Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2510 Determined to fight

Chapter 2510 Determined to fight

Yang Fei was not joking, he had already prepared the flag, he asked Zhao Gang to take it out, and then handed it to Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, you should give this honor to our guard company!"

"Okay!" Li Jiguang took the flag with both hands, and then waved the folded flag high, a few big golden characters unfolded in front of their eyes, "Special Guard Company!"

What a special security company, Ji Taichang was very excited about this title, he happily took the flag from Li Jiguang's hand, "Brothers in the security company, listen carefully, after today, we are not a security company anymore. We are a special security company, which means that you are all special forces, and you are all my special forces!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" The soldiers of the guard company shouted loudly. Although it was dark night, the dim light of the suet lamps shone on the faces of the happy people.


It's all over.

Many things have to be restarted. The martial arts competition can only be regarded as an event. After the event, everyone still has to nervously devote themselves to the battle sequence!
A few days later, Liu Ji did discover some new news, for example, the transport troops of the Japanese devils were about to pass through their defense line again.But this time the line of defense had to pass through Laoye Mountain first.Is this to fight or not to fight?

With the previous experience, he didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, so he could only tell Yang Fei the news.

Yang Fei stopped when he heard the news, "Liu Ji, keep an eye on me first, the devil's supplies are not so easy to grab now. Wait a while, I'll give you an answer!"

"Understood the leader!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

It stands to reason that it's just the devil's supplies, so it's nothing to be afraid of, but the crux of the problem is to pass through Laoye Mountain, which is Li Zhongxiao's territory.

If Li Zhongxiao really shot at that place, I'm afraid it will annoy him!

He quickly found the leopard and told him about it.

Leopard was taken aback when he heard this, and then said slowly, "Leader, where are the devil's supplies going?"

"I don't know, I really don't know about this!" Yang Fei said.

Leopard thought for a while, "Commander, I don't think this is difficult. If we want to grab supplies, we just need to miss Laoye Mountain. When the devil's transport troops pass Laoye Mountain, naturally, we can fight!"

What Leopard said was right, and Yang Fei also thought it was feasible, but he was hesitant to give this order.

He always felt that there was something wrong with this devil transporting this material to the south now!
Not to mention anything else, the devil's supplies going south from SJZ will definitely pass through their Eighth Route Army's defense line. In this case, why not start from Zhengzhou in the south?Or from another city?Wouldn't it be safer to avoid their line of defense in this way?

It's a set!

However, it is certain that the devil's supplies are coming. He looked at the leopard, "Do you think... can be fought?"

"Leader, no matter what, since the devils dare to come, we dare to fight!" Leopard said.

"Okay, no matter how he ends up with the ball, hit it, then hit it!" Yang Fei threw his hand on the table, "What is this **** Japanese thinking in his heart, but no matter what he thinks, let's give it to him." Let's talk when it breaks!" Yang Fei said fiercely.

Leopard came over this time, "Leader, how about this, this time, I will take Liu Ji's camp to fight, after all, I have been to Laoye Mountain, and I have seen those bandits. It’s also good to communicate with them!”

"Yes!" Yang Fei nodded, "It's your fault this time, if this bandit is really ignorant, in my opinion, it's not an exaggeration to sweep him!"

Leopard nodded heavily, "Okay, I understand!"

That's what I said, but Yang Fei felt very heavy in his heart. On one side were devils and on the other side were bandits... Maybe, devils and bandits...

Thinking of this, Yang Fei seemed to understand the mystery.

Then, Yang Fei sneered, "It seems that the Japanese and the bandits belong together! There is no doubt that when the leopard passes by, the bandits will show up too!"

Thinking of this, he hurriedly called Liu Ji, "When the deputy head arrives at your place, be sure to ask him to call me!"

"Yes!" Liu Ji finished speaking, and then asked, "Leader, should we fight or not?"

"Hehe, call, why not call?" After speaking, Yang Fei hung up the phone.

He hurriedly called Zhao Qifa, who was stationed in Fenghe County, and Zhao Qifa received the call, "Leader!"

"Old Zhao, listen to me, maybe the situation is urgent, and your regiment is ready to fight!" Yang Fei said directly.

"Head, where is this going? I haven't received any information that the devil is coming?" Zhao Qifa said.

"Get ready for battle first! Listen to my orders!" Yang Fei hung up the phone after finishing.

Then, Yang Fei thought for a while, and called Liu Zhang directly to ask him to quickly join the first battalion. There is no doubt that Yang Fei is going to arrange a big battle!
He took a deep breath, "Since the devils want to force the bandits to assist them, then we will take the bandits too!"


