Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2521 Retreat

Chapter 2521 Retreat
Everything was ready, and Yang Fei checked it calmly.

It wasn't until he heard the rumble of the armored vehicle that Yang Fei retreated to a safe distance and let the soldiers hide.

When they saw Tie Wangba coming from the back of the river, Yang Fei couldn't help trembling, "This devil, Tie Wangba, can he swim over?"

No one has ever seen whether this Japanese armored vehicle can swim in the water, but until they saw that the devil's armored vehicle really went into the water, and then rushed towards them directly.

"Damn it, this devil's iron bastard is really powerful!" Yang Fei couldn't help sighing, "If our Eighth Route Army also has such an iron bastard, wouldn't it be much better at dealing with devils?"

As soon as I thought of this, I saw the armored vehicle half-submerged into the river, and then came towards Anyang City.

"Fortunately, I asked the trench to be dug a little deeper. I want to see if the goddamned iron king can come out and fight with trapped beasts, ha ha!" Yang Fei became excited.

At this time, the sky suddenly became dense.

Yang Fei frowned, it's going to rain today!

However, no matter what, as long as the armored vehicles of the devils come over, as long as they dare to go to the trenches, Yang Fei is confident that they will not be able to get out!

At this moment, the sound of an airplane "woo woo woo" came from the sky!
Yang Fei raised his head, "This bastard devil, it seems, is determined to take away our Anyang City!"

"Commander, what's going on with this plane?" Liu Ji asked.

"I don't know, but this devil is not kind!"

Just after Yang Fei finished speaking, he heard a "whoosh, whoosh" voice, "Lie down, get down!"

All the soldiers quickly got down, and then, explosions sounded one after another.

The bomb fell on Anyang City, and several buildings collapsed immediately, igniting a raging fire!
Immediately afterwards, the mountain was also bombarded by devil's shells.

Seeing that the devil's Tie Wangba was about to fall into the trap, Yang Fei hurriedly said, "Skinny Monkey, tell your people to quickly aim at the trench until Tie Wangba enters, and throw grenades into it!"

"Yes, commander!" The thin monkey crawled forward for a while, looked at the armored vehicle with its head sticking out, and got into the trench again, and the thin monkey raised a hand.

When the armored vehicle got in, the thin monkey immediately put down his hands, and the grenades fell into the trench one by one like hail in summer, "Boom!"



The explosive package had a chain reaction all of a sudden, and several armored vehicles were blown over immediately, and their tracks collapsed all of a sudden.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Fei was overjoyed, "Good job!"

But, immediately after, the follow-up armored vehicles came over, and the armored vehicles that stepped directly on the front and fell into the trench came over.

Yang Fei was stunned for a moment, "This is okay?"

"Captain, come here!"

"Quick, get the thin monkey back!"

Yang Fei shouted.

The thin monkey hurriedly led the people back.However, the laser gun on Tie Wang Ba began to burst into flames!

When Yang Fei saw this, more than a dozen soldiers had already fallen.

Liu Ji swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Head, this devil's iron bastard, it seems difficult to deal with!"

"Nonsense, if it was easy to deal with, Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai should have dealt with it long ago! It is because they can't deal with it that we have to deal with it!" Yang Fei said.

"However, this iron king is not easy to deal with! This weakness, I believe, is not only limited to the crawler!" Liu Ji said.

"Oh? You are smart now, what else do you see?" Yang Fei asked.

"Head, look!" Liu Ji pointed to the iron king in front, "Look at which cannon barrel, if we blow up that cannon barrel, will the devil's cannon be useless? Also, look at it , there is a shell on the iron bastard, people get in through there, as long as the iron bastard climbs the mountain, throw a grenade into it, and if the person dies, the iron bastard will be finished!"

Yang Fei nodded, "That's the thing, but it's not so easy to get on the devil's armored vehicle!"

"Let me try!" Liu Ji said.

"No, it's too dangerous. I know you're brave, but no matter how bold you are, it's a risk. If you accidentally get bitten by a bullet, I don't have the medicine to save you. Live!" Yang Fei stopped immediately.

"How do you know if it works if you don't try it?" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he pinned a few grenades on his body and crawled forward.

"Damn it, you don't listen to me now!" Yang Fei shouted.

However, the next moment, Yang Fei was stunned.

Excluding the few armored vehicles that were blown up, the devils still have more than 20 left. That is to say, the two regiments of Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi hardly blew up the armored vehicles of the devils, but what about them?How come they can't see them now after a firefight?

There are too many iron kings, it is impossible to complete this task with only one Liu Ji!
Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa beside him, "Old Zhao, watch carefully for a while, Liu Ji said that he was going to tamper with the shell on the top of Iron King Ba, take a look, if it is feasible, your death squad, just do it like this !"

