Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2515 On the occasion of life and death

Chapter 2515 On the occasion of life and death
Victory will be late, how could it be absent?
Wang Zhanshan was also leaning against a wall, and he was alert to the movements around him.

Fortunately, it is night now, and it is not easy for the traitors to find him.

However, even if it was not easy, how could Wang Liang let him go.

"Wang Zhanshan, I know you are at the end of your rope now. Look, are there any brothers around you? Look around you. Those who died are all because of your intransigence. If you agreed earlier Me, if I had surrendered to the imperial army earlier, such a thing would not have happened! You have no brothers, you only have yourself! I promise you that I will not arrest you now, I think you are a good man, you go!"

After Wang Liang finished speaking, he asked the people around him to open their eyes. If Wang Zhanshan dared to show his face, he would fight him!

"Haha, I'm already half dead, I don't care what else I can do now, but, Wang Liang, you have to wait, and I'll wait for you too! I want to see who of us can kill the other!" Wang Zhanshan sneered.

Seeing that he was not fooled, Wang Liang had another plan.

"Okay, I know, you are like this because of our previous conflicts, I promise you, I will go out, I will not carry a weapon, how about we two talk face to face?" Wang Liang asked.

"Talk? Come?" Wang Zhanshan sneered.

"Okay, gentlemen's agreement, you can't hold a gun, let's talk about it"!As he said that, Wang Liang pushed the person in front of him and said in a low voice, "Get lost, go and see where Wang Zhanshan is. If you know, report the location!"

When the little traitor heard this, it was obvious that he was going to die, how could it be possible?He shook his head, "Brother, no!"

Wang Liang frowned, "Go! If you don't go, I'll kill you!"

The traitor walked forward tremblingly.

"I'm coming out, Wang Zhanshan, you come out too!" Wang Liang shouted.

Wang Zhanshan didn't speak, but listened to the voices around him, thinking that Wang Liang should not be far away from him.

He quickly put the pistol on his chest, if he appeared, he must be killed first!Who has a gentleman's agreement with him?
When the traitor walked forward slowly, Wang Zhanshan could hear it very clearly, thinking in his heart, "This bastard really dares to come? I'm afraid there is a fraud in it! But even if there is a fraud, I still have to kill a traitor!" "

Wang Zhanshan remained silent, and the traitor kept walking.

As soon as he showed his head, Wang Zhanshan shot the traitor with a "bang" in the head!

This sound made Wang Liang's teeth itch, but it definitely exposed his position, "Wang Zhanshan, you are not a man!"

"Hehe, Wang Liang, you may not be a good person! Didn't you come here by yourself? Why did you let another traitor come here?" Wang Zhanshan said.

"Don't worry, you are dead!" Wang Liang asked a group of people to quickly surround him, and then captured him alive in front of him!
Wang Zhanshan chuckled, but just as he was about to leave here, he heard noisy footsteps on both sides.

"It's broken!" Wang Zhanshan was startled, "In this way, if I'm not beaten to death, I'm afraid I'll be arrested too!"Thinking of this, Wang Zhanshan aimed his gun at his head, "Death, you can't be a traitor!"

Close your eyes, when you are about to shoot.

But heard the sound of a charge.

Immediately afterwards, the army ran down from the mountain!

The Eighth Route Army is here!
The Eighth Route Army is here!
Tears flowed from the corners of Wang Zhanshan's eyes immediately, "That's great!"

At this time, Wang Liang was immediately dumbfounded, "Who is it?"

A little traitor went over, "Brother, I'm afraid I've met the Eighth Route!"

"Balu? How could they be here?" But no matter what, Wang Liang was really worried!
"Get out, tell the brothers, get out!" After Wang Liang finished speaking, he got up from the ground, and then fled all the way east.

Ignoring those traitors of Wang Zhanshan, seeing that their eldest brother has run away, what else can they do?If you don't run, will you die here?

No one is stupid!

Wang Zhanshan understands that this time is the duel between him and Wang Liang and others, and he will never tolerate it!
He stood up, pressed his gun and fired at those traitors!

Who would have thought that someone would have beaten him behind the scenes?

Don't run fast, what are you waiting for?

Wang Zhanshan dropped the machine gun and ran forward holding the pistol, "Wang Liang, don't run away if you have the guts!"

"Wang Zhanshan, I didn't expect that you can't beat me, and you even found reinforcements. In the future, I will definitely fight you to the death. If I meet you, I will kill you. I will never tolerate it!" Wang Liang came out from nowhere and led a horse. , get on the horse and run quickly!

In this battle, Wang Zhanshan's entire army was almost wiped out. No, besides him, there were two or three seriously injured, but the proportion of losses was indeed the most serious.

Li Mobai led people to clean up in Wanhe Village, then looked at Wang Zhanshan, "Comrade, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Looking at Li Mobai, Wang Zhanshan shook his head, "Not too late, not too late!"

