Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2528 Come on, fight

Chapter 2528 Come on, fight

"Coercion? Not to mention, you are not our opponent!" Yang Fei said unhurriedly.

"Really?" Saga smiled, "Then, let's fight!"

Han Qing looked at Saga carefully, and found that this person was completely hidden, and he couldn't see how powerful this Saga was, but in the end, if he could win this Saga, he could almost be here He gained a foothold, but soon, Han Qing found out that the monk was very hostile, and he must be a murderous devil! "Okay, let's fight, let's see who is stronger!"

"Okay!" Saga sneered, and immediately raised his crutches.

Yang Fei hurried over, "Wait! Wait!"

Saga looked at Yang Fei, "What? Regret it?"

"No, I just think it's meaningless for the two of you to fight. In this case, how about I fight with this devil officer?" Yang Fei's proposal made Asada Taro's teeth itch with hatred, but since Yang Fei was being dealt with again , he is not afraid of dealing with this person in front of him at all!
He took out his samurai sword, "Okay, your proposal is very good, I'll come and meet you brat for a while!"

"Okay, I'll count to three, and we'll start fighting!"

Yang Fei looked at Ma Tian and the military rank on his clothes. He should know that he is the leader of the devil, at least a senior officer.

If this person can be killed, hey, don't say anything else, just say that the devils around here don't have a commander, so they can't mess up?Thinking about it feels very exciting!



At the count of two, Yang Fei couldn't hold back his nervous and excited hands at all, and rushed to Ma Tian's front, and hit Ma Tian's nose with one fist.

Immediately, Ma Tian's nose was bleeding profusely.

"You...didn't you talk about counting to three?" Ma Tian got up from the ground angrily, without caring about wiping off the nosebleed, frowned and looked at him and asked.

"This fight is basically like this. You are too strict with the rules, and you will lose the worst!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Kill you!" Ma Tian was angry, and came over waving his saber.

On the other side, Saga and Han Qing were more gentle. Saga first cupped his hands, "Your Chinese etiquette is like this before a fight, isn't it?"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to know this!" Han Qing smiled, "However, you only learned the surface!"

When two people hand over each other, suddenly, the internal strength explodes, and the master fights, not caring about the superficial things, but caring about how strong you are.

Saga tried to test how powerful Han Qing was, but was resisted by Han Qingsisi. After a few minutes, Saga couldn't see clearly how powerful Han Qing was in front of him. However, just now he understood, he went to test it out by himself At that time, Han Qing used [-]% of his strength, but he only used [-]% of his strength. Thinking of this, Saga felt great comfort in his heart. The person in front of him is nothing to be afraid of. !
Seeing that, Saga picked up the crutches, and the whole person flew over as light as a swallow, piercing the cold air, as if the surroundings were swept by this wave of heat, and even the snowflakes under his feet began to melt!
"I didn't expect this devil to be so powerful!" Han Qing could feel that Saga in front of him was trying to force him to exert his full strength in action.

Han Qing pulled out his whisk, took two steps back, and then swung it heavily towards Saga.

The fly whisk seemed powerless, but it was mixed with immense power. The two forces collided together, and the surrounding air quickly condensed until a heat wave erupted in the middle, sweeping the surroundings quickly. At this time, it started to rain.

When Yang Fei saw this scene, he was also a little surprised, but Asada Taro was not surprised. He had heard about it just now. He heard thunder and saw lightning in the cold winter months. Thinking about it, it was almost too late.

"Little devil, court death!" Yang Fei shouted, and rushed towards Ma Tian again.

Ma Tian didn't get any damage from several attacks, but was hit on the body by Yang Fei's clever dodge.

On Ma Tian's side, the saber almost fell to the ground several times. If he hadn't had quick eyesight and quick hands, he would have followed in Xiao Wu's footsteps.

Only at this time did he realize that Yang Fei is powerful, and the person in front of him is also powerful. He has never lost in the bayonet match. This time, the opponent does not seem to be so easy to provoke.

"Kill!" Ma Tian yelled, swinging his saber at Yang Fei and slashing at him.

When he got there, he found that Yang Fei was no longer here.

So speechless to ask, Yang Fei's ability to dodge is beyond his imagination, and Xiao Wu can't beat him, so it is reasonable.

"Fuck you!" Yang Fei kicked Ma Tian's ass, and Ma Tian staggered a few steps forward, Yang Fei went over again and made another kick, finally, Ma Tian still fell to the ground.

When he got up, his face was covered with snowflakes, and then, soon, it turned into ice!

