Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2522 The Crow Hanging His Head

Chapter 2522 The Crow Hanging His Head
No one knows how many thieves there are, but this group of thieves are actually haunting the base area, and they must have been eyeing this place for a long time.

The company commander was ordered to garrison here, presumably to guard against these thieves, but the feeling of being targeted by thieves is definitely not a taste.

When Niu Sanjin heard the gunshots, he was so frightened that he lay down on the ground and did not dare to move.

"What are you doing? What are you afraid of?" Yang Fei asked.

"Minister, gunfire!" Niu Sanjin said.

"I know, what are you afraid of? Don't be afraid!" Yang Fei said.

"I'm not afraid!" He said he was not, but Niu Sanjin still didn't dare to look up.

The company commander shouted calmly, "Everyone, we met today, after all, we met by chance. We don't hurt each other, and we each go our own way, how about it?"

How could the thieves allow the company commander to say, "Hehe, the alliance under the city, do you think it's okay? Let me tell you, our task today is to kill all of you! Isn't it just a hundred or so people?"

This tone is not small, could it be that the number of thieves is more than 100?

Yang Fei didn't dare to make a sound, if the number of thieves was more than 100, not to mention winning against the one in front of him, at least he wouldn't lose much.He and Niu Sanjin could only watch quietly.

I saw that the company commander didn't dare to look up, so he could only make people retreat quietly!

Yang Fei couldn't help being a little disappointed, thinking that when he was the company commander, he dared to fight with the devils in a brigade, what was he afraid of?How can someone who is afraid of wolves and tigers become a big deal?

Sure enough, the thieves unceremoniously launched an attack on the group of Eighth Route Army soldiers.

Yang Fei was shocked, "These guys really dare to fight! They are really desperadoes!"

Just after finishing speaking, Niu Sanjin immediately said, "Minister, what about us? What should we do?"

"Don't worry, those people can't find us, let's watch the show first!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Minister, in my opinion, let's go back. After we go back, tell the brigade commander about it, what do you think?" Niu Sanjin was a little anxious. After all, this is a real battle, but Niu Sanjin See you for the first time.

He was afraid, and his hands trembled involuntarily.

Yang Fei ignored Niu Sanjin, but just watched the current battle situation.

These thieves came here premeditatedly. Not long after, another group of thieves came and surrounded all the soldiers just now!

"What should we do?" Niu Sanjin frowned, they had nothing to do, how could the two of them deal with so many bandits?
so and so.

Yang Fei didn't dare to sit idly by, he stood up, and Niu Sanjin pulled him, "Minister, are you crazy?"

"Didn't you see that the soldiers were surrounded?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took a stone and threw it over!

Niu Sanjin was shocked, "Minister!"

After yelling, Yang Fei said to him, "Niu Sanjin, I order you to retreat quickly, I will lure those thieves away, understand?"

"No, Minister, let's go! Let's go!" Niu Sanjin trembled.

Yang Fei kicked Niu Sanjin away, "Get out! If you are afraid of death, get out! I told you to leave these thieves to me!"

Niu Sanjin shook his head, "Minister, I'll find someone!"

With that, he ran away.

At this time, those thieves saw Yang Fei, "There are still people there, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, several thieves ran over!

Seeing this, Yang Fei retreated immediately!If you don't withdraw now, what are you waiting for?
He knew that Niu Sanjin left the way he came, and now he had to retreat by another way, otherwise, neither of them would be able to escape.

He ran behind a tree, turned his head, saw a few thieves, and shot immediately, only to hear three gunshots of "bang bang bang", and the three thieves fell down immediately.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, Yang Fei retreated immediately.

A pistol could not hold too many bullets, ran behind a rock, waited for a while, and heard the sound of horseshoes.

"These bastards are really persistent, I sent so many people here alone!" After thinking about it, he turned his head to look, and sure enough a few people on horseback came over.

Yang Fei's merciless "bang bang bang" was another few gunshots.

The thieves on their horses also fell.

Seeing that there was only one bullet left in the pistol, Yang Fei took a breath. Now that he thought about it, if he had just agreed to send something to the company commander, maybe they would have escaped from death. It was more ominous than good, and when he thought of this, someone rode over immediately.

Don't run!

If you don't run, you will die!

Yang Fei let go of his feet and kept running.

However, along the way, the scene in front of him changed.

It was still a place with some late summer scenes just now, but at this time, I saw the late autumn scene, with fallen leaves falling and everything silent.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes behind him stopped.

I heard a man say, "That kid actually went there!"

"Going in is also a dead end, we won't live long, let's retreat!"

