Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2519 Yang Fei's Recklessness

Chapter 2519 Yang Fei's Recklessness

The sound of the explosion seemed very abrupt this night.

At the division command post not far away, division commander Qiu Ming frowned, "What's the situation? Could it be that the devils broke through?"

After thinking about it, he hurriedly asked, political commissar Mr. Deng came over, "What? The devil broke through?"

"Political Commissar Deng, I don't know yet, but when I heard the gunfire, I think it's the devil's reinforcements coming out?" Excuse me, Qiu Ming immediately asked the operator to answer the phone.

The reinforcements have been waiting for the devils for a long time, but they didn't even find a devil. After receiving the call from the teacher, they naturally didn't dare to neglect, "Master!"

"What? The devils are dispatched?" Qiu Ming asked immediately.

"No, we didn't see a devil at all!"

After receiving this answer, Qiu Ming immediately hung up the phone and listened to the voice. The sound should have come from the southeast. Could it be Li Jiguang's troops?
The operator called one after another to inquire, but the answers they got were all negative.

This made Qiu Ming very puzzled. The voice was not from a devil, but from our own people. However, Qiu Ming frowned all of a sudden, "Damn it, if I guessed correctly, could it be the one from Li Jiguang?" Captain, what did Yang Fei do?"

Yang Fei has a well-known name in the division. Not only is this guy a good fighter, but he has made several mistakes, and even Li Jiguang can't do anything about it.

At this time, Li Jiguang was at the division headquarters, and Qiu Ming immediately asked for Li Jiguang to be found.

When Li Jiguang came, Qiu Ming immediately asked, "Old Li, are you here?"

"Teacher, what do you want from me?" Li Jiguang asked quickly.

"Didn't you hear the gunfire just now? I thought it was the devil's reinforcements arriving, but they didn't. I asked everyone else, but they didn't fire, so you are the only one left!" Qiu Ming smiled, this smile But meaningful.

You know, for this battle, Qiu Ming studied it for several months and repeatedly deduced it with Mr. Deng before he finally came to this conclusion.

In fact, in this battle, Qiu Ming and Deng Gong's main goal was HD, not Anyang. Compared with HD, Anyang is not worth mentioning at all. If you get HD, what is Anyang?

This time, in order to confuse the devils, Li Jiguang's men were specially asked to besiege Anyang, creating the illusion of encircling and attacking Anyang. However, behind this illusion, he sent several regiments to quietly besiege HD. , Then, a few regiments will send the rest of HD's group as reinforcements, this is a once-and-for-all matter!

This plan can be said to be seamless, the siege of Anyang, the HD defenders will definitely go to support!

This is what is planned!
However, once one side shows anxiety, if Anyang has become a dead city, then the devil's reinforcements will definitely not be dispatched, and the siege of HD will be in vain!So, this matter is not something to worry about!

Seeing Li Jiguang's appearance, Li Jiguang also said swearingly, "Master, I have specially confessed to my regiment leaders. Without my order, they would not be able to attack Anyang. Don't worry!"

"Don't worry? How about you make another call!?"

Qiu Ming asked.

Li Jiguang immediately asked the operator to pick up Yang Fei.

However, several phone calls were made, but they were not answered at all.

Beads of sweat appeared on Li Jiguang's head, he wiped it off, and let Li Mobai pick him up.Li Mobai answered the phone.

"Li Mobai, where did the gunfire come from?" Li Jiguang asked loudly.

"Brigade Commander, it should be Yang Fei. Yang Fei told me not long ago that he wanted to attack Anyang!" Li Mobai said.

"Which bastard gave him the order? This kid doesn't want to live anymore!" Li Jiguang hung up the phone angrily.Then go out!
Qiu Ming snorted coldly, "What a Yang Fei, he didn't listen to dissuasion!" After finishing speaking, Qiu Ming pushed everything on the table to the ground, "Where are you going, Li Jiguang?"

"Master, I want to go back immediately!" Li Jiguang said.

"Go back? You go back now, your precious leader has already defeated Anyang! You know, for this battle, Political Commissar Deng and I have spent several months of repeated deduction! If HD can't be taken down this time, Our energy is wasted!"

"Master, then I..." Li Jiguang frowned.

How could he know what to do?Li Jiguang is now in a dilemma because of Yang Fei's self-willedness.

Deng Gong came over at this time, "Teacher, don't make trouble, since the matter is already like this, let's... change another way!"

"What else? Hmm? Anyang, just a mere Anyang, makes that guy so jealous, what about HD? What about SJZ?" Qiu Ming pinched his waist angrily.

"Since the matter is already like this, let's talk about occupying Anyang!" Deng Gong said.


