Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2529 What the hell am I

Chapter 2529 What the hell am I

"Second life?" Yang Fei couldn't believe it. How could he die? Thinking back, he accidentally entered Kuguling to avoid bandits, and then met Mr. Zhi, then Granny Huatian, and then him Han Qing, he remembers everything, how is it possible?

"Yang Fei, Kugu Ridge, the miasma is too heavy. Once you enter, you will be dead. The dead person is your soul acting. Do you think Mr. Zhi is so easy to see?" Han Qing asked.

"Then what? Could it be that Mr. Zhi is no longer alive?" Yang Fei didn't understand this.

"Haha, you kid actually said that Mr. Zhi is gone, and tell you that Mr. Zhi has lived for more than 370 years, and now is his fourth reincarnation!" Han Qing glanced at him as if.

"Reincarnation period?" Yang Fei couldn't think of it, why did it happen?

"Many times, you will understand slowly. Now you should ask me the second question!" Han Qing sat on the chair and poured a cup of tea.

"The second question is... Mr. Zhi, who is it?" Yang Fei asked cautiously at this time.

"Mr. Zhi, that is the most outstanding warrior in our country! However, the name of warrior is called by the Japanese, and we are called warriors. And Mr. Zhi, he gave full play to the martial arts of our country, and then conducted research. Powerful combat skills, so we are called warriors! I told you just now that Mr. Zhi has lived for more than 370 years, so he looks younger now!" Han Qing said.

"Then... the warriors of the Japanese kingdom, compared with our Chinese warriors, who is more powerful?" Yang Fei looked at Han Qing and asked again.

Han Qing was too embarrassed to answer this question.
"This one……"

"What do you say, what are we two afraid of?" Yang Fei asked anxiously.

"To be honest, of course the Japanese warriors are more powerful!" Han Qing was also very helpless, "However, this also has a historical origin!" Han Qing continued, "Since Mr. Zizi became popular in many places, such as Japan, they valued it very much. At that time, we also had many famous warriors in China. However, as time went by, many of them had passed away. Later, the turmoil in our country caused Many warriors participated in dealings with the government at that time, so many of them disappeared one after another. However, the Wa Kingdom is different. The inheritance of the Wa Kingdom has always existed. They even made new breakthroughs on the basis of our martial arts. !"

Han Qing's words made Yang Fei feel dissatisfied, "We Huaxia really can't show a few decent warriors?"

"This is the truth, but the Wa country can find out a lot. Not to mention anything else, you must have heard of the ninjas of the Wa country. Most of their samurai are ninjas, and it is said that they can escape from the ground!" Han Qing said.

"I didn't expect that when our things came to us, I wanted to learn them, but I couldn't learn them!" Yang Fei sighed secretly.

"Yang Fei, you are also a warrior yourself, do you know that?" Han Qing looked at Yang Fei and asked.

"Stop joking, how could I be a warrior? If I were a warrior, wouldn't I be able to fly into the sky and escape from the ground?" Yang Fei smiled and shook his head.

"Mr. Zhi put you out of the fire, didn't he give you a set of exercises to strengthen your body?" Han Qing asked.

"Indeed, this is said to be a exercise for me to strengthen my body, but I also feel that my body is more flexible. In addition, I also feel that my strength has increased. Apart from this, I have nothing else to do. What a skill!" Yang Fei asked.

"This is the most basic thing about physical fitness. Let me tell you, since Mr. Zhi gave you the exercises for strengthening your body, it means that Mr. Zhi has opened up your seven meridians and eight collaterals. If you want to achieve my , You still have to practice!" Han Qing said.

"Cultivation? Stop joking, how can I practice?" Yang Fei shook his head, but he asked solemnly, "Tell me, how to practice? What is the secret of cultivation? Besides, how can I fly into the sky and escape from the ground?" ? How can I be like you?"

Yang Fei and Han Qing were a little confused about Yang Fei's question, "Nowadays the world is chaotic, and there must be warriors to clarify the world. Cultivation is very simple, just to practice exercises. When your physical fitness reaches the highest level, you will Automatically reach the next level!" Han Qing said.

"What's the next level of physical fitness?" Yang Fei asked impatiently.

"The next level is called Qi trainer. Physical fitness is indeed the most basic. You are now the third level of physical fitness. When you reach the upper level of physical fitness, you will automatically transfer to the level of Qi trainer!" Han Qing introduced, "You are different, you are different from the ordinary people around you, so it is probably impossible for you to return to your former army, because Mr. Zhi gave you the latest mission, you know ?"

