Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2514 Veteran Wang Zhanshan

Chapter 2514 Veteran Wang Zhanshan

Next, Yang Fei asked Liu Ji to take over Laoyeshan, and according to the instructions, erected a monument in front of the cemetery where Li Xuewen was buried.

Looking at this, the leopards seem to be able to feel the excitement of the cottage in the past. There are traces of their lives everywhere here, and there are some things that have not been taken away. The leopards asked the soldiers to pack them up, and then the other party was in a room, with some ammunition and Leopard didn't dare to use the weapon himself, if one day Li Zhongxiao came back, well, all these things would be given to him!
The matter here is over, but Ito Ichiro on the other side is furious. This is not the first time he has been furious. He doesn't understand why they fail every time they fight Yang Fei?Why does the Eighth Route Army win every time?
Huabu Saburo didn't dare to speak, so he had to stand in front of him and bow his head.

"Hua Bujun, now that the Eighth Route has occupied Laoye Mountain, our advantage in the south is slowly decreasing. You once swore that you would let the bandits attack the Eighth Route, but what happened in the end?"

Such questioning made Hua Bu Saburo look ashamed, and he said tremblingly, "Jing Teng-kun, this... this is that idiot Wang Da Da, he can't even beat a tiger three times, I really think highly of him !"

"Hua Bujun, at this moment, I think it's unreasonable for you to say this. You put all your hopes on the bandits. This is the biggest mistake!"

Even what Ito said, he never put his hope on the bandits, but in the end, he failed.

"Ito-kun, until now, I still have a solution!" Huabu Saburo said.

"Oh?" Ito looked at him, "Hanabu-kun, tell me?"

Huabu Saburo said, "Jing Teng-kun, I have been in Hebei for a long time, and I haven't seen many other people in Hebei, but there are quite a lot of people on this road. In the west of Henan, bandits are rampant. Moreover, I have a good friendship with the bandits over there!"

After saying this, Ito Ichiro frowned, "Still counting on bandits?"

"No, Your Excellency Ito, this time is different. There are many kinds of bandits. Those who can really be used by us are those who really serve the empire!" Huabu said.

"No matter what, you go now, go, you must delay the eight roads, at most a month, buy me a month, the eight roads around Niangziguan are the most arrogant, and when the eight roads in that area are eliminated, I will mobilize soldiers Ma took the initiative to attack Yang Fei, did you hear that?" Jing Teng said.

"Okay, I'll go now!" After saying that, Huabu hurriedly left.

In other words, Huabu Saburo knew a lot of people in Hebei. This bandit can only be regarded as a friend. What's more, some of the traitors he cultivated did all kinds of evil. They are also the best candidates to attack Yang Fei's base .

Here, the most famous traitor is called Wang Dabeard. This name is because of his beard and fierce appearance. He is very powerful in the southern part of Hebei. He even established the Imperial Army Rescue Association.

This is the most famous traitor.

However, if Wang Dabeard wants to work for the Japanese, Wang Dabeard also has conditions. The first is to ask for money, and the second is to ask for a gun.

If you work hard for the Japanese, can't you get some benefits?

Moreover, this Wang Dabeard has a good relationship with the bandits, and these moths can be said to do whatever they want in the south of Hebei.


Now that Laoye Mountain has been taken down, Yang Fei will naturally focus on how to strive for the greatest victory for the next thing.

At this time, Leopard ran in, "Head, someone is looking for you!"

"Is there someone?" Yang Fei left the table and walked up to Leopard, "Who is looking for me?"

"Hehe, Commander, the revolution is going well now. In our generation in the south of Hebei, there is a gang that has been fighting guerrilla warfare. Their leader is called Wang Zhanshan. This person has been fighting devils for more than ten years and has accumulated a lot of experience. Now, They brought people over and said they wanted to see you!" Leopard said.

"This is a good thing!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he quickly said, "Where is the man?"

"Head, people are outside!" After finishing speaking, Leopard walked to the door, and Wang Zhanshan came in.

I saw Wang Zhanshan coming in, full of energy. Although his body was a little thin, he looked very energetic. He stretched out his right hand, "Headman Yang, hello, I am Wang Zhanshan!"

"Comrade, hello, I'm glad to meet you!" Yang Fei was very excited. Now that the anti-Japanese situation is clear, it would be a good thing for such a person to join their Eighth Route Army!If they agreed to join the Eighth Route Army and let Wang Zhanshan's people join the Fifth Battalion, this would be the best state.

However, Yang Fei couldn't say such words.

