Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2512 Don't Pretend

Chapter 2512 Don't Pretend

All the bandits from Laoye Mountain gathered and immediately rushed to the outskirts of Fenghe County. Although there were not many people, the formation was really scary.

Zhao Qifa frowned, "It's really unbelievable that the bandits came to attack the city! Go, report to the head of the regiment, saying that the bandits came to attack the city, and ask us how to deal with it?"


The guard ran away.

Li Zhongxiao at the bottom of the city was waiting for the Eighth Route Army on the tower, riding a horse, pointing his gun at the city wall, "Eighth Route Army, you better listen to me, today we are attacking the city, you better surrender! We can let you go, If you dare to resist, our Laoyeshan bandits are not vegetarians. When we enter the city, we will take your Eighth Route Army’s cramps and skin, stew them and feed them to the dogs!”

Li Zhongxiao shouted viciously.

Zhao Qifa looked at Li Zhongxiao, "It turned out to be Li Zhongxiao, the three-time tiger who is in charge of the old master Shanda! I don't know why you came to attack the city, but you have to attack and say those cruel words. Let me tell you the truth, just rely on your few guns , I look down on it!"

"Haha, there is something! Don't blame me for not telling you earlier! After a while, when our cannons come, hehe, you can't keep this city!" Li Zhongxiao said.

"Okay, very good, I want to see what you are going to do!" Zhao Qifa finished speaking, and then said to the soldiers, "Defend the city for me, no matter what, this city cannot be lost!" , Zhao Qifa went down the tower, and hurried to the command post to call Yang Fei.

Just in time, the phone rang, and it was Yang Fei calling!

"You said the bandits dared to attack the city? Do you know why?" Yang Fei asked.

"I don't know, Captain, this Li Zhongxiao uttered wild words. In my opinion, we can destroy them!" Zhao Qifa was insulted by the bandits, so he naturally wanted to fight them!
"Okay, I have no objection!" Yang Fei said, "It's best, leave all the scum to me!"

Leopard hurried over, "Captain, is there any misunderstanding? We just gave the letter to Li Zhongxiao, and Li Zhongxiao came to attack the city. I don't think it's that simple!"

"Deputy head, you are a woman's benevolence. As for these bandits, we will beat them one by one. Anyway, we don't keep them, just for the sake of Laoyeshan!" Yang Fei didn't care!
"Commander, I think, I'd better go for a walk! If this bandit has misunderstood our Eighth Route Army, this..." Leopard frowned.

Zhao Gang also said, "Head, I think the deputy head is right. Now, the most important thing for us is to solve the problem of the bandits attacking the city. We have no enmity with them. If they come to attack the city, there must be something. The reason, either, is that they have taken refuge in the Japanese devils, or, that they have not changed their banditry!"

"If you want me to say, his second-in-command is not a good person, and meeting the Japanese in private, what a good thing, hehe, these three overlords are probably secretly colluding with the Japanese!" Yang Fei said coldly, "This bandit is a person who sees profit and forgets righteousness. Don't make friends with them!"

After Yang Fei said this, Leopard's face was a bit embarrassed. Yang Fei noticed it and said immediately, "Of course, except for the deputy head. After so long, I can completely see that the deputy head is firm. Marxist, he is a reliable comrade!"

"Comrade, let's play! I'll go and have a look!" Leopard said.

"Okay, you go and have a look, if the bandits dare to hit us, order Zhao Qifa to open fire immediately, and I will kill all the bandits without leaving behind!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay! Then I'm leaving!"

After speaking, Leopard turned and left.

As for Zhao Gang, he hurriedly said, "Commander, I absolutely... still have to beware of this bandit!"

"Of course, political commissar, tell me, if this bandit really dared to attack the city, I would dare to steal his lair, what do you think?" Yang Fei asked.

"Well, if this is the case, leader, what other arrangements do you have?" Zhao Gang asked.

Yang Fei picked up the phone and called Liu Ji directly. He looked at Zhao Gang and said, "There is one more move, and it's here with Liu Ji!"

When the phone was connected, Liu Ji said, "Leader, I'm Liu Ji!"

"Old Liu, hurry up, gather your people, go to the foot of Laoye Mountain, and follow my orders to attack Laoye Mountain!"


Liu Ji shouted immediately.After hanging up the phone, he immediately gathered people to go to Laoye Mountain.

It has been many days, and they said they wanted to fight Laoyeshan, but finally gave up. After talking about it several times, they all gave up, because the bandit did not do anything that would harm the Eighth Route Army. But today, it seems that this bandit is Really want to fire the first shot!

Zhao Gang smiled, "Leader, have you already thought about how to deal with the bandits?"

