Chapter 2517

However, Yang Fei was very upset when he heard this, "Da Guang, do you still have the face to say it?"

Da Guang was taken aback, looking at Yang Fei.

"It's been so long, it's been so long, and your ability is only to get the strength of two companies, Da Guang, do you have the ability to be a battalion commander?" Yang Fei asked.

Da Guang was taken aback for a moment, and he immediately lowered his head, "Leader, I..."

"Okay, what are you supposed to do, I'm ordering you now to take your two companies and follow the main force, let the recruits in your hands follow the main force, and let your soldiers also experience experience! "

After Yang Fei finished speaking, Da Guang immediately stood at attention, "Yes, yes, yes!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran out.

The purpose of Yang Fei's trip is Anyang. In order not to attract attention, Yang Fei specially ordered the troops to march quickly at night and hurry up to sleep during the day!

Even so, the march at night was slower.

After reuniting with Li Mobai, Yang Fei immediately asked, "Old Li, what do you think about our cooperation this time?"

Li Mobai said, "Let's surround the spot, and there will naturally be someone to help. For the sake of unnecessary trouble, we still have to beware of the devils coming out of the city and forming a front and back attack!"

"Yeah, I think so too, but I'm not afraid of devils coming out of the city!" Yang Fei said.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Li Mobai asked.

"Others are afraid, but I am not afraid. This time, we are likely to only surround but not fight, so this is our trouble now!" Yang Fei said.

"Just besiege and not fight, that can only show that the teacher has his intentions!" Li Mobai respected the meaning of his superiors very much, unlike Yang Fei, if they just besiege and not fight, they are so laborious, what are they going to do? ?
Thinking of this, Yang Fei couldn't help but think, anyway, he has an Italian cannon in his hand, after passing by, give Gou Ri a few cannons to taste first, otherwise, if you don't shoot, no one will know what you want to do at all!The intention was also clearly seen through.

After receiving the order, Shen Wanxi had no choice but to head to the Anyang area, where he had been operating a base area for a long time, but suddenly he left, and his heart suddenly became empty.

Yang Fei kept a hand and left the newly formed Sixth Battalion to let them take care of their home. Of course, Yang Fei also dropped the guard company back to let them take care of the regiment headquarters.

This battle is inevitable, and even Li Jiguang can't sit still.He rode his horse overnight to catch up with Yang Fei.

This time, he must be present!

After walking for three nights, Yang Fei and the others finally arrived near Anyang.

After setting up camp, Li Jiguang began to order, "Shen Wanxi's department, you surround the south of the city, Li Mobai's department, you surround the east of the city, Yang Fei, your department, surround the east of the city!"

After the order was issued, Shen Wanxi asked, "Commander, where is the north of the city?"

There is a river in the north of the city, which can be said to be a natural moat. If you want to pass through it, you have to leave by boat!

Li Jiguang smiled, "Hehe, it's okay, just stay a line for being a human being, see you in the future!"

Shen Wanxi left without understanding.

In fact, it's okay if he doesn't know, so just defend his southern side well.

And Li Jiguang stayed with Yang Fei!

"Hey!" Yang Fei looked at Li Jiguang and smiled.

Li Jiguang glared at him, "Our encirclement is almost done, and I don't know what the teacher is doing now!"

"Brigade Commander, let me tell you, since we have surrounded them, we must beat him. If we don't, how would they know that we surrounded them?" Yang Fei said.

In fact, Li Jiguang also knows that if Yang Fei is released, as long as he is placed on the front line, he can show his wildness. It seems that he will cause trouble when he just comes this time!
"No one can fight without the commander's order!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, think about it, if we just encircle and don't fight, then the devils are not stupid. They must know what our purpose is! What do you think?" Yang Fei asked.

Even so, Li Jiguang also knew that it is possible to fight, but you have to wait for the friendly troops to be in place.

Of course Li Jiguang would not agree.

"Leader, let's fight, it's okay, the Japanese are suspicious by nature! If we fight, they will have a meeting!" Yang Fei smiled. "Seize this point, and we will definitely be rewarded!"

"Old Yang, you are forcing yourself to make mistakes!" Li Jiguang said.

Yang Fei quickly said, "Head, look, this is a topographic map. If the devil wants to come from HD for support, he must pass this road. When he reaches the river, he must also come over the bridge here!"

Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei, "Old Yang, what do you want to say?"

"Brigade Commander, I think you did a good job this time. Let me stay on the west side. There is a bridge on the west side. This bridge is the only way from north to south. Although you can also cross the river, but , in the river is a living target, who wants to do this? So, Brigadier, they will definitely come over this bridge, and I only need to send two companies to guard this bridge, and we will be safe and sound!"