After the artillery fire, several battalions of Yang Fei rushed to Anyang City immediately.

When charging, the operator kept telling Yang Fei, "The call is coming!"

However, Yang Fei said, "Don't answer, if you answer the phone, Anyang won't be able to take it down!"

The operator had no choice but to listen to the phone ring.

The charge horn resounded through half of the sky in the dark night, and Zhao Qifa's troops rushed into Anyang City first without risking their lives, and fought with the Japanese devils defending the city first.

In street fighting, the Eighth Route Army was obviously inexperienced, and they were beaten in a corner, so they couldn't easily show their heads.

Yang Fei personally commanded a battalion, "Come on, mortar, bomb me there!"

A mortar was set up and bombed towards a tall building, and the debris caused the building to collapse immediately.


The charging horn blew, and all the troops rushed over like a flood of beasts.

There are not many devils defending the city, but they really can't go anywhere now, with the Eighth Route Army on three sides, they can only fight them to the death.

"Mr. Xiantian, we don't have many people now, let's go out of the city!"

A ghost said immediately.

"Out of town? Where? Where can I go?"

Xiantian frowned, "Why hasn't the reinforcements we want come here?"

"Mr. Xiantian, we can still go north now, there is a river to the north, we can go to HD along the river!" said the devil.

"When we get there, we are still at a dead end. We can only wait. Ito-kun said that they will definitely come to support us!" said Isada.

"Mr. Xiantian, it's impossible. Look, the Eighth Route Army is everywhere here. When the reinforcements come, it's impossible for us to fight out!"

"Baga, you are not allowed to say that!" Xiantian shouted, and then drew out his command saber, "Fight with the Eighth Route Army!"


With that said, all the people in the command post rushed out. The roadblocks they set up also caused a lot of trouble for the Eighth Route Army in the city!
Who would have thought that the Eighth Route Army would suddenly launch this attack!

At this time, the plane overhead "rumbled" over, reached above their heads, and then passed by, bombs exploded outside the city.

Yang Fei's army has become a living target for these bombs!

As soon as he saw the plane coming, Yang Fei even shouted, "Find a cover and hide quickly!"

Yeah, what can they do to the plane?
During the war in Shanxi, Yang Fei did not suffer from the suffering of the planes. They were high above, and they bombed wildly below, and countless soldiers were injured!
"Enter the city, all of them enter the city!" Yang Fei shouted, and the soldiers began to run into the city!
Xiantian saw it, and was moved in his heart, "Jing Teng-kun has not forgotten us, let us know, and if you see the Eighth Route Army, fight me to the death. The soldiers of the empire never surrendered!"


Occupying several commanding heights of the building, the devils began to attack the Eighth Route Army hiding behind the bunker.

As soon as Liu Zhang's troops entered the city, they were attacked by the devils. Seeing the devils above, they fought on their backs, but they were repeatedly attacked!

Frowning, Liu Zhang had to let the soldiers find cover again!
"Damn it, these devils look menacing, occupying the commanding heights of the building, hit me!"


Liu Zhang gave the order, and the soldiers rushed into the building, no matter whether there were people or not, they went straight to the top floor, took a certain advantage, and started fighting the devils again.

Yang Fei rushed in with people, and then shouted loudly, "Everyone, listen to me, there are not many devils, we must wipe out all the devils within an hour!"


Although he is full of confidence, there are roadblocks of devils at every intersection, each roadblock has sandbags, and they are all armed with machine guns.

All of a sudden, there is really nothing to do with them!


Shen Wanxi received a call from Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander! Then Yang Fei suddenly launched an attack on Anyang!"

As soon as she answered the phone, Shen Wanxi filed a complaint.

"I see, now, I order you to launch an attack on Anyang City immediately, and break through the south gate from the south!"

"Is it really going to attack Anyang? Brigadier, I think that we only want to surround and not fight. If the devils come out of HD, attacking HD is the most sensible choice!"

Shen Wanxi said.

"Okay, I won't say more, I order you to attack Anyang immediately!" Li Jiguang hung up the phone.

That's right, Shen Wanxi can see something, why can't Yang Fei see it?
Isn't that obvious?

However, Yang Fei himself had thought about it. After attacking HD, there will be devils in all directions, and HD is not easy to defend. It is better to just attack Anyang as the next best thing!
But no matter what, this matter has become a foregone conclusion, Li Jiguang can only sigh in peace and call Li Mobai, telling him to attack the east gate of Anyang immediately!Be sure to join Yang Fei's men and attack Anyang in a short time!

Cannon fire resounded across the sky in Anyang City for a while, Xiantian frowned, "Are they attacking?"