But seeing the surrounding environment, Wang Zhanshan was very disappointed, "It's just, my brothers..."

"Captain, fortunately, when I was looking for Captain Yang Feiyang, I met Captain Li Mobai. Fortunately, fortunately, you are still alive!"

Wang Zhanshan smiled, "Ding Dou, it's okay, it's okay!"

"Wang Kainan, Li Zhongfei, Han Aimin...they all died in battle!" Ding Dou cried.

Li Mobai shook his head, "Comrade, let's go, I will take the remaining few seriously injured personnel for treatment, we must let them survive!"

"Thank you!" Wang Zhanshan sat on the ground, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is there any smoke?" Wang Zhanshan looked at Li Mobai.

"Yes!" With that said, Li Mobai gave him the cigarette.

After lighting a cigarette, Wang Zhanshan couldn't understand what was going on with him now.

"Comrade, you are such a lonely hero. I, Li Mobai, admire your bravery! If you agree, you can stay in our team. When your injury recovers, you can go wherever you want, how about it? In addition, I would like to ask Ask about the Imperial Army Rescue Association!" Li Mobai said.

"Okay, thank you then. I'll tell you what you want to ask about the Imperial Army Rescue Club!" Wang Zhanshan said.

"That's good!" Li Mobai also sat down, in the empty village, "I don't understand, why Wang Liang and others, who are so bad, can't always die?"

"Sooner or later, you will understand that our victory was hard-won, and we paid a painful price. Comrade, the green hills left behind are not afraid of lack of firewood." Li Mobai patted him on the shoulder.

Wang Zhanshan seemed to have some support.

"Leader Li, I am sincere about beating devils. If one day you find out that I have betrayed this mission, you can shoot me!" Wang Zhanshan was silent, and then said.

On the second day, Yang Fei got the information that Wang Zhanshan had a fight with the members of the Imperial Army Rescue Association last night. In the end, there were only three or four of them left, and two of them were seriously injured.

Yang Fei immediately asked, "Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

The guard shuddered, "Commander...yesterday...I saw you finally fell"

"Tell me, what kind of battle is it?" Yang Fei said, and hurriedly washed his face.

"Commander, fortunately, Captain Li Mobai and Li arrived yesterday and rescued Wang Zhanshan. Otherwise, Wang Zhanshan would definitely die!" said the guard.

"Where is Wang Zhanshan now?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

He took a towel and wiped his face casually, then put it on the rope.

Yang Fei knew in his heart that Wang Zhanshan could be absorbed, he didn't want to see such a fierce man make mistakes, he looked at the guards like an eagle.

"Now, it should be at Li Mobai's place!" said the guard.

"Ah? At Li Mobai's place?" Yang Fei frowned, "That's not okay. Lao Li has a higher personality than me. We can't let Wang Zhanshan stay there. After a long time, this Wang Zhanshan will become Lao Li's." people!"

After saying this, Yang Fei continued to say, "Prepare your horse quickly, I'm going to Li Mobai's regiment headquarters!"


Along the way, Yang Fei hurried on, just to see what Wang Zhanshan was doing right now!He figured it out, no matter what Wang Zhanshan was doing, he had to take Wang Zhanshan back, and only after he got back, could he fight for the initiative!

After walking for more than half an hour, Yang Fei finally arrived at Li Mobai's place.

After getting off the horse, he shouted, "Wang Zhanshan! Li Mobai!"

It seems that Li Mobai has become his enemy at this time.

"Captain Yang..."

No one could come to ask questions, so Yang Fei immediately asked, "Tell me, where is your head?"

"Commander Yang, please follow me!" said the guard.

Li Mobai heard Yang Fei's call and immediately came out, "Old Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Fei looked at him angrily, "Where's Wang Zhanshan?"

"At..." Yang Fei rushed in just as he pointed his hand at the headquarters. When he saw Wang Zhanshan sitting there, he suddenly laughed, "Ouch! Ouch!"

Go over and hug him, "How are you? Are you hurt?"

Wang Zhanshan swallowed, "!"

"No? There is gauze on this head, is it all right?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Thank you, Commander Yang, for your concern. There is nothing serious!" Wang Zhanshan said helplessly.

"That's good, don't worry about me to death!" Yang Fei sighed, he told Wang Zhanshan to sit down, and Li Mobai asked in confusion.

"Old Yang, what are you..."

"Old Li, it's like this. I have friendship with Wang Zhanshan. Today, I decided to take Wang Zhanshan to my regiment headquarters!" Yang Fei was very domineering.

"Ah? Go to your regiment headquarters? Comrade Wang Zhanshan was injured yesterday. Today I want to ask him about the Imperial Army Rescue Association. I'm afraid it will be bad if I go to your place and get wind and infection. !" Li Mobai said.

