Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2524 short-sighted bandit

Chapter 2524 short-sighted bandit

From here to Hanwang Mountain, they walked for an hour.

Not to mention Hanwang Mountain, it is tall and majestic. The main thing is that there is a lake around it. It is reasonable to say that it is a water park in Liangshan, but it is indeed more magnificent than a water park in Liangshan.

The mountain pass is a thin line of sky. If a machine gun is set up here, there will be a lot of bravery there.

Going up from a line of sky, the field of vision becomes wider. After going up the mountain, Yang flew down the mountain to look, and saw that there were people fishing on the lake, and when he reached the halfway up the mountain, there were other bandits on duty, "Who are you? What are you doing?" here?"

"My lord, please tell Master Zhu that Lu Shan Lin Jianhua has come to seek refuge, and Brother Yang Fei has also come to seek refuge!" Lin Jianhua cupped his hands and said.

"Come to seek refuge?" The bandit glanced at Lin Jianhua up and down, "Okay, wait, I'll go and report to our boss!"

Don't talk about other things, just talk about this cottage.

The gate of this village is relatively high-end. It is all built with mud and stones, with dragons and phoenixes drawn, which is a magnificent scene.In addition, Yang Fei saw that outside the gate of the village, where they were standing, there were two cannons facing the outside. Although these cannons were earthen cannons, they were still powerful. A natural, copycat nest, being a bandit here, it must be a peace of mind!

When the bandits reported Lin Jianhua's arrival, Zhu Liutian frowned, "Mount Lu is two hundred miles away from here, why did Lin Jianhua travel so far to join us?"

Zhu Liutian looked bookish, with a handsome face and a bit of elegance in every gesture.

"Boss, this Lin Jianhua came here after being attacked by devils. In my opinion, if we take them in, our cottage will be even more powerful!" Chen Heng said.

"Second master, what you said is wrong!" Shen Chengwen, the third master, said, "Elder master, I think that since Lin Jianhua offended the Japanese, we can't take them in. We occupied the cottage just to keep it clean, and at the same time In order to protect the environment and the people, I have heard about this Lin Jianhua, who is superb in martial arts, if he comes, will our cottage be changed?"

Zhu Liutian frowned, "Then what should we do? How about Xie Liangcao let them go?"

Shen Chengwen turned his head to look at the bandits just now, "Tell me, how many of them are there and what are they bringing?"

"Going back to the second leader's house, there are nine of them, more than 20 guns, and some sacks. I don't know what's in the sacks!"

"More than 20 guns?" Zhu Liutian was surprised.

Come to think of it, in his cottage, the total number of bandits is only five or sixty, and there are not many guns. Most of them are machetes and earthen guns. Shabby.

Seeing that what Zhu Liutian wanted were guns, Shen Chengwen said, "The bosses, in my opinion, or invite them in, as the saying goes, if they seek refuge with us, they will definitely bring us something. Lin Jianhua is a bandit After so many years, there must be something good! In the future, if we don’t want to keep him, let’s find another reason, isn’t that good?”

"Brilliant plan!" Zhu Liutian smiled.

"This..." Chen Heng was a little surprised that they did this.

"Second master, our Shanzhai is not a charity organization. Think about it, Lin Jianhua is here. With his ability, it is enough to be the second master. Our Shanzhai has never wanted to cause trouble for the upper body. In the past ten years, we have spent a lot of money. It took a lot of effort to win this cottage!" Shen Chengwen said looking at Chen Heng, who was the second in charge.

"Hey!" Chen Heng waved his hand, "That's all!"

"Okay, since the second master agrees, let's go and invite them in!" Zhu Liutian said.

When permission was obtained, Yang Fei and others followed the bandit in.

Sure enough, the view on the mountain is wide, and although the mountain wind is a bit fierce, the view of the surroundings here is really excellent.

When I got to the house, I saw a pot of charcoal fire burning vigorously in the center.

Lin Jianhua cupped his hands and said, "Lushan Lin Jianhua has seen the boss!"

Zhu Liutian stood up from the position of the head of the family, and hurried over, "Brother Lin, brother Lin, what are you doing, since you are here, please sit down! If you have any difficulties, just tell me!"

"Thank you, Master!" Lin Jianhua finished speaking, and then looked at Yang Fei, "This is a strong man I met on the road, named Yang Fei, and this is his brother named Han Qing."

"Oh, Brother Yang, Brother Han, hello! Please sit down quickly!" Zhu Liutian invited them back to his position, and then returned to his position of chief.

Lin Jianhua said at this time, "The head of the family came here to seek refuge. There is nothing good. Only these dozen or so guns were sent. In addition, there are two bags of food here!"