"Boy, don't worry, take your time, I will torture you to death!" Ma Tian rushed over, Yang Fei hooked his fingers, "You can't!

"Who can't do it, and it's not me who can't do it!"

The saber seemed to be resigned to his fate and came towards Yang Fei. Yang Fei really didn't dodge this time, he thought he would dodge, but this time the force was surprisingly strong, so big that Ma Tian thought it was as if the whole earth was lucky.

Then, it's useless!

Yang Fei frowned, and shouted loudly, "Little devil, you are courting death!

In an instant, Ma Tian's body began to tremble. It seemed that the voice was stronger than his strength. His whole body began to hang in the air, and the knife in his hand stabbed at Yang Fei!
"too slow!"

Yang Fei stretched out one hand, caught it vigorously, and then slapped it on Ma Tian's chest, "Are you courting death? It's not up to you!"

All of a sudden, Ma Tian took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

He struggled a few times, but remained indifferent.

At this time, he slowly began to watch the battle between Saga and Han Qing.

Two people, one ice and one fire, this is the first time Yang Fei saw this incompatible scene.

The previous battles were all formed in the smoke and trenches, and bayonet fights were easy to grasp.

However, the two of them didn't seem to care about the crutches and whisks in their hands, and a huge barrier was formed between the two of them.

"How powerful is this guy?" He also understood that he couldn't disturb the two of them at this time. If he did, it might be counterproductive.

"You are very powerful, but you are a little worse than me!" Saga said.

"I'm still young, but you... are about to die. Compared with me, you are not qualified!" Han Qing's words seemed to be knives.

That's right, what Saga cares most about is his own age at this time, he is indeed very old, he has a lot of unwillingness, but at this time, he is also the most at ease, when he meets a Chinese warrior, he can only make a move , Moreover, now he can feel that the person in front of him seems to have tried his best, and he is already unable to move half a step.

But why isn't he?
As long as one of them moves, the other party can find out your shortcomings, your weaknesses!
Yang Fei sat on the ground and looked at Saga, "Old man, do you feel powerless now?"

Saga, "..."

"Also, do you feel that you are urinating frequently and urgently?" Yang Fei still looked at Saga and said.

Saga, "..."

"Okay, let me tell you, you have a very strange disease. This disease is a kind of heart disease. Only me can solve it?" Yang Fei rubbed a snow ball on the ground.

"You talk too much!" Saga looked at him angrily.

"Oh, don't say that, it feels like I'm trying to harm you!" Yang Fei shook his head, holding the snowball on Saga's body.

"Old people have this kind of disease like you. Don't be afraid. You have a strange smell on your body. Even in this winter when the air doesn't circulate very much, the smell is still very strong!" Yang Fei said, and began to knead the snow balls again.

He shouted angrily to Han Qing, "Yang Fei, it seems that this competition was conducted by the two of us!"

"Yeah, didn't that kid not do anything?" Han Qing said with a smile.

"Okay, old man, I know, it is impossible for you to win us now, you Japanese country is really vulnerable, if nothing else, I believe, you should also understand that you are in China, you should It won't be long after jumping, hehe!" Yang Fei smiled.

"I don't care about the army. However, our Japanese samurai are now coming to China in a steady stream. Like your Eighth Route Army, we can still destroy your facilities behind enemy lines!"

"What did you say?" Yang Fei stood up, took a snowball and threw it on Saga's face.

"Old man, your Japanese samurai have come to our Chinese territory, and you are still so swearing, don't you think you are shameless?" Yang Fei went over and pulled Saga's eyebrows, "Say it!

"You better treat me with respect, kid!" Saga gritted his teeth.

"No, you old man, you are really bad! I believe in your size! Do you believe it or not, your warriors are like chopping melons and vegetables in front of me?" Yang Fei asked with his head held high.

"It's ridiculous. You are so blindly confident. However, you are right about one thing. However, our warriors beat you like chopping melons and vegetables!"

"Fart!" Yang Fei said, and started rubbing snowballs on the ground again.

"Stop, if you don't stop, I'll kill him!" Saga was really angry.

Yang Fei didn't care so much, this time, he rubbed a big one, which was as big as Saga's head! "Old man, I think you are an old man, this snowball is given to you, you can't return it to me, understand?" As he said, Yang Fei carried the snowball and smashed it on Saga's head!

It was at this time that Saga's internal strength was seriously affected.

Han Qing seized this opportunity and suddenly unleashed [-]% of the strength in his body, "Ah!" He roared, and the whole valley trembled a few times.

