Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2509 I think he will win

Chapter 2509 I think he will win
Sanxi Village.

The reason why Yang Fei chose this village was also to really consider the strength of the guard company.The terrain here is excellent. Sanxi Village has three sides of highlands, only one side can be used for normal traffic, and the three sides are highlands rather than three sides of cliffs.

This kind of place is really easy to defend but difficult to attack.As long as one normally defends a normal area, it stands to reason that it is impossible to capture the village!

The second battalion and the first company heard that the defense line was in Sanxi Village, and they were immediately happy. Doesn't this mean that the regiment leader wants them to win?
Guard company?Doomed to lose!

Han Feng wandered around Sanxi Village with a smile, and then said to Li Bin, "Instructor, today we were right in the guard company, but the head of the regiment chose this position here! Tell me, is this just to let us win? ?”

Li Bin is very calm, "Commander, we must not underestimate the guard company. Although the guard company has not been established for a long time, all kinds of talents are in the guard company. They even have a special force. What is this special force? I'm going to say more, we've all seen it before, since they can take down Fenghe County at once, a small Sanxi Village shouldn't be a problem, I still think we should be cautious!"

"Hmm! What you said seems to make sense! However, this Sanxi Village has three cliffs. Even if they have wings, I don't think they can come up from there!" Han Feng smiled.

"That's right, I went to see that cliff, it's about 20 meters long, it's so steep, it's impossible to go up!" Li Bin also said.

"So, let's put our troops directly on the only mouth, and I'm not worried that our command post will be taken away!" Han Feng was a little headstrong at this time.He thought that unless the guard company had a plane, otherwise, it would be impossible to come up from below!
"Okay, then I will personally supervise the battle! Company commander, I'm leaving!" Li Bin left after speaking.

The weather seems to favor the second battalion and the first company, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and it is going to rain!
The wind began to blow.

According to the regulations of this exercise, the time is five hours. Within five hours, if the guards can't attack, hehe, then their defense has won.Both Li Bin and Han Feng understood, "This is the key to physiology!"

In addition, Han Feng said, "I don't mind killing one more guard company. Don't they lose with ten casualties? Let's not be polite! Winning is king!"

The entire second battalion and first company were all immersed in the mentality of winning. At the entrance of the village, naturally the entire company was there.

Outside of their command, all the soldiers of a squad are on duty, and all the troops are at the entrance of the village, "waiting for rabbits".

After the strong wind passed, there were raindrops as big as beans. Han Feng stood at the door, "Hehe, God also helped me, it's really a face!" He said, he went to the command post and sat down, and got a cup of tea, "In this case, they must If you lose, it’s really like calling the team leader and rescheduling a new time to fight again!”


Li Jiguang looked at the heavy rain, and said to Yang Fei, "Old Yang, what's the situation with you? It's raining so hard, why don't you just close the team and find a time tomorrow for the final drill?"

"No! Brigadier, it's raining and not raining in this battle. If the guards can't even overcome this difficulty, what use do I want them to be?" Yang Fei said, "The more difficult the conditions, the more difficult the conditions, whoever wins will win the battle." The real winner in the end!"

What Yang Fei said made sense, but Li Jiguang had no choice but to wear a straw hat, and the raindrops soaked into his hair along the straw hat.

In a temporary tent, Li Jiguang shook his head, "This Sanxi Village is a natural and good place, easy to defend and difficult to attack, so you believe in the guard company?"

"Brigade Commander, ten people can take down Fenghe County, but I don't believe they can't take down a small mountain village! This mountain village is nothing special, if you ask me, one hour is enough!" Yang Fei laughed.

"Okay, let me see if it's okay for an hour?" Li Jiguang sat down, and Wang Wei said, "Brigade Commander, I am very optimistic about the guard company. After all, the guard company is different from other companies. They have super high quality!"

"Okay!" Li Jiguang nodded, "Political Commissar, if you say the same, let's make a guarantee. If you win, I'll buy you a drink!"

"Brigade Commander, what about me?" Yang Fei immediately asked when he heard that he was drinking.

"Why are you everywhere? This is between me and the political commissar!" Li Jiguang glanced at him.

"Hey hey!" Yang Fei smiled, "Don't think I don't know, the political commissar never drinks, maybe if you buy this wine, you drink it alone?"

"You can see that I'm thinking about this, so can I let him live?" Li Jiguang looked at the political commissar and smiled.


The heavy rain has no intention of stopping.

