Chapter 2513 Help
"Do you dare to be so sure?" Yang Fei looked at Zhao Gang and asked.

"Commander, this man's heart is full of meat, don't say anything else, but judging by the world situation, Japanese imperialism will not last long! How long will they survive? It is true that a single spark can start a prairie fire! As long as Li Zhongxiao can recognize the facts in front of him, I think, Lao Yeshan, Li Zhongxiao will give it to us!" Zhao Gang smiled, seeing that Yang Fei still didn't feel like he had eaten meat, he laughed out loud.

"Old Zhao, I'm not saying anything. I always feel that we have to pass some time for this matter. Now that the main force of the devils is fighting north and west of Shizhuang, we must seize this gap and do something useful for our Eighth Route Army." We can't drag it on for too long!" Yang Fei said.

"It won't be long! After so many years, we still hold the initiative. Although we face the arrogance of the Japanese again and again, aren't we still us? Our country is fighting back inch by inch, and this is the greatest victory. !” Zhao Gang could see it. "So I think it's an assist for Li Mobai to quickly develop his base in the east, and for us to hold back the bandits in Laoyeshan!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, yes, you are right!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Commander, let's start now. Our focus should be on the ground. Didn't the special forces take down the train station? That's good. Let them go to the enemy's rear to fight devils and harass them. We can also hold them back from the front." , In this way, we will have more initiative!" Zhao Gang can see it openly, which can be regarded as a spur to Yang Fei from the side.

"Okay, okay, I can't say enough about you, Old Zhao. Before, I thought you were a hindrance, but now I think you are a good person!" Yang Fei said, "Fortunately, I didn't scold you away, that's all, Leopard will do it." That's right, the Chinese don't fight the Chinese, and now they are unanimously attacking the outside world!"


Leopard rode a fast horse to the foot of Laoye Mountain, and then found Liu Ji. In fact, Liu Ji also got Yang Fei's order to follow Leopard to beat Laoye Mountain down.

Seeing the leopard, Liu Ji said repeatedly, "Deputy head, we are ready now, when will we attack?"

"Don't worry, I came faster than Li Zhongxiao. When I see him, I will explain the situation to him! After all, we have a misunderstanding with them!" Leopard said.

After a short wait, when Li Zhongxiao came with his troops, Leopard hurried over. When Li Zhongxiao saw Leopard again, he stopped, "It's you again, what exactly do you want?"

"Master, the misunderstanding between us, I think we can resolve it, but now, it's the crisis of your copycat, we can't take advantage of someone's position, if you trust me, I will bring people and horses to work with you to get that Wang Dazai is defeated, let's discuss matters between us!" Leopard said in a dignified manner.

"Together with us?" Li Zhongxiao stared at him, how could they have good intentions?I'm afraid that when the time comes, if Wang Dama is defeated, they will have another fight with the Shanzhai. If they don't have an advantage in numbers, how can they beat the Eighth Route Army?

"Forget it!"

"Master, it seems that you can't trust us!" Yang Fei said.

"That's true!" Li Zhongxiao said, "Don't bring up the matter of luring wolves into the house again!" After speaking, Li Zhongxiao turned to the team and said, "Get ready to fight, attack the cottage now!"

"Big boss!" Leopard ran over again, "Big boss, if there is a misunderstanding, we can negotiate to resolve it. If you keep prejudice, it's not good for our Eighth Route Army's innocence, and it's not good for you to get the truth!"

"Okay, I believe you, but you don't need you to fight a copycat! You'd better wait at the foot of the mountain!" Li Zhongxiao dismounted, and then handed it over to a young man, "Set up the cannon for me, and start attacking! "

After finishing speaking, a group of people began to charge!
Rushing to the mountainside, the machine guns of the stockade rang out from the crenel.Soon, the whole team was wiped out.

Laoye Mountain is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Even Li Zhongxiao, who has occupied Laoye Mountain for decades, finds it difficult to do so.

However, he was not reconciled, "The second team, get ready for me!"

"Also, where is the cannon? Set it up for me!"

After finishing speaking, those cannons were aimed at the stockade immediately, but a few shells were fired, but did not hit the gate of the stockade, and there was a puff of green smoke, which was considered over.

"How did you do it? Will you use guns?" Li Zhongxiao asked angrily.

"Master, this is the first time we use this, we are not used to it yet!"

"Not used to it? The second time, you have to call me no matter what!" Li Zhongxiao was angry. He was really angry. His village, which they had occupied for decades, could it be that Wang Dama was allowed to show off his might from here?
Then, the shells were fired again, this time, they were very close to the gate of the village.

"Move some distance forward and continue to bomb me!" Li Zhongxiao shouted.


The barrel did move about ten meters forward.