Saga's body received an unprecedented blow. After the concussion, Saga got up from the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"Yang Fei, you are not my opponent, not this kid just now, you are already dead!" Saga was a little unconvinced.

"Really? How about we fight again?" Han Qing looked at him and asked.

I thought that Saga was injured, so this time, I should stop and get out of here, but Saga quickly agreed, "Okay, then let's compare, but this time, the two of you come here Fight me!"

Yang Fei and Han Qing glanced at each other, and Han Qing understood that Yang Fei's ability was really average, and he had no problem beating an average devil. Internal strength, as long as the internal strength is strong, there is no flesh and blood in a fight, but when Yang Fei comes, he is courting death.

"No!" Han Qing said, "Old man, I know you have bad intentions. The grievances between the two of us should be resolved by ourselves. Why do you ask him?"

"Why?" Saga sneered.

"Okay, I will fulfill you and fight you! I want this kid to see how you die with my own eyes!" Saga snorted coldly, and then threw his crutches heavily on the ground. The child tore a huge opening.

Seeing this, Yang Fei was not only taken aback, how powerful must this be to be like this?
Yang Fei took a few steps back knowingly, "I'll go first, you two play slowly!"

"Okay, there's no one left now, let's compare the two of us now!"

As a samurai, whether it is Saga or Han Qing, they all hope not to fall behind, but what a samurai compares is not only internal strength, but also your own willpower!
I have to admit that for so many years, the willpower of the Japanese warriors has been tempered very strongly. They have their own way, and the Chinese warriors, after so many years of war, have not shown many warriors. Even if they used to be warriors, now He is very old, so he cannot fight against Japanese warriors.

Han Qing, as a new generation of warriors, his belief since he was a child is to defend his family and country, which Mr. Zhi taught him.

Mr. Zhi took him in and taught him a lot. Although Mr. Zhi seemed young, only she knew that Mr. Zhi was 370 years old.

For Saga, the battle just now was just a warm-up match.

Those who can fight to the end are like this.

He smiled, "Yang Fei, the last battle, come on!"

Han Qing had to face the already energetic Saga at this time.

"The samurai of the Japanese country will not fall, and the samurai of China are shit!" After finishing speaking, Saga waved his sleeves, and a huge vortex appeared in his cuffs. It is more like a vortex than a human world. A purgatory in the world, full of fire, seems to swallow everything in the world.

"Small tricks!" After Han Qing finished speaking, he swung the whisk in the space. Suddenly, the entire starry sky spun, and suddenly, a huge black hole opened.

Saga, who was a little excited at first, frowned, "Time and space machine?"

"Hehe, I have some knowledge!" Han Qing sneered.

At this time, they were in the most tense moment. Seeing Han Qing's strength at this moment, Yang Fei couldn't help but swallowed a sigh of relief. He was so damn powerful, and he had always looked down on him before.

However, after hearing what Saga said, he was confused. What is a space-time machine?
In fact, in the eyes of samurai, in addition to training your body, you also have internal strength. The most important thing is martial arts. A set of powerful martial arts is even more powerful than your indestructible body.

He can make you hang in the air in the world, and your feet will never set foot on the ground. In the end, you will die due to the turbulence of time and space.

This was exactly what Saga was worried about.

The purgatory on his cuffs is also a set of martial arts, which can make people confused. However, compared with Han Qing's time machine, it is more than 01:30 points behind.

"Old man, are you afraid?" Han Qing asked coldly.

"How could you use a space-time machine? This time-space machine, but...but..." Saga was a little unimaginable.

The time-space machine is a set of martial arts that Mr. Zhi has been using for a long time. The whole set of time-space machines can be divided into upper, middle and lower classes. Even the inferior time-space machine martial arts are enough to withstand the upper-class purgatory of Saga!
"Why? Don't believe it?" After Han Qing finished speaking, the space-time machine moved Wei Ran, and suddenly, like a planet crashing, Saga not only quickly put away his purgatory on earth, but turned around and hid far away!

"Hahahaha!" Han Qing laughed, "Remember, my master, that's Mr. Zhi!"

"Impossible, Mr. Zhi died a long time ago. Mr. Zhi no longer exists in the world, and your master cannot be Mr. Zhi!" For Saga, Mr. Zhi is a legend of warriors. There is the figure of Mr. Zhi.

Mr. Zhi can turn the world upside down with one finger, let alone now, hundreds of years have passed, how could Mr. Zhi still be alive?

