Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2520 Punishment

Chapter 2520 Punishment
It turns out that the easiest way to completely destroy a man is to make him feel hopeless in his mind.

At this time, the Japanese devils have also reached the final juncture, and they are shivering. If there is no accident, so many Eighth Route Army swarmed up, what the final result will be is self-evident.

"Surrender! At least we're still alive!"

"Yes, surrender?"

After a few seconds of silence, these people came out one after another, then raised their hands and put their weapons aside!
Yang Fei ordered people to rush out, seized the things, and then tied up all the devils who surrendered.

The Battle of Anyang is considered to be over.

Yang Fei breathed a sigh of relief, feeling very happy in his heart!
When they got together, Liu Zhang and Zhao Qifa didn't look very good.

After all, in order to bring down Anyang, they paid a terrible price. Take Zhao Qifa's battalion as an example, more than 100 people died under the devil's gun, let alone those who died under the bombing of the plane.

The same is true for Liu Zhang. When he came, the battalion was full. Now, he has lost nearly 200 people. The price he paid for this can be said to be much higher.

The same goes for the other battalions. The Battle of Anyang seemed to have been won, but it was like a meat grinder. The corpses piled up here filled the streets.

Who can figure out why the battle is so fierce?
Liu Ji ran over, "Leader! This Anyang has been defeated! However, the west city gate is seriously damaged. If you want to defend the city, I'm afraid it will be very difficult!"

"Who said they want to defend the city inside?" Yang Fei said, "Pass my order to let everyone deploy defenses to the north of Anyang and south of the river, so that the city cannot be damaged again!"


After speaking, Liu Ji left.

Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai found Yang Fei. Seeing that Yang Fei was still on guard, they hurriedly asked, "Old Yang, do you know? You got into trouble!"

Yang Fei looked at them, "What's the matter? Anyang was defeated, and I got into trouble?" Yang Fei was a little confused.

"The teacher personally called us and asked us who attacked Anyang! Finally, it was found out that it was your regiment! I guess the brigade commander is not feeling well now!" Li Mobai said.

"Lao Li, I did this thing, and I think I did the right thing!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he turned around and left, but he still didn't forget to look back, "This place in Anyang must Defeat, only defeat Anyang, we can win the final victory!"

Shen Wanxi stomped his feet, "This old Yang is always self-righteous. He must have destroyed all the division commander's plans. This time, the military court must have his shadow!"

Li Mobai also shook his head, "Yes, Lao Yang fell down this time!"

After finishing speaking, the two shook their heads helplessly, "Old Shen, what are you talking about now, hurry up, send someone to take over Anyang, and start defending, maybe, now they are coming from HD to support the troops!"

"That's right! Keep it up! Anyway, the fight has already reached this level!" After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi shouted, "Come here, pass on my order. In the Anyang area, dig trenches according to the terrain and prepare to meet the enemy!"

Anyang City, which is still braving the flames of war, seems to be riddled with holes. The common people dare not leave their crumbling homes. The whole Anyang City seems to be immersed in hell.

The river to the north of Anyang is called the Suozi River. The surface of the river is not too deep because of carelessness. You could still see small boats wandering on the river during the day yesterday, but now they have disappeared.

When Daguang came, he was assigned to the bridge, and he did not participate in the operation last night. If the bridge can be well defended, it can withstand the enemy. A broken balloon.

Two companies, in Daguang's view, this is enough people.

In order to strengthen the guarding ability, Daguang also tried his best to have dozens of explosives installed under the bridge. When he had to, he would choose to blow up the bridge!

He asked a company to defend the north of the bridge, and he led a company to the south of the bridge. According to the terrain, he dug trenches. I believe that the bridge will be safe!

Qiu Ming lit a cigarette, and the battle lasted from night to early morning, and it was finally over. When he learned that Yang Fei had captured Anyang, he was relieved!

Li Jiguang also stayed with Qiu Ming all night, not daring to make a sound.

"Li Jiguang, this battle is over, as for your precious lump Yang Fei, you can decide for yourself!" Qiu Ming said calmly.

"Teacher, don't worry, I have already thought about Yang Fei's punishment. This guy is lawless, and he will take the blame for any punishment! Teacher, I decide you to come!" Li Jiguang said.

"Hehe, good!" Although Qiu Ming knew that Yang Fei was a good fighter, you can't make mistakes again and again, right?To be honest, what happened this time was not a trivial matter. It seemed that HD, an important city, could not be taken down, so Yang Fei had already taken the main responsibility this time!

Li Jiguang looked at Qiu Ming. He knew that Yang Fei's future seemed to be ruined. What does it mean to write the four characters of disobeying the military order in his file?He sighed, only to hear Qiu Ming slowly say, "After today, Yang Fei, the head of the regiment, will be abolished. As for where to let him go, hehe, go to the logistics department of your brigade headquarters and let him go as the head of the cadre!"