Yang Fei avoided, seeing no one came in, he didn't dare to show his face, so he waited until it was dark.

It's getting dark, the crows are screaming overhead, and the moon is covered by dark clouds. What is this place?Why is it so strange?
After such a long time, Yang Fei emboldened himself. He stood up, put the gun on his waist, and urinated in front of a dead tree.

"Let's go!"

He turned around and left, but at this time, a gust of wind blew, the wind and sand filled the air, and the fallen leaves were blown up by the strong wind. Yang Fei blocked his eyes, "This..."

He quickly bent down and walked out against the wind.

After walking a few steps, I found that it was difficult to walk on my feet. No matter how I walked, I felt that I had walked for a long time, but when I turned my head, I couldn't move a single step.

It’s weird.

Yang Fei tried his best to fight against the wind, but he couldn't get away.

"Damn it, don't believe this evil!"

Yang Fei rushed forward, but was blown back several steps by the wind.

Why is it so windy?

He walked forward again, but nothing changed.

If I can't go forward, I'll go back!
Thinking of this, Yang Fei turned around and walked a long way with the wind against his back.

Then the wind gradually decreased, and Yang Fei stopped. When he turned his head, he saw that he had already come in a long way, and sighed, "It's really lucky, fortunately there are no thieves!"

He took a breath and continued walking.

As long as you keep walking towards one place, it will definitely go out!
After walking for more than ten minutes, I found that I couldn't get out of the woods, so I couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Looking up, the moon was gone, but a few crows were hovering above his head.

He picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards the crows. The crows flew away and came back after a while.

"The crow hangs its head, that's not good!" Yang Fei shook his head.

"The crow hangs its head, brother, you are finished!"

Yang Fei listened to the voice and looked around, but found no one.

However, the sound is so clear.

"Brother, where are you going?"

It was clearly a man's voice, Yang Fei stopped, "Where are you? Who is it?"

Yang Fei looked around vigilantly.

"It doesn't matter where I am, if you want to live, don't move!"

The voice seemed to be an order.

How could Yang Fei be afraid of this, and immediately asked, "What? If I move, is something really wrong? It's a joke!"

After speaking, Yang Fei took another step forward.

"Don't move anymore, if you move again, something will happen to you!"

The voice came out again.

"Who? You come out first, I want to see, what do you mean?" Yang Fei stopped and subconsciously touched the pistol at his waist.

There is a pistol, at least one bullet is enough.

"Listen to me, squat down now, and kneel down towards the tree in front of you!"

kneel down?

Yang Fei sneered, "Isn't this a joke? Why should I kneel down?"

Thinking of this, Yang Fei took another step forward.

However, at this step, Yang Fei's calf suddenly felt a little painful, like a needle prick.

His face couldn't help but change, "Impossible, why is this happening?"

"How? What did I say?"

The voice came again.

Yang Fei gritted his teeth and touched his calf, "It's really strange!"

He didn't answer the stranger's voice, and looked up and looked around vigilantly.

"Brother, do you want to live?"

Yang Fei stood up abruptly, "Who the hell are you?"

"If you want to live, follow my will!"

"Hehe, what a joke, I can't even see you, I follow your wishes?" Yang Fei shook his head, "Impossible, you know?"

Enduring the pain in his calf, he took another step forward. Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his whole body seemed to be out of control, and he fell to the ground.

He supported the ground with his hand, and suddenly caught something hard in his hand, thinking, well, if you appear, this stone can also kill you!
However, when he saw that what he was holding was not a stone but a skull, he was so frightened that he threw the skull on the ground.

"Fuck!" Yang Fei couldn't help but cursed.

"Brother, listen to me. Am I going to kill you?"

The strange voice came again.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, I want to go out, can I go out?" Yang Fei asked worriedly.

"Of course I can go out! As I said, kowtow to the tree in front!"

After the man finished speaking, Yang Fei had no choice but to squat down and kowtow to the tree in front of him.

When he raised his head, a young man in a white robe appeared in front of him, with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. He was gentle and waving a fan in his hand, like Zhuge Liang.

At this time, Yang Feimengran thought of his kneeling just now, didn't he turn towards this young man?
My heart was burning with anger, "You..."

"Don't worry! You were poisoned just now!" The young man laughed.

"I'm poisoned? A joke!" Yang Fei didn't take it seriously.

"Okay, now, look at your arm, is there a black spot?" asked the young man.

Yang Fei took off his clothes, and sure enough, there was a black spot on his arm. This black spot was not there before. Yang Fei just took a bath yesterday, and there was no such thing at all.

