Chapter 2523
Mr. Zhi smiled, "Then... what do you think about the current situation?"

As soon as he said this, Yang Fei just became interested, and no matter where he was now, he began to speak eloquently.

"Mr. Zhi, to tell you the truth, the current situation in our country can be said to be very clear. Although the devils have occupied our northern and southern areas, but the army line is too long, and the state-owned is not enough. Their resources and personnel supplies It seems to have become the most serious situation at present, on the contrary, our Eighth Route Army, this root is deeply rooted in the countryside, and it is not difficult to have deep roots and leaves. Have you heard of protracted war?"

When Mr. Zhi heard this, "Oh? Tell me!"

"Speaking of this, I can tell you for a day. I have analyzed the situation just now. If this protracted war continues, our country will win and the devils will lose. There is no doubt about it!" Yang Fei held his head up, "I'm right The current situation is more optimistic!"

"That's right, I didn't expect you to be a relatively qualified soldier!" Mr. Zhi said.

At this time Yang Fei suddenly asked, "Mr. Zhi, I don't know why you ask this?"

"Come here, I'll show you something!" After speaking, Yang Fei followed Mr. Zhi into the room.

Mr. Zhi took out a disc from the room. The disc is an ordinary thing. Just when Yang Fei was about to ask Mr. Zhi what it meant, he covered the disc with his hand, and then let go.

At this moment, Yuanpan presented a picture.

Yang Fei was greatly shocked. He frowned and looked at it, only to see that the map turned from light to dark, and then a bug crawled on the disc, and was blown away by a gust of wind.

"What does this mean?" Yang Fei quickly took the disc, and then looked up and down. At this time, the screen suddenly disappeared again.

"Since you are an excellent soldier, I can help you!" Mr. Zhi looked at Yang Fei after finishing speaking.

"Help me?" Yang Fei looked at Mr. Zhi, "Mr. Zhi, you mean, you have aircraft and cannons here?"

"It's more effective than an airplane cannon!" Mr. Zhi said.

"Could it be... what kind of lethal weapon is more effective than airplanes and cannons? This is not acceptable. Devils are certainly hateful, but it is not good to keep killing people!" Yang Fei said.

"Let me teach you to keep fit!" Mr. Zhi smiled.

" keep fit?" Yang Fei didn't understand, to keep fit is to wish him a helping hand, and it's not as real as guns and ammunition.

"Want to learn?" Mr. Zhi asked.

"Mr. Zhi, why don't you give me guns, some weapons and ammunition, I think it would be better!" Yang Fei said.

However, without waiting for Yang Fei to agree, Mr. Zhi grabbed Yang Fei and pushed him onto the bed forcefully. Then, with a flick of his wrist, Yang Fei made a big circle, "Mr. Zhi..."

Yang Fei was about to say something just now, but a palm suddenly hit Yang Fei's back, Yang Fei trembled all over, and then suddenly felt a scorching force from behind his body enter into his body, and then, he clearly felt , this force became hot from top to bottom due to a huge fire dragon.

Beads of sweat hung on Yang Fei's forehead. This feeling was really strange. How could Yang Fei understand where he was, and how could he understand who the Mr. Zhi he met was?
About half an hour later, Mr. Zhi stopped.

Yang Fei's chest suddenly felt as if a burst of suffocation hit his chest, and then he spit out blood with a puff!His body also hit the ground heavily.

Yang Fei clutched his chest and looked up at Mr. Zhi, only to see that Mr. Zhi's head was dripping with sweat and his face was pale.

"Mr. Zhi..." Yang Fei called out softly.

Mr. Zhi sat up slowly, and then got out of bed.

"Yang Fei, now you are also taught by me and have learned to strengthen your body. I hope that you can still serve the country on the same front of the Anti-Japanese War!" Mr. Zhi said.

Yang Fei stood up, clutching his chest, "Mr. Zhi, what do you mean, I don't feel like strengthening my body?"

"Think about it yourself. Devils are rampant now, but they are also like grasshoppers after autumn. Be careful yourself. I will send you out of Kuguling later!" Mr. Zhi sat down cross-legged after finishing speaking.It seems to be settled.

Yang Fei saw a white mist slowly appearing on Mr. Zhi's forehead, and he didn't dare to disturb him. He looked at his body, how can we strengthen our body?
Come to think of it, it should be a general concept.

At this time, he realized that there was a five-star-shaped sarcoma on the palm of his hand, which was not big and did not feel pain.

Physical fitness?Could it be that, what kung fu did you have?
Thinking of this, Yang Fei picked up a stone outside the house, and then squeezed it hard, and the stone was smashed into powder.