Drenched in the rain, Ji Taichang said, "This time, we want to win beautifully, Li Da, look at this cliff, can you climb it?"

Li Da looked up, the rain wet his face instantly, he wiped his face, "Company commander, let me try!"

"It's 20 meters, are you sure?" Ji Taichang asked.

"Okay, I will do it!" Li Da said.

"Actually, as long as one person goes up, it's easy to talk about. Li Da, I'll leave it to you. I must go up this cliff! I have to bring other people to the entrance of the village. Otherwise, Han Feng will become suspicious. I will think of our tactics, in fact, I am also worried that they will send people on the other side of the cliff!" Ji Taichang said.

"Company commander, let me go up and have a look first! I promise, I will complete the task!" Li Da said.

"Okay, ten of you, give me sex right here, and then I'll leave!" After speaking, Ji Taichang braved the rain and took the others away.

Seeing a few trees, Ji Taichang said, "Go, cut off some branches!"

In fact, they didn't know what to do with the branches, so they could only look at the branches.

Ji Taichang immediately said, "Now, let me come out in a row, take the branches, and move forward slowly, now, while there is no lightning, move forward for me, and when you reach the range where you can shoot, hit me with a lime bag , remember, hit me!"


They crawled in a row, took the branches as cover and then slowly crawled forward. They tried to walk on the side of the road, and then moved quietly. The night was dark and windy, and there was no light. Just by feeling, the first row was already in place. .

I saw that they took out the lime bag and threw it forward!
The Second Battalion and the First Company ambushed at the entrance of the village were still talking and laughing waiting for Ji Taichang's attack. Facing the sudden lime bag, they were at a loss as they were hit on the face by the bag one after another!

They were stunned, where did these things come from?

No one knew that when the lime bag hit him, he suddenly became a mess.


"Who the hell littered?"

"A company of guards?"

However, they looked at the road ahead, but nothing happened!
However, lime bags were still thrown over one after another.

Seeing that the first row is almost done, Ji Taichang ordered the second row, "Second row, listen to me, you are all my precious lumps, I don't want you to die in battle, listen up, now you have reached the position in the first row, and continue to give the order." I throw bags of lime!"


Li Bin was surprised, "Everyone be careful, the guard company should be here! You all hide!"

But after waiting for a while, he found that he didn't throw any more lime bags, so he hurriedly said, "Everyone, be careful, we procrastinate for five hours. As long as we hold on for five hours, hehe, then we will win!"

The soldiers also hid quickly, tied lime bags to their spears, and waited for Ji Taichang's attack.

"Damn it!"

Li Bin cursed helplessly, that's right, how could he see the guard company now, but he didn't see a single figure.

"First row, go ahead and check the situation!" As he said, the first row stood up and rushed out, but when they just got up, so many lime bags were thrown at them, and immediately, they were killed one after another up.

Very helpless, Li Bin actually saw where the guards were connected, so he didn't dare to act rashly anymore.


Ji Taichang saw that the other party didn't move. Thinking about it, they didn't know where they were. Since they were hiding, then we'll give them a unique one!
After finishing speaking, Ji Taichang said, "Where's the trumpeter? Play the trumpet for me. This time, we must make them panic!"


As he said that, the trumpeter quietly stepped back a few steps, and then began to blow "beep beep beep".

This blowing was fatal, Li Bin heard the sound of the trumpet, but no one came!

"These guys must be ambushing us outside, everyone listen to my orders, don't move around at will!" Li Bin was still on the defensive!
It seems that the outside is the site of the guard company.

Seeing that they were indifferent, after 5 minutes, Ji Taichang continued to let the trumpeter blow the horn!
Li Bin made people get ready, but there was still no movement!
Another 10 minutes passed, and Ji Taechang yelled, "Blow!"

The trumpeter blew the horn "beep beep beep beep", which was so clearly heard on a rainy night.

Li Bin was tired, and the soldiers were also a little tired from the horn, "This..."

At this time, Li Bin should be able to guess that this should be Ji Taichang's conspiracy, which has been making everyone tired and concentrated, and there must be a surprise in the end!
However, with so many guns aimed at the entrance of the village, how could they fail?

Ji Taichang smiled, "Keep blowing, 5 minutes each, blowing the charge once!"

The trumpeter got the order and immediately began to blow the trumpet! "

At this stall, Ji Taichang immediately ordered, "The third row moves forward, don't let them find out!"

When the third row passed, Ji Taichang signaled to the bugleman, and the bugleman started to blow again.