"If it wasn't for the order from the headquarters to unite all those who can be united, I would have captured Laoye Mountain long ago. However, if the bandits on Laoye Mountain are also staunch resisters, that's another matter!" Yang Fei said.

From here to Fenghe County, the leopard arrived on horseback in more than 20 minutes.

Zhao Qifa and Leopard explained the situation, and Leopard also felt that there was probably something wrong with it, but it was a big problem.

"Battle Commander Zhao, open the door for me, I'll go talk to Li Zhongxiao!" Leopard said.

"No!" Of course, Zhao Qifa couldn't let the leopard go out, "Deputy head, this bandit has made up his mind to attack our county. If you go out like this, you may encounter some trouble! How about talking to him?"

"Put it down and open the door. If Li Zhongxiao catches me, he will threaten you. It's okay. Let's fight them. No matter what time it is, we must not lose the demeanor of the Eighth Route Army!" Leopard said.

Zhao Qifa thought for a while, then raised his hand, "Open the door!"

The city gate opened, Leopard walked out of the city gate, and Zhao Qifa went out with a company.

They stood behind the leopard, pointing their guns at Li Zhongxiao and others.

This is really the first time Zhao Qifa has seen such a situation. He met an enemy before and negotiated with you?Already started fighting.

The Eighth Route Army soldiers on the tower also pointed their guns at the bandits below.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to see you again!" Li Zhongxiao sneered.

"Master, are you safe?" Leopard asked, clasping his hands.

"Don't come here without any harm? It's your Eighth Route Army that is here without any harm!" Li Zhongxiao waited for Leopard, "Tell me, why are your Eighth Route Army so vicious?"

Leopard frowned, wondering what Li Zhongxiao meant?He hurriedly asked, "Your Majesty, I don't know what happened? It made you so angry?"

"Hehe, pretend! Keep pretending! Let's see how long you Eighth Route Army can pretend!" Li Zhongxiao glared at Leopard.

How do you say Wulu, what did Leopard know, but they can feel it from Li Zhongxiao, they must have misunderstood!

"Master, I don't know what you mean! How about we have a good talk?" Li Zhongxiao asked.

"There's nothing to talk about! Tell me, who sent the letter up the mountain?" Leopard asked.

"I sent people there!" Leopard said directly.

"Okay, very good!" said Li Zhongxiao who was riding a horse, "Come here, tie him up for me!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Qifa immediately rushed over, "Who dares to do it!"

With an angry shout, Li Zhongxiao squinted his eyes slightly, as if a group of villains were in front of him, "Hehe, okay, don't run if you have the guts, wait until I attack your city, I'll see how you explain it!"

"Big boss, I don't know what you mean? Could it be that if I send a letter, it can do anything? Besides, my letter clearly stated that your second boss had an affair with a Japanese, do you know about it?" Leopard asked.

"You're talking nonsense!" Li Zhongxiao got off his horse, "My second boss is dead, and you insulted a dead man. I have to wonder what your Eighth Route Army has done to us!" Li Zhongxiao said viciously, "I, today, I will take your dog's life to pay homage to my second leader!"

"Dead? How is this possible?" Leopard couldn't believe it. Li Xuewen died just like that. Could it be that they were wrong in the first place?

Thinking of this, Leopard shook his head, "No, it's impossible. According to our informant, it's absolutely true that your second-in-command met with the Japanese in the woods under your old man's mountain!" Leopard said.

"Sophistry! Okay, I won't talk to you from here, but we will suffer a great loss if you trade your dog's life with our second leader!" After speaking, Li Zhongxiao turned around and left, "Is the gun coming? "

"Master, here we come!"

"Okay, aim the muzzle for me. I want the city, and I want the dog's head of the Eighth Route Army!" Leopard shouted angrily.

"it is good!"

"Brothers, avenge the Second Leader!"





Yang Fei, who was waiting for the news, had already made all the preparations. As long as he started fighting with the bandits, one of Liu Ji's battalions would definitely occupy Laoyeshan. This is an opportunity!
After more than an hour, the phone rang, and the operator answered, "Head, Commander Liu's call!"

Yang Fei went over, "Liu Ji, tell me!"

"Regimental Commander, our troops are already at the foot of Laoye Mountain, but we found a group of bandits. I don't know if they are from Laoye Mountain!" Liu Ji said.

"There are still bandits? Didn't all the bandits go to Fenghe County?" Yang Fei asked.

"If not, then where did this group of bandits come from?" Liu Ji asked again.

"Is there such a thing?" Yang Fei became puzzled, "Quickly investigate, this matter is of great importance, but if the bandit dares to fight you, he will fight me hard. How many bandits are there in total?"

"Commander, the bandits I saw probably numbered a hundred or so, but don't worry, I'm still confident that I can wipe out these 100 bandits!" Liu Ji said.