"Hahaha!" After laughing, the young man pointed to his leg, "Look at your calf now, there should be two black spots like pinholes on your calf!"

Yang Fei rolled up his trousers, and at a glance, they really did.

"What kind of spell is this that can poison me!" Yang Fei asked angrily.

"Don't blame me for this. You came in by yourself, and you don't even know where this place is?" The young man waved his fan and looked at him cheerfully.

Yes, what is this place?
When I came in, I felt a little strange, and Yang Fei had never realized that such a scene could change so quickly.

"Then tell me, what is this place?" Yang Fei asked.

"To tell you the truth, this place is a restricted area. For hundreds of years, no one dared to enter. You haven't noticed any difference between this place and the outside world?" the young man asked.

"It is indeed different, but no matter how different it is, it is still our territory in China!" Yang Fei held his head high, "I am a soldier of the Eighth Route Army, but no foreign forces are allowed to invade our country's land!"

"Haha!" The man laughed, "I didn't say that this is not China's territory, on the contrary, this is China's territory, but even if it is China's territory, no one can enter here for hundreds of years! Since you have come in, then worship me as your teacher, and I will detoxify you!"

"No need!"

apprenticeship?Yang Fei never thought that he could still come here.Yang Fei never cared about these gods and ghosts.

"Okay, then you wait to die!"

After speaking, the young man turned and left.


Yang Fei suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, and his whole body was burning like a fire.

"and many more!"

Yang Fei stretched out a hand, "Help me!"

"Adore me as a teacher!"

said the young man.

"Okay!" Yang Fei had to bear the pain and bowed, "Master!"

"Ha ha!"

The young man smiled knowingly, "Come on, follow me!"

"Follow you?" Yang Fei looked at him in surprise, but every step he took would hurt, "Follow him, how is this possible?"

However, when Yang Fei followed him, there was no pain on his body. On the contrary, the toxin seemed to subside a lot.

"What's going on?" Yang Fei ran to the young man and asked.

"What else can happen? I just dispelled the toxins from your body temporarily, but your own toxins haven't decreased! Go and find Granny Huatian, she can help you completely eliminate the toxins!"

"Grandma Huatian?" Yang Fei was a little at a loss, "You worship you as your teacher, so you have to find someone else?"

"What? You don't believe me?" the young man asked.


This place is very evil. Yang Fei didn't know there was such a place since he was a child, so he could only follow the young man.

There was no life on the road, it was all lifeless.

He swallowed a mouthful of water.

"Can you tell me where this is?" Yang Fei asked.

"Okay, to tell you the truth, this place is called Kugu Ridge!"

Dry Bones Ridge?
Hearing the name, Yang Fei was shocked.

"Don't be afraid, there are people living here!" The young man smiled, "Follow me, if there are wolves, tigers and leopards in a while, be careful and kill you!"

In this way, Yang Fei could only keep walking next to the man.

Crossing a black river, Yang Fei followed the man to an open space. In front of the open space, he saw a low house with bright flowers growing inside and outside the house.

The flowers smell like cigarettes.


The man called out.

After a while, a mother-in-law came out of the room. She was bent over, leaning on a pair of crutches, and her hair was floating, "Mr. Zhi?"

"Grandma, it's me!"

Mr. Zhi went over and helped Granny Huatian.

"Why are there strangers?"

Granny Huatian didn't look up, but she had already spotted Yang Fei.

"Mother-in-law, this person strayed into Kugu Ridge by mistake, and I brought him here!" Yang Fei said.

"Have you been poisoned?" Grandma Huatian asked.


After Mr. Zhi finished speaking, let Yang Fei go over.

Yang Fei went over, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Granny Huatian raised her head, and Yang Fei suddenly found that Granny Huatian had wrinkles all over her face, and there was a tattoo on her left cheek.

He swallowed.

"Is my old lady scaring you?" Grandma Huatian smiled.

"No, no, mother-in-law, I'm sorry!" Yang Fei said quickly.


Granny Huatian was obviously not angry either, "Mr. Zhi, let him come to my room!"

"Don't come quickly?" Mr. Zhi said.

Yang Fei followed Granny Huatian into the house.

"Take off your clothes!"

Granny Huatian said directly.

"Ah?" Yang Fei was a little unnatural, but he just entered the door, what does Granny Huatian want to do?
"Isn't it detoxification?" Granny Huatian asked.

"Grandma, detoxify, just give me the antidote!" Yang Fei smiled unnaturally.

"Not every poison has an antidote, and do as I tell you!" Granny Huatian said.

"Okay!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took off his clothes.

