang nodded, "If you really encounter such a battle, I'd like to see how you two company commanders should command!"

"Then...Brigade Commander, the battle is about to start?" Yang Fei asked.

"Okay, let's start!" Li Jiguang said.

Yang Fei said something to the guard, and the guard went over and waved the flag towards the mountain.

The battle has officially begun.


Han Feng's headquarters at the foot of the mountain looked at the mountain calmly. The choice of this place was decided by Shouhou himself.
The battle started, and Han Feng went out of the command post, "Notify, send a small group of troops, and slowly climb up from the foothills on the east side. Their command post is on the top of the mountain. Fuck, if there is a mortar, I will definitely put it on the ground." Command is bombed!"

"Company commander, let's start from here and go up. One platoon may not be enough!"

"Instructor, I know, but I also have to test their staffing situation." Qin Feng said.

"The key to this victory is whether they can take over their command post. Company Commander, let me personally lead people to set off from the back mountain, and then go online!" said the instructor Li Bin.

"I think so too, you take a platoon and go up quietly from the back mountain, as for me, I will bring people up from the front!" Qin Feng said.

"Okay, I understand!" After Li Bin finished speaking, he led the people past quietly.

"Everyone, listen to my orders! Let's attack from the front! Go!" Han Feng shouted.

All the soldiers rushed to the top of the mountain.

The reason why he didn't wait for Li Bin was that Han Feng decided that this would confuse them. Besides, they charged like this so that Qin Hai on the top of the mountain would have an illusion.

As long as he charges a few more times, Qin Hai will definitely press the heavy troops to the front. In this way, the people led by Li Bin can buy time and then attack their command post.

Sure enough, when Han Feng charged three times, Qin Hai's troops were naturally transferred.

On the top of the mountain, in the command post, Qin Hai asked strangely, "This Han Feng has been attacking from the front, does it mean that they guessed the weakness of our troops?" Qin Hai rubbed his chin.

Instructor Qi Jun said, "Company commander, there should be fraud here!

"Oh? Instructor, tell me, why do you say that?" Qin Hai asked.

"Hehe, company commander, think about it, we've been fighting each other for so long, according to Qin Hai's usual style of fighting, we're going to fight everywhere, nothing else, just take the time when he first came to Hebei last time, didn't he just quietly take The man went around behind the devil? So, this time, Qin Hai's trick is not enough!" Qi Jun sneered, "In my opinion, according to his Han Feng's fighting style, the more obvious it is , the less obvious it is, so the back mountain is the most important thing.”

"That makes sense, but since he, Qin Hai, wants to attack the front, we've done enough for this scene, so let's go ahead and tell the comrades to let the soldiers give them their work and rest, and then pretend to support them! Isn't Han Feng willing? Acting? Well, I will cooperate with him!" Qin Hai said.

"Haha, okay, I'll go right away!" After saying that, Qi Jun went.

When Qi Jun came back, he said, "Company Commander, let me take people to the back mountain to guard. It is really possible that their people will come over this back mountain!"

"Well, good!" Qin Hai said, "Then I will be in charge of the frontal battlefield and the battle in the back mountain, and I will teach you!"

"I will definitely not disappoint your trust. I will not be polite to those who see them!"

Yes, this is a war, but it is a matter of life and death, how can you be polite.

Han Feng led people to charge down the mountain several times, and then he saw people on the top of the mountain jumping into the trenches continuously, and he began to mutter in his heart, "It seems that Qin Hai has been tricked!"

Thinking of this, Han Feng said, "Since your people are here, I will really attack, and I want to see if yours is true or not!" After finishing speaking, he ordered, "Come here, listen to me!" Order, this time, let's go up, really go up, if you see someone, call me!"

What does Han Feng say? To be honest, you can't figure out what he is thinking. It stands to reason that after seeing too many people, you should not go up, and then think of other ways. But, this Han The wind is like this, no matter what, let's go up and fight!
"Bustleman, blow the charge horn for me! Soldiers, prepare the lime bags in your hands, fasten the spears for me, and let's charge!" This Han Feng still did what he said.

The trumpeter blew the charge horn with a "beep beep beep", and the soldiers rushed up with long guns tied with lime bags!

And Han Feng took the lead, "Kill, kill me!"


Qin Hai was stunned, "What on earth is this bastard going to do? Could it be that our plan failed?" He personally went to the frontal battlefield, and immediately ordered, "When the meeting comes up, throw a grenade at me and hit one of them. Just smash one, check all the lime bags on the spear, we are the defenders, are we still afraid of them?"


Qin Hai rushed forward when he saw Han Feng taking the lead, he smiled, "Did you see Qin Hai? Please prepare the grenade for me, and throw it at Han Feng!"

This is a great opportunity!

When the distance was more than ten meters away, Qin Hai ordered, "Grenade!"

All of a sudden, the grenade thrown from the trench hit the attacker's body.

It must be a fake, so it is normal to have water. Some soldiers were smashed and refused to fall to the ground. They pretended to fall to the ground after receiving many lime bags.

"Like ready!" Qin Hai roared.