Three times and five times the charge was okay, but Ji Taichang kept blowing the charge, but he didn't see any action, which made the second battalion a bit overwhelmed.

Extreme mental tension, in exchange for false charge again and again!

Soldiers, what to do, no matter how much you blow the trumpet, we just don't move, you won't come up anyway, right?


This charge directly shocked Li Jiguang, "What's going on?"

"Report to the brigade commander, Ji Taichang's department has been blowing the charge!" the guard came in and said.

"Keep blowing? Then how many times did they charge? Why didn't I see anyone to report the battle?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, it's true that the guards even blew the charge horn, but they didn't charge even once!"

"Not once?" This made Li Jiguang a little strange, "This guy, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?"

Nevertheless, Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei, "Come on, Yang Fei, what's going on?"

Yang Fei said without thinking, "Brigade Commander, this is disturbing the enemy!"

"Disturbing the enemy?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Yes, this is to disturb the enemy. It is to make the Second Battalion and the First Company tired of dealing with such a situation. Then, Ji Taichang will charge immediately to achieve the unexpected effect!"

What Yang Fei said was correct, but he overlooked one point, they could not exceed ten casualties, Ji Taichang kept blowing the charge like this, in fact, he was harassing the enemy, but this was actually buying time for the special forces!

Of course, Li Bin will not fall into Ji Taichang's trap, even Han Feng can't sit still, this charge is obviously for them to attack, he has to come out, "Old Li, tell the soldiers to be vigilant, they This is disturbing the enemy, maybe it is the first time to charge!"

"Company commander, don't worry, I'll be on guard, not afraid of him coming!" Li Bin said.

The soldiers stared wide-eyed, waiting for their charge.

If it doesn't work ten times, then twenty times, if it doesn't work twenty times, then thirty times, anyway, in the end, the trumpeter didn't have the strength to blow, so Ji Taichang still didn't let her go, "You don't want to play? Come on, I'll play!" !"

Ji Taichang took the chant and started blowing it by himself.

Han Feng wiped his nose, "This bastard, when did he rush up? He seems to have eyes on us. But where are they?"

Thinking of this, Li Bin immediately became surprised, "Commander, there must be something wrong with the three cliffs. I'll take a squad over there to have a look. If something really happens, I'll report it to you right away!"

Han Feng slapped his head, "That's right! This security company is definitely knocking mountains and shaking tigers, and we can't be fooled!"

After finishing speaking, Han Feng hid, and immediately after, Ji Taichang blew the charge horn again.

However, his attitude of only blowing the horn and not fighting made Han Feng suddenly feel oppressed.

After such a long time, Li Da had already climbed up the cliff, and all ten people had also climbed up the cliff. No one was found, so he was more cautious and asked them all to hide.

Maybe their people were ambushing in the village, and they were not worth the loss. After hiding for a while, when Li Dazheng was about to order to go to the village, he saw someone coming with a group of people.

I looked at it, it was a class, and I immediately made a gesture.

The two special forces immediately made a detour, and the rest hid behind the bunker.

I saw a hint of cunning in the corner of Li Da's mouth. After waiting for so long, it can be regarded as waiting for someone.

The heavy rain was still scouring the village, but the heavier the rain, the more excited Li Da was.

Undoubtedly, when Li Bin took people to the cliff to check, they were ambushed in the dark, and a squad of soldiers and Li Bin were all wiped out.

Li Bin angrily took off his hat and threw it on the ground.

"Haha, don't be angry, it's normal for you to sacrifice!" Li Da said quietly.

" came up from here after all?" Li Bin couldn't imagine how they came up. There is a full 20 meters here, how could they come up these 20 meters?
However, not to mention whether they can come up, it is not an easy task to come up in such a short period of time.

"You want to ask how we got here, hehe, you should know that we are special forces!" After Li Da finished speaking, he assembled the team, "Hehe, it seems that there is no one in their command post, let's go, come with me Take the headquarters!" With that said, they quickly evacuated!
Li Bin watched the people leave, feeling very upset, "These people will definitely not be easy to mess with in the future. They can climb up the 20-meter cliff, and they will certainly be able to contribute to the cause of the Eighth Route Army!" Although he was somewhat regretful, his I am still very happy in my heart, after all, they are a group of different people!
Thinking of this, Li Bin also thought, can they have such a team in their company?
When the charge horn blew, Han Feng squinted his eyes, "It's been so long, and there's no news from Li Bin, something must have happened!" Thinking of this, he immediately shouted, "One class, come with me!" !” With that said, they walked towards the command post!