"Head, don't worry, I've been watching carefully!" Zhao Qifa stared carefully.

I saw that Liu Ji was lying in ambush behind a wall, followed by an armored vehicle, Liu Ji jumped onto the tracks of the armored vehicle, his body trembled, and he almost fell.

Yang Fei couldn't help but sweat for him.

"Damn it, is it okay?"

Yang Fei was breathing heavily, and he was also nervous.

I saw that Liu Ji stood firm, and suddenly, the shell on the top of the iron king opened, and a machine gun emerged. Liu Ji went over quickly, kicked the machine gun over, and then took a grenade on his body, Just throw it in!


There was an explosion, and Tie Wangba emitted a few wisps of green smoke, but he didn't move at all!

Yang Fei was stunned, "This shit, it's really not moving"!
Zhao Qifa saw it and nodded, "Head, I understand!"

"I can't understand it. There are too many armored vehicles behind here. I think we can't fight!"

Yang Fei said.

"Let's fight, head, otherwise, I'm sorry for so many brothers who died, and Anyang City can't be lost, otherwise, our loss will be too great!" Zhao Qifa said.

"This way the sacrifice will be even greater!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he said, "Let Liu Ji withdraw as well!"

Zhao Qifa frowned, "Leader, we can't lose Anyang anymore. To be honest, it's not easy for us to take down Anyang. If we lose Anyang again, how can we face the brigade commander and division commander?"

How could Yang Fei not understand?
However, he had to do such a thing, and he couldn't let it go!

With so many soldiers, why can't they be blocked by the devil's iron bastard just because they guarded Anyang City?

It's not like Yang Fei doesn't understand if there is no firewood to keep the green hills!

However, Zhao Qifa disagreed.

"Leader, let me try!"

Zhao Qifa said.

Yang Fei grabbed Zhao Qifa's hand, "Old Zhao, do you dare to disobey orders now?"


"Come back to me, there is always a way!" Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa and said.

"No!" Zhao Qifa shook his head, "We're leaving, what about the soldiers' bones?"

As he said that, Zhao Qifa hurriedly shouted, "Death Squad, come with me!"

After speaking, Zhao Qifa went to the side with the death squad.


Yang Fei shouted angrily.

However, there is no way now, Zhao Qifa disagrees, and he can't leave Zhao Qifa behind.

Zhao Qifa looked at the soldiers behind him, "Brothers, I am sorry for you as the commander. I came to fight, and I know that people will die. However, we lost a lot in this battle. I feel sorry for you. But, for our final victory, Sacrificing one of us, if it can bring back the biggest victory, I believe it will be worth it!"

"Head, don't worry, we are ready!"

"Yes, Commander, I'm ready!"

"Okay, I believe you, but I believe that what Commander Liu did just now is too difficult. As always, everyone holds a pack of explosives in their hands. When they see the devil's iron bastard coming, they will blow it up for me no matter what. Drop the devil's track!" Zhao Qifa said.



Li Jiguang took Zhao Gang to the residence of Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai, and found that there was no one from Yang Fei, so he hurriedly asked, "Where is Yang Fei?"

Li Jiguang and Shen Wanxi looked at each other, "I don't know, didn't you mean to retreat?"

"Who said retreat?" Li Jiguang continued to ask.

"It's Political Commissar Deng!" Shen Wanxi looked at Li Jiguang strangely.

"Then why didn't Yang Fei retreat?" Li Jiguang asked again.

Yeah, who knows why Yang Fei didn't retreat?

At this time, the phone rang, and when I answered the phone, it was Deng Gong Deng, the political commissar.

"I'm Li Jiguang!" Li Jiguang said quickly.

"Old Li, I just retreated. I forgot to call Yang Fei. You should be here by now. Hurry up and get all your people out and prepare for the first-line defense. We plan to give up Anyang!" Deng Gong said.

"Deng Gong, didn't call Yang Fei?" Li Jiguang asked.

"I told Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai that I believe that Yang Fei will retreat when he sees difficulties!" Deng Gong said.

Li Jiguang suddenly felt that this was a bad thing. If it was placed on Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai, he would definitely be offended, but who is Yang Fei?This person is quite the axis, and he won't give up if he doesn't see the Yellow River.

After hanging up the phone, Li Jiguang immediately asked, "Didn't you inform Yang Fei to retreat?"

The two shook their heads.

"Bastard!" Li Jiguang cursed.

Zhao Gang hurriedly said, "Brigade Commander, I have to go and see our regiment commander, I don't know how he is doing now!" After saying that, Zhao Gang ran to Anyang.

Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai didn't dare to be negligent, and they didn't dare to take too much, so they waited for two companies to rush to meet Yang Fei!
At this time, Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi were both shocked by the sound of the explosion.