Ito Ichiro was very confident this time. He looked at the map with a sneer, and then at Hanabu Saburo, "Hanabu-kun, what is the situation of the bandits in Laoyeshan now?"

Hanabu Saburo bent over, "Your Majesty Ito, please rest assured that although the head of the family did not reveal any traces, I secretly interviewed Li Xuewen, their second head, who is very satisfied with joining our Great Japanese Empire. I privately gave him a chest of gold, and he promised to serve us anytime!"

"How is this Li Xuewen's strength?" Jing Teng asked.

"Li Xuewen also has a certain prestige in Laoye Mountain. Many people joined the bandits through him. He said that as long as he gives an order, nine out of ten bandits will follow us!" Huabu Saburo said with a smile.

"Very good, those bandits have been entrenched in Laoye Mountain for a long time, so they will naturally be very lazy, Mr. Hua, now you go and tell that Li Xuewen that our transport troops will pass by Laoye Mountain soon, let them..." Jing Teng smiled, The eyes were sinister, "Let them escort it! Mainly the local Eighth Route, if the Eighth Route dares to attack our transport troops, I think he is a smart man, he should know what to do?"

"Understood, I understand, Your Excellency Ito, I will go now, Li Xuewen, and I will definitely live up to our expectations!" Said, Hanabu Saburo left.

Jing Teng smiled, "Although there are not many bandits in the south, they all recognize their relatives. As long as the eight roads dare to beat these bandits...hehe..."

What Jing Teng said is correct. For example, Li Xuewen of Laoye Mountain, he has been on the mountain for more than 20 years. How can he be safe and sound for more than 20 years?It is because they are a banner owner of the bandit gang. What is a banner owner?That is, a branch of the bandits in that area.As long as they are beaten, other people will treat you as an enemy and beat you so annoyingly that you have no energy to do other things!

That's how it is now, since Jing Teng can mobilize the bandits to serve them, as long as the Eighth Route Army dares to beat you, well, it's not the bandits in front of them that they provoke, there are more bandits behind them, even the bandits from the west of Henan will come here I will fight with you!

According to Jing Teng's understanding, one of Li Zhongxiao's daughters is married to another bandit leader as his wife. This is equivalent to an in-law relationship. How dare you fight?If you dare to fight, the two will join forces to beat you!
Therefore, the devils were also afraid of being beaten by these bandits, and they were both intimidating and tempting. Therefore, gradually, the bandits and devils maintained a tacit understanding. If you don't hit me, I won't hit you either.

But when the Eighth Route Army came at this time, it had to take advantage of this habit of bandits.

Jing Teng is very confident. If they really take Lao Yeshan down, or become enemies with Li Zhongxiao, it will be easy. Let the two of them fight. It is best to fight one to the death. The devils from the area mobilized heavy troops to suppress the border and fight the Eighth Route Army again.

This is an opportunity of time, and Ito must make full use of it.

Yang Fei thought it over well, if the bandit dared to fight, then he would not be polite, Laoye Mountain is a good place, taking Laoye Mountain will provide another layer of protection for their base area defense, although He didn't want to fight either, the bandits in Laoye Mountain could be used as a buffer zone, the devils didn't dare to come here at will, and the Eighth Route Army didn't dare to go there easily.

However, when things have come to this point, they can't think too much, if they want to fight, they must win!
When Leopard arrived at the first battalion, he immediately called Yang Fei.

"Leopard, listen up. I always feel that the bandits and the devils have united. When you go to fight the transport troops, be careful. If you meet the devils, see how many people there are. If they dare to fight us, you're welcome. Fight them!" That's it, I have mobilized Liu Zhang's Fourth Battalion to go there, and if any fire is fired, the Third Battalion in Fenghe County will also take the initiative to attack Laoyeshan!" Yang Fei ordered.

Leopard thought for a while, "Leader... If the bandits fight, why do they fight?"

"Yes," Yang Fei didn't even think about it, "I've been watching Laoyeshan for a long time, since they want to fight, then let's accompany them!"

"Captain, this is a matter of mobilizing the whole body. As far as I know, the bandits here are not fighting alone. I'm afraid that if we attack Laoye Mountain, bandits from other forces will become our enemies!" Leopard Said.

"If you are our enemy, what are you talking about? What are you afraid of when you see one and fight the other?" Yang Fei said.

"Head, now we are mainly building a base area. If we use the main force to fight against bandits, the loss outweighs the gain!" Leopard's words are not unreasonable, but Yang Fei frowned, "To the south of us are Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai. Could it be that their bandits are stronger than us? Besides, you still have Li Mobai’s camp to the east, so I’ll let Li Mobai join us in fighting bandits again!”