However, a few people ran out from nowhere, and started shooting desperately at the gunners.

"Da da da……"

In an instant, those gunners fell in a pool of blood!

Li Zhongxiao got angry, he took out his pistol and shot at those lunatics, "You dog, what a shame!"

He yelled, "Go on, fuck me!"

A few newcomers passed by, started to set up the cannon again, and aimed at the front!

However, this time they were one step too late after all, the artillery from the stockade had already aimed at Li Zhongxiao and the others at the foot of the mountain.



With two cannon shots, the gunner in front was naturally blown away, and several cannons were also blown to pieces.

Li Zhongxiao lay on the ground, clenched his fists tightly, "Damn it, wait for me to go in and kill you!"



This time, the bomb hit their team, and dozens of people fell down immediately.

Li Zhongxiao gasped, "Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Then, they withdrew from the attack range of the king's marijuana bandits!

At this time, Li Zhongxiao saw the leopard, and he commanded the people to drag a few cannons from nowhere. These cannons were obviously much bigger than the ones given to him by the Japanese devils.

I saw that the leopard placed the cannon at a long distance, and then adjusted it himself. Could it be that he wants to help me?Li Zhongxiao couldn't help asking himself.

"How is this possible? I have a deep blood feud with the Eighth Route Army. They...are they going to help? Or are they going to take advantage of the chaos and attack?"

No matter what he thought, Leopard was already doing it, he frowned, seeing that he had dozens of brothers left, and there was no room for resistance!

"Leopard, Leopard, what are you going to do? It's hard to explain!"

"Align, let me continue!" Leopard shouted.

When Li Zhongxiao saw it, he rushed into the Eighth Route Army camp.

"What are you doing?" Li Zhongxiao shouted loudly.

The leopard came over, "Master, of course we want to help you!"

"Help me?" Li Zhongxiao asked.

"Of course I want to help you!" Leopard said.

"I'm afraid it's the ambition of a wolf?" Li Zhongxiao's suspicion was not too much, the Eighth Route Army had no intersection with them, and they even had enmity, so why help him?
"Master, if our Eighth Route Army really wants to take your Laoye Mountain, there are naturally many ways, just like now, we let Italy go here, and then aim at your gate, and give an order, your Zhaimen! I'm afraid we can't even see the scum, our Eighth Route Army is going to unite with the anti-Japanese troops to fight the devils! Now, there is a misunderstanding between us, but we will definitely not take advantage of others!" After finishing speaking, Leopard looked back Several gunners, "Are you aiming?"

"Aiming! Deputy head!"

"Okay, since you're aiming, hit me!" Leopard shouted.

"Okay! Ready, launch!"

Just as the order was issued, there was a "woo...", followed by a "boom"!
A huge sound immediately rang out at the gate of the village, and then a raging fire ignited, and the gate of the village was smashed down in an instant.

Even the machine gun on the gate of the village was blown up.

Li Zhongxiao looked at him suspiciously, and then had to believe him, because this was his last hope to regain the village, he cupped his hands at the leopard, returned to his position without saying a word.

"Brothers, let me go! Wang Dada dared to capture our village, and they will pay for it!" Li Zhongxiao yelled.

Dozens of people rushed up the mountain with guns!

Liu Ji frowned and walked up to Leopard, "Deputy head, this is a good opportunity, we can wipe out the two gangs of bandits!"

Leopard glared at him, "Don't do this, after doing this, the hearts of the common people in the world will be chilled!"

Liu Ji didn't understand why you should reason with the bandits, would they reason with you?He didn't speak anymore, perhaps, in Leopard's heart, this is a good opportunity for the group to make them surrender!

can you?won't you?

Who can know?

Liu Ji sat on the side, looking at the situation on the mountain. The leopard and his men had rushed into the stockade, and they instantly changed into machetes and ran rampant in the stockade.

"Li Battalion Commander, lead people and surround Laoye Mountain, and don't let Wang Ma's people go!" Leopard said.

Upon hearing this, Liu Ji immediately stood up, "Everyone, follow me!"

All of a sudden, a battalion of people surrounded all the exits of Laoye Mountain. After all, they all knew the terrain of Laoye Mountain.

After an hour or so, the shouting on the mountain slowly disappeared.

Leopard walked up the mountain slowly by himself.

The gate of the village disappeared, and the surrounding trees were also burning.

Who can figure it out, who can know what is going on?Perhaps, soon, this matter will be unknown in the smoke of history.

"Big master, Wang Dama and his group have been annihilated by us, and Wang Dama has been tied up!"

A minion came and said.

After a while, another minion came over, "The boss is not good, our Laoye Mountain is surrounded by the Eighth Route Army!"