Li Jiguang gritted his teeth and chased after Zhao Gang who was running ahead.

When they got to the front line, they found that Yang Fei was watching the battle!

At this time, the armored vehicles were already approaching Anyang City.

"Yang Fei, why don't you retreat?" Li Jiguang asked immediately.

"Hey, Brigadier, it's like this, this Anyang, we can't easily take it down, I don't want us to give it to the devils easily!" Yang Fei understated it, but who can see how much Yang Fei has in his heart? nervous?

"Asshole, quickly get your people out!" Li Jiguang said.

"I'm afraid it's too late! Look!" Yang Fei pointed to the front.

He suddenly saw a soldier holding a bundle of explosives and running towards the armored vehicle quickly. The target was obviously the track of the armored vehicle.

The devil's machine gun was ready a long time ago, but the soldier did charge forward for a while, and then jumped over!

The explosive package exploded, and the tracks of the Iron King Bat were also blown off.

An armored vehicle that cannot move is still a waste!
Yang Fei immediately ordered Liu Ji, "Then your Italian gun, blow up that armored vehicle for me!"

"Head, how can you use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken?" After finishing speaking, Liu Ji set off again!

He understood what Liu Ji wanted to go.

At this time, armored vehicles came one after another, and then Zhao Qifa's people threw their lives on the rampage against the armored vehicles!
Seeing this, Li Jiguang yelled, "Yang Fei, stop! Received orders from superiors..."

Before Li Jiguang finished speaking, Zhao Gang said, "Brigade Commander, let's wait until this battle is over!"

No one can stop it, because, now, everyone's nerves are tense!
Until the last soldier also threw the explosive package into the track of Iron King Bat.

However, there are still several armored vehicles!

"Crazy! Crazy, the Eighth Route Army in front is crazy!"

"Yeah, they actually used human bombs! This is simply horrific!"

"Captain Riverside, what should we do now?"

Inside the armored vehicle, several Japanese were talking.

"Now we don't know how many people are still in the Eighth Route Army! But, follow my order, we retreat one after another! Then we will see!" Captain Hebian said.

"Okay, let's retreat one after another!"

The armored vehicle followed the way it came, and then slowly retreated!
When Yang Fei saw such a scene, he was immediately overwhelmed with excitement!
At this time, he suddenly saw two Japanese coming out of the armored vehicle, reaching the edge of the track of the armored vehicle, trying to catch the track again!

Under Yang Fei's nose, how dare you do this?

Yang Fei immediately swung his sword and rushed down!
"Captain! Be careful!"

"My life is very tough, why are you afraid of two little devils?"

After speaking, Yang Fei ran over, stood in front of the armored vehicle, and chopped off the two little devils with a knife.

Shouhou and Liu Ji hurriedly took people with them. There must be devils among these iron bastards who can't get away.

Holding a gun and boarding an armored vehicle, it seems to be occupying a high ground.

"Don't kill with guns!"

"Don't kill with guns!"

The voices one after another made the Japanese in Iron King Eight immediately raise their hands and surrender!

Yes, this battle was a difficult one, and it was frightening!
Yang Fei touched the iron bullies with his hands, "Damn it, this thing is so good, it made me kill so many soldiers! In the future, I will definitely ask you to pay it back!"

The siege of Anyang was considered a temporary solution.

Li Jiguang announced the new appointment, Yang Fei seems to have known the result a long time ago!
Only later, Anyang was lost again, in the hands of the Japanese!

Zhao Gang took over Yang Fei's base, and then focused on following his previous defenses.

After fighting a battle, apart from sacrificing many soldiers, in fact, Yang Fei felt that he had gained nothing.

Afterwards, the teacher Qiu Ming held a meeting to criticize Yang Fei's self-righteous behavior, and then notified the whole party to punish Yang Fei for his mistakes!

The logistics department of the brigade!

This is a place where people can't relax anymore.

Yang Fei was lying on a table with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth.

He held peanuts in his left hand and a teacup in his right, "This shitty day, every day, really makes me feel comfortable!"

He said so on the lips, but he was not very comfortable in his heart!

He was used to looking at maps, but in the logistics department, he didn't even have a combat map, so he couldn't help being very disappointed.

Ever since Yang Fei was transferred to the logistics department, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai haven't visited him, only Li Mobai and Zhao Gang have!Yang Fei smiled and said to them, "This is the place where Lao Tzu will be in the future. If you have nothing to eat or drink, come here and I will give you something to eat!"

Yang Fei knew that the logistics department was not only in charge of food, but also the firearms used by the soldiers.

When he is free and bored, he likes to fiddle with those guns.

According to the regulations, as the head of logistics, he was not allowed to hold firearms, which made Yang Fei a little disappointed.

Fortunately, those who can pass the time should drink some wine quietly.