"Okay, report to me immediately if there is any situation. Today, I am going to make a decision on Laoyeshan!" Yang Fei said.

Wang Dama gathered his troops and arrived at the foot of Laoye Mountain, "How is it, everyone has arrived?"

Wang Dama looked at his subordinates and asked.

"Elder Master, all assembled, are we going to attack Laoye Mountain now?" The second master, Han Ergou, spoke.

"Second boss, don't worry. I have sent people to the mountain to investigate the situation. I want to see how many people there are in this Li Zhongxiao. I heard from the Japanese that they have poisoned their second boss. The poison is contagious. Why don’t they want to cooperate with the Japanese?”

Wang Dama sneered, "I still can't see the situation clearly, it's too helpless."

Han Ergou nodded, "Master, you are right, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cooperate with the Japanese!"

"The Japanese took the initiative to look for us, we can't show embarrassment, you should know that before the Japanese came to us, they went to Li Zhongxiao first, unexpectedly, this Li Zhongxiao didn't agree, hehe, if they agreed, there would be nothing like us It’s okay, now, we have two running guns and five machine guns, these things are more than enough to hit a Laoye mountain!” Wang Dama was very proud, thinking that with the big backing of the Japanese, there should be no problem.

"The head of the family has a vision. What we think now should be how to think about what will happen in the future. This is Li Zhongxiao!" Han Ergou also sneered, "Now that the Japanese are close to us, we can use this to talk to the Japanese. condition!"

"Second leader, I didn't expect that you are still very powerful! You can even read my mind! Yes, I just want to join the imperial army to negotiate terms with the Japanese, not to mention our equipment, and they have to pay for it." Give it to us! From now on, we can be regarded as a regular army!" Wang Dama chuckled.

Looking at the Laoye Mountain in front of him, he didn't dare to think about it before, but now he just needs to fight, and with the support of the Japanese, he is not afraid of anything!
Not long after, the person sent out came, "The head of the family, I don't know what happened, there are not many people on Laoye Mountain!"

"Oh? What do you mean? Tell me clearly!" Wang Ma was surprised and asked again quickly.

"Boss, we checked the surrounding situation and found that there are only a few people guarding the gate, no more than ten people at most. I'm afraid there are some people who are guarding this cottage, maybe it's a scam?"

said the newspaper.

Wang Dama thought about it, "It stands to reason that this dead person should cry for a while, where did Li Zhongxiao go?"

"The head of the house, but he saw the gatekeeper wearing sackcloth and filial piety. He was really dead!" the informant continued.

"It's normal to wear hemp and filial piety, but this person..." Wang Dama looked at Han Ergou.

Han Ergou said softly, "Could it be possible that this Li Zhongxiao was also poisoned?"

"Who knows!" Wang Ma said, "No matter what, there are not many people on the mountain, this is our chance! Let the brothers get ready, we will attack at any time!"

"Wait a moment!" Han Ergou said, "Master, why don't we use the excuse of fighting the Eighth Route Army to go up the mountain and ask carefully to see if Li Zhongxiao is there?"

Wang Dada smiled, "Hey, I didn't expect that you are so smart now, very good, let's go, go and see, is this Li Zhongxiao here or not!"

Wang Dama took his men up to Laoye Mountain. The hundred or so people all carried guns. When they arrived at the gate of the cottage, the gatekeeper of the village immediately pointed his gun at the visitor, "Who is it?"

Wang Dama hurriedly cupped his hands, "Master, we were ordered to attack the Eighth Route Army. Like us, we are all green forests on the top of Luocao Mountain. Now, I wonder if it is convenient to go up the mountain to beg for saliva?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Dama and Han Ergou looked at each other and waited for the other party to speak.

When the gatekeeper heard that he was going to attack the Eighth Route Army, he thought it was Li Zhongxiao who contacted him, so he quickly said, "We are the masters, and we are attacking Fenghe County at the foot of the mountain. If you are allies, hurry up and support them!"

"That's just right, we're also going to Fenghe County, little brother, I'm a little thirsty along the way, can I ask for a bowl of water?" Wang Dama wiped his sweat, deliberately showing that he wanted to drink water.

The gatekeepers didn't know how to reply. After all, the other side had more people than them, but since they were friendly troops, they had to drink this water.

"Then wait a moment, we'll fetch water now!" After finishing speaking, the two bandits left.

Wang Dama sneered, and said softly to Han Ergou, "The opportunity is here, seize it!"

Han Ergou nodded slightly, then turned his head and led his men, winking, and Wang Ma's men even lined up at the gate of the cottage.

The gatekeeper didn't think much of it either.

However, suddenly those people pointed their guns at a few gatekeepers, and "boom bang bang..." they started shooting.