At this time, Li Zhongxiao looked unusually calm. Perhaps, he had long thought that one day, the cottage would be filled with an unpleasant smell of blood, and the seriously injured brothers struggling on the ground would not dare to utter a cry.

Li Zhongxiao sat on a rock, "This is a copycat that has been in business for more than 20 years. If you are not careful, it turns turns out..." Traveling time feels hasty, thinking back to the past, who would dare to attack their copycat?

He sighed, then looked up and saw the leopard.

He walked over calmly, "Your master!"

Li Zhongxiao looked at him, sitting on the rock without moving, the leopard came over.

His one-of-a-kind brothers immediately turned their guns on him.

"Why are we surrounded?"

"Kill him! The boss!"

"kill him!"

With a wave of Li Zhongxiao's hand, the bandit put down the gun.

"After all, you won!" After Li Zhongxiao finished speaking, he shook his head and sighed, "I fell, and I fell in your hands!"

"You are wrong! There is no winner like this!" Leopard sat on another stone.

He took out the cigarette and threw it to Li Zhongxiao.

After lighting a cigarette, Li Zhongxiao looked at him, and he spread his hands, "Look, I have nothing left! This is your territory after all!"

At this time, another young man came over, and seeing the leopard was there, he hesitated for a moment, then leaned down and whispered in Li Zhongxiao's ear, "The master, the Eighth Route Army has withdrawn!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in the corner of Li Zhongxiao's eyes, he nodded, and then looked at Leopard, "This is your great opportunity!"

"No matter how good an opportunity is, a gentleman would despise it!" Leopard said.

"A gentleman?" Li Zhongxiao sneered, "Are you talking about a gentleman?"

Leopard couldn't explain it, and then said, "Where's Wang Ma? Why don't you ask him why he did this?"

Forget it, Li Zhongxiao said to his subordinates, "Bring me Wang Dama!"

That Wang Ma was brought up by Wu Huada, and he approached Li Zhongxiao tremblingly, and immediately knelt down, "San Fanhu, please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

"Hehe, there are so many men, women and children in the cottage, you killed them all?" Li Zhongxiao asked.

"I was confused for a while, and I was confused for a while! Sanfanhu, you are a big man, please forgive me this time!" Wang Dama knelt down and swallowed.

"Why did you come to attack my cottage for no reason?" Li Zhongxiao was angry.

"Yes... yes... the Japanese made me do it!" Wang Dama knelt down to Li Zhongxiao's legs, "The master, the master! The Japanese really asked me to do it, he said, they said ...They said that the second master has been poisoned, and that the poison is contagious, no accident, your village will be infected with the poison, and he let us occupy the village! That's all, that's all!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Ma said it all at once.

"Poisoned? Hehe..." Li Zhongxiao snorted coldly.

"Yes, that's right, it's poisoning. The second leader was poisoned. Huabu Saburo said that he had repeatedly sought out the second leader, and he was about to successfully lobby. However, the last time he disagreed, so he resorted to murder. The second leader , spare my life!"

"Impossible, the second boss actually met Huabu Saburo three or five times?" Li Zhongxiao didn't believe it at all!

"I don't know about the big boss, Huabu Saburo said this, he said, the second boss took his money!"

"You fart!" Li Zhongxiao kicked him. "Second boss, did you take his money in private?"

Wang Machi was trembling, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "I... I found a box of gold in the cottage, I think it was collected by the second leader!"

At this point, Li Zhongxiao was taken aback, he suddenly fell down on the rock, his head was buzzing, "This is impossible!"

Turning around, Wang Dama saw the leopard, and frowned, "You joined forces with Eighth Road, no wonder, no wonder the second master didn't live long!"

"You fart, when will I join forces with the Eighth Route Army?" Li Zhongxiao stood up and kicked him away!

This matter has come to this point, Leopard has understood the cause and effect, Li Zhongxiao should not be stupid, he should also understand what is going on!
Leopard stood up, "Master, now that this matter is clear, I'm leaving!" Saying this, Leopard turned and left.

Li Zhongxiao watched the leopard leave, and then stared at Wang Dazai, "Your time has come, come and destroy him!"

"Master, please forgive me, please forgive me!"

"The master..."

When the leopard was walking halfway up the mountain, he heard gunshots, and he just let out a short "boom!"

Come to think of it, Wang Dama is dead.

Back in the team, Liu Ji hurriedly asked, "Deputy head, they didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

Leopard shook his head, "Liu Battalion Commander, thank you for your hard work, take people back with you!"

Liu Ji nodded, "Okay, okay!"


Finally, the grievances were cleared, and Leopard soon understood that any deceit would eventually reveal the truth. He met Yang Fei and reported the situation to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei also just hummed.

Seeing the leopard leave, Yang Fei gritted his teeth, "Oh, my meat!"

