Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2518 Puppet Army

Chapter 2518 Puppet Army
He didn't want to fight, but the Italian gun made a symbolic fight, and then Yang Fei ordered, "Forget it, these sons of bitches won't come out!"

"Leader, what should we do now?" Liu Ji asked quickly.

"Don't worry, if the HD reinforcements come, they will start now, but I'm worried that their reinforcements won't be dispatched on a large scale, Liu Ji, you follow my order now and bring a squad of soldiers to meet these Japanese! "

Yang Fei said.

When Liu Ji heard this, it was a good thing, and he immediately agreed, "Leader, then I will go, and I have no restrictions on the method!"

"No matter what method you use, just go!" Yang Fei disagreed.

Killing a few Japanese, in fact, is not too difficult, what is too difficult is how to kill them!

Liu Ji stayed with a squad of soldiers, crossed the bridge, and then disguised himself as ordinary people, and then pretended to be fleeing. Naturally, he didn't bring any weapons or equipment.

"Battalion Commander, isn't it too blatant for us to go there like this? There should be a devil's stronghold ahead of here!"

a soldier asked.

"I tell you, don't be afraid, the Japanese are too young to be bullied, so don't panic, just listen to me for a while!" Liu Ji said.

Sure enough, after crossing the bridge and walking eastward for a short time, I saw the devils checking the post.

It is impossible to go back now, but a puppet soldier shouted at them, "Those beggars, come here!"

Yang Fei whispered to the soldiers behind him, "Everyone, don't be nervous, follow me!"

Following him to the stronghold, a puppet soldier was wearing a cap crookedly, pointing a gun at them, "What are you doing?"

"Master Jun, we are refugees!" Liu Ji's dirty face could easily confuse people.

"Refugees? I think you look like the Eighth Route Army!" The puppet army looked Liu Ji up and down, and then looked at the soldiers behind him.

"Master Jun, don't be joking, do you think we look like the Eighth Route Army?" Liu Ji smiled wryly.

The puppet soldier took a disgusted look, "That's right, he's so thin and small, forget it!"

However, at this time, a Japanese came over, "What kind of work?"

The puppet army quickly explained, "Taijun, these people are fleeing, look at their appearance!"

The devil looked up and down, and said a lot of Japanese, and the puppet soldier said half-understandable, "Ka Yi, Ka Yai!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Liu Ji and the others, "You are really lucky, you know? Taijun said, since you have no food, let us recruit you!"


When Liu Ji heard this, it was really a big game. They didn't have guns on them. If they were really warned by the Japanese to become puppet soldiers, when would they be able to go back?
However, without waiting for him to think too much, a few puppet soldiers came behind him, "Let's go!"

Taking these people to a room, changing into the clothes of the puppet army, and giving them a few guns, Liu Ji shook his head, "Damn it, I didn't expect that I still have today!"

"Battalion Commander, we..."

"Forget it, being a puppet army is just that, with a gun, we can do whatever they tell us to do!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he took his gun and went out.

The puppet army at the door smiled and looked at them, "Boy, you guys are really lucky. This time, I heard that a small team is coming from HD to support. Isn't the Eighth Route Army going to bomb Anyang City? Our task It is to ensure that the team comes safely, but the imperial army will never treat you badly, and if you are alive, everyone will have a big ocean!"

Several people glanced at each other, then smiled.

"Master Jun, you have the final say!" Liu Ji said hastily.

The puppet army saw that Liu Ji and the others were more obedient, and then took a gun and taught them how to shoot. Liu Ji and the others also acted very happy, as if they wanted to learn.

After eating here, Liu Ji ate six steamed buns, and the other soldiers filled their stomachs and ears full without any hesitation, as if they were at their own home.

It was only later that I found out that this puppet army was called Huang Tao, and he became a puppet army by accident. However, he was used to the life in front of him.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, they received an order that the team was coming soon, and the devil immediately ordered Huang Tao to take people to take a look around and try to avoid any enemies!
Huang Tao took Liu Ji and the others away, and there were no Eighth Route Army bandits nearby. Huang Tao felt free when he came out, so Liu Ji took the opportunity to go, "Brother Huang, where are we going?"

Huang Tao smiled, "Look, are you inexperienced? Since we are asked to come out, we will come out. There, from time to time, we have to act according to the face of the Japanese. Now, you come out with me, of course you want to enjoy it! "

Hearing enjoyment, Liu Ji also laughed ghostly, "Enjoy?"

"Yes, enjoy!" Huang Tao said, and then said, "It's time, of course I need to find a place to sleep!"

"But the imperial army said, let us investigate!"

Liu Ji said.

