Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2516 Inheritance

Chapter 2516 Inheritance
It is true that Yang Fei is unreasonable like this, not once or twice, but it is the first time that Yang Fei is unreasonable to Li Mobai.

In the past, Yang Fei respected Li Mobai very much. After all, Li Mobai was born as a scholar, but so what?This can't change Yang Fei's unreasonable ability.

Yang Fei, who returned to his regiment headquarters, was grinning from ear to ear. Although Wang Zhanshan was still a little embarrassed, he thought Yang Fei had thought of something.

As a result, he just kept laughing along the way.

When Ding Dou saw it, he would quietly ask, "Captain, is Commander Yang suffering from insanity?"

This made Wang Zhanshan embarrassed and could only say to Ding Dou, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Sure enough, he didn't break his promise. In order to keep the sixth battalion commander in Yang Fei's heart, Yang Fei immediately called and asked them to send a platoon of troops from each battalion to form the sixth battalion.

This is a mandatory order, so it is inevitable to feel a little uncomfortable when fighting!
Liu Ji called Shouhou to ask about it, but when Shouhou said that he would form the Sixth Battalion and that there were still candidates in reserve, Liu Ji felt unhappy, "Do you know which one it is?"

"I heard that the last time I came to our group was called Wang Zhanshan! I wonder if you still remember it?" Skinny Monkey said slowly.

"You said that, I remembered it, but why? The regimental commander wants him to be the battalion commander, so he wants to take some meat from our mouths?" Liu Ji was a little angry.

"Okay, old Liu, the establishment of the sixth battalion is a big deal. I heard that this Wang Zhanshan is going to lead people to fight with the people from the Imperial Army Rescue Association. Isn't it good that he can share our responsibilities?" said the thin monkey. .

"What do you care? Is the Imperial Army Rescue Association very difficult to fight? I still don't believe it!" Liu Ji sneered, disapproving, "I'll call the head of the regiment right now and ask him what's going on!"

"Well, all right, then you ask!" After finishing speaking, the thin monkey hung up the phone, thinking to himself, "Liu Ji is going to suffer!"

Sure enough, Liu Ji called Yang Fei and asked, "Leader, why did you send people from our regiment?"

"Liu Ji, what do you mean kid?" Yang Fei suddenly asked angrily.

Back then, Yang Fei’s battalion was sold out, and the rest of the people were placed in the first company. In today’s first battalion, most of the old people came from that time, and the thin monkeys from the second company slowly joined A newcomer, and then studied with Li Mobai.Now that Liu Ji asked such a question, Yang Fei felt a little upset.

"No, head, I just want to ask, what is this person going to do?" Liu Ji was a little angry when he heard Yang Fei's tone, and immediately changed his tone.

"Liu Ji, do I tell you everything? If you want to do it, do it for me, and if it doesn't matter, get out!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei immediately hung up the phone!
Liu Ji was taken aback for a moment, he didn't want to understand why Yang Fei was so angry.

In fact, many times, when you understand a lot of things, you will understand why Yang Fei did this. First of all, Yang Fei did this to let the veterans and recruits stay together and help each other. Everyone is a recruit, so this battalion How to continue?Can you go to war without three or five months?On the contrary, veterans and recruits are all there, so that the old can bring the new.

This matter is actually as simple as that, Liu Ji thought it was too complicated!

Sure enough, a month later, Yang Fei recruited three companies of recruits to the Sixth Battalion according to the agreement, plus the previous squads, it is completely possible to bring the old with the new!Then, Wang Zhanshan was very excited, "Leader, I, Wang Zhanshan, thank you all my life!"

"Old Wang, don't thank me. If you want to thank me, let the recruits train for a month. After that, go to the Imperial Army Rescue Club. No matter what, I feel comfortable if you kill a few more traitors! "

Wang Zhanshan didn't have any free time this month. Zhao Gang knew that Yang Fei intended to promote Wang Zhanshan. However, this Wang Zhanshan was not from the Eighth Route Army. He thought he had some talents. So Zhao Gang found Wang Zhanshan and talked to him about the Communist Party. Talk about the Eighth Route Army, especially the rules and regulations of the Eighth Route Army. Unexpectedly, Wang Zhanshan kept nodding his head, "Commander Zhao, in fact, we didn't learn well when we came here last time. It's great that you can teach me yourself this time! "

"Commander Wang, I'm really happy that you don't resist this study. After all, our Eighth Route Army is an army led by the Party, which is an advantage!" Zhao Gang said.

"Well, I see!" Wang Zhanshan took a notebook and a pen and began to record what Zhao Gang said.

This is very necessary. After all, the Eighth Route Army has come all the way, not relying on the system, not relying on the barrel of a gun, not relying on the common people, it really can't get to the present.