Shen Chengwen frowned. Among the several bags, Lin Jianhua only sent two bags. What does this mean?What was in the rest of the bag?
He couldn't speak, he could only listen to Zhu Liutian's words.

"Brother Lin, you're being polite." Zhu Liutian said, "It's my Zhu Liutian's blessing to come to my village. Besides, you, Lin Jianhua, have a very high reputation. I'm afraid this small village won't be able to tolerate you!"

"Master, what are you talking about, I, Lin Jianhua, am not a big Buddha. It is enough to have a bed to sleep on"!Lin Jianhua said.

Yang Fei didn't want to say anything, because the atmosphere here was really depressing.

"Okay, let's not talk too much, I'll have someone prepare good wine and food, let's talk while eating!" Zhu Liutian said.

It's true that he hasn't eaten much for several days, but Lin Jianhua feels very relieved.

A young man came over, "Hello, this way please!"

The group of them were invited out to the room on the west side. To be honest, this room was pretty good. There was already a charcoal fire in the room, so it was really warm.

Lin Jianhua arrived at Yang Fei's room, "Brother Yang! What do you think of this place?"

"It's better to be with you!" Yang Fei said directly, "I don't think the people here are so easy to get along with. After all, it's their territory. No matter how you can come here, you can't overwhelm the host!"

"Oh? What does Brother Yang mean?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Although there is a natural barrier here, the devils can't fight, but it depends on whether the devils want to fight. If the devils really want to fight, don't say this is just a small cottage, they will fight even in the capital!" Yang Fei said, "Then Zhu Liutian, look at it, don't talk about fighting, I'm afraid he can't use a gun. If such a person becomes the head of the family, I'm afraid it will miss your future!"

What Yang Fei said was the truth.

"What do you mean? Let's go?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"You have to have your own nest to beat devils. Your Lushan Mountain has been beaten down by devils, and it's not easy to take it back. Humans have to have a foothold, and I think it's pretty good here!" Yang Fei said. , made Lin Jianhua a little confused.

For a while, he said that this would delay his future, and for a while, he said that this is a place to stand. I really don't understand what Yang Fei wants to say in his heart.

"Brother Lin, to tell you the truth, this place is indeed a good place. It is considered to be winter, and the vegetation here is lush. From here, you can use it as your own territory. No matter what time it is, it is enough to set up a machine gun in that place. It is not easy for a devil to go up the mountain. So, I say this is the ideal place!" Yang Fei said.

" can I delay my future?" Lin Jianhua asked again.

"Because, it's not you who is in charge here, but Zhu Liutian!" Yang Fei smiled, "Brother Lin, you have no idea of ​​replacing him?"

After saying this, Lin Jianhua shook his head and looked at Yang Fei in disbelief, "Brother Yang, brother Yang, don't dare to say that, if someone is willing to take me in, it must be our blessing, how dare we replace it, this is Outrageous thing!"

"That's it!" Yang Fei said, "Just now, I saw their third-in-command looking at the sack in your brother's hand. I know that you wanted to give this to Zhu Liutian in your own name. You listen to me. Just put the things here, don't give them away, and see what their attitude is!"

Yang Fei said confidently, "They are all bandits, a group of bandits with no vision. They just want to occupy the mountain here as king, and rely on the nearby villagers for food and drink. It doesn't matter if you don't come to seek refuge with such bandits, but here they are. , we can't beg for nothing like this before leaving!"

"Is this okay?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Of course! Just listen to me, if I'm not wrong, this bandit will attack your sack!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Okay, then I'll listen to Brother Yang's opinion!" After speaking, Lin Jianhua went out.

After resting for about an hour, the room was warm and warm, and Yang Fei only got up when he was called to eat.

When he went out, he and Lin Jianhua followed and went together.

In the Juyi Pavilion, everyone had a brazier beside them. Zhu Liutian was already seated as the guest of honor. On his right was Chen Heng, who was the second leader, and on his left was Shen Chengwen, who was the third leader.

I saw Zhu Liutian said with a smile, "Brother Lin, I, Zhu, feel honored that you have worked so hard to come to my place! Come, let me toast you!"

Lin Jianhua quickly stood up too, "You can't be like this, I respect you!" After finishing speaking, he drank it in one gulp!
"And brother Yang, come, drink!" Zhu Liutian said.

"Okay!" Yang Fei raised his glass and drank it. Han Qing next to him gave him a tug, "Be careful, there is medicine in the wine!"

Yang Fei was stunned, and at this time Han Qing said again, "However, you'll be fine after drinking it!"