Even if Yang Fei said so, but you are not fighting alone, you are fighting with your allies. If you insist on going your own way, you will probably lose your life!

Therefore, Li Jiguang still said, "Lao Yang, don't mess around, I'm here, you don't want to mess around!"

Li Jiguang still compares the situation. He is here with Yang Fei, otherwise, Yang Fei would have turned his back on him.

Yang Fei looked at the map wonderingly, "How many devils are there in our three regiments? It stands to reason that there will not be more than 1000 devils stationed here, so why don't they dare to fight?"

Yang Fei didn't understand, Leopard looked at Yang Fei and really wanted to laugh, "Head, head!"

Yang Fei regained his composure and looked at him, "Oh! What's wrong?"

"Leader, that's right, I think I can fight!" Leopard said.

"You think so too?" Yang Fei was surprised.

"Yes, we can definitely fight, how about this!" Leopard leaned in front of Yang Fei, "So, the two of us cross the bridge and see where the friendly troops are! If they are in position, let's fight Already!"

"Yes, you are right!" Yang Fei nodded, "Let's go, cross the bridge and have a look!"

With that said, the two of them set off from the station on horseback and headed straight north!
In fact, they didn't see many people along the way, and there were very few things they wanted to know!
However, just when they were panicking, they suddenly heard a gunshot!
The two were taken aback, and Leopard hurriedly said, "Listen to the sound, it should be from the northwest! Captain, let's go and have a look?"

"Go, go over and have a look, there are not many gunshots, there should be only one or two people!" Yang Fei said.

After they walked northwest for a while, they realized that there were actually two Japanese here!

They are robbing things in the village, and there is a car beside them.

I saw that a Japanese caught a chicken in his hand and danced happily, while another Japanese was looking for eggs in the chicken coop.

"Captain, it seems that there are only these two!"

"Yeah, I also find it strange that these two Japanese are driving a car..." Yang Fei muttered.

"Not to mention that much, the gunshot just now should have been done by them, Leopard, you and I one by one, let's kill them!" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, you don't need to go out, just watch me!" Said, Leopard quietly raised a gun and pointed it at the two Japanese.

"Leopard, this straight line is too far away, and the bullet will fall in flight and form an arc. This angle is very difficult to grasp. Are you sure, can you make a big shot?" Yang Fei looked and asked.

The leopard didn't make a sound, took aim, and fired directly, only to hear a "boom!"

The two Japanese fell down without recovering!

This is a standard kill two birds with one stone!
Yang Fei slapped his thigh, "Bitch, Leopard, you fucking hit me!"

Leopard chuckled, "Leader, let's go, let's go and have a look!"

Yang Fei and Leopard ran quickly, the chicken ran away from a devil's hand, panicked and pecked his own feathers.

Leopard looked at the two fallen Japanese, first took their guns, and then said, "Strange, I saw the Japanese here!"

"Whoosh them!" Yang Fei shouted.

The leopard leaned down and searched the two Japanese, and found a photo and an envelope!
Leopard gave the envelope to Yang Fei, how could Yang Fei recognize the Japanese characters?Simply put it on your body.

The Japanese really have nothing to take away!Yang Fei vested the car, "Leopard, can you drive?"

"Haha, I spent a few days with Daguang in the base area!" Leopard smiled.

"Okay, you drive the car and go to our station, I'll go ride the horse!" After saying that, the two of them split up.

What exactly is this letter?No one knows, at least Yang Fei and others don't know Japanese characters.

When they all arrived at the station, Yang Fei immediately took out the letter and handed it to Li Jiguang.

Li Jiguang frowned as he looked at the letter.

"Brigade Commander, what does this letter say?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"I want to ask you, Yang Fei, did you find anything else on the devil? Is it something like a reagent?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Ah? No!" Yang Fei said.

"It is very possible that these two Japanese were transporting this thing. If it is not found with him, it must have been lost somewhere!" Li Jiguang said with some regret.

"Brigade Commander, what exactly are you trying to say? Why don't we understand more and more?" Yang Fei sat down and asked.

"According to the instructions in this letter, the devil tried to send that thing to SJZ, but you killed him on the way!" Li Jiguang said.

"What?" This is what Yang Fei wanted to understand!
"According to the above explanation, this thing should be a small compression bomb! However, we can't be sure about this! Because we haven't found this thing." Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, what does this miniature bomb look like?" Yang Fei was a little surprised.