Facing the sudden shooting, the gatekeepers were completely defenseless, and they were knocked down almost instantly.

Wang Maha laughed loudly, "Hurry up, break down the door for me!"

At this time, a few people came out of the cottage and shot at the people at the door with their guns.

Wang Ma and Han Ergou beat the inside with pistols, and they were all knocked down without any effort.

"This shit! Hurry up and smash down the door!" Wang Ma shouted again!
After all, the more than 100 people were too many and powerful. After pushing and shoving a few times, they even pushed the door open.

"Woo woo woo..." and rushed in!
Wang Dama, who was like a fish in water, immediately shouted, "I will kill all the people in this cottage, regardless of men, women, or children! No one will be left alive!"

In an instant, I heard the sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling, children crying, old people begging for mercy, and some women being insulted.

The cottage was immersed in the atmosphere of being breached, and Wang Ma laughed loudly. It seemed that he was a winner!

This matter turned around too quickly, Liu Ji told Yang Fei about the situation, Yang Fei was taken aback, "You said, another bandit went to take over the cottage?" Yang Fei squinted his eyes, and suddenly he I can't figure out what this means.

Zhao Gang listened to the phone, looked at Yang Fei and asked, "Head, are you Li Zhongxiao's enemy?"

However, this cannot be ruled out.

He nodded, "It makes sense, but what do you think about this matter?"

"Now, it's not us who are in a hurry! I think it's Li Zhongxiao who is in a hurry!" Zhao Gang said.

"Yes, let's see what Li Zhongxiao does!" Yang Fei yelled at Liu Ji after finishing speaking, "Keep an eye on me, believe me, Li Zhongxiao will return to his cottage soon! What will happen then? Son, report back as soon as possible!"



On the outskirts of Fenghe County, Li Zhongxiao's troops were fully prepared, all the bullets were loaded and the shells were ready. Li Zhongxiao stared at the leopard, "Aren't you afraid?"

"What am I afraid of?" Leopard said, "The second head is dead, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

"You still dare to quibble?" After speaking, Li Zhongxiao took out his pistol and pointed it at the leopard.

However, before he could shoot, he heard gunshots, and the sound came from Laoye Mountain!

He was startled, and immediately looked back at Laoyeshan. "What's wrong?"

Everyone was stunned, but soon, Li Zhongxiao seemed to understand, and turned to look at the leopard, "You are so despicable, you sent people to attack our cottage while we were all here, today, you and I are at odds !"

After finishing speaking, he shouted, "Brothers, listen to me. There are not many people in the cottage now. When we go back, the Eighth Route Army may have already captured Laoye Mountain. We have no home to return to. The Eighth Route Army has fought hard, and there are more cities, but we are still a good man!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Li Zhongxiao raised the gun in his hand, and when he was about to issue orders, a younger brother ran over, "The boss! The boss!"

Li Zhongxiao looked back, and a younger brother ran over, "Master, our cottage has been attacked!"

"now what?"

Li Zhongxiao almost spoke through gritted teeth.

"Our cottage was attacked by Wang Ma's bandits!" The little bandit burst into tears.

"What?" Li Zhongxiao was taken aback, "Was beaten by Wang Ma?"

At this moment, he didn't care too much, and immediately shouted, "Brothers, come back with me! Take back our cottage!" After speaking, Li Zhongxiao rode his horse and quickly ran to the cottage.

The Fenghe county had lifted the alarm in a short period of time, and Leopard immediately told Zhao Qifa, "Hurry up and call the head of the group, saying that the situation has changed!"

With that said, they ran to the phone.

After answering the phone, Leopard hurriedly said, "Leader, Laoye Mountain has been occupied by Wang Ma, and Li Zhongxiao has already taken his people there!"

Yang Fei said, "Well, I see, deputy head, are you okay?"

"Captain, I'm fine! Look, can you take someone to help Li Zhongxiao?" Leopard asked.

Yang Fei was silent for a while, "Well, okay, Liu Ji is at the foot of Laoye Mountain, you can go find him!"

After that, I hung up the phone.

Yang Fei looked helpless.

The battle did not start, Yang Fei sighed.

Zhao Gang laughed and said, "Leader, are you a little depressed?"

Yang Fei looked at Zhao Gang, "What are you laughing at, old Zhao?"

"Head, the meat is already at the mouth, but the meat is flying, and I have to help chase the meat, you say...isn't this funny?" Zhao Gang patted Yang Fei on the shoulder.

"Yes, I admit that I really want to take down Laoye Mountain. As long as we take down Laoye Mountain and develop our base around it, there will be no obstacles! Come on, you kid will only see my jokes!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, you are treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. In my opinion, Laoye Mountain must belong to us. However, it was not captured, but Li Zhongxiao gave it to us with his own hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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