When she was about to take off her pants, the mother-in-law suddenly said, "Why are you taking off your pants? My old woman has no strength!"

Yang Fei blushed, and really wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in!

Lying on the bed, Yang Fei realized at this time that there are many flowers planted in this room, like a greenhouse, which is different from the lifeless scene outside.

Yang Fei was lying down, Granny Huatian came over, stretched out a hand, and put her hand on his chest. The mother-in-law's hand was a little cold, and Yang Fei shivered, but after a while, Yang Fei felt his chest slow down. Slow and warm.

"Grandma, what's the matter?" Yang Fei asked.

Obviously, Granny Huatian didn't want to have any communication with Yang Fei.

However, Yang Fei saw beads of sweat appearing on Granny Huatian's head, and couldn't help feeling nervous, "Grandma, are you okay?"

The mother-in-law glanced at him, but still didn't speak.

At this time, Granny Huatian's hands became warm, in stark contrast to the coldness just now.

Yang Fei suddenly felt that his body had become stronger, and he had never discovered that he could be motionless like this, and he could also relieve fatigue.

This went on for about an hour.

Yang Fei didn't know how he got through this hour, because he fell asleep.

Until Mr. Zhi woke him up.

Yang Fei opened his eyes, got up quickly and put on his clothes.

"Follow me!" Mr. Zhi said.

"Where is the mother-in-law?" Yang Fei asked.

Mr. Zhi didn't talk to him, and after taking him out of here, he walked through the flower field and went to another room.

The house was also a low thatched cottage. After entering, Yang Fei said, "I'll call you Mr. Zhi, too?"

"Anything!" After Mr. Zhi finished speaking, he took out something from a box, put a red string on it, and gave it to Yang Fei, "Put it on!"

"What is this?" Yang Fei looked, the pendant was a circle, and with the moonlight shining in, the circle seemed to still be shining.

Yang Fei didn't think much, and put it on by himself.

"See if there are any dark spots on your legs!" Mr. Zhi asked.

Yang Fei rolled up his pants, "It's gone!"

"What about the arm?"

Yang Fei took a look, "It's gone!"

"That's good!" After finishing speaking, Mr. Zhi looked at Yang Fei, "Tonight, you will stay here for the time being. If you have anything to say, we can talk about it tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, Mr. Zhi went out.

Yang Fei looked at this house, it was really too simple, even simpler than the place he usually lived in, but this room was relatively clean, so clean that Yang Fei didn't want to move around at will.

However, in the past nights, Yang Fei always looked at the map. Yang Fei is really not used to sleeping like this now. He got out of bed, then went to the door, looked out the window, and found that Mr. Zhi was cross-legged outside the house. on a rock.

"Mr. Zhi, who is he? I am about the same age as me, but this person is unfathomable!" Yang Fei shook his head.

The moon is as bright and clean as water.

There are dots of stars, big eyes blinking, and there are no insects outside the house, but it is as quiet as the countryside.

Yang Fei lay down and looked at the room. At this moment, he realized that this room was different. He didn't notice it just now. Now, he saw that the roof was like a huge map!

He was immediately interested.

Looking at a striped road, Yan Ran thought of it as a provincial boundary, he smiled, fantasized about various battles, and then commanded thousands of troops to gallop across the battlefield.


One night passed like this.

When Yang Fei woke up, he went to find Mr. Zhi, but found that Mr. Zhi was not there.

He searched around but couldn't find it. He sat on a chair outside the house and heated a pot of water by himself.

Seeing a box of tea, he went over to smell it, and then put it in the tea bowl.

"It's really good tea, there are really too many good things from Mr. Zhi!"

Yang Fei got up and thought of Granny Huatian, went to the next door, called out, but got no answer.

Where have all these people gone?I saw many huts around, but they were all dilapidated, only the one he lived in and the one next door to Granny Huatian.

He made tea, then blew on the powdered tea leaves, and took a sip of the tea, "Well, that's how it tastes!"

"woke up?"

Yang Fei turned his head and saw Mr. Zhi coming.

He came over and sat down to look at Yang Fei.

"How many battles have you won?"

Yang Fei didn't expect that Mr. Zhi asked such a question.


"Just tell the truth!" Mr. Zhi said.

"There are countless victories, and there are also defeats! How can there be no defeats in this battle!" Yang Fei shook his head, "If you give me the devil's weapons and equipment, can I still lose?"

"Really?" Mr. Zhi smiled.

"Of course, I, Yang Fei, am not bragging. Although I don't have military power now, once I have military power, I will fight ten devils by myself!" Yang Fei said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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