Therefore, what Zhao Gang said was like a kind of inheritance, telling Wang Zhanshan everything he knew, and Wang Zhanshan would tell the whole camp what he knew!

This is inheritance. A good inheritance can strengthen the army's combat power.

Wang Zhanshan is also very willing to learn, and now he understands why the Eighth Route Army is getting more and more courageous as it gets frustrated, why the Eighth Route Army can appear in front of the common people at any time, and why, the Eighth Route Army can make the common people so happy, happy?
All the questions, Wang Zhanshan said, they all know.

Not only at this time, but at any time in the future, the rules and regulations of the Eighth Route Army cannot be lost. This is the reason why the Eighth Route Army is the Eighth Route Army and not other armies.They have their own creed, and they are not just waiting to die!

Yang Fei looked for Wang Zhanshan three times in the morning, and found that he was chatting with Zhao Gang. He didn't interrupt, but just nodded, "Yes, let Wang Zhanshan study the party constitution and the rules and regulations of our Eighth Route Army. This is a prerequisite!" Yang Fei After Fei finished speaking, he left by himself.


When Yang Fei just arrived at his headquarters, the guards came, "Head, Ji Taichang called just now!"

"Oh?" Yang Fei said, "What did he say?"

"Company Commander Ji said that they discovered the devil's movements!" Just after the guard finished speaking, Yang Fei said to the operator, "Hurry up, a few barrels of Ji Taichang!"

When the call was connected, Yang Fei immediately asked, "Coach Ji, what's going on?"

Ji Taichang immediately said, "Commander, we are carrying out investigation operations today, and then discovered that a large number of devil troops are moving!"

"Oh? Tell me more about it!" Yang Fei was a little nervous at this moment.

"That's right, Captain, the devils are currently heading south from the north, and seem to be on their way to HD!"

Yang Fei hurried over with the map, and at the moment, he felt that this matter now seems to be a big move by the Japanese!

Thinking of this, Yang Fei immediately said, "Coach Ji, you can investigate, but don't shoot. If there is anything wrong, please tell me right away!"

"Head, don't worry, our current training subject is reconnaissance. As far as we know, it will take about half a month for all the Japanese to gather in HD. So, now, we have time to figure out how to deal with them!"

"Coach Ji, thank you for your hard work!" After speaking, Yang Fei hung up the phone.

He called Leopard over and said, "The Japanese are starting to gather in HD!"

Leopard was taken aback by this simple sentence, and then slowly said, "Captain, this devil seems to have thought about it a long time ago, but we can't be afraid, we have already prepared for such a thing! "

"The defense lines of several battalions should have been fortified. However, here, we still haven't fought many battles with the devils, but we are not afraid. Wherever we go, we are all Chinese. The acclimatization should be Those little devils!" Yang Fei patted the table.

"Leader, what should you do at this time?" Leopard sat down and asked.

Yang Fei looked at the leopard, then lit a cigarette, "What do you think?"

In fact, Yang Fei already had an idea in his mind, he wanted to see if Leopard had any suitable suggestions!

Leopard said slowly, "The devils gather in HD, and they will eventually go all the way south in HD. In the Anyang area, this is the final decisive point!"

"Oh?" Yang Fei looked at Leopard, and it seemed that Leopard had already understood that it would be extremely difficult to fight this battle. Although they captured several counties, most of them were occupied by devils in the final analysis. Hearing that the decisive battle was in Anyang, Yang Fei felt a little interesting.

"Come on, tell me, why?" Yang Fei handed Leopard a cigarette.

Leopard clicked on it, and then said slowly, "Commander, although our place is a plain, there are also many mountains, which is very suitable for us to fight guerrillas, and even play the previous sparrow warfare. Cannons, they are invincible on the plains. We have no way to achieve absolute victory now. Let me say that most of the west of Laoye Mountain is plains. Of course, we have also developed a lot of base areas during this period of time. !"

Taking a breath, Leopard continued, "From my judgment on the devil, HD is the second line of defense. The devil's first line of defense is also the first line of attack. It must be Anyang, Anyang Xike Deal directly with us, and the south can fight against Li Mobai. I think Li Mobai is in a terrible situation. We must let him take more precautions. We have many fortifications on the mountain, and their planes and cannons may not be able to effectively occupy our place! "

There is no doubt that Li Mobai's analysis is very accurate, and Yang Fei also agrees very much, but Yang Fei does not want to be beaten passively, he smiled and said, "Leopard, I agree with you, but this devil wants It will take about half a month to assemble in HD, during this time, can we do something?"

"Oh? Commander, tell me. When I saw you, I found a better way!" Leopard said.