"The latest mission?" Yang Fei lowered his head and thought.

"At the beginning, you told Mr. Zhi that your dream was to expel all the little devils from the territory of China, didn't you? This is your mission, so Mr. Zhi asked you to practice physical fitness." Han Qing said , "However, even if you are a low-level person who is physically fit, you are much better than ordinary people, but compared with the old man from the Wa country just now, you are really too bad. He is at least a mid-level Qi trainer! "

"What about you? What's your position?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"I'm a middle-level Qi trainer!" Han Qing said, "So, you can practice now. There are so many devils, you don't have to worry. Different troops like Huaxia are fighting, and your goal now is to Defeating the warriors of the Japanese kingdom and creating favorable conditions for those on the battlefield, do you understand?" Han Qing looked at Yang Fei and said.

"Well, I know, so it's useless for me to find the former troops now. Since I am also a warrior, then my different from others!" Yang Fei smiled.

"That's right. It's good if you understand this, but you have to be mentally prepared. What you do may not be understood by others. It is also a behind-the-scenes work. The victory belongs to others. It belongs to you, and your mission is indeed for a lifetime, and after hundreds of years, the Japanese devils were driven out, so we must beware of their warriors infiltrating in!" Han Qing's words are very reasonable.

"Well, I see!" Yang Fei nodded.

"Sir, I will assist you. This is Mr. Zhi's order. You don't know how to practice, so I will help you to practice. Our main target now is that old Japanese man!"

"Well, I know!" Yang Fei nodded, "I want to practice now, teach me!"

"Okay, since you have the determination, I'll help you!" Just after Han Qing finished speaking, he grabbed Yang Fei's shoulders, lifted him up, and asked him to sit cross-legged, "the whole world has spiritual energy, and Hanwang Mountain is the place where spiritual energy gathers. It is backed by mountains and surrounded by water to keep out all the turbid air. Sir, close your eyes and practice, and you will feel that all spiritual energy will enter your body continuously! This is cultivation! This Side is the ladder for you to progress!"

"Okay, I got it!" Yang Fei said, sitting cross-legged, his whole body began to relax.

Han Qing slowly withdrew from Yang Fei's room, and then ordered his minions, "You are not allowed to enter without Brother Yang's order!"

Now, Yang Fei knows all of this, and he has a good intention to do so. After all, he doesn't know how to take the road he thought, and even if he walks, he doesn't know when to go!
Han Qing sighed, and the snowflakes in the sky were like dancing girls, swaying beautifully in the air.

Lin Jianhua ordered people to stand guard at the mountain pass, and the local devils further threatened Hanwangshan.


When he reached the gate of the temple, Saga pushed the door open with one hand, "How is it possible, how is it possible that Mr. Zhi is still alive, if he is alive, wouldn't our plan be ruined? The soldiers of the Empire are fighting bravely on the front line, and we also have a lot to do." It is necessary to create a little trouble in their Chinese rear, and these troubles must also give some encouragement to the soldiers of the empire!"

Approaching the temple, Saga grabbed the bronze cauldron, pinched it hard, and then crushed the bronze cauldron, "Yang Fei, when I become a high-class warrior, I will want your dog's head. Now, all Huaxia warriors know is you Even if Mr. Zhi is here, all the samurai of our country will work together!" After speaking, Saga's face showed a sly look.

However, thinking about it, Saga murmured, "According to the time, Honda should arrive and he should find me when he arrives. It is not easy for the empire to train this person."

Speaking of Honda, this person is really a talent cultivated by the Japanese country with a lot of money. The difference from the Japanese military academy is that the disciple of their samurai ancestor Okamoto, the so-called heavy money, means that he was hired by the Japanese country to make trouble in China.

With his current level, he has reached the middle level of a Qi trainer. Although his level is a middle level Qi trainer, his martial arts skills have indeed inherited Okamoto's mantle.

The gyrograph is the supreme skill they believe in. It is cultivated from both internal and external forces. Moreover, this gyrograph was created by the ancestor Okamoto after he studied the movement of celestial bodies. Although it is only a samurai, he has This gyro can rule the world.

Not long after, a man wearing an army green coat and a black top hat appeared in the snow and ice.

Every time he took a step, it was like a lotus growing under his feet. His steps were impassioned and impassioned. Although he looked a little thin, he was also full of muscles.

In the samurai stage, Honda couldn't easily expose his strength unless it was absolutely necessary.

In the barracks, Ma Tian Dazuo walked around anxiously. He suffered a big loss last time. Now he can only cancel all the strongholds, and then come near the gold mine. The purpose of the bandits is not clear now, but he has a bad feeling I had a hunch that the bandits on Hanwang Mountain beat them just to beat them.