He was shocked, "Is this just physical fitness?"

Thinking of this, when he arrived inside the house, Mr. Zhi was still cross-legged in meditation.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, could it be that he is better than Coach Ji?
After about an hour, Yang Fei experimented with countless moves, and each move felt more powerful.

At this time, Mr. Zhi came out of the room, watched Yang Fei experimenting, and then smiled.

Yang Fei hurried over, "Mr. Zhi, I just discovered that I am full of strength now! I just don't know, I have kung fu, what good does it do for fighting devils? This war is a real fight with real swords and guns!" "Yang Fei asked quickly.

"Yang Fei, physical fitness itself means that your own ability has improved. However, there are many things that you just don't know for the time being. When you want to know, he will burst out like a spring." Mr. Zhi said , "After sending you out, I will send someone to follow you! Nowadays, the world is haunted by little ghosts, and the world is bleak. If you want to return the pure land to the people, you still need to find a way. By the way, I will tell you. Stay in Kugu Ridge for a day, It's been a year since you went out, and after you go out, I'm afraid no one will know you!"

"One year?" Yang Fei was shocked, "Mr. Zhi, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to my previous army this year! This is impossible!"

"It was your good fortune that you strayed into Kugu Ridge. If you go out now, I'm afraid there will be little ghosts and evil spirits everywhere, so you can do it yourself!" After Mr. Zhi finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a man with the appearance of a Taoist appeared. He bowed to Mr. Zhi, "gentlemen!"

"Okay, I order you to accompany Yang Fei to the outside world now. With his current ability, he can fight devils by himself, but you have to do your best to help, understand?" Mr. Zhi said.

"Sir, I've made a note!" the Taoist said.

With Mr. Zhi waving his hand, Yang Fei felt blinded, and then unconsciously opened his eyes wide, trying to see clearly where this place is.

However, for an instant, his whole body trembled, and then the world around him changed accordingly. At this time, the outside world was covered with snow, and snowflakes were falling down.

The Taoist priests around him were very calm.

Yang Fei couldn't help shivering.

The Taoist priest took out a padded jacket from the package on his body, "Sir, put it on!"

Yang Fei quickly took it and put it on.

"By the way, what's your name?" Yang Fei asked.

"My name is Han Qing!" said the Taoist priest.

"Han Qing! Okay, let's call him Han Qing!" Yang Fei nodded and put on his clothes, "Let's go, where are you going now?"

However, he just took a step, "Now, where are we?"

"Sir, we are now in Beihai Province, on the outskirts of Qingyun City!" Han Qing said.

Yang Fei was a little taken aback, but he soon understood, "No matter where you are, now you just need to see devils to beat you!"

Thinking of this, Yang Fei took Han Qing along a path.

It feels like a backcountry here, and even after walking for an hour, I didn't find a single family.


Suddenly, he heard a gunshot, and Yang Fei hurriedly signaled Han Qing to hide, and then he went to check what happened in person!
I saw a group of Japanese soldiers chasing several strong men. It seemed that the Japanese soldiers were bound to win!

The strong men in front kept running, avoiding the Japanese behind them!

Yang Fei understood, and quickly said to Han Qing behind him, "Han Qing, come here!"

After Han Qing passed by, Yang Fei said, "Tell me, if I compare myself with the devil, who is better!"

"Devil!" Han Qing said without thinking.

"I mean, I have kung fu now. Tell me, if I use my kung fu to fight devils, who is better?" Yang Fei wanted to understand that if he was good, he would fight devils; It depends.

However, Han Qing didn't seem to give him face very much, "Devil!"

Yang Fei shook his head helplessly, "Han Qing, how is your kung fu?"

"Normal!" Han Qing seemed to be the only one to speak like this.

"You're average, isn't it funny that Mr. Zhi asked you to protect me?" Yang Fei asked.

"My kung fu is really average. Compared with Mr. Zhi, I am really far behind!" Han Qing added.

"Grandma's!" Yang Fei gave him a vicious look.

"Come on, squat down!" Yang Fei said, then looked at him and said, "After a while, the devils seem to be coming towards this side, the two of us go down, no matter what, we have to kill these little devils!"

"Okay!" Han Qing said.

Several strong men ran past them, but they didn't notice Yang Fei and the others.

After a while, the Japanese behind came over.

Yang Fei got up and jumped up. With the kung fu he had learned, he snatched a devil's spear at once, and started fighting with the small group of devils.

Han Qing didn't say a word, went directly to the devil crowd, stretched out a hand, and hit them!