"Fight, we must fight. The best defense is definitely to attack. Only by taking the initiative on the battlefield can we make the Japanese fearful. We have one eleven nine divisions in the north, and the devils want to attack us. I also have to be wary of the [-]th Division. Therefore, I suggest that the first part is to ambush the Japanese troops who came to attack in the Anyang area, and let them annihilate them in the periphery of Anyang. The second part is to launch a harassing attack in the area where they gather HD! "

Leopard frowned, and then asked, "Commander, this is certainly good, but I'm afraid our current capabilities are beyond our reach, not to mention how many troops the devils have. If we send one battalion or two battalions over, I'm afraid it will be too late." A drop in the bucket!"

"I said to fight, so it must be fought. During this period of time, I have also seen that the terrain in Anyang is flat, and it is really difficult for us to fight an ambush. In addition, if we want to succeed, we must Let the devils have no doubts!" ​​After Yang Fei finished speaking, he sneered.

Leopard is now more and more unable to understand what Yang Fei is thinking. Since it is not easy to ambush, how to fight this ambush?In case he was attacked by devils inside and out when he was fighting for help, where would he escape?
However, Yang Fei is very confident. He smiled, "We have been encircling a point to fight for aid. This point must be found accurately. Secondly, this point must be surrounded by a large number of people!"

"Leader, I understand this, but how can it be impossible for a regiment to encircle Anyang!" After finishing speaking, Leopard asked, "Leader, do you mean to let Li Mobai come to surround?"

"That's right, as you said just now, this is the biggest blow to them. They don't send troops or work hard. Isn't this courting death? I think he will definitely agree!" Yang Fei smiled.

Leopard felt a little embarrassed, after all, Yang Fei took Wang Zhanshan from Li Mobai only a month ago, would Li Mobai agree?

Maybe seeing Leopard's embarrassment, Yang Fei said, "Don't be embarrassing, you and I can't tell him about this matter, so you should call the brigade commander now and tell him our solution!"

"Of course, you only need to talk about our current thinking. As for the second part of the troops going to HD to assemble, you don't need to talk about it for the time being!" Yang Fei added.

"it is good!"

With that said, Leopard went over and took the phone and started making calls.

Yang Fei is still looking at the map. In fact, he has already read this map by heart. He has traveled a lot in many places. As for the good defensive terrain he thinks, he has given it to the battalion commander below. In the right place, the safety of life is guaranteed.

As for Leopard and Li Jiguang reporting their thoughts, Li Jiujiguang said it was for research.

Yang Fei naturally knew that they had to agree!

If the devils are really allowed to complete their assembly, it means that Li Mobai will bear the brunt of the devils all the way south!And Li Mobai's line of defense is located on a plain... this...

Wang Wei looked at Li Jiguang, "Could it be that kid Yang giving you a problem?"

Li Jiguang shook his head, "It's not Yang Fei who made me a problem this time, but... the devil made a problem!"

"Devil?" Wang Wei stood up and brought Li Jiguang a cup of tea, "What's wrong?"

Li Jiguang shook his head, "This little devil is here..."

The little devil is here!
In fact, they were all mentally prepared, but even so, when the little devils gathered in HD, they also felt a sense of helplessness.

Li Jiguang took a sip of water, "Commissar, tell me, what is the ultimate purpose of this devil coming here?"

Wang Wei also took a sip of water, "It's time for them to come over, otherwise, they would think we don't exist!" After finishing speaking, Wang Wei continued, "In my opinion, the devils are now in this assembly period, we should quickly Just pull out those devils they have just assembled to fight once, they are already very tired, and their fighting power will definitely weaken!"

"The political commissar, look, where is it suitable?" Yang Fei asked again.

"That's easy to say!" Wang Wei went over and pointed directly at the map, "Here, if you fight Anyang, the devils from the HD area will definitely come!"

Wang Wei also said to beat Anyang, what can Li Jiguang say, he knew in his heart that this would happen, but this means that it is another big event that affects the whole body!
Speaking of which, among the five regiments under Li Jiguang, all of them are capable of fighting. Needless to say, Yang Fei, Hu Dahai and the bandits have fought so hard recently that he can't even find time to sleep and talk to him. Have a meal!

Hu Dahai, who was red-eyed, entangled with the bandits tightly.

As for Shen Wanxi, relying on the support of Hu Dahai to the west and Li Mobai and Yang Fei to the north, he quickly wanted to gain a firm foothold in the southern Hebei area.

These are all good things!
However, if we want to fight now, Hu Dahai will definitely not be able to get anyone out. Shen Wanxi's place, although the pressure is small, but the Imperial Army Rescue Club is also there!
Only Li Mobai was left.