Yang Fei glanced at him and drank it in one gulp!

This wine is really good wine, it is really refreshing to drink it in this cold weather.

"Come, eat vegetables, eat vegetables!" Zhu Liutian hurriedly said.

The dishes are not bad, it's not easy for him to take out chicken, duck and fish meat, but Zhu Liutian doesn't seem like a generous person at all, and he can't be considered a bold person at all!
Seeing that Lin Jianhua's face was a little reddish, probably due to the effect of the medicine, Yang Fei stood up and took the jug beside him and walked up to Zhu Liutian, "Master, let me toast you!" He poured a glass of wine for Zhu Liutian.

At this time, Zhu Liutian's face was a little pale, Shen Chengwen saw, what is this guy trying to do?Against them?Pretending to talk to Zhu Liutian, but suddenly knocked over the wine glass, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" After finishing speaking, he hurriedly filled Zhu Liutian's wine glass again.

"Third Master, what do you mean?" Zhu Liutian pretended to be a little angry.

"Boss, I want to say something to you! I didn't think so, this wine glass is right here!" Shen Chengwen said hastily.

"Okay, you sit back and have a few drinks with Brother Yang!" Zhu Liutian finished speaking, then looked at Yang Fei, "Come on, Brother Yang, let's have a drink!"

At this moment, Yang Fei was even more sure that there was indeed something in his wine.

After drinking, Yang Fei returned to his seat.

Lin Jianhua's eyes were slightly drunk at this time.

Zhu Liutian gave Shen Chengwen a wink, Shen Chengwen immediately understood, came over and said, "Brother Yang, come, let me have a few drinks with you!"

"Okay!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Can you punch?" Shen Chengwen asked.

"Yes, come on, punch!"

Yang Fei smiled.

Shen Chengwen looked at Yang Fei, and his heart was full of joy. He has never lost a punch!

Immediately afterwards, they started punching.

At this time, Lin Jianhua had already collapsed on the wine table.

The real Juyi Pavilion is now full of "666, burly hands..."

Sure enough, as Shen Chengwen expected, Yang Fei kept losing wine one after another.

However, when Yang Fei finished drinking the pot of wine in front of him, Yang Fei turned out to be a normal person.

"Come on, get the wine!"

Shen Chengwen shouted.

After a while, a young man came over with a jug of wine, "Brother Yang, fill it up, fill it up!"

The wine bowl beside Yang Fei has never been idle.

This is really boring. What if I keep drinking?Also, what if you are not drunk all the time?
Han Qing on the side couldn't stand it anymore, so he took a sip of the wine in front of Yang Fei, and then fell down on the wine table with a "plop", as if he had fallen asleep.

Yang Fei understood, this is not going to work, if someone else finds out, it's no fun.

Yang Fei poured it on himself, "Third master, tell me, why haven't I won this time?"

After speaking, I drank a bowl of wine, my eyes were blurred, and then I poured it down!

Zhu Liutian watched, then quickly stood up, Shen Chengwen shook Yang Fei, "Brother Yang, come and drink!"

This guy, seeing that Yang Fei was not moving, Shen Chengwen shouted angrily, "This bastard, you can really drink it!"

Then he looked at Zhu Liutian beside him, "Master, I'll go and have a look!"

After saying that, he went out, turned to the west, entered the room, and then found the sacks, and found that they were not filled with gold and silver treasures as they thought, but some tattered clothes and some bullets What.

Immediately, he became angry, "This... is too shameless, isn't it?"

Who can know what happened in the end?
Furious Shen Chengwen went back and said this to Zhu Liutian, and they decided to drive them down the mountain while they were drunk!

Yang Fei knew that he was being carried, and then the cold wind whizzed by.

Together with Lin Jianhua, they were tied up by Wuhuada.

At the gate of the cottage, awakened by the wind, Lin Jianhua was a little confused at this moment. He looked around and exclaimed, "What's going on?"

Yang Fei smiled, "Brother Lin, what do you think this could be?"

"No way?" Lin Jianhua yelled at the mountain gate, but remained indifferent.

"Okay, stop shouting! They don't want us to stay here at all, so let's leave honestly?" Yang Fei said.

"Leave, we are bound!" Lin Jianhua said.

"What's wrong with being tied?" Yang Fei didn't think so.

At this time, Lin Jianhua suddenly felt that the rope behind him had been untied, and when he turned his head, he found that it was Han Qing.


Lin Jianhua got up and untied Yang Fei.

"I've already told you these bastards that they won't accept us sincerely!" Yang Fei said harshly.