"Investigate him with a big head, there is no Eighth Route Army here, let's take a nap, go back and report and say there is no more!" Huang Tao saw a big stone slab, "Did you see that, that place is where I often stay, sleep When I woke up, nothing happened!"

After passing by, Huang Tao lay directly on the stone. The stone slab was still warm after a day in the sun, and it was very comfortable to lie on.

"Xiao Liu, come on, fan me!" Huang Tao ordered directly.

Liu Ji smiled, "Brother Huang, it's alright!"

Then, he took off his hat and fanned Huang Tao, "Brother Huang, take a look, how is your hand speed?"

"That's right, you kid is a man to make!" After finishing speaking, he said to the other fighters, "You guys, give me a pinch!"

Although the soldiers were reluctant, they went over and began to pinch him. The arms and legs were all men with strong hands. Huang Tao yelled "Aiyoyo", looking very comfortable indeed.

"I tell you that if you wear these clothes, you are not a free person. You always have to see what the devil means. You are just unlucky. If you are lucky, you may leave. But don't worry, you are here Here, I can cover you!" Huang Tao said with his eyes closed.

"Covering us? Brother Huang, what kind of official are you here?" Liu Ji asked.

"This..." In fact, what kind of official is Huang Tao? An ordinary puppet army has no power. It depends on the face of the Japanese devils, so his face darkened, and then he said, "It doesn't matter who I am Guan Er, but I can guarantee that you will not die!"

"That's it! That's it!" Liu Ji said with a smile.

Even so, Liu Ji still asked, "Brother Huang, in your opinion, when will we be free?"

"There are many such possibilities!" Huang Tao said, "Since you have just glanced at me, it will be too difficult to go out, but don't worry, whenever you want to leave, you can just leave. This is for the Japanese. It’s not a good thing in the first place, besides, it’s really not worth losing your life for the Japanese!”

Originally Liu Ji wanted to kill him, but when he heard this guy say that, he didn't have the idea of ​​killing him. Liu Ji rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Huang, tell me, the Eighth Route Army is more powerful than the devils." , or is the national army powerful?"

Hearing this, Huang Tao's eyes widened, and he turned his body sideways to look at Liu Ji, "Boy, you've got the point of asking!"

Then he began to talk endlessly, "Let me tell you this, this devil is the most powerful, in fact, the Eighth Route Army, and finally the National Army, this is something that can be imagined from the asshole!" After finishing speaking, Huang Tao again Said, "However, this matter is not so absolute. The Eighth Route Army is sometimes better than the devils... bah bah... The imperial army, the imperial army, sometimes, the Eighth Route Army is better than the imperial army. Have you ever heard that a devil’s cavalry company almost killed a battalion of the Eighth Route Army!” After speaking, Huang Tao continued, “However, the Eighth Route Army has never suffered a loss in wars. It must be added, look, the Eighth Route Army captured several train stations and killed how many people? However, no one was killed by the Eighth Route Army, this is their ability!"

Huang Tao said proudly.

"By the way, Brother Huang, have you ever fought a war?" Liu Ji asked.

"That's a better question for you!" Huang Tao smiled, "I can live to this day because of my ability. I tell you that I don't charge in battle. If I don't have the energy, I quickly pretend to be dead and lie on the ground motionless! It's because In this way, I survived, otherwise, I would have been charging like that two hundred and five, and I would have died a dozen times earlier!"

Liu Ji smiled, "Yes, yes, listen to Brother Huang!"

After staying here for more than an hour, Huang Tao got up, feeling hungry, and said, "Let's go, let's go, it's almost time, and it's too late to go back, this devil is still suspicious!"

On the way back, Liu Ji continued to ask, "Brother Huang, tell me, how many devils are here to support this time?"

"A small team, didn't I tell you?"

Huang Tao said directly.

"A small team? You just said that the Eighth Route Army has a regiment!" Liu Ji said.

"Hey, you don't understand this, right? This devil is very smart, how could he send a large force over? A small team will first check out the wind. If it feels good, it will definitely come again. If it thinks there is a problem, it will definitely fight." I won't fight again!" Huang Tao said, "Don't think devils are too simple!"

"That is, that is!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, Huang Tao said quietly, "Maybe you don't know yet?"

"What do you mean Brother Huang?"

Judging by Huang Tao's posture, he must be talking about something top-secret, "Although a small group of devils came here for a symbolic purpose this time, I have heard that dozens of armored vehicles will come soon! By then , the Eighth Route Army must be finished!"

"Armored vehicle?" Liu Ji asked.