"Commander Yang, we have been fighting devils in this area for many years. To tell you the truth, although we have been fighting for more than ten years, the weapons, equipment and personnel are not too many. The largest number of people is more than 30 people. But now, there are only a dozen people left!" Although Wang Zhanshan mentioned their disadvantages, his face was full of confidence!
To be able to survive more than ten years ago, needless to say, must be wise!
"It's really not easy!" Yang Fei sighed, "Comrade Wang, may I ask, where are you fighting against Japan?"

"Head Yang, we are in the south now. We wanted to come here a while ago, but after encountering the devils, we slowed down the idea of ​​coming to you. Now, we have found another way to come here, just want to come here. Let's learn some experience here!" Wang Zhanshan said.

"This is very good!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at the leopard, "Deputy head, find the political commissar in a while, and let the political commissar take Comrade Wang around our place! I think his biggest harvest is not what Fight devils, but see the spirit of our Eighth Route Army!"

"Hehe, don't worry about that. Comrade Zhanshan told us when we came here that he wanted to see how our Eighth Route Army beats devils and how we engage in production!" Leopard said.

"That's great, Comrade Wang. I hope we can keep in touch from time to time, and then support and cooperate with each other in combat. In terms of production, we should also complement each other. What do you think?" Yang Fei asked.

"Team Leader Yang, don't worry, I have already decided when I came here. I will not go back until I learn something. Many of our people are here, and these dozen or so people will learn from me at a glance!"

"Very good, very good!" Yang Fei was very excited. He hadn't seen these anti-Japanese forces for a long time, and seeing them now was like returning to his mother's home.

Wang Zhanshan has indeed dealt with the devils in the southern part of Hebei for a long time. Since the devils occupied North China, their goals are also very accurate. The Army and the Eighth Route Army also carefully read some Eighth Route Army publications, and found that the Eighth Route Army's fight against the devils is the most accurate and effective, especially the guerrilla warfare, especially the various tactics, to face the devil's attack head-on. There is no doubt that the army cannot be defeated, but if you concentrate your forces and attack the weak points of the devils, and then fire one shot for another, so that the devils can't figure it out. Killing a devil is a step towards victory. .

However, things backfired, that is, when Wang Zhanshan was focused on beating devils, he encountered what he least wanted to see, that is, the army of traitors. Wang Dahuzi led a group of puppet troops, but they were caught like dead dogs. They, at that stop, Wang Zhanshan killed more than a dozen brothers, lost more than a dozen guns, and they fled in embarrassment. Wang Zhanshan also had to adjust his thinking, as long as there was a violation of the anti-Japanese show.

Then they are the enemy!
There is no doubt that Wang Zhanshan has regarded Wang Dahuzi as an enemy, but he has watched Wang Dabeard's power continue to grow. Ever since he heard that the Eighth Route Army is coming, he also wants to come to find the Eighth Route Army, but all the way is Wang Dabeard's forces , what are you doing?Therefore, they have been avoiding detours, and finally came here, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief!

After studying in the base area for three months, Wang Zhanshan was very moved during these three months. Although the equipment of the Eighth Route Army is not the most advanced, the various skilled tactics are indeed very shocking. In addition, the Eighth Route Army The optimistic revolutionary attitude of the soldiers also made Wang Zhanshan very excited.

He found Yang Fei, this time, to say goodbye.

After hearing what Wang Zhanshan meant, Yang Fei asked with some reluctance, "Comrade Wang, since you are also an anti-Japanese force, I am also very happy in my heart. I wonder if there is something I can say?"

"Commander Yang, if you have anything to say, just say it. Don't be polite to me. If anyone needs my help, I, Wang Zhanshan, won't hesitate!" Wang Zhanshan's loyalty is very strong.

"Okay, then I said, don't be unhappy, I mean, since you are more than ten people now, how about joining our Eighth Route Army?" Yang Fei asked.

Wang Zhanshan pursed his lips, "Commander Yang, I understand what you mean, but if there is a chance, I will definitely join your Eighth Route Army, but not now, a dozen of my brothers died at the hands of Wang Dabeard, I want to avenge my brothers, how about I come to you when I kill more than a dozen traitors?"

There is no doubt that Wang Zhanshan is serious about this promise, and Yang Fei naturally thinks it is true, so Yang Fei laughed happily, "Okay, Comrade Wang, I will wait for you to join me!"

"Then let's make a deal!" After finishing speaking, the two shook hands.

"Commander Yang, this time, we decided to go south from the north. We will fight when we meet Wang's bearded traitor. If there is support, I still hope that you can help us!" Wang Zhanshan said.