"Yes, Kanada-kun!"

"Baga! This group of Eighth Route Army actually dared to attack Anyang. Get me Dazu Ito, I want to talk to Dazu Ito!" Xian Tian shouted.

When the call was connected, Xiantian immediately cried out, "Master Ito, the Eighth Route Army has launched an attack on our Anyang City, please help, please help!"

How could Jing Teng not know that the Eighth Route Army is attacking Anyang now?

But what can we do?

In fact, he also knew a long time ago that this should be a trap, but he didn't expect that their siege of the city was a real siege, and their siege was also a real siege.

I thought that they were just encircling the spot to fight for aid, which was also the usual method of the Eighth Route Army, but I didn't expect that the Eighth Route Army was really planning to attack Anyang City.

"Kanada-kun, how long can you hold on there?" Ito asked.

"Ito-kun, the two disappeared, and I can only hold on for two hours!" said Isada.

"Okay, hold on, I will send planes to your place for air support, and at any time, I will send armored vehicles over there, keep your guard, and I will rescue you in a short time!" After finishing speaking, Ito hung up the phone!
Yes, Anyang can't miss it!

However, HD is the most important thing. After weighing the pros and cons, Ito decided that sending all the armored vehicles and adding a brigade should be able to provide strong support to the Anyang defenders.

Two hours is enough!
On the other hand, Yang Fei is actually very difficult to fight here. There are roadblocks and machine guns at every intersection. This is no joke. They can't let the soldiers use their bodies to block bullets?
Although a few intersections were won, the price paid was too great.

Zhao Qifa found Yang Fei, "Leader, this devil's firepower is very fierce. Although we have captured a few intersections now, we are already unable to move an inch!"

Yang Fei licked his mouth, "Damn it, it's a good thing to say that when you hit a county like Anyang, I really didn't hit a lot, but this time it can be regarded as providing us with experience. In the future, I will fight again If we hit the city, we will know what to do!"

"Head, what should we do now?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"I can't fight, if I really wait, in case the devil's reinforcements come over, it's really hard to say with how many other friendly troops outside support me!" Yang Fei said, "We must defeat the Japanese as soon as possible!"

"Head, as far as I know, from here to the devil's command post, you will encounter more than a dozen intersections, and there are invisible Japanese soldiers on various buildings. We are struggling now!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Old Zhao, I know you are in difficulty, but who is not in difficulty? Go find a way, as long as your IQ does not decline, there are always more ways than difficulties!"

Hearing what Yang Fei said, Zhao Qifa's face became ugly, and he frowned, "Okay, I'm leaving, leader!"

It never occurred to him that Yang Fei didn't provide a solution, but just gave him a loud slogan.

Anyang City.

Every street is neither long nor short. Soldiers of the Eighth Route Army are outside the bunkers. If they want to effectively attack the machine guns at the intersection, they can only use grenades. It is really difficult to throw grenades from the back of the building!

How can this be done?

Zhao Qifa frowned, "Who is stronger?"

"Captain, me!"

A slightly fat soldier came over and said.

"Can you throw a grenade from here with confidence to blow up the machine gun?" Zhao Qifa asked.

The chubby soldier poked his head out lightly, and then took a look, "Commander, this is at least 30 meters away?"

"It's indeed 30 meters!" Zhao Qifa said.

"It's okay if it's from a straight line, but I'm really powerless to throw it there from this position!"

"Try it!" Zhao Qifa said.

"it is good!"

After finishing speaking, the chubby soldier put the brim of his hat back, took a grenade from his body, and tried it on his hand. It was thick at a ninety-degree corner, and suddenly faced the machine gun of the sandbag. When the grenade was thrown, the chubby soldiers rolled behind the other wall one by one.

"Boom!" sounded.

Zhao Qifa turned his head to look, and saw the sound of the explosion three meters away from the sandbag. Thinking about it, it didn't have much impact on the Japanese behind the sandbag!
"Damn it, you missed it!"

Zhao Qifa shouted.

The chubby soldier took a look at this time, and then took another grenade. According to his arm strength, it should not be difficult to throw it to 30 meters. m, the problem is solved!
Thinking of this, the chubby soldier pulled the fuse, then suddenly reached the intersection, ran forward for three to five meters, and threw the grenade over hard!
However, at this time, the laser gun at the crossroads opened fire at the chubby warrior with a "da da da..."!

"Boom!" sounded.

The Devil's machine gunner was blown over.

Zhao Qifa even rushed out, only to see the chubby soldier fell to the ground with a smile on his face, "Head, it!"