"I knew you kid didn't know what an armored car is! This armored car is a big lump of iron, bullets and the like have no effect on it, and what's more, it is more difficult to win him than to reach the sky. Besides, this It’s no problem for armored vehicles to cross mountains and ridges, not to mention the plains here, ordinary ravines and so on, just go there, do you know the river? The armored vehicles cross the river like walking on flat ground!”

Huang Tao explained proudly.

"In this way, the Eighth Route Army must be finished!" Liu Ji couldn't help sighing.

"Yes!" Huang Tao said, "So, this war has nothing to do with us!"

"Then Brother Huang, is there any way to beat the armored vehicle?" Liu Ji asked again.

"If you ask this way, I don't think there is nothing that can deal with armored vehicles!" After speaking, Huang Tao continued, "This armored vehicle runs on its tracks. As long as its tracks are blown off, it will I have become a cripple, and at that time, let alone an armored vehicle, no one can save it, and it will be really difficult to repair an armored vehicle!"
When Liu Ji heard this, it was astonishing news. Although he had seen armored vehicles, after all, in Shanxi, the number of armored vehicles he saw was very small. If this was a large-scale armored vehicle force, they really hadn't opened their eyes.

When they went back, Huang Tao and the ghost reported today's situation, saying that they didn't find any problems and everything was normal!
After talking with the devil, he also took a cigarette from the devil.

Huang Tao smoked proudly, then looked at Liu Ji, "You have a sweeter mouth, do you know how to smoke?"

Liu Ji nodded, "A little bit!"

Huang Tao took out a few cigarettes from his body, and distributed one to each of the soldiers, "Smoke it, smoke it!"

Liu Ji took a puff, but he didn't expect that the devil's cigarette had a cigarette holder, which was an eye-opener for him.

After dinner, Liu Ji has figured out that there are only two Japanese in this stronghold, including Huang Tao, and there are only five puppet soldiers. Therefore, these seven people are simply a piece of cake for them. In the middle of the night, Liu Ji immediately ordered all the soldiers to obey, deal with the two devils, and then killed the puppet army.

This is like cutting melons and vegetables.

When it was his turn to kill Huang Tao, he didn't expect this guy to wake up.

He opened his mouth wide, "What are you doing? Rebellion?"

Liu Ji smiled, "Oh, Brother Huang, I'm sorry, we are the Eighth Route Army, and we are serious about killing devils and puppet soldiers!"

When Huang Tao heard this, he was so scared that he peed his pants immediately.

As soon as his knees softened, he immediately knelt down, "Master of the Eighth Route Army, please spare me?"

Liu Ji smiled, "Oh, Brother Huang, you can't do it!"

"Baye, Baye, please spare me!" Huang Tao showed embarrassment, "I'm just a puppet soldier, and I'm not good enough, so you show me your hand?"

"Have you ever killed ordinary people?" Liu Ji asked.

"No, absolutely not!" Huang Tao said swearingly.

"Have you killed the Eighth Route Army?" Liu Ji asked again.

"Of course not. I always leave last and play dead. I never fired a gun!" Huang Tao almost cried!
"Okay then!" After finishing speaking, Liu Ji said, "Now, you are ours, tell us, where are the weapons and equipment of this devil usually kept?"

"I know I know!"

Can you not know this?

After taking the devil's weapons and equipment, Liu Ji drove the motorcycle, put the weapons and equipment on the car, and said, "Take all these things away, and then blow up this stronghold! Let's go!"

They drove three devil motorcycles, and then they left. With a "boom" explosion, the stronghold was gone.

Huang Tao turned his head to look, beat his chest and stamped his feet, "Ba Ye, you are really great!"

When Liu Ji returned to the station, he reported the situation to Yang Fei!
However, when Liu Ji finished talking about blowing up the devil's stronghold, Yang Fei's face became furious!
"Damn it, what are you talking about? The devil's stronghold was blown up?" Yang Fei shouted.

Liu Ji was also puzzled, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"You are really my uncle!" Yang Fei shook his head, "You are the same as Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms period, you have no brains, and you broke Dangyang bridge with a loud drink, you know, if you blow up the devil's stronghold, can the devil still come over? The teacher will definitely be angry!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Ji immediately touched his head, "Yes, what should we do?"

"What else can we do? It's the time now, we can't wait for reinforcements from the devils, and our Italian cannons can't be placed here as decorations. Listen to my order and immediately order the Italian cannons to blow up the city wall and then attack the city!" "


After speaking, Liu Ji left.

At this time, the phone rang, and Yang Fei frowned, thinking to himself, "Damn it, come here for whatever you want!"

Pick up the phone, and there is a call from Li Jiguang, the brigade commander, "Damn it, pick up Yang Fei for me!"

When Yang Fei heard it, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Hey, brigade commander, it's me, Yang Fei!"