Perhaps seeing Li Jiguang's worry, Wang Wei said, "Old Li, you can't do this!"

Li Jiguang looked at Wang Wei, "What do you say?"

"At the beginning, the few recruits under your command have now become generals who lead their own side. You can just plan your strategy. You don't need to worry about the fighting below!"

Wang Wei said.

In fact, since Li Jiguang became the commander of the brigade, he seldom went to command and fight. When he was the commander, he even went to the front to command in person. However, after so long, he even began to worry whether he could still command and fight at the front. !

At this time, the phone rang, and the operator picked it up and immediately reported, "Brigade Commander, Division Commander is on the phone!"

Li Jiguang went over and picked up the phone, "Master, it's me!"

The teacher immediately said, "Li Jiguang, I have received reliable news that the devils are now gathering in the direction of shouting. In order to consolidate the revolutionary base and prevent the common people from suffering, I have ordered your troops to besiege Anyang!"

"Master, yes! We also have this intention!" Li Jiguang said immediately.

"Really? It's just right, the people who brought you must surround Anyang tightly, and not even a devil can be released!" The teacher ordered.

"Good teacher, I will definitely complete the task!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang asked again, "Master, let's wrap up a little bit, how about this aid?"

"Don't worry about this, I have my own arrangements!" After finishing speaking, the teacher hung up the phone!
This coincides with Yang Fei and Wang Wei. It can be seen that Yang Fei has grown into a general who is capable of acting alone.

Li Jiguang looked at Wang Wei, "The commander ordered us to besiege Anyang immediately, political commissar, this aid..."

"Since the commander has an order, let's do it!" Wang Wei said, "There will definitely be other friendly troops to attack the reinforcements!"

"Okay, operator, connect to Yang Fei immediately!"

After finishing speaking, the phone was connected, Li Jiguang immediately conveyed the order, Yang Fei picked it up, very puzzled, "Brigade Commander, what's the situation, I just want you to order Li Mobai to besiege Anyang, our regiment also plans to send aid !"

Li Jiguang immediately went into a rage, "You can do whatever you are asked to do, Yang Fei, I order you, you are not allowed to say three or four things here, besides, this is an order from the teacher!"

Yang Fei gritted his teeth and could only nod, "Okay!"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fei was unhappy, Leopard had heard what was said on the phone, "Head, the teacher must have his own plan, as long as we do it according to our own, it will work!"

"Leopard, I know that the teacher has his own ideas, but I really want to have a real duel with Ito, and Ito and I have a sworn feud!" Yang Fei said.

Leopard nodded, "Commander, you're right, what if the commander thinks this way?"


Yang Fei looked at the leopard strangely.

"A fan of the authorities, if I were you, I would let you besiege Anyang!" Leopard said.

"Leopard, tell me, why is it more appropriate for me to besiege?" Yang Fei asked puzzled.

"It's because you and Ito have an indissoluble feud!" Leopard smiled.

"Then... shouldn't it be better for me to fight Jing Teng?" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, have you ever thought about it, what if we besiege Anyang and the devils in HD are indifferent?" When Leopard said this, Yang Fei suddenly realized!

"Leopard, what you mean is that he will fight with me only after I besiege Anyang and Jing Teng knows about it, right?" Yang Fei immediately understood.

Yes, that's it, only if Ito is scared, Ito will stop!
"Yes, Captain, you are right!" Leopard said.

"If the teacher thinks this way, I can understand it, as long as I can beat me with Jing Teng!" Yang Fei immediately ordered, "Pass my order, order Zhao Qifa, Liu Ji, Shouhou and Liu Zhang Four battalions, go to the vicinity of Anyang immediately!" Yang Fei gave the order immediately.

At this moment, Da Guang ran in, looked at Yang Fei and asked, "Head, head!"

"Da Guang, why did you come here looking for me?" Yang Fei asked.

"Head, what should we do with our battalion?" Da Guang asked Yang Fei a little dumbfounded.

"What about your battalion?" Yang Fei asked.

"Commander, I know. What do you call the new battalion commander? Wang Zhanshan sent a lot of people there. Now, they have almost become an integrated battalion. What about us? Commander, get me some people too." Come on!" Da Guang seemed a little anxious at this moment!
Yang Fei asked angrily, "What do you want from me?"

"Commander, Commander! You should know that there is only one platoon leader left in our battalion of cavalry fighting devils, and all of them are almost extinct. It has been almost half a year now, Commander, I have nothing on my hands. There are only a little more than two troops, and I..."

Daguang swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Isn't it right? Seeing that there is a battle, their battalion has never been prepared to plan a battle. This is impossible!
(End of this chapter)

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