"Captain, have you decided?" Leopard asked.

"Is there anything else to say? Of course it is! As long as we occupy Laoye Mountain, Fenghe County will be safe. Now, the northeast corner of our Fenghe County is Laoye Mountain. They overlook our county, hehe, This is not good!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, now that it's decided, I will spare no effort to fight the bandits! Don't worry!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Liu Ji looked at Leopard, "Deputy head, what did the head say?"

"I think the devil's supplies this time may be fake!" Leopard said.

"Fake? Fake again? Could it be that this is some trick of the devil?" Liu Ji asked.

"This time, the devil probably teamed up with the bandits, first battalion commander, when will the devil's transport troops arrive?" Leopard asked.

"As far as I know, the devil's transportation force is estimated to arrive near Laoye Mountain at nine o'clock tomorrow morning!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he hurriedly asked, "The devil and the bandits have joined forces? Then shall we fight the bandits together?"

"Yes, the commander is the order!" Leopard said, "The situation this time is different from the past. I have been to Laoye Mountain, and the three-turned tiger did not show the attitude of insisting on uniting with the devils. Of course, it did not show that They came out as if they insisted on uniting with us, so this time they are willing to join forces with the devils, I think the devils have put in a lot of effort!"

"Hehe, it's just a bunch of bandits! Deputy head, don't worry, let's just fight!" After finishing speaking, Liu Ji said, "I'm going to assemble the team now!"

"Don't worry, let the soldiers finish their dinner, and then set off at four o'clock in the morning!" Leopard said.

"Okay, it seems that I have to take all the family property. This bandit... It seems that the comers are not good! Since they have joined forces with the Japanese, I think the Japanese must have given them a lot of weapons and ammunition!"

"Yes, if we fight, let's hit them, anyway, they will be torn!" Leopard said.

The peaceful night was about to pass soon, but Ji Taichang left quietly with ten people.

With Yang Fei's order, the special forces are going to attack the train station in Sanhan Town tonight. The reason why they want to attack the train station there is because it is a hub for the devils, not for anything else but for training!

This kind of attitude of purely training soldiers is also unpredictable to the devils. What exactly is the Eighth Route Army going to do?
Who knows, after knocking down this railway station, is there any other place to perform any tasks?

A bonfire was burning.

Three or five Japanese happily danced around the bonfire, with a sheep on top of the fire, singing Japanese songs, it was terrible, but they were so happy!
"How many years, we are still stationed here?" A Japanese complained.

"It's already very good, Mr. Chita, how many soldiers who fought against Japan died on the battlefield? We are still alive!"

"Then it's better to be alive!"

"Yes, come on, let's dance and sing together! This sheep will be cooked soon!"

They stood up, laughed and sang, and watched several Chinese people. The children approached just to smell the meat, and their eyes longed to taste what the mutton tasted like.

The smell of mutton wafts far away.

Li Da felt itchy in his heart, "Company Commander, this motherfucker, I am so fragrant, I will kill the devil in a while, but I want to eat that leg of lamb!"

"Hehe, fine! But, kill the devil and take away all the good things from the train station. If you want to eat the sheep after you're done, you can take it away!" Ji Taichang said.

"This Sanhan Railway Station isn't that big, it's just a small house! It's dilapidated, what's there to fight for?" Li Er asked.

"It's useless to tell you!" Ji Taichang said.

"You stupid, do you know how this knife can be sharp?" Li Da asked.

"Of course it's grinding, the more you grind, the sharper it is!" Li Er said.

"Hehe, since you know, you also know why we keep killing devils!" Li Da sneered.

"Haha, I understand, I understand!" Li Er said.

"Company commander, just five devils, isn't that easy?" Li Da asked.

"No, it's easy to kill devils, but we have to see clearly how many devils there are here, and the time for their garrison to switch. Don't look at these five devils eating, drinking and having fun here. In fact, there may be devils around looking around. It's safe!" Ji Taichang said.

At this time, Li Da suddenly cursed, "Fucking shit!"

Everyone looked at him strangely, "What's wrong?"

"That's a fucking leg of lamb!"

Looking around, sure enough, those Japanese put down the whole sheep, and then cut off a leg of lamb!
"I can't bear it anymore, I really can't bear it anymore!" After speaking, Li Da rushed out.

"Da Li, come back!" Ji Taichang snorted coldly.

Ji Taichang hurriedly said, "Quick! Cover!"