"Bastard, at this time, who asked you to bomb the devil's stronghold rashly?" Li Jiguang shouted, "Also, who asked you to bomb Anyang City?"

"Brigade Commander, what do you mean? When did I blow up the devil's stronghold?" Yang Fei couldn't admit it even if he was killed!

"Don't argue with me. I know where you bombed. That stronghold is the closest to you. If you didn't bomb it, who else could it be? Yang Fei, you'd better be honest. You don't have to be reckless if you don't have an order from the teacher. Otherwise, I won't be able to keep you!" After speaking, Li Jiguang hung up the phone.

Yang Fei grinned his teeth, then frowned, "It's all surrounded, if you don't hit Anyang City, what are you waiting for?"

After speaking, he asked the operator to connect to the call just now, and Li Jiguang answered it and asked, "Yang Fei, what do you want to do?"

"Brigade Commander, I think it's time to attack Anyang City!"

"Fart, who told you to beat me? Be honest and wait for me. You ruined the master's plan. You kid can't afford to go around. At that time, if you are convicted again, even if you have nine lives, it won't be worth it! After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang hung up the phone again.

Yang Fei was a little apprehensive.

It stands to reason that at this time, all the personnel have already made preparations. If they attack Anyang City, they will definitely be sure. Besides, taking Anyang City will definitely be helpful for their battle situation in North China It has a great influence, why do the higher-ups disagree?

Thinking of this, the more Yang Fei thought about it, the more incredible it became!

After a while, the phone rang. Liu Ji said that the Italian artillery had been aimed at Anyang City, and asked if it was possible to fire?
Yang Fei said, "Wait a while, let me think about it!"

Yang Fei deduced it on the map, and then came to his own conclusion, "It is indeed possible to fight. If Anyang is taken, at least their base in the south is safe, with a city in front and endless countryside behind. For the Eighth Route Army, this is an opportunity!" Yang Fei couldn't hold back his emotions.

He called Li Mobai, and Li Mobai over there was silent at first after hearing what Yang Fei said, and then said, "Old Yang, I advise you not to be reckless, whether to attack Anyang City or not is up to the teacher, this battle , not the battle of our brigade headquarters, but the battle of the division headquarters!"

"Old Li, are you scared?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's not that I'm scared, I'm worried. The teacher is planning a bigger picture. I hope you don't be reckless!" Li Mobai said.

"Okay, I can't say one, two, three with you!" Yang Fei hung up the phone directly, and then connected Shen Wanxi.

When Shen Wanxi heard that Yang Fei was going to attack Anyang City, he said directly, "Boy, are you crazy? You want to give orders privately?"

"Old Shen, just say, do you want to do it?"

"Don't do it! You have grown the guts of a leopard. Our order is only to surround and not to fight. You don't understand what it means?" Yang Fei said.

"Hehe, let's go!" Yang Fei hung up the phone.

A group of people, no one supported him, but Yang Fei thought to himself, "As long as Anyang City is brought down, the tiger will watch HD, this is a coup!"

However, even so, Yang Fei was still undecided, "I don't see reinforcements from the devils now. It seems that the devils know about the reinforcements! So, if they don't come to support, we just come to attack Anyang City. I think, The teacher won't say anything, will he?"

Thinking of this, Yang Fei directly connected Liu Ji's phone, "Liu Ji, you heard me clearly, and in 10 minutes, immediately bombard me at Anyang City!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Then Yang Fei gave Zhao Qifa, Liu Zhang, and Shouhou an order. Once he heard the sound of the cannon and the bombing was over, he rushed into Anyang City and took the devil's headquarters for me!
The subordinates who received the order, of course, did not dare to question the commander's order, and agreed immediately.

Time passed by second by second. At this time, everyone's nerves were tense to a high level.

Even Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi thought that Yang Fei was crazy. To attack Anyang City, as long as they put a little pressure on Anyang City, they would not be afraid that Anyang City would not be broken. But Yang Fei wanted to attack Anyang City tonight, of course they could not understand.

Arrived with 10 minutes time.

The Italian artillery not far away suddenly opened fire. At night, watching the shells bombard the city wall, like gorgeous fireworks, with the sound of "boom", a big hole was blasted in the city wall!

Immediately afterwards, dozens of shells, as if they had eyes, all hit the city wall. Smoke, dust, and fire immediately filled Anyang City.

All the trumpets sounded.

Zhao Qifa and others risked their lives and charged towards Anyang City.

At this time, Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi were stunned, "This old Li, seems to be crazy!"

They immediately made their troops look good, and if there were devils coming out, they would kill a few devils!

But is this really good?
(End of this chapter)

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