When Li Jiguang heard this, it was okay, okay, fortunately, Yang Fei was in their brigade headquarters, the head of the logistics department, although he said that he had a great official name, but he had no real power.

Fortunately, the teacher understands righteousness.

"Master, let me thank you for Yang Fei first!" Li Jiguang said.

"Thank me? Why thank me? Shouldn't you hate me?" Qiu Ming looked at him with his hands behind his back.

"Yang Fei is self-inflicted and can't live. You just deprived him of his military power, but you still let him be in the army. This is the greatest tolerance for him!" Li Jiguang said.

Qiu Ming smiled, "I just hope that he will have a long memory, and don't let his cleverness ruin such a big event!"

"Okay, I know the teacher, I'm going to announce the new appointment!" After speaking, Li Jiguang took Zhao Gang out.

After leaving the door, Li Jiguang said, "Commander Zhao, the division commander has issued an order for me to dismiss Yang Fei, so you will be the regimental commander first!"

Zhao Gang frowned, "But, I don't have much experience!"

"We have been fighting for many years. You should be familiar with this leader! We will make a decision when there is a suitable candidate! Now the organization orders you to take over Yang Fei's regiment, the regiment leader and political commissar!"

Starting from HD, [-] armored vehicles ran towards Anyang aggressively, and the dust behind them seemed to be approaching like a thousand troops.

And it was Shen Wanxi's troops who first discovered this situation!
When Shen Wanxi learned that the devils were driving an armored vehicle, her face became big!

"How is this possible? Thirty cars coming at once?" Shen Wanxi couldn't believe it, and he had never seen such a big hand of a devil!

When he was in Shanxi, like Yang Fei, he had seen this armored vehicle before, and it was difficult to deal with. An armored vehicle made them all helpless!
And now, there are thirty armored vehicles, this...

"Hurry up, report this matter to the brigade commander!" Shen Wanxi said quickly.

However, the phone has been dead.

"I don't know where the brigade commander is now. According to the speed of the devil's mobile army, we should reach our defense line in one hour. It's really difficult!" Shen Wanxi couldn't help but get nervous.

The only way now is to run after seeing the devil's armored vehicle, otherwise, what else can I do?
However, he quickly picked up the phone and called Li Mobai.

"Old Shen, what's the matter?" Li Mobai asked.

"Lao Li, let me tell you something. Our informant just said that we found the devil's armored vehicle heading for Anyang!" Shen Wanxi also wanted to hear if Li Mobai had any way to deal with the devil's armored vehicle.

"Armored vehicles?" Li Mobai was taken aback, "How many?"

"Thirty cars!"

Knowing so many armored vehicles from Shen Wanxi, Li Mobai didn't know what to do for a while.

"Really so many? Why did this devil come to have so many armored vehicles?" Li Mobai asked.

"Instead of sending out their infantry, they actually sent out armored soldiers. There's a lot of mystery in it!" Shen Wanxi said.

Li Mobai shook his head, "As far as I know, these armored vehicles rely on their tracks to move. As long as their tracks are blown off, they can be turned into scrap metal!"

"Yes, I think the same way, so I want to cooperate with your regiment. No matter how many tanks they have, we still have more people? At that time, all the grenades, explosives, etc. will be sent up. I don't believe that these armored vehicles will not be bombed. Drop!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Okay, then we will cooperate then!" After finishing speaking, Li Mobai asked, "What about Lao Yang?"

"Lao Yang? Lao Yang has dug a trench now, waiting for the devil infantry to come!" Shen Wanxi sneered.

"Does he know this news?" Li Mobai asked.

"I don't know, I only told you one person!" Shen Wanxi said, "Now, Lao Yang is not easy to get along with, so it's useless to talk to me!"

"That's not okay, ask Lao Yang and see if he can do anything!" Li Mobai said.

After hanging up the phone, Li Mobai anxiously asked the operator to connect to Yang Fei's call again.

After answering the phone, Yang Fei asked, "I'm Yang Fei, who is it?"

"Old Yang, I'm Li Mobai!" Li Mobai said anxiously.

Yang Fei could tell that something must have happened, so he hurriedly asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Lao Yang, there are thirty devil's armored vehicles on the front line!" Li Mobai said.

"Thirty cars? So many?" Yang Fei was also surprised.

"That's right, thirty armored vehicles, what can you do?" Li Mobai asked.