Li Da's skill is still good. It took 13 seconds to sprint the distance of [-] meters. At the moment when the devil was in a trance, Li Da took out his bayonet and rolled with a devil!
"Shoot!" Ji Taichang roared.

"Boom bang bang..."

The marksmanship was surprisingly accurate, and the five devils all died without any accidents!
The children who were watching just now all ran away.

Li laughed and walked over to them, carrying a sheep on his back.

Hearing the sound, Ji Taichang hurriedly turned around, and saw a Japanese running on their right!

"Li Da, be careful, devil!" Just after shouting this sentence, the devil shot.

Li Da was startled, but he was still relatively flexible. He directly blocked the sheep in front of him, and the bullet slammed into the sheep.

Ji Taichang quickly fired, and with a "whoosh", the bullet entered the devil's head, and then he fell to the ground.

Li Da was still in shock, and rushed over with the sheep in his arms!

"Everyone, don't say anything, and look carefully to see if there are any Japanese around here!" Ji Taichang said, "Li Er, go to the tree in front, Li San, go ahead and have a look!"

After finishing the order, Ji Taichang turned his head and saw that Li Da was gnawing on the leg of lamb.

"Li Da, you don't want to die, you almost lost your life just for one bite!" After Ji Taichang finished speaking, he sat down with him, snatched the leg of lamb from his hand, and gnawed it directly, "Dog Damn! Why is this mutton so fragrant?"

Li Da choked his mouth full of mutton, "Commander, if you don't talk nicely, I won't risk my life to snatch it!"

After waiting for a long time, no other Japanese were found, so Ji Taichang hurriedly said, "Clean the battlefield quickly, one bullet will be wasted, take it back quickly!"

The smell of mutton wafted all the way.

It's a guy who gnaws on a piece of me.

What does a mouth full of oil mean?Ha ha, then go eat a sheep, guaranteed to make your mouth full of oil.

Back at the base, they ate half of a sheep.

Hiccupping, he arrived at Yang Fei's door and sent half a sheep in. Looking at the appearance of these people, Yang Fei frowned, "Damn it!"

"Captain, it's delicious, let's eat!" Li Da hiccupped again after finishing speaking.

"Get out, I want to eat leg of lamb, where's the leg of lamb?" Yang Fei looked at them.

A few young lads touched their heads, and the oil from their mouths dripped onto their clothes.


Early the next morning, Huanghuadi!

Coming out of Laoye Mountain, if you want to go south, you must pass through Huanghuadi!
The reason why Huanghuadi is called Huanghuadi is that there are sunflowers all over the mountains and plains, and sunflowers are planted in front of the boundary stone of their own land. At this time, the sunflowers bloom golden flowers.

It smells very fragrant, and there is a relatively wide road in Huanghuadi, which leads directly south to the border of Henan.

Butterflies and bees go to work early and buzz.

Soldiers from the two battalions were in ambush in the yellow field. In the high sorghum field, they were in ambush. There were soldiers from them on the mountain not far away. tree.

Everyone is more interested in this kind of field-like life, lying in the mud, everyone chatting quietly.

"Deputy head, tell me, this bandit will come out with the devil in a while?" Liu Ji asked.

"I don't know, but if there are no bandits, let's fight the devils. If they come together, let's fight the devils first and see how the bandits are doing. We and the bandits can't fire the first shot!"

For the leopards, this was the bottom line. If the bandits really fought with them, the consequences would be serious. However, if they could become friends with the bandits, they would definitely not become enemies with them.

Although they were fully prepared to fight the bandits, it all depended on the performance of the bandits.

At this time, suddenly the tree on the mountain was pushed down.

"Everyone stop talking, the devil is coming!" Just after saying this, he heard the sound of the devil's car!
Everyone lowered their heads and looked out through the cracks in the crops.

Cars pass by!

There are more than a dozen cars. If there are supplies on the cars, they will really send them out!
Liu Ji held his breath, not daring to say anything.

There is a whole battalion of soldiers ambushing on both sides of the crop field!Dealing with these dozens of cars is really effortless!
In addition, Liu Zhang's troops are not far away, if they really find bandits coming to fight, they will naturally come over!

Hit, accompany!

The car whizzed by, and it was about to leave the ambush circle, and the bandits were nowhere to be seen, so the leopard immediately ordered, "Hit, hit me!"

The first grenade was thrown with a bang.

Immediately, many grenades were thrown towards the convoy!

With such a short distance, soon, the soldiers of the first battalion surrounded those trucks with impenetrable water.

Leopard and Liu Ji came to the front, opened the car, and there was nothing on it!
(End of this chapter)

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