This palm hit a devil's chest, and that surge of remaining power burst out to the back, and all the devils behind him were knocked down.

"Damn it!" Yang Fei scolded, "Is this what you said you don't know kung fu?"

"Don't blame me, they are too bad!" Han Qing sneered, "If they are all like this, there is no doubt that I can defeat them all!"

"Leave a few for me!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei jumped up, stepped on a devil's head, then turned around, pinched a devil's neck with one hand, squeezed hard, and the devil smashed the dead fish. Eyes widened.

The strong man who was running just now stopped when he heard the sound of fighting behind him, and saw that there were two people fighting with the devil.

This melee attack obviously doesn't have any advantage for the little devil's gun, and these two people's skills are so good that they beat so many devils to the ground!

"Good work!"

Lin Jianhua couldn't help admiring.

"Brothers, pick up the guns in your hands, aim at the devil, and shoot me!" After saying that, a few strong men hid behind the tree, shooting bullets at the devil!

Soon, these devils were knocked down to the ground.

Yang Fei counted carefully, he killed twelve devils, and Han Qing killed more than 20 in cold blood!
The rest of the devils were all shot to death.

"Han Qing, come on, pack up these guns!"

This has been a habit for many years. Yang Fei put away all the guns, put them aside, and then picked up a few grenades.

"Good work, Your Excellency!" Lin Jianhua hurried over with hands in hand.

Yang Fei glanced at him, with this outfit, Yang Fei could easily imagine that they were bandits.

Yang Fei didn't pay attention to them, and only cared about packing up the things in front of him.

Lin Jianhua's expression changed slightly, but he still bowed his hands and said hello, "Your Excellency! Thank you for saving your life!"

Yang Fei stood up, "Save you? Sorry, you made a mistake!"

Lin Jianhua was a little embarrassed, "Your Excellency, just now, they were chasing and killing us. If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid..."

"You misunderstood, I mean, I just want to kill devils!" Yang Fei added.

Lin Jianhua smiled, "Your Excellency, since the team that killed devils at the same time, I don't know which part you are in now?"

Han Qing immediately said, "It's all right if you have something to do, if it's all right, please get out immediately!"

When Yang Fei heard Han Qing say this, he was overjoyed, "I didn't expect this Han Qing to swear!"

Lin Jianhua's face was red and purple, and he thought he was trying to make a friend, but unexpectedly, his nose was ashamed.

He bowed and said, "Your Excellency, there are still many devils ahead, if possible, let's go together?"

"Let's go together?" Yang Fei looked at him, "Which part are you from?"

"We..." Lin Jianhua was a little embarrassed, but he knew that Yang Fei had some skills, so it didn't hurt to talk about it.

"We are bandits from Mount Lu in the front. We were taken away by devils a while ago. Fortunately, our brothers went out and escaped death. Now, we decided to go west and seek refuge with Zhu Liutian in Mount Hanwang!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Zhu Liutian? Your name is Lin Jianhua, I know!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Well, Your Excellency, there are devils ahead, how about we go there together?" Lin Jianhua asked.

However, Yang Fei didn't want to go there, he wanted to find his troops as soon as possible!

He asked softly, "Do you know Balu?"

Lin Jianhua laughed out loud after hearing this!

This laugh made Yang Fei feel a little strange, "What are you laughing at? Do you know this?" Yang Fei made a horoscope with one hand.

"Of course I know!" Lin Jianhua said, "However, the Eighth Road is not here, but thousands of miles away. There are few people here, the transportation is inconvenient, and there are not many devils!"

"You just said that there are devils ahead!" Yang Fei frowned and asked.

"That's right, there are devils ahead!" Lin Jianhua said, "Recently, devils have a special unit and found a mine here, which seems to be a gold mine. So despite the difficult conditions, devils still sent troops over!"

"Gold mine?" Yang Fei smiled, thinking to himself, "If this gold mine is taken down, the troops will have money!" The more he thought about it, the happier he became.

"Where is this gold mine?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's just ahead, and only by passing here can we reach Hanwang Mountain!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Okay, how about, let's go together!" Anyway, Yang Fei has nothing now, and the army can't find it, so it's better to find a place and eat something!
"Really?" Lin Jianhua cheered up.

"Can I, Yang Fei, lie to you?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"Okay, okay!" After hearing Yang Fei's words, Lin Jianhua was of course very happy. If he passes through here and encounters devils again, it will be guaranteed!

Looking at the guns on the ground, Lin Jianhua hurriedly said, "Go, get the guns!"

Yang Fei frowned, "This is mine!"

"Okay, I know, Brother Yang, you can't handle this gun by yourself, I'll ask my brothers to help you!"