Yang Fei was shocked. He knew that according to the current equipment of their troops, they would not have the strength to break through the devil's armored vehicles. These armored vehicles were made of iron lumps, which were more powerful than the devil's bunkers. They could be said to be mobile bunkers. Where, when the time comes, I'm afraid it will be another tough battle.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have poked this hornet's nest!

Seeing that Yang Fei didn't speak for a long time, Li Mobai also knew that Yang Fei had no choice, "Hey! This matter will have to be faced sooner or later. In another three or four ten minutes, the armored vehicle troops of the devils will come! Lao Yang, there is a chance , think of a way!" After speaking, Li Mobai hung up the phone.

Yang Fei quickly thought about it. Now, the only thing that can fight against the devil's armored vehicle is the Italian cannon. However, there is no problem with the Italian cannon's fixed point. However, the devil's armored vehicle is mobile, and there is no way to do it at that time. !
Even if there is no other way, Yang Fei still has to face it!

Anyang, now a dead city, has been captured by them, but what should we do next?
Thinking of this, Yang Fei looked at the river in front of him and thought, "With this river as the boundary, can we keep it?"

He didn't know, but he had to give it a try!

Then, Yang Fei ordered, "Dig the trench bigger and wider, so that the devil's armored vehicles can sink in, and then they can't get out, isn't it the feeling of catching a turtle in a urn?
There is no other way, Yang Fei can only do this!


Jing Teng learned of the fall of Anyang at the command post, and was very annoyed in his heart, but the more he cried, the more Captain Kanada cried.

He had to give an order that as soon as the armored vehicle arrived in Anyang, the air support would immediately follow!

This is a deadly order. Even if Anyang cannot be taken, it will still cause huge losses to the Eighth Route Army.

Jing Teng was still smart, and he also understood at this time. According to the information he received not long ago, the Eighth Route Army is besieging Anyang on the one hand, and on the other hand is ready to send reinforcements. This is what they can see, but what they can't see, Jing Teng also knew, because the figure of the Eighth Route Army appeared around HD, and he was relieved at this time. It turned out that what the Eighth Route Army wanted was HD City, not as simple as besieging the spot to fight for aid!
Therefore, Jing Teng immediately sent another brigade from SJZ, the target was Anyang, and the cars rumbled away from SJZ, and the soldiers were divided into three groups, just to drive out the surrounding Eighth Route Army!
The flames of war first unfolded around HD, and the situation of the battle is self-evident. The devil saw through the purpose, and the division commander Qiu Ming had to order the troops to withdraw temporarily. This seemingly seamless preparation was destroyed by Yang Fei's audacity. Useless!
Mr. Deng smoked a cigarette and looked at the annoyed Qiu Ming, "Teacher, are you still angry?"

"If you don't get angry, what can you do? Yang Fei is so bold, he really doesn't know how old he is, he thinks that he can do whatever he wants after a few victories, and I feel that it's easy for me to dismiss him!" Qiu Ming slapped the table heavily.

"Teacher, now the Devils have sent a brigade, obviously referring to Anyang, let's withdraw, withdraw, if this continues, we will be surrounded!" Deng Gong said.

"Yeah, a tree of mouse droppings!" Qiu Ming shook his head helplessly, "Just because of a mouse dropping!"

Deng Gong smiled and did not speak.

Yes know, what's going to happen next?
"The devil's armored force is about to arrive in Anyang. Commander, why? Let Li Jiguang's troops withdraw?" Deng Gong asked.

"Until now, no one has really been able to defeat armored vehicles, and Li Jiguang's troops are no exception! They can be withdrawn!" Qiu Ming frowned, "So many people have died, it's not too big or small to win one." The Anyang City, now, has to be returned to others intact!"

"If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood!" Deng Gong said lightly.

"Call!" Deng Gong asked the operator to answer the phone.

When the call was connected, Shen Wanxi's troops had already encountered the devil's armored troops.

The bullet hit the armored vehicle, leaving only a slight bullet mark and no substantial scars.

Shen Wanxi gritted her teeth when she received a call to tell them to withdraw from the combat zone, "Political Commissar, no, now, we have collided with the devil's armored vehicle, and we are biting each other. We cannot withdraw. Once we withdraw, we will Being chased and spanked by devils!"

That's right, under the bombardment of several shells from the Devil's armored vehicle, Shen Wanxi already felt the seriousness of the situation. He had already set up a death squad to blow up the tracks of the Devil's armored vehicle!
Mr. Deng over there frowned, "No matter what, you all have to withdraw for me, don't make unnecessary resistance, you understand?"

Even so, Shen Wanxi couldn't leave, and the battle became anxious. How could he not be moved when he saw the soldiers around him fall under the devil's artillery fire?

However, if this continues, he also knows that he will always die, and he can't see the soldiers like this.