Even so, Yang Fei endured it, "Maybe what Zhao Gang said is right, good fortune depends on misfortune, and misfortune depends on blessing!"

Soon, Yang Fei was looking at the map again, thinking that he had a new idea.

In the next two or three days, Yang Fei asked Liu Zhangying to cooperate with Li Mobai to take down a county town, and then asked Shouhou to destroy a security team in the west. In short, these few days, Yang Fei will not be idle.

In the afternoon, Zhao Qifa called again, saying that the bandits had come again!

Yang Fei gritted his teeth with hatred, "Damn it, I didn't bother them, but they're here again!"

"It's not the leader, this time, Li Zhongxiao came alone!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Alone? What is he doing alone?" Yang Fei asked.

"He just said that he wants to find the deputy head!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Why are you looking for the deputy head? Okay, I'll send someone to find the deputy head!" After speaking, Yang Fei hung up the phone.

After talking about this with Leopard, Leopard immediately rode to Fenghe County again.

It was me who found Li Zhongxiao, and Leopard hurriedly said, "Master, what do you want from me? Why don't you come to the county town and let's sit for a while and have some tea?"

Li Zhongxiao waved his hand, "Forget it! I won't go to the county seat!" He smiled!
"Then... I don't know how to find me at the head of the family..." Leopard looked at Li Zhongxiao, but couldn't figure out what he was going to do.

"That's right!" Li Zhongxiao said, "There are not many people left in our cottage, I want to take my leave here!"


Leopard was startled, "Why did you leave? Then where are you going?"

"There are a lot of bandits in this area, and there are even more bandits in the area in the west of Henan. No matter where we go, we are always looking for a way out!" Li Zhongxiao said.

"Why don't you join our Eighth Route Army? What do you think?" Leopard asked.

Li Zhongxiao quickly shook his head, "No, no, no, we won't join you, but these days, I have already understood that your Eighth Route Army is sincerely fighting devils. I believe that no matter where you fight devils, you will cooperate with you." Yes, if we go here, we may not come back again!"

"Since the head of the family has made up his mind, our Eighth Route Army is quite sorry, but the world is not peaceful now, I promise you, the head of the family, if you beat devils in the future, I will still be friends with you. If one day, you bully the common people, and We are against each other, sorry, you have become my enemy!" Leopard also said decisively.

"You think too much, I have occupied Laoyeshan for more than 20 years, and I haven't bullied the people much! All these things were taken from the hands of devils. I, Li Zhongxiao, promise you that I owe you, I will return it, and I will not be your enemy!" Li Zhongxiao said.

"Well, master, I understand what I said, since we all have the same goal, then you are my brother!" After finishing speaking, Leopard shouted to the soldiers on the tower, "Go, get some wine, I Have a drink with the master!"

Li Zhongxiao smiled, "There is one more thing!"

"Master, tell me!"

"That's right, now that we're gone, Laoye Mountain will be empty. Since it's empty, you quickly occupy Laoye Mountain. I'm afraid the devils will take a fancy to it!" Li Zhongxiao said.


"Don't think that I gave it to you. In fact, my brother is still buried there. I just don't want my brother's grave to be trampled under the feet of the Japanese. This is the territory of the Chinese. It is today, and it will still be tomorrow! "Li Zhongxiao said.

"Gao Yi, the leader of the family! I admire the leopard!" After speaking, a soldier took out a bottle of wine and poured it into two bowls.

"Wine is not good wine, but one day we meet, how about I treat you to drink again?" Leopard smiled and handed Li Zhongxiao a bowl of wine.

"What kind of wine is good wine? There is no precise definition, but I believe that the wine with trust is the best wine!" After speaking, Li Zhongxiao drank it down.

Hearing this, Leopard sighed, "Okay, a good wine with trust in it is good wine! I'll do it!" Saying this, Leopard drank it all in one gulp.

"Okay! It's getting late, let's go!" As he spoke, Li Zhongxiao turned his head and rode on the horse, then waved his whip, and the horse started to run quickly.

Slowly, the sun went down.

The sunset makes the sky in the west extraordinarily red, and the setting sun makes Li Zhongxiao's shadow very long, very long...

Dang Leopard told Yang Fei about it.

Yang Fei was stunned immediately, and after three seconds, he asked, "Is it true?"

"Captain, it's true!" Leopard said.

"Hehe, hehe, deputy head, I didn't expect... Forget it, you did a good job on this matter, I, Yang Fei, really can't believe it, you must have a good friendship with that three-time tiger! This Laoye Mountain seems to be the best witness!" Yang Fei said happily.

"Commander, it's not the friendship between San Fanhu and me, but the friendship between him and our Eighth Route Army!"

(End of this chapter)

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