"This thing should look like an injection. Because that's what it says in this letter!" Li Jiguang said.

At this time, Leopard came in, "Head, is that what you are talking about?" After speaking, Leopard brought it to Li Jiguang.

When Li Jiguang saw it, he asked, "Where did you find this?"

"In the car, the leader asked me to drive that car back!" Leopard said.

"Yes, it should be this!" Li Jiguang finished speaking, and then said, "Leopard, you drive now and take me to the division headquarters. We don't know what this thing is, so let the division commander solve it!" Li Jiguang said After finishing, he put away the reagents, then went out and took a car, and Leopard drove away immediately.

"Isn't it just a bomb? Why are you so nervous? Doesn't it look like a brigade commander?" Thinking of this, Yang Fei shook his head, "Hey, the brigade commander is gone, so I'll let Jing Teng know that I'm coming!" , Yang Fei took the people to the gate of the west city.

Let people hold the trumpet and start shouting at the top.

"Listen to the Japanese devils on the city tower. Grandpa is Yang Fei, the commander of the [-]th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. If you don't want to be shot, hurry up and open the city gate!"

No one spoke on the tower, so Yang Fei asked someone to shout again with a loudspeaker.

Not long after, a group of Japanese people appeared on the tower, and they looked down the city, "Are you Yang Fei?"

"That's right, let me tell you Mr. Ito, I'm here, let him die! But you, don't become lonely ghosts, in the end, even Lord Yan won't want you, hahaha!" Yang Fei snatched the loudspeaker just shouted.

"Your Excellency, don't speak big words. Anyang City is called Gaochishen. If you want to come in, it depends on your ability!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter to me who you are, what matters is whether you can guard until night, no, I will attack the city in an hour, if you come out obediently and die, I can save you from death, if you are stubborn It doesn't work, I'm sorry, I'll send you to see the ghost of black and white impermanence!" Yang Fei yelled loudly.

"That's a big tone, let's take a look!" After speaking, the people on the tower withdrew.

Yang Fei smiled, and then said to Liu Ji beside him, "Unexpectedly, this little devil won't surrender!"

Instead, Liu Ji's face was full of black lines, "Head, this is really funny, you can make the Japanese surrender with just a few words?"

"Hey, I underestimated the Japanese!" Yang Fei smiled, but left without saying much.

When he arrived in the tent, Yang Fei looked at the map, "If this little devil doesn't surrender now, I just ask him to tell Jing Teng that I, Yang Fei, are here!"

"Captain, it's okay if Ito doesn't know, if you know, don't you have to fight?"

"It's just right that I'm here, and I can meet him!" Yang Fei said.Then he didn't know why he was so happy, he walked out of the door, and stretched himself.

Zhao Qifa came over, "Commander, I think, how can it be possible to send two battalions of troops and surround them at the north gate, what do you think?"

"There's no need. Since the green equipment is doing this, there must be a reason for it. Give them hope of survival, and they won't fight to the death!"

Who knows what to do next?
Yang Fei knew that Yang Fei wanted to take Anyang wholeheartedly, and only by taking Anyang could he pose a threat to HD. However, this Anyang does not need to be an ordinary small county town, this place is indeed high and deep!
Looking at the time, when one disappeared, Yang Fei immediately ordered, "Come on, put your Italian cannon on me!"


After finishing speaking, Liu Ji, Zhao Qifa and others went out and made arrangements.

After a while, the Italian guns were mounted, and Yang Fei said, "Hehe, tell the gunners not to shoot so accurately, as long as they hit outside the city wall, scare them!"

"Why? Commander, since we are going to fight, we must blow up the city wall!" Liu Ji said.

"No need, think about it, if we really blow up the city wall and occupy it later, it will cost a lot of money to repair!" Yang Fei said, "So, don't hit the wall and scare them!"


After speaking, a burst of gunfire exploded at the gate of the west city, dust was flying, and the fire filled the air, burning all the surrounding trees.


Ito Ichiro was waiting for a call at this time, and received an order saying that there was a new type of virus to be transported to SJZ, and then transferred from SJZ to the northeast battlefield.

It stands to reason that the Northeast battlefield is also researching viruses, but there are some such research institutes all over the country to deal with different groups of people.

"How is it? Is there no news about them yet?" Ito asked a Japanese.

"Master Ito, there is no news. It stands to reason that there should be news about them today!"

"Baga, as I said a long time ago, it takes a large force to transport such things, but in the end, they only sent two people over, and sooner or later something will happen to these two people!" Jing Teng rubbed his head, "Go, come again!" Check it out for me, it's best, if something happens, it's not our fault!"