"Don't worry about this, even if I can't help you, Li Mobai in the east is close to me, and I will let them help you!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, if this is the case, then I will thank you!" After saying that, Wang Zhanshan led the people away.

What a nice person, why did he leave so soon?

Yang Fei is reluctant, but since there is a gentleman's agreement, it must be right.

Looking at Yang Fei's expression, Leopard asked with a smile, "Head, you don't really want them to join us, do you?"

"If they join, it will definitely be very helpful to us. A dozen of them have fought for more than ten years and have rich experience!" Yang Fei was very emotional.

"Yes, but since he said it, I believe that Wang Zhanshan will definitely fulfill this agreement!" Leopard said.

"I believe too!"


There was a busy figure running around in the south of Hebei. He anxiously went around many villages, always asking where Wang Dabeard was.

After searching for a long time, I finally found Wang Dahuazi.

There was sweat on his forehead, and when he saw Wang's beard, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Wang, are you all right?"

Wang Dazi looked at the person in front of him, the brim of his hat was pulled down very low, which made people feel a chill.

"I heard that you have been looking for me for a long time... I don't know who you are..."

In the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, Wang Dabeard killed people like hemp, so he was naturally afraid of revenge from his enemies. He changed places almost every two or three days, so finding Wang Dabeard was as difficult as climbing the sky.

When the man slowly raised his head, from the corner of his mouth to his eyes, who else could it be if it wasn't Hua Bu Saburo?

"Taijun..." Beard Wang quickly stood up, walked up to Huabu Saburo, lowered his head, like a child who has done something wrong.

Don't blame Wang Dabeard, the former Wang Dabeard was indebted to Huabu Saburo. Back then, Wang Dabeard committed murder and fled in embarrassment. After being caught by the government, Huabu Saburo happened to see him. Seeing this He is fierce by nature, so he saved Wang Dabeard through his relationship.

Therefore, Huabu Saburo is Wang Dabeard's savior, he is not humble, maybe he can't justify it.

"Mr. Wang, it's been a long time, and we haven't been in touch! I really didn't expect that your Imperial Army Rescue Association is developing so well now, and I can't even find you!" Huabu Saburo said.

"Taijun, hey! I have received too much care from you. Our Imperial Army Rescue Club is your government soldier. We will do what you say!" Wang Dahuzi said quickly.

"Okay, I thought I couldn't command anymore!" Huabu Saburo chuckled, "To be honest, I came here because I have something to ask you to do!"

"Taijun, please tell me, is there anything I can ask you to come over in person?" Wang Dahuzi's guess is correct, if it is a small matter, if you directly find someone to come to him, if you come in person, it means that it is a big deal!
"Actually, it's nothing! It's just... I see that the Eighth Route Army is doing a great job. You're close to them. You'd better go and harass them!" Huabu Saburo said coldly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Dabeard understood.

In fact, when the Eighth Route Army came over, Wang Dabeard had already thought that he would one day go to war with the Eighth Route Army. Even if he himself did not want to fight with so many people, the Eighth Route Army would keep an eye on him!

Sure enough, Huabu Saburo is looking for him now, so it can only show that the Eighth Route Army is unlucky, since he Huabu Saburo is kind to him...then...

"No problem!" Wang Dabeard agreed immediately!
"Is there really no problem?" Hanabu Saburo asked.

"No problem, on my Wang Dabeard's site, the Eighth Route Army has the idea of ​​annexing my site, which is very shameful, Taijun, don't worry, with my Wang Dabeard here, the Eighth Route Army can't even think about living a good life !” Wang Dabeard said directly.

"Hehe, I really didn't misunderstand you. I saved your life in vain!" After Huabu Saburo finished speaking, he said, "Now, you can make a request!"

Huabu Saburo also knows that although he saved his life at the beginning, this is a rhythm that will lead to death.Whatever benefits can be given to him, will be given to him.

"Taijun, now, our Royal Army Rescue Club has more than 1000 people. Although there are many people, there are very few guns. However, we are not lacking in training. On the contrary, my captains are non-stop Train them! If possible, can you give us more guns and ammunition?"

Although it was in a negotiating tone, Huabu Saburo understood that this war is all about bullets?In that case, well, Hua Saburo immediately agreed, "Mr. Wang, the guns and ammunition are easy to talk about, but let me make it clear that you will not lose your guns and ammunition. You'd better go to war with the Eighth Route Army tomorrow. I will fight for ten days." The guns and ammunition will be sent to you within a short time, how about it?"

The reason why Huabu Saburo is so anxious is because the devil is in a little trouble now, that is, he planned to start a war with the local Eight Routes near Niangziguan within a month, but he was caught in the war and could not be transferred out smoothly.