"Okay! Then there are brothers Laurin!" Yang Fei pretended to bow his hands, and then walked forward with them.

Lin Jianhua was accompanied by six or seven brothers. These six or seven brothers were obviously very tired, and they were frightened even thinking about walking this journey.

The snowflakes were still falling, fluttering like they were falling happily in one breath.

"Brother Lin, let me ask you, how about Zhu Liutian?" Yang Fei asked.

"I heard that this person is very loyal, so it's always right to go to him!" Lin Jianhua said, "Brother Yang, this time you are going up the mountain with me, can I ask you something?"

"Well, then tell me!" Yang Fei looked at him.

"That's it, we join the gang, we can't join the gang empty-handed, look, these guns..." Lin Jianhua is right, if the gang joins, people will always look down on them, and the idea of ​​using these guns is also a last resort.

Yang Fei waved his hand, "I was joking just now, this gun is just a tool to me, I can still have it if it is gone!" Yang Fei said flatly, "If you need it, take it!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Lin Jianhua didn't expect that Yang Fei would agree so readily, and he wanted to say that he would return it to him in the future, so that's it.

After climbing over a mountain and reaching a frozen river, Lin Jianhua went up and smashed his fist on the ice, creating a hole in the ice ten centimeters thick. With a pot of water, he walked up to Yang Fei.

"Brother Yang, drink some water!" Lin Jianhua handed it to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei wasn't too polite, he just came here and gulped it down. Drinking cold water in this winter can be regarded as a kind of mood.He laughed, "Thank you Brother Lin!"

At this time, Lin Jianhua said, "Brother Yang, go through here, there is an intersection, and there should be a devil at that intersection. After a while, let's go there, kill those devils separately, and see if there are any good things at the devil's place." , take their things, how about we go again?"

"Okay!" Yang Fei agreed, "If you don't take anything from this devil, you won't take it for nothing!"

Sure enough, as Lin Jianhua said, there were three devils at the intersection, and five or six puppet soldiers stood in front of the devils. They stood at the intersection in the snow. When the gold mine was lost, manpower had to be arranged.

"Brother, let's deal with these devils enough!" Lin Jianhua glanced at Yang Fei, thinking, his marksmanship is good enough, it's not a problem to deal with these devils, and he can show off in front of Yang Fei for a while.

He loaded the bullet, then took aim, and with a bang, the bullet passed through the icy air and hit the devil in the head.

The devil immediately fell into a pool of blood.

"Good marksmanship!" Yang Fei smiled, "Brother Lin, look at mine!"

As he said that, Yang Fei also raised his gun to aim. At this time, the devil looked around in a panic and said, "Boom!"

Lin Jianhua looked, and saw a puppet soldier in front and a devil in the back fall at the same time. All of a sudden, the remaining puppet soldiers and devils kept running back!

"Brother Yang, that's amazing!" After Lin Jianhua finished speaking, he immediately stood up and fired another shot at the flustered puppet army.

Han Qing took a gun and shot those devils as well.

"Good marksmanship!"

Seeing the people running away, they hurried over. After passing by, in a watchtower, they found a rabbit that had just been roasted and a pot of wine. Yang Fei didn't care about other things. Yang Fei was very happy about these things. He tore open a rabbit, gave half to Lin Jianhua, and gave his own half to Han Qing.

Han Qing happily took it and began to chew on it.

"Clean up the battlefield quickly, within 10 minutes, after cleaning, we will leave!" Lin Jianhua said.

Several of his brothers immediately began to clean up the battlefield. Yang Fei was eating rabbit meat and saw a wooden box. He went to open it and it turned out to be a Japanese document. After looking up and down, Yang Fei knew what it meant.

Yang Fei took the document to read again, it was written in Japanese, how could he understand it?
No, he did understand it, he rubbed his eyes, yes, he understood it, it was written to order them to keep the intersection well, and he could clearly feel the tough tone.

He looked at Han Qing strangely, and Han Qing smiled, "You have this ability now!"

Yang Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking back then, it took him a long time to learn to write and so on, but now he can even understand Japanese without any effort.

In addition to this document, there is also a map underneath. Yang Fei rolled up the map and put it on his body.

Han Qing was gnawing on rabbit meat.

After 10 minutes, Lin Jianhua's people had already taken away all the things that could be taken away.

Yang Fei followed, walking with Han Qing.

"This time we go up the mountain, we won't go empty-handed, then Zhu Liutian will definitely accept us!" Lin Jianhua laughed, he chopped off a rabbit leg, and then gave the rest of the rabbit meat to others.

(End of this chapter)

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