"Hero, how can there be so many problems!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Wang Zhanshan, "Comrade Zhanshan, I understand that you are a little hesitant now, but I can promise you, follow to my regiment headquarters, revenge I'll help you solve the problem!" Yang Fei looked at Wang Zhanshan and said.

"To your place?" Wang Zhanshan was at a loss.

At this time, Li Mobai finally understood what Yang Fei meant by rushing over, so it was like this, he chuckled, "Damn it, Yang Fei, I finally know what you mean!"

Yang Fei glanced at Li Mobai, "Old Li, among other things, you have too much charisma, and I, Old Yang, are rough, but my attitude towards heroes will never be worse than yours! Today, I will bring you Let Wang Zhanshan go back, you kid hasten to think of a way, how can we solve the imperial army rescue team!"

"Your method of robbing people is incomparable to my old Li!" After Li Mobai finished speaking, he also sat down, "However, I can't do it today. I want to ask about the Imperial Army Rescue Association. If Comrade Wang Zhanshan agrees, he can do it at any time." to your place!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mobai looked at Wang Zhanshan, "Comrade Wang Zhanshan, as I said, you can heal your wounds here. I have no right to interfere with your future plans. However, I still beg you to tell me about the Imperial Army There are many things about the Rescue Society, I can't figure it out!"

"Leader Li, if you have anything to say, just tell me. I was here to talk to you!" Wang Zhanshan said.

When Yang Fei heard this, he hurriedly said, "Okay, Comrade Zhanshan, just tell him, I'll just wait by the side, and when you finish talking, we will set off!"

Li Mobai looked embarrassed, this Yang Fei himself was like this, and there was nothing he could do.

Wang Zhanshan was even a little embarrassed, he didn't understand why Yang Fei insisted on letting him go to his regiment headquarters?

"Comrade, the first thing is, I want to ask where is the headquarters of the Royal Army Rescue Society. I have been searching for several days, but I can't find anything!" Li Mobai asked bluntly.

"Captain Li, the Imperial Army Rescue Club has a name for nothing. As for the headquarters, it's not that there is no such thing, but that the headquarters is not fixed in one place. It can be Xiaohe Village today, Houhe Village tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. Wanhe Village! In short, as long as Wang Dabeard is there, the headquarters will be there!" Wang Zhanshan said.

"No wonder, I haven't found their headquarters after searching for so long. For this matter, I sacrificed several scouts!" Li Mobai said.

"The captain of the Imperial Army Rescue Association, nicknamed Wang Dabeard, and his real name is Wang Zhen, this guy met the Japanese at some point, and since then he has reached the sky, relying on the Japanese to do whatever he wants, and the number of members has grown to more than 1000. He developed all his cousins, and their cousins, like him, are all villainous bastards, and they are collectively called the Southern Hebei Tongarm, which means that they are very capable!" Wang Zhanshan heaved a sigh of relief.

"In addition, because many places in the southern part of Hebei are poor and poor, if a member is developed, the entire village will be a member of the Royal Army Rescue Association. If you want to inquire about something, it is better than going to the sky Difficult! As for the few investigators who died as you mentioned just now, they must have been killed by those troublemakers!"

Wang Zhanshan looked at Li Mobai and said.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to happen!" Li Mobai said.

"Captain Li, Commander Yang, as I said before, my team members had more than 30 people at the time, and I lost more than half of them just because I fought with the members of the Imperial Army Rescue Association. Last night, There are only me and Ding Dou left, and as for the seriously injured, they won’t be able to wake up for a while! I’ve made a note of this grudge, and he must make them repay it twice!” Wang Zhanshan hit him hard with his fist He touched the table.

"Comrade Wang Zhanshan, do you know what kind of rules are there on the ground where Wang Dazi is?" Li Mobai asked.

Wang Zhanshan shook his head, "There are no rules, no rules at all. He has offended many people, not only ordinary people, but also the Eighth Route Army, and the National Army. In addition, this Wang Zhanshan is also related to bandits. Bandits far away in western Henan There is some kind of secret relationship with Wang Zhanshan!"

"This guy is actually related to bandits!" Li Mobai said fiercely.

"So, it is very difficult to get rid of this bearded king. However, I am confident that the fox will always show its tail. I know that it will be very difficult for me. However, Captain Li, please talk to Wang again. When the bearded man fights, he must take me with him! I want to avenge my dead brother!" Wang Zhanshan said.

Hearing this, Li Mobai was of course happy, he wished that he would accept him now, it would be worthwhile for him to be a battalion commander!
Just when Li Mobai was about to speak, how could Yang Fei fail to understand the meaning, "Comrade Zhanshan, I understand the meaning, but I promise you, my entire regiment now only has five battalions, and A battalion is not full, I am currently expanding the sixth battalion, join our Eighth Route Army, how about I let you be the commander of my sixth battalion?"