Looking again, I found that Han Feng was killed in battle!

This made him so happy!

"Hehehe, Han Feng is dead!" Qin Hai stood up happily, and then rushed down with the soldiers holding the spear!
"Damn it, accumulate some morals, a great company commander treats our soldiers so hard!" Han Feng shouted loudly.

"The dog is falling, you are dead, so don't talk!" After finishing speaking, Qin Hai became more and more courageous!
When he was struggling to kill, he didn't know what happened, someone smashed his head and touched it with his hand, "Damn it, who doesn't have eyes, smashed a lime bag for me?"

"Come here, come here, you are all killed, come here, boy!"

Qin Hai and Han Feng were sitting under a tree, "Old Han, tell me, you charge for no reason, you must have other ways, right?"

"Hey, what can I do! It seems that my company will fall to you!" Han Feng said with a smile and then sighed.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't think I don't know, you still have a surprise soldier in the back mountain, right?" Qin Hai looked at him and wanted to say something,

"Oh, it's so powerful, it's already seen through my thoughts, it's so powerful!" Han Feng cupped his hands and said.

"The dog is falling, there is no right word!"

They teased each other for a while, and found that the soldiers were all killed on the hillside. At this time, Han Feng saw a soldier from Qin Hai jumping happily, as if he was the winner. Died in battle, after fighting for so long?"

Looking at the back, sure enough, the limestone mark is so big, it means he was killed in battle long ago!

Qin Hai waved his hands, "Alright, sit down, it's okay!"

Qin Hai looked proud!
"You kid came to me in the ecstasy formation, didn't you always play support for me? Why didn't you play anymore?" Han Feng sneered.

"Oh? You know I'm acting?" Qin Hai asked curiously.

"Hehe, do you think I don't know? Seeing that you have more and more support on the mountain, according to my calculations, the number of people you support is almost half a company. According to the level of trenches on your mountain, it has already exceeded The total number of people in your company, you kid pretend to me! Pretend to me!" Han Feng smiled.

Qin Hai was stunned for a moment, then laughed. "You think I don't know you? A few pretentious attacks, and then retreat, isn't it just to attract my attention? Then send someone to attack from the back mountain, isn't it?"

"All right, all right, since we've seen the conspiracy, let's see the final outcome!"


It took less than half an hour from the sound of the charge horn to the end of the frontal battlefield.

The Qi army led people to ambush in the back mountain and stopped not far from the command post.

At this time, he saw a sheep herder driving the sheep with a shovel.

Seeing this, Qi Jun immediately said, "Go, ask that old master, did you see anyone coming up! If there is someone, we should ambush. If there is no one, it seems that Han Feng has other plans!"

A soldier ran out and came to the sheep-herding master. The master then pointed to the west, and the soldier ran over.

"Instructor, the old sheep herder said that he saw a group of soldiers on the west side of the mountain. Maybe they came from there!"

"Really?" Qi Jun looked at the master who was herding sheep, he was still driving the few sheep.

"Listen to my order, now let's defend to the west!" After Qi Jun finished speaking, they led the people away.

This is good news. Knowing Han Feng's deployment from the side, isn't it more clear about the battle situation?

Watch people go.

The old sheep herding master waved the shovel in the air a few times...


Li Jiguang, who was watching the battle, couldn't sit still.

"What's the situation, the two company commanders were killed?"

"Yes, they were all killed!" Leopard said.

"Then... this battle? Isn't it over yet?" Li Jiguang asked again.

"No, there are still troops that haven't been completely disbanded, so the battle is still going on!" Yang Fei said.

"Damn it, the commanders and fighters are all killed. This is a deadly battle!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, the good show is yet to come. According to my understanding of them, Qin Hai and Han Feng have been commanders and fighters for many years. They are very shrewd, and there will be absolutely no problems. This The final victory is now [-]-[-]!" Yang Fei said.

"Without commanders, I'm afraid this battle will be difficult!" Li Jiguang said, then sat down, looked at Yang Fei and asked, "Where are the rest?"

"Brigade Commander, the rest of the people are all in the back mountain. The back mountain is the key now. Whoever can take the initiative will win this victory!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, I want to see how they win!" Li Jiguang finished.

The guard came over, "Brigade Commander, now there is a sheep herder in the back mountain!"

"The sheep herder? This is the place for the exercise. How could there be a sheep herder?" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, he seemed to think of something, and then smiled, "The sheep herder seems to be the key!"

Indeed, the shepherd, who appeared for no reason, must have been played by one of them.As for which company it is, it's hard to say.

Yang Fei smiled, "Win, win!"

"Win?" Li Jiguang asked, "Who won?"

"Second camp!"

"Second battalion?" Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei in surprise.

at this time.The guards came over, "The first battalion is now free to move to the west of the mountaintop headquarters!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Brigade Commander, there is no suspense. This sheep herder belongs to the Second Battalion!"

When the thin monkey heard this, he laughed happily, "I've accepted it, I've accepted it!"