When he arrived at the gate of the command post, he felt relieved, but when he just entered, he found ten people standing in the room, drinking tea with cups in their hands, and some even wiped their hair with towels!
When he saw Han Feng, Li Da smiled, "Oh, who did I say, it turned out to be Company Commander Han!" After speaking, he threw the towel on the table, "You lose!"

But no, I lost!They lost so simply and completely. Thinking about the battalion and company that won today, they can be said to be determined to win, but now it seems that they are like a group of clowns. In the hands of the guard company, they have... been played!
"How did you get in?" Han Feng asked.

"Hehe, it's very simple!" Li Er said, "I came in from the cliff casually, but I didn't expect that you... came to your command post so late!"

After speaking, there was a burst of gunfire outside.

In the temporary tent not far away, Li Jiguang heard the sound, and immediately asked, "Who won?"

The guard ran in, "Report to the brigade commander, it's the guard company!"

Of course Yang Fei will not be disappointed with the guard company, they win, that's what they deserve.

"Casualties!" Li Jiguang asked.

"The guard company had zero casualties! The second battalion and the first company had 28 casualties!"

, Hearing what the guards said, Li Jiguang asked, "They are a company, are you sure?"

"Report to the brigade commander, sure!" The guard shouted again.

"Zero casualties? The other party suffered 28 casualties?" Li Jiguang was of course shocked, "This means that one person can kill one person by spitting, right? How did the second battalion and the first company achieve 28 casualties?"

"Report to the brigade commander, I don't know for now!" The guard was honest.

"Okay, call Ji Taichang and Han Feng in later!"

Li Jiguang said.

For such a battle situation, Li Jiguang can be said to be quite shocked. The guard company... How did this happen?How do they train?
Such a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, did the special forces fly up?

When the two company commanders came in, Li Jiguang looked at them.

Han Feng lowered his head, like a child who has done something wrong.

"Han Feng!" Li Jiguang shouted.

"Here!" Han Feng hurriedly stood at attention.

"What do you think of this situation?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Shame!" The two words Han Feng said were indeed what Li Jiguang wanted to say!
However, Ji Taichang on the side said, "I think this is normal!"

Li Jiguang became more and more interested in this guard company.

He looked at Ji Taichang with a smile, "Ji Taichang, you really exceeded my expectations! Originally, your regiment leader and I thought that you would blow the charge trumpet to take advantage of their unpreparedness and launch an attack. Unexpectedly, you no!"

"Reporting to the brigade commander, I really don't think so. There must be disturbances to the enemy, but their every move is within my control. They defended well at the entrance of the village. If they dare to slack off at will, I will definitely give you A more exciting number!" Ji Taichang said, "Company Commander Han Feng has worked hard, at least, their defense at the entrance of the village has not been idle for a moment!"

For such words, Han Feng is naturally not happy. To him, this is getting cheap and acting like a good boy!However, for Li Jiguang, this is indeed a good thing, it's a mess!
He went over to hold Ji Taichang's hand, "Company Commander Ji, great job, I really didn't expect that you would win easily, let alone that the heavy rain didn't hinder your attack at all, yes, I like it! "

"Thank you brigade commander, we promise that we will respond to your requests in the future! We promise that we will reward you with better results in the future!" Ji Taichang swore.

"Very good. Now, I need courage and your confidence. I won, very good. You won No.1, so you are No.1! Company Commander Ji! Train your special forces better!" Li Jiguang looked at Ji Taichang, he wished that these people were his guard company, wished that his guard company was also special forces. "

It took a long time for Li Jiguang to let go of Ji Taichang's hand, "I have learned a lot today. Who said that this devil's special forces are powerful. I think our Eighth Route Army's special forces will be even more powerful!"

"Brigade Commander, our special forces are the special forces of the brigade headquarters. As long as the brigade headquarters needs them, we will be there at any time!" Ji Taichang said.

"With your words, I feel more at ease!" Ji Taichang said.

Yang Fei came here at this time, which was expected. As for the praise, he was spared, "You have performed well, and I will give you the rewards you deserve! More training, I think, today, You can still win quickly, a quarter of an hour slower than I expected!" Yang Fei said.

Coach Ji immediately stood at attention, experienced, "Head, we promise to step up and master our skills. Since the second battalion and the first company are sharp knives, do we have any special numbers for special forces?"

Li Jiguang laughed loudly, "Haha, since you want it, I will satisfy you!"

(End of this chapter)

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