This is the worst thing.

I received information that the empire sent Honda, and I don't know how capable this Honda is. Saga can't beat the bandits for the time being, can Honda do it?At this moment, a soldier came in, "Master Ma Tian, ​​someone is asking to see you outside."

Ma Tian frowned, "Who is it? If it's a bandit, let him go. If you can't beat him, you have to hide for a while. We'll talk about it when Honda comes."

The soldier said, "Your Excellency, it seems that this man is not a bandit, but he said that he wants to come in."

"Oh? Who is so arrogant?" As he spoke, Ma Tian said, "Let's go and have a look!"

With that said, they walked out of the barracks, and when they reached the gate, several soldiers stopped the comers.

Ma Tian looked at the visitor, looked him up and down, "You are..."

The man smiled, "The empire sent me here, not to stand outside and talk to you." As soon as the words came out, Ma Tian probably knew who this person was.

Hastily smiled, "You are Honda-kun?" After finishing speaking, he scolded the left and right, "Get out of the way, and quickly invite Honda-kun in."

As a force guarding gold, Wa Kingdom naturally attaches great importance to it.

Last time, Asada reported to the headquarters that there was a bottleneck during mining and the mining was not going well, but as for why it was not going well, Asada couldn't say for sure, so he could only say vaguely, "I'm afraid I offended the mountain god."

Ma Tian didn't quite believe this sentence.

Unexpectedly, this young man was sent.Could it be that he is a geologist?
Inviting Honda in, Ma Tian hurriedly prepared meals for Honda.

After the meal, Honda asked, "Your Majesty Asada, I heard that there are problems with mining gold mines, is that true?"

"Yeah, the machinery can't continue, and five machines have been damaged. If it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't work. If explosives are used, I'm afraid it will damage the ground. I really don't know how to solve it."

Ma Tian finally confirmed at this time that this guy is a geologist, and there is no doubt that for him, Yang Fei, the biggest trouble, cannot be solved.

"Well, it turned out to be this." Asada nodded, "It is impossible for our machine to penetrate any surface. I think this is intentional by the operator."

Honda looked at him, "Who is operating the machine, do you know?"

"This is impossible." Asada shook his head, "The machine is operated by our imperial soldiers, it cannot be done by our imperial soldiers."

"Anyone else?" Honda asked again.

"However, in the pit, there are a few coolies from the Hua Kingdom," Ma Tian suddenly understood when he said this, "You mean, these are the people from the Hua Kingdom?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Honda said, "How about we go and see now, the first pot of gold in your gold mine here is very important to the empire, Ma Tian, ​​you should understand how much the emperor thinks of you. "

"It's natural to understand."

After finishing speaking, Ma Tian led the people to Pit No. [-].

"Now, put on the machine and try again." Ma Tian shouted to the soldiers.

"Your Excellency, five machines have broken down. I'm afraid it will break down even more this time. Do you really want to continue?" said an operating soldier.

"Baga, I can't speak well now, am I?" After Ma Tian finished speaking, several soldiers started to move quickly.

The machine was fully installed, and Asada checked the equipment himself, "Yes, the equipment is qualified. Now start it."

After speaking, the device started rumbling.

Under the pit, a few young people gathered together, "You're a bitch, don't give up yet."

"Boss, tell me, what should we do now." The thin man looked at a man and asked.

"This is our Huaxia gold mine. We are actually helping the devils mine our gold mine. What is this? This is a traitor, this is a traitor." The man was obviously excited.

"It's still the same, the thin man and I went to destroy the equipment, boss, what do you think?" the fat man asked.

"No, this time, let the skinny man let the wind go, as soon as the devil comes down, we will stop immediately, you understand?"

said the boss.

"Brother, no need, the devil has never been here before, and it certainly won't happen this time." The fat man said disapprovingly.

"No, you have to be careful in everything." After the boss finished speaking, he put on his gloves, "Skinny man, you go and let the wind go, I will come with the fat man."

"Yes, brother." After speaking, the thin man jumped off the equipment and went to the mouth of the pit.

"I've been caught as a coolie for so long, and I'm not sure when I'll go back, but it doesn't matter if we live or die, and the things of the country can't be moved."

The machine started to work, the huge drill bit was spinning, and the strong wind blew up their thin clothes.

The fat man skillfully jumped onto the machine, used a big wrench, and began to destroy.

Their boss poured an unknown liquid found on the [-]st on the drill bit.