"Listen to my password, the follow-up troops hastened to withdraw to the south of Anyang, the front-line troops, except for the death squads, tried their best to hide well, find the right opportunity, and then withdraw from the battle in an orderly manner!"

Shen Wanxi had no choice but to give this order.

The armored vehicle rumbled over, as if showing off its might.

"The Expendables, come on!"

With an order, the five team members ran out quickly with explosive packs in their hands!

The explosive package was ignited just now, but it was shot by the machine gun on the Devils armored vehicle, and it exploded on the spot in an instant, but the armored vehicle was not damaged at all!
Pursuing the sacrificed corpses of the soldiers, the devil's shells roared at the retreating pursuers.

"The Expendables, come on!"


A soldier ignited the explosives, and crawled towards the armored vehicles behind the tree. However, these armored vehicles did have formations. When the armored vehicles behind saw someone, they would shoot them with machine guns!
The soldiers fell down with a crash, and the corners of Shen Wanxi's eyes were rosy.

"No! No more! No more!" Shen Wanxi shook his head, "Listen to my order, no more!"

The guard said, "Commander, no way, now that the devils are coming up, if the soldiers don't come up, they will be run over to death by armored vehicles!"

"Then I can't see the soldiers fall with my own eyes! I can't!" Shen Wanxi frowned, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes!

"Leader, leader! Let's go, let's go, this can't be done! It will be very dangerous here!" The guard dragged Shen Wanxi to leave.

"No! I want to take them away!" Shen Wanxi broke the guard's hand, "You go first!"

"No, no, no!" The guard hurriedly shouted to the soldiers beside him, "Come here, get the regiment leader away!"

A few soldiers came over, dragged Shen Wanxi and withdrew from the battle!
There were explosions one after another, but the devil's armored vehicle seemed like a fox with nine lives. As long as they were within their range, as long as they could see the Eighth Route Army soldiers, they would attack arrogantly!
Only then did Li Mobai meet the devil.

He thought, the idea of ​​suddenly attacking the devil from the side was inexplicably naive.Frustrated by several attacks, Li Mobai gritted his teeth, "Damn it, why did he blow up the armored vehicles of these devils?"

This is a puzzle!
It wasn't until Li Mobai retreated that he thought, why not use landmines?
As long as the devil's tracks overwhelm the mines, the armored vehicle will be useless!

He wanted to go back, but was also dragged away by the guards.

Always come back, no longer entangled with this moment!
However, Yang Fei didn't receive the order to retreat. He had someone dig a deep ditch, and then thought, as long as the devil's armored vehicle enters here, it should be difficult to figure it out!

He couldn't help being delighted with his masterpiece.

"Liu Ji, hurry up, boy, listen to the voice, Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai should be fighting with the devils, we must seize the last moment, if the devils dare to come over, we must give them a good look!" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

"Commander, look, this trench is so deep, if the iron king comes here, he will never get out. At that time, let's throw a few bombs down, I still don't believe it, this iron king will not break!" Liu Ji said.

"Okay, I am optimistic about you. To be honest, I feel that today's deadline has come, but, just today, I have to show them devils a good look, what? Iron bastards want to tie me up, there is no way! What about the thin monkey?" ? Let this kid get me more explosives!" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

After a while, the thin monkey ran over, "Leader! Leader!"

Yang Fei shouted, "What? How many dynamite bags did you make?"

Skinny Monkey hurriedly said, "Our battalion has made more than 50 explosive bags in total! We are still doing it now!"

Yang Fei nodded, "Shouhou, have you seen the trenches ahead?"

"I see, Captain, what do you think should be done?" Shouhou asked quickly.

"Do you know how to deal with bastard? How do you want to stop bastard?" Yang Fei asked loudly.

"Then turn the bastard upside down and let him face the sky!" Said the thin monkey.

"That's right, that's what I mean. In the trenches ahead, you fill me with explosives. Once the devil's iron bastard dares to sneak in, you will blow me up! Do you understand?" Yang Fei shouted.

"Captain, I understand! I'm going to ask our soldiers to bring the explosives here!" Saying this, Skinny Monkey ran away.

"Hmm. Where's Zhao Qifa?" Yang Fei shouted.

After a while, Zhao Qifa also ran over, "Leader! Are you looking for me?"

"How about your Death Squad?" Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa and asked.

"Don't worry, Captain, our Death Squad has been established, and now, just wait for your word!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Tell the brothers in the Death Squad, I'm not sending them to die, but I'm going to tell them how to blow up the devil's iron bastard! The iron bastard's tracks give them feet. As long as they don't have this foot, they can't walk!"

"Head, I understand, I'll tell our Death Squad right now!" Zhao Qifa also ran away after saying that.

(End of this chapter)

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