Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2530 The Gap

Chapter 2530 The Gap
It was almost not the first time he had seen Honda's tough method. The boss died silently like this.

Asada Taro saw it, and his heart suddenly became excited, "What kind of geologist is this! This is simply a samurai master!"

Thinking of