Soon, the drill bit stopped moving slowly, and then cracks slowly appeared in the drill bit.

The fat man pursed his lips and smiled, then said to the boss, "Brother, this is the sixth one."

"Hehe, it deserves it. I think at this speed, when will the devil be able to guess the gold."

The boss smiled, "Skinny, you're back."

They don't know how happy they are to watch the drill slowly shatter.

"Skinny man, what are you doing?" After finishing speaking, the boss turned around and saw a stranger who was covering the thin man's mouth with one hand while looking at the boss ferociously.

"You did a great job, I didn't expect it to be you guys?" It was Honda who came.

Several people were frightened at once.

Honda let go of the thin man, and the thin man immediately ran behind their boss.

The fat man scolded angrily, "Damn it, skinny man, how can you let people in if you hold the door?"

The thin man still has lingering fears, "I want to say that I yelled, do you believe me?"

It is impossible for the thin man to lie, and the thin man really yelled, but Honda cast a spell, no matter how much he shouted, no one would hear him, which is why the thin man kept shouting, but they couldn't hear him.

Honda smiled, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go."

A few devils came in and pulled them all outside. The snow was flying and there was no sign of it stopping.

Asada Taro's face was ugly. He walked up to several people, and everyone slapped them, "Baga, you've got thousands of calculations. I didn't expect that in the end it was you guys. Come here and shoot them immediately."

"Hayi," after he finished speaking, several soldiers came over and threatened to shoot them.

But Honda said at this time, "Your Majesty Ma Tian, ​​don't worry, kill them now, it will be cheaper for them. As far as I know, there are still many Chinese people who mine gold mines. Why don't you come and kill them?"

Ma Tian nodded, "Yaoxi, just do it! Go, gather all the absentees from Huaguo here. I want all these Huaguo people to be terrified and live in fear."


After finishing speaking, the devils went to collect all the absentees from Huaguo in the mine. It seemed that most of them were malnourished. If they continued to work like this, they would all die in the end.

Looking at the fear in one person's eyes, Ma Tian stood in front of them, "All you Chinese absenteeism, listen to me, now there are three people wantonly destroying our empire's equipment, today they can only die, if you want to live, be obedient Do it for me, don't die in vain when the time comes."

This kind of threat has made many people feel numb, they are dead anyway, why not live for two more days?
The thin man, the fat man, and their boss stood in front of the crowd, with no fear on their faces.

"Little devil, if you want to kill or cut, we won't say a word. If you have the guts, kill us now. This is the place of Huaguo, and the gold is also the gold of our Huaguo. If I die, there will be many people who will stop me." You mine our gold." The boss was impassioned.

"Baga!" Ma Tian was so angry that he drew out his pistol and was about to shoot.

However, Honda stopped him, "Your Majesty, how about entrusting these people to me?"

"Okay," he said, and he was about to hand him the gun.

Honda shook his head, "No need, thanks."

He slowly walked up to the three of them, the boss saw Xiao Zhuanzhi approaching, and immediately swung his fist. This fist was very powerful, but Honda grabbed his fist directly, "It's very powerful, but it's just a pity. "

After finishing speaking, he smiled and looked at the absenteeism in front of him, "You are dead."

"Little devil. Come on, kill grandpa." The boss stared angrily.

"Simple." After finishing speaking, he twisted hard, and with a "creak" sound, the boss's five fingers snapped off.

"Hehe, are you still here?" Honda grinned grimly.

The boss's face was full of pain, "Hehe, even if I'm a ghost, I can't let you go."

"Then you can be a ghost."

Honda smiled, and suddenly, internal energy burst out and passed into the body of the boss. All of a sudden, it seemed that something was sucking his body, then his soul, and then, the boss's whole body went limp.

Honda couldn't finish it, "It's a pity, your energy is too small."

He let go, the boss fell to the ground, and then turned into a ball of bones.

Those who see it are all moved.


"What power is this?"

"The little devil is indeed a ghost."

The absentees suddenly became frightened.

The fat man and the thin man were suddenly afraid to stand up.

"It's unscientific, what's going on here?"

Thinking of this, the fat man immediately ran towards Honda, jumped up and kicked Honda.

"It's too slow, is your speed a tortoise?" Then he grabbed his feet with his hands. At this time, the fat man couldn't fall off, and couldn't move a bit.

"It's your turn."

"Ah!" the absenteeism shouted, turned and ran.

The thin man was already limp all over, and fell to the ground.

A shadow covered him, "Little brother, it's your turn this time." After speaking, Honda pinched his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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