"Old man, if you want to die, I will help you. However, if you escape, I can track you down. If you want to die, it's up to you!" Han Qing said coldly.

"Okay, I'll fight with you when I practice my new martial arts, Yang Fei, wait, I didn't scare you too much!" Saying that, Saga turned around and disappeared.

Seeing Saga running away.

Yang Fei hurried out and came to Han Qing, "Han Qing, what trick did you use just now? What is a space-time machine?"

Han Qing glanced at him, "You don't understand a lot of things, you think Mr. Zhi taught you to keep fit for fun, but it's just for fun, it's just a pediatric thing! "

"If I also practiced like yours, wouldn't the little devil be chased away by us soon?" Thinking of this, Yang Feiliu became excited.

"Okay, you don't understand, how can this thing be easy to learn. To tell you the truth, I didn't know how to use the space-time machine just now, and I just learned a little bit. Mr. Zhi taught me, but, I I'm relatively dull, and I can't comprehend the mystery of the time-space machine at all!" Han Qing shook his head, "If I knew the time-space machine, I wouldn't lose to that old man at the beginning!"

"You lost just now? Impossible?" Yang Fei was a little confused.

"If it weren't for your trouble, I would have lost!" Han Qing said, "Let's go, let's go back!"

"Go back? Han Qing, teach me, what exactly does this mean? Also, the old man said, isn't there a lot of Japanese warriors coming in a steady stream? At that time, we will have to face so many Japanese warriors !" Yang Fei looked at him.

"I'll tell you when I go up the mountain!"

After speaking, they slowly went up the mountain.

At this time on the mountain, Lin Jianhua was dumbfounded, "What did you say? Brother Han is a god?"

The young man described it vividly, which made Lin Jianhua a little bit embarrassed.

"The boss, it is true. Han Qing is a god, so he has always been respectful to Yang Fei. Then Yang Fei must be better than Han Qing!"

After Xiao Luo finished speaking, Lin Jianhua breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect that we would be with two such powerful people!"

Hearing footsteps outside, Lin Jianhua got up quickly, "Brother Yang!"

"Brother Lin!"

"Brother Yang, I just heard from the brothers..." Lin Jianhua didn't know how to speak, "Are you gods?"

"Fairy?" Upon hearing this, Yang Fei couldn't help laughing, "What kind of fairy? Haha!"

At this time, Lin Jianhua felt that God was helping him. The first time he saw Yang Fei, he felt strange. These two people appeared in a deserted place, and then helped him, and then helped him gain a foothold in the cottage. , This...isn't this a fairy?
This kind of thing is really exciting, so when the devils come in the future, don't you have to be afraid, as long as Yang Fei gets out, he will definitely be able to do it?
"You misunderstood, we are not gods, just like you, we are humans!" Yang Fei smiled, "You don't understand a lot of things, even if I tell you, brother Lin, you can safely be your master , Many things, I actually don’t understand!”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Jianhua, "Han Qing and I go to rest first, brother Lin, do your own work!"

Yang Fei eagerly wanted to know what was going on with him, why he saw such a miraculous scene.

When he pulled Han Qing into his room, he asked, "Han Qing, you have to tell me that you are Hu today. Who are you? Who is Mr. Zhi? And I... who am I? "

After asking so many questions in one breath, Han Qing was stunned by the question. He could only smile, "What are you talking about? If you ask me, I can only tell you slowly!"

"Then talk slowly, let's talk about it first, Mr. Zhi, who is Mr. Zhi?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"You don't even know about Mr. Zhi?" Han Qing was a little taken aback. Mr. Zhi asked him to protect Yang Fei at the beginning. Thinking about the intersection between Yang Fei and Mr. Zhi, he didn't expect that Yang Fei was also a passerby of Mr. Zhi!
"Tell me, if it's not convenient for you, tell me about me first, I am Mr. Zhi's someone!" Yang Fei looked at Han Qing.

Now he wants to know more and more, what is the spell and what he saw just now?
"You? You're already dead, what else can you be?" As soon as the words came out, Yang Fei couldn't figure it out, "I'm dead? Han Qing, how is it possible?"

"How is that impossible? You saw Kugu Ridge, but anyone who enters Kugu Ridge is dead, and you are no exception!" Han Qing looked at Yang Fei and said.

"No...not...wasn't I saved by Granny Huatian?" Yang Fei swallowed.

"Hahaha, Granny Huatian brings people back to life, Yang Fei, this is your second life!" Han Qing smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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