"It's not the end, why?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, they are just waiting for this opportunity. If they seize this opportunity, they will definitely win!" Yang Fei said, "The second battalion performed very well this time. Although the first battalion worked hard, the balance of victory has shifted." !"

Not long after Yang Fei finished speaking, flags were waving on the top of the mountain. Li Jiguang held a telescope and saw the flags of the second battalion and the first company.

"Sure enough, the second battalion and the first battalion won!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, let's listen to their tactics later!"

Liu Ji's face was very unhappy. As an ace company, it was a shame to lose in the martial arts competition!This is absolutely unbearable!
At this time, the guard came over and said, "Brigade Commander, No. 3 has been decided. It is the third battalion and the first company, No. 4 is the third battalion and the second company, No. 5 is the fourth battalion and the first company, No. 5..."

"Okay, don't listen so much, call me the two killed company commanders in a while!" Li Jiguang said.


"Brigade Commander, it's getting late now, it seems that there are better things to see at night!" Yang Fei said.

"You mean your guard company?" Li Jiguang asked.

"That's right, as I said before, if the guards have more than ten casualties, they will lose. This is not a joke. Brigadier, in a moment, I will treat you to tea!" After speaking, Yang Fei left.


After finding Ji Taichang, Yang Fei said, "Coach Ji, how is your guard company doing now? Can you win the game with less than ten casualties according to my request?"

Ji Taichang smiled, "Of course! Captain, don't worry, we are surrounded by the regiment headquarters, and anyone can see our abilities. Tonight, I will definitely give you a good grade!"

"Okay, very good!" Yang Fei said.

"Tonight, you will compete with the second battalion and the first battalion, and they are the winners!" Yang Fei said.

"Oh, I know, it's Han Feng's company. I have dealt with him before. This man has his own way of fighting, but don't worry, leader, whoever is in front of our guard company can only be a foil!" Ji Taichang said.

"It's good to be ambitious, go prepare. Today, the battlefield for you is in Sanxi Village! You are the attacker!" Yang Fei said.

"Understood!" Ji Taichang said.

When Yang Fei went back, Li Jiguang happily chatted with the two company commanders, and when he saw Yang Fei coming, Li Jiguang said, "Old Yang, I didn't expect that this Han Feng...yes, it's him, what a little boy!" Zhuge, this person has to be cultivated well, with courage and strategy, he will succeed in the end!"

"Brigade Commander, don't say that. If we can win, we have to thank our instructor, Comrade Li Bin. Without his sheep-herder, we really can't win this game!"

"No matter who it is, winning is winning!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei, "Where's the flag? I want to personally award the flag to the Second Battalion and First Company, and the Sharp Knife Company will give it to you!"

Han Feng became happy, "Thank you brigade commander!
"You deserve it!" After speaking, Yang Fei gave the flag to Li Jiguang.

Li Jiguang unfolded the flag and gave it to Han Feng.

Holding the flag, Han Feng even shed tears, "Brigade Commander, our company guarantees that in the future battles, we will go forward bravely and carry forward the excellent revolutionary tradition of our Eighth Route Army! Contribute to the victory of New China!"

"Okay!" Li Jiguang was overjoyed.

At this time, Han Feng turned his head to look at Yang Fei, "Head, where is our canned beef?"

"Ah?" Yang Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "This... Is it over for you?"

"Captain, we are going to compete with the guard company tonight. Today, I want the soldiers to eat this canned beef to boost their morale!" Han Feng said.

"You boy, would I be reluctant to part with canned beef?" Yang Fei frowned.

Zhao Gang said with a smile, "All right, all right, I'm in charge of this matter. After a while, you all come together, and I'll distribute the cans to you!"

Yang Fei said, "Political commissar, you can't spoil these boys!"

"Head, this is what it should be!" Zhao Gang also said.

"Okay, you all go to prepare, have a meal, and then go to your Sanxi Village to defend!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" After Han Feng finished speaking, he happily followed Zhao Gang away.

Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei, "You don't have to be tight-lipped, kid? You have to be bold when you should be bold. How much canned beef do you have?" Li Jiguang asked.

"It's not much, there are only one hundred and two boxes left!" Yang Fei felt cheated as soon as he finished speaking.

"Haha!" Li Jiguang stretched out a hand, "The head of the headquarters is coming the day after tomorrow, you boy, don't be reluctant to part with your canned beef, give me fifty boxes, and another day, I'll give you two boxes of bullets!"

"Brigade Commander, you can't trick me, I'm your proud commander!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't be stingy, boy, I won't cheat you. The head of the headquarters is here. I can't let people eat corn buns and improve the food. You should also do something!" Li Jiguang stood up with a smirk, and said , "Go, eat with me!"

Yang Fei was a little unhappy in his heart, it was obvious that he was cheating him, but there was no way, if he had known earlier, he would have said that there was no such canned beef!
The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and I called a guard over, "Go, pack fifty boxes of canned food, and bring them here!"

The guard left, Yang Fei quickly caught up with Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, wait for me!"

The night fell quickly. The entire North China Plain seemed to be calm, but it was always turbulent. No one knew how to live until tomorrow, but today's night is really beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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