However, no matter what, they were indeed driven out of the cottage.

At this time, a young man quickly passed them, and then entered the gate of the cottage.

"This guy, why are you running so fast?" Lin Jianhua asked.

After a while, that little guy came out, and Yang Fei grabbed him, "Why are you going?"


"Oh, it's quite powerful!" Yang Fei slapped the young man on the face, "Say, why did you go in?"

The pained minions didn't dare to speak loudly, they could only say, "The devil is here, I'm afraid he's going to attack our cottage!"

"Oh, this is exciting!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Exciting? This devil doesn't come well, how can we beat him?" Xiao Luo asked.

"You can't beat it, but it doesn't mean we can't beat it!" Yang Fei smiled.Let go of the little guy, and the little guy ran away.

"Brother Yang, what do you plan to do?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Didn't the devils want to fight? Let them fight, and we won't participate. However, if the devils really fight, we can't ignore it. Anyway, I think this place is good, and I have to fight for it!" Yang Fei said .

"My brothers are still in the cottage and haven't come out. Can the three of us beat so many devils?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"No, it's two, the two of us are enough!" Yang Fei smiled.

They walked down the mountain like a leisurely stroll.

At the pass they pay attention to everything here.

Sure enough, more than a dozen devils came over with machine guns, and the captain of a little devil pointed at Shanshan, "This must be the den of those bandits. The ones who wounded and killed our Imperial Japanese soldiers must also be the bandits here." !"

After speaking, they went to the mountain!

At this time on the mountain, Zhu Liutian was like an ant on a hot pot, "How can this devil come here?"

"Master, don't get excited. We are guarding the natural danger of the cottage. If you think about it, it is impossible for the devils to fight. Besides, we have no grudges with the devils in our lives. It is impossible for the devils to beat us. It is impossible. We will fight the devils again. beat!"

"Third master, hurry up, don't let the devil come up, you know, this cottage is our hope for half a lifetime!" Zhu Liutian looked embarrassed, for more than ten years, he had no trouble on the mountain, why did the devil suddenly think of this place?

No matter what, he can't compromise, this is his final value, not to mention anything else, in the cottage, it is possible for his gold and silver treasures to pile up into a hill, not to mention a hill, so, He can't fail!
He took out a pistol from his pocket, "He has never used such a pistol in all these years!"

I have never killed or robbed, and I always scare others and get it done.

Devil, that will not be defeated!
At this time, the little guy at the gate of the cottage suddenly ran up, "The boss, the boss, the devil is here!"

Hearing this, the pistol in his hand dropped to the ground, and then he quickly squatted down to pick it up, and said, "Follow me!"

And then he ran...back, "This is going to kill!"

At this time, Chen Heng, the second master, came out, "Eldest master, where are you going?"

"Second boss, the devils are coming up, hurry up and fight with your brothers, I... I..." Zhu Liutian's face turned pale with fright.

At this time, several women ran out from the cottage, "Damn ghost, didn't you say it's safe here? Why are the devils coming up here?"

"You guys are all my darlings, let's go, let's hide, here, leave it to the second child!" Zhu Liutian led a group of women to the back of the mountain!

According to theory, it shouldn't be a problem for dozens of them to fight devils or dozens of people. However, they have never fought a war, and all the people they killed were unarmed ordinary people!
Everyone panicked now, seeing that their big bosses had all retreated, they had no intention of fighting.

Chen Heng immediately shouted, "Everyone, don't retreat. The boss is going to find foreign aid for us. We have a team of more than 100 people just outside the mountain. Everyone, fight devils with me!"

This is a lie!

Chen Heng knew that this was the last resort, he had to lie to his brothers!

When the devil showed his head, Chen Heng started beating the devil with a "bang".

All the brothers found their positions and started to fight. How could this local gunner be the devil's opponent? I saw that the devil threw a grenade in, and with a "boom", several bandits fell down. on the ground.

Chen Heng saw that this was not a problem. If the devil kept throwing grenades in it, would it be okay?

He hid in an open space, and then aimed his gun at the mountain pass, and shot as long as the devil dared to show his face.

Sure enough, this trick was effective enough, the devil didn't dare to turn this corner, but just kept throwing grenades in it without listening!




Until, more than 20 brothers all fell to the ground.

"We surrender! We surrender!"

This is a crushing battle, no surprise, the combat effectiveness of this group of bandits is too bad.

The devils rushed in, and Chen Heng knew that it was over!It is absolutely over, the cottage is gone!
"Baga, Lu, arrest them all!"

The devils began to look for people in the cottage, and captured all the people they found in the open space outside Juyi Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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