In fact, there are not many people in the logistics department, and with Yang Fei himself, there are only seven or eight people in total.

And they're all recruits!
As a veteran of Yang Fei, the recruits would of course keep asking Yang Fei, "Minister, tell us something about the front line?"

Yang Fei looked at them with a smile, "This storyteller still earns money, but you are so lucky, if you don't give me a penny, are you listening for nothing?"

The soldiers knew that they took out the peanuts and melon seeds that they were usually reluctant to eat, put them on the table, and then listened to Yang Fei's storytelling while eating them.

This kind of time passed quickly, and after three months, Yang Fei still saw the leaves turning yellow slowly.


Time flies so fast?
Suddenly, the weather was a bit cooler, but Yang Fei was still not used to it.

On this day, Li Jiguang, the brigade commander, called Yang Fei and told them to send a batch of firearms to Hu Dahai.

Yang Fei immediately stood at attention, "Yes!"

The logistics department still has a car. In the past three months, apart from fiddling with guns, Yang Fei has also thought about the car, and even learned to drive a car.

According to the regulations, Yang Fei asked Niu Sanjin to follow him to deliver some of the firearms in the car.

In fact, the distance is not far, and Hu Dahai also has a connection to answer them.

For safety's sake, Yang Fei straddled a pistol beside him.

Niu Sanjin saw it, "Minister, what are you doing with the gun?"

"You don't understand, kid? Although we are going to the base area, we will inevitably encounter bandits along the way. With a gun, it is much more convenient for us!" Yang Fei smiled.

Niu Sanjin is a new soldier who has not been in the army for long. At the same time, Niu Sanjin is also a loyal fan of Yang Fei. After listening to Yang Fei talk about so many wars, he naturally regards their minister Yang Fei as a hero.

Hu Dahai and the bandits have been fighting for a long time, causing casualties to each other. However, it is obvious that Hu Dahai has mastered the way of bandit warfare. Although he has not made much progress, he is not at a disadvantage.

When we arrived at Hu Dahai's defense line, we met one of Hu Dahai's companies.

After handing over to each other, the company commander looked at Yang Fei, "Since you have all sent them over, then send these things to our command post!"

"I'm not used to you!" Yang Fei said, "According to the order, as long as we hand over these things to you, why should I send them?"

The company commander frowned, "What? You can't do it if you are asked to deliver things? It seems that your logistics department has been at ease for too long! Hehe, be careful, I will tell the brigade commander, you don't want to do it!"

Niu Sanjin had never seen such a situation before, and quickly said, "What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? I asked you to send the things there!" the company commander ordered.

"Fart, I won't give it away!" Yang Fei widened his eyes.

Originally, Yang Fei couldn't get used to Hu Dahai. Unexpectedly, one of his company commanders was still making irresponsible remarks here. If he spoke nicely, maybe Yang Fei would follow suit. But, this person, just don't get used to it. .

"Who are you talking about Lao Tzu?" The company commander suddenly took out a pistol from his body.

Yang Fei has never seen such a big scene, he was deprived of military power, but he has not yet reacted, "Come on, kill me, if you don't want to kill me, ask your regiment leader to come over and ask him to personally apologize to me! "

"What do you think you are? Our commander still sees you?" The company commander had never seen Yang Fei either.

"Minister, how about..."

"Don't give it away!" Yang Fei shouted, "If you like to take it or not, I am not used to you!" After saying that, Yang Fei got into the car, started the car and was ready to go!

The company commander frowned after suffering from being dumb, "Go, take the things down!"

With this order, those fighters went over and took the things from the car.

Yang Fei started the car and was about to leave.

However, at this time, a few whistles were heard!
Yang Fei became alert, "No, there are thieves around!"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly said to Niu Sanjin, "Get out of the car!"

Niu Sanjin came down quickly, and Yang Fei said to the company commander just now, "Hurry up and hide, it's not safe here!"

The company commander sneered, "Hehe, the grass and trees are all soldiers! Why don't you just stay there!"

After finishing speaking, he asked the soldiers to take their things and go to the base area!
Niu Sanjin looked at Yang Fei, "Minister, are there thieves?"

"Yes, I heard the whistle just now, these guys seem to be dead!" Yang Fei said.

"Then what should we do?" Niu Sanjin said nervously.

"Don't be afraid, if I'm here, they won't dare to do anything wrong!" Yang Fei smiled.


A shot went off.

Suddenly a soldier in the company fell down.

The company commander immediately shouted, "There is an ambush, hurry up and hide!"

At this time, the sound of "Whoa!" roared, and the thieves shouted loudly, pointing the gun at the company, "Put the things down, and leave you a way out!"

The company commander has also fought in battle, how could he surrender directly, he directly loaded the soldiers with bullets, "Ready to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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