Originally, Li Mobai wanted to say the same thing, but Yang Fei couldn't help but feel a little sorry when he said that, "Comrade Wang Zhanshan, I'm very happy that you have such a heart, my fifth battalion doesn't have a formal battalion commander yet, if you agree... ..."

Before Li Mobai could finish speaking, Yang Fei stood up early and grabbed Wang Zhanshan's hand, "Comrade Zhanshan, you are welcome to join our regiment. Our regiment needs commanders like you! Besides, what do you have?" Just ask for it!"

Li Mobai was stunned. This Yang Fei interrupted him several times. Only he, Yang Fei, could do such an impolite thing, "Old Yang..."

"Head Li, I won't stay for lunch, Comrade Wang Zhanshan and I will leave first!" Said, Yang Fei pulled Wang Zhanshan and walked out.

Wang Zhanshan can only sneer!
Li Mobai shook his head, "Old Yang, you really impress me!"

Yang Fei couldn't think of these elegant words, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand what they mean. He used to be and still is. He turned and looked at Li Mobai, "Old Li, you don't have to give it away. If there is anything you don't understand, You go to our group to ask Wang Zhanshan, and we all have telephones, so you can ask clearly on the phone!"

Walking to the door, Wang Zhanshan asked, "Commander Yang, you..."

"Comrade Zhanshan, do you know why I asked you to join our regiment?" Yang Fei asked.

"I don't know!" Wang Zhanshan replied very straightforwardly.

"Because, I know your hatred, and I also understand your personality. You are brave and you understand the truth. My sixth battalion is guaranteed to be established for you within a month. In addition, I will let you be responsible for Attacking Wang Dabeard, I still don't believe it, they can reach the sky!"

Yang Fei said domineeringly. ,
"Captain Yang, can I have a request?" Wang Zhanshan asked.

"Let's talk, now our family doesn't speak two different languages!" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"I want to take Ding Dou away, but he only followed us five years ago, and I still want to take care of him!" Wang Zhanshan said.

"This is easy to handle"!After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said, "Wait for me here, and I will bring Ding Dou out for you!"

Yang Fei found Li Mobai again, and said with a playful smile, "Hey, old Li?"

Li Mobai stared at him, "What? What are you doing here?"

"Old Li, don't be so stingy, you know, Wang Zhanshan and I have friendship, he must join our regiment!" Yang Fei laughed.

"Okay, tell me, you will come to me to explain it!" Li Mobai is a sensible person, and Yang Fei will only have a shameless expression when he begs him.

"Hey hey hey! That's it, a little brother of Wang Zhanshan is here with you, I want to take it with you! It's called Ding Dou!" Yang Fei said.

"Hehe, this matter? Easy to say!" Li Mobai stretched out a hand, "Five guns!"

"Ah?" Yang Fei was stunned for a moment, then frowned, "Lao Li, you're such a lion!"

"Nonsense, I risked my life to find Wang Zhanshan, you want to be a white wolf, how can such a good thing happen!"

Li Mobai turned to smile and asked, "You can't take out these five guns, can you?"

Yang Fei bit his lip, this is not the time to be in the arsenal, he can have a steady stream of bullets transported here, this gun is even more precious!It was impossible for Yang Fei to just give him these five guns.

However, the most important thing right now is to take Wang Zhanshan away. If it was because of Ding Dou, he would not want to think about the consequences.

"Okay, isn't it just five guns? You send someone to get them from me!" Yang Fei said.

"This is impossible! If you have a phone call, someone will definitely bring it to you!" Li Mobai stopped Yang Fei and said.

"You..." Seeing that Li Mobai had thoroughly understood himself, Yang Fei laughed and said, "Old Li, you are as fast as I am about this gag!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei shouted directly, "Ding Dou, Ding Dou Bean! Where are you!"

Li Mobai was startled, "Lao Yang, what are you yelling!"

"Don't worry about me, I want to see if this Ding Dou is with you or with me!" After speaking, Yang Fei shouted again, "Ding Dou, Ding Dou! Wang Zhanshan is looking for you!"

The sound was loud, and many soldiers watched this scene.

Li Mobai was so angry that he was about to go crazy. He knew Yang Fei was being foolish before, but when it got to him, he really didn't know what to do!
"Dingdou! Dingdou!"

Called again.

At this time, a person ran over, "Where is the captain?"

"Are you Ding Dou?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, I am!" Ding Dou said.

"Follow me, your captain is at the door!" Said, Yang Fei walked out with Ding Dou.

From time to time, Yang Fei looked back at Li Mobai's angry and blue face, unexpectedly, Li Mobai would also be angry, which is rare, but Yang Fei couldn't care so much, he took Ding Dou and left.

(End of this chapter)

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