It was three months in a flash, and Ito Ichiro was very angry during these three months.

Seeing that the war situation was favorable to them, if Huabu Saburo didn't rush to send people to fight with the Eighth Route Army, he would die in front of the emperor at that time.

Wang Dahuzi nodded, "Don't worry, although I don't have many guns, the Eighth Route Army has been busy developing new base areas, so they don't have many troops stationed in each village. Wait until I destroy their guns." The base area is not a problem! It’s just that we are afraid of encountering regular troops from the Eighth Route Army, so we won’t be able to take it anymore!”

"Okay! Then it's settled. If you meet a regular army of the Eighth Route Army, you can quit. I'll send you the weapons and ammunition, and you have to go all out to serve me!" Huabu Saburo said.

"Okay, I'll take note of this!" said the bearded Wang.

"In that case, I'm leaving. I'm going to prepare weapons and ammunition for you now. I hope I hear gunshots tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, Huabu Saburo left.

Wang Dahuzi watched Huabu Saburo leave, and one of his captains came over, "Brother, are we really going to fight the Eighth Route Army tomorrow?"

Does Wang Dazi think?

He didn't want to, it felt so good to be the emperor, why did he want to fight with the Eighth Route Army?
It's impossible at all, but since he became Huabu Saburo, he can't break his promise, "Fight, why not!"

Huabu Saburo has five captains, each captain has at least 1000 people in his hands, and more than [-] people from the Imperial Army Rescue Club. Who doesn't have a murder case?
In this society that regards life as worthless, they take it for granted that only if they are strong enough can they win the initiative.

"In that case, I'll go gather the troops!"

"Okay! Go!"

After Wang Dabeard finished speaking, the captain left.

In fact, each captain is a relative of Wang Dabeard, and they are also relatives of the same family. The one who spoke just now is his cousin, whose name is Wang Zhen.

The second team leader is Wang Hu, the third team leader is Wang Liang, the fourth team leader is Wang Gang, and the fifth team leader is Wang Shuang.

These five people are known as the Southern Hebei Armed Apes.

The southern Hebei armies, of course, have too much control and angered many people. These five people still feel very good about such a title, which shows that they have received the greatest support from the local people. recognized.

Even the local government has to give them some face.

No matter what time it is, such disturbing things are always inevitable.

Justice has not come, maybe it is late, but when someone regards doing evil as a kind of pleasure, or even regards doing evil as an attitude, this makes justice come a little faster.

The southern Hebei arm, what a Hebei arm, without these five people, maybe ordinary people can live for a long time.

Every time he fights, Wang Dabeard has a habit, that is, he has to fight with a big girl with yellow flowers, and only then can he win the victory by showing blood to others the next day.

For so many years, in the struggle with the local government, Wang Dabeard has already harmed more than a dozen little girls, and now he is going to fight the Eighth Route Army, so naturally this ceremony is indispensable.

Wang Shuang, the youngest brother of Wang Dabeard, is only eighteen or nineteen years old. However, he already has three concubines. As Wang Dabeard's most promising younger brother, Wang Shuang has his own way of course. Heard that he is going to fight the Eighth Route Army, Wang Shuang immediately asked people to go to the village to find those good-looking girls. If they were attractive, they would threaten the girl's family with a tough attitude, not to marry, and if they married, they would kill their whole family.

Moreover, this practice of reserving the eldest daughters of the yellow flower has immersed many families in pain.

Someone once married a woman quietly, but what happened immediately was murder, not only the daughter's family, but also the husband's family were not spared!

The means are extremely cruel.

The common people seem to be used to it, and they can only let them do whatever they want.

No, as soon as Wang Shuang heard the opportunity came, he hurriedly found one, and sent someone from the next village to drive a carriage to Wang Dahuzi's place.The girl's family witnessed them taking people away with their own eyes, but they dared not speak out.

The daughter walked on the front foot, and his mother drank the poison on the back foot.

Seeing this, the girl's father also slammed his head against the door and fell to the ground.

When the girl arrived, Wang Dazi smiled and said, "Old Wu, you are very good! I know your thoughts!"

"Brother, I chose this one out of thousands of choices today. She is definitely a beautiful virgin. We will win against the Eighth Route Army tomorrow!" Wang Shuang smiled and pushed the girl into Wang Dahuzi's arms.

Wang Dabeard also embraced the girl, carried the girl and went to the bedroom.

Knowing her own destiny long ago, the girl kept silent. Could it be that Wang Dabeard would easily let go of the flesh in front of him?

(End of this chapter)

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