For a machine gunner, he also lost a soldier, which made him feel that the loss outweighed the gain!

However, winning this intersection was a big improvement for Zhao Qifa. He even said, "Now, listen to my order, your company, from here to the back of the wall, give me a feint! People, go over and throw grenades at the devils!"


Just like that, Zhao Qifa shot and killed many machine gunners at intersections!

Seeing that Victory was about to come towards him, at this time, the planes in the sky flew over again, bombarding indiscriminately towards the west of the city!
"Get down! Get down!"

Zhao Qifa shouted immediately.

However, most of the soldiers from the Eighth Route Army came in from the west of the city, and the devils threw bombs towards the west of the city even more frantically!
In the midst of howling wolves, the soldiers suffered the most. In this state, if they enter the building, they will be crushed to death by the building, and at the intersection, they will be shot by the devil's machine gun at any time!

The battle has entered a state of anxiety for a while!
At this time, the east and south of the city also fought against the devils. After several rounds of fighting, Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi finally broke through the devil's city gate, and the soldiers rushed in like crazy, three regiments!
Finally, they converged in Anyang City.

Three sides have been breached!
Xiantian's expression became even more ugly!
"Get me Ito-kun!"

The call is connected.

Xiantian's face was ashes, "Jing Teng-kun, the east, west and south sides have been breached by the Eighth Route Army. I will break the jade at any time, and I will not be a prisoner of the Eighth Route Army!"

Jing Teng said silently, "Handian-kun, you are a role model for the empire. I have dispatched [-] armored vehicles, and I think I will rescue you in a short time. You must work harder to stop the attack of the Eighth Route Army!"

"Ito-kun, I have to make the last resistance!"

"Okay, let me hear the news of your victory!" After finishing speaking, Ito hung up the phone.

"Pass on my order, the soldiers of the empire must risk their lives and not be able to look like the Eighth Route Army!" Xian Tian shouted.


The intersections were breached one by one, and the defense that seemed to be like an iron pass was now full of loopholes. It became even more difficult to defend.

The plane flew away after the indiscriminate bombing.

Zhao Qifa immediately shouted, "Attack, continue to attack!"

Yang Fei led his men all the way to the north gate, and then successfully occupied the terrain of the north gate.

Then, he took the opportunity to occupy several Japanese intersections in the north.

The situation changed, Xiantian closed his eyes and raised his bright and miserable command saber.

"Xiantian-kun, now we can only go north!"

"No, that side is already occupied, I just heard gunshots!" Xian Tian said. "It's time to serve the Emperor!"

The moonlight is like water, sprinkled on every corner of Anyang, no matter who it is, they will fight to the death!
Three regiments, this is not a small amount!

Now, Xiantian also knows that their number has dropped to more than 20 people, including the few small leaders in front of him, there are not many people!

The Japanese army in the suburbs is even more pitiful, they have no time to attack at all!

Therefore, they can only stay where they are.

A stream of blood spilled out, Xian Tian's bayonet had already pierced his heart, he had no chance to see everything about victory, the other squad leaders immediately took out their command knives and threw them into the front line, on the remaining routes, Still resisting with difficulty.

At this time, Yang Fei shouted with a loudspeaker, "Listen up, the rest of the Japanese army. Now, you are all out of the way, and there is only time left, so I will give you 10 minutes to surrender quickly, otherwise, you will be killed." Go in, no one will be left behind!"

The Japanese army began to tremble with fear. They looked at each other, waiting for their commander at this time to say, should they surrender or break the jade?
"Don't listen to them, if we are in the hands of the Eighth Route Army, we are still dead!" Several small captains shouted, they hid behind the bunker, holding command knives, "If you see the Eighth Route Army, hit me, you must fight!"

"Captain, we are running out of bullets now! We won't be able to fight for long!" said a ghost.

"It won't last long, then use grenades, I would rather break the jade than be whole!"

"Listen up, the rest of the devils. Our Eighth Route Army treats prisoners well. As long as you surrender, your lives are guaranteed. Think about it, your wives and children, as well as your parents, they are looking forward to your safety. Go back! Therefore, surrender is your best choice, don't do unnecessary resistance!"

Words like this spread over and over again, causing many Japanese to lose their resistance.

"Captain, we can't die, we still have wives and children at home!"

"No, no!"

"Captain, we surrender! We surrender!" The soldiers had already seen such an ending, what else could they do if they didn't surrender?
The remaining captains looked at each other, as if they had no choice but to surrender!
"Listen up, devils who want to surrender, you step out of the trenches now, put your weapons on the ground, and raise your hands! We, the Eighth Route Army, guarantee the safety of your statement!"

(End of this chapter)

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