"Good sir!"

Just as this person ran out, another person ran in, "Your Excellency, Your Excellency!"

"Say, what happened?" Ito asked.

"Your Excellency, the informant just now said that gunshots were heard in Wangbao Village, but after we went there, we found the bodies of two imperial soldiers!"

"Baga!" Ito shouted loudly, "Who are they? Can we find out now?"

"According to the names on their clothes, they should be the people who delivered the things for two days!" The visitor continued.

"It's true that good things don't go out, and bad things travel thousands of miles!" Ito Ichiro said, and then threw the teacup on the table on the ground, and the fragments flew, making everyone present shudder. "Where are the reagents? Can you find them?"

"Your Excellency, no reagents were found at the scene!"

Now, it is more certain that this thing should have fallen into the hands of the Chinese, and Ito licked his lips, "Go down, I will report this now!"

Just after finishing speaking, the phone rang.

When he picked up the phone, it was from the Anyang garrison.

"Please pick up Your Excellency!"

"I am, what's wrong?" Ito Ichiro asked.

"Your Majesty Jing Teng!" The internal hemorrhoid pony said immediately, "Anyang is under siege now, please help your Excellency!"

"Siege? When did it happen? Why don't I know?" Ito Ichiro asked, frowning.

"Report to Your Excellency Jing Teng, the besieger claims to be Yang Fei, and says he wants to fight you with real swords and guns!" Internal Hemorrhoid Pony said hastily.

"This Yang Fei is not in his residence, but he came to trouble me first!" He sneered, but soon, he felt, no, Yang Fei must set up an ambush, and when the time comes, they will be the ones who will be injured , Thinking of this, Jing Teng immediately took out the map and looked at it, "From here to Anyang, you will pass a river, and passing this bridge on the west side, there may be unexpected good things. As for the east side, there must be the Eighth Route Army Ambush, ha ha! If you want to catch me, there is no way!

Jing Teng picked up the phone, "Captain Internal Hemorrhoids, please rest assured, I will send reinforcements there as soon as possible, as for you, you must guard!"

"Your Majesty Jing Teng, Yang Fei said that our city will be bombarded in an hour!"

"Don't worry!" Jing Teng said, "I'll contact the airport now and let them bomb Yang Fei and others. As long as they show their feet, I promise, they will die!"

"Then I would like to thank Your Excellency Ito!" After finishing speaking, they hung up the phone.

However, Jing Teng frowned immediately, "The Eighth Route Army has surrounded Anyang, why haven't we heard any trouble?"

"Your Excellency Ito, our intelligence agents didn't notice them coming, could it be... just a group of rogues?"

"Rogues?" Jing Teng snorted coldly, "It would be great if there were rogues. Now, follow my order. For the time being, you will lead a team to scout the way and see if the Eighth Route Army has laid an ambush. But I have to think of a way! If not, I will definitely let them be punished, whether it is the Eighth Route Army, bandits, or bandits!"

"Hi!" Saying that, Heda led the people away.

As for the airport, Jing Teng had someone put through the phone, and just as he picked up the phone, he heard the sound of bombing outside.

"What's the matter?" Ito Ren shouted loudly.

At this time, a little devil ran over, "Your Excellency Jing Teng, the captain of the internal hemorrhoids team came to report that the Eighth Route Army is now attacking their Ximen'er!"

"These hateful Eighth Route Army, but today I will let them taste the taste of death!" Jing Teng was very happy.

A few days ago, at Niangziguan, Jing Teng finally won a battle, and he naturally felt a little arrogant in his heart. In the past few months, Jing Teng has never stopped fighting in Niangziguan, and he did not give the local Eighth Route Army soldiers The opportunity to breathe, even so, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army became more and more courageous.

However, the final victory is still in the hands of Ito Ichiro, so Ito is naturally satisfied!As long as he wins, he can bear any price!

When the phone was connected, he even ordered, "SJZ Air Force, listen to me, go to Nanyang immediately, and bomb me if you see the Eighth Route Army!"

After getting the order over there, I hung up the phone.

Jing Teng looked at the map, "Hehe, Nanyang, isn't it just a Nanyang! I still have the trump card yet! Yang Fei, as long as you dare to fight, I will dare to kill you!" Then, Jing Teng smiled, and then said, "Have the thirty armored vehicles come yet? How long do we have to wait?"

"Report to Your Excellency Ito, I urged you yesterday and said that I will be there tonight!"

"Okay, with the ace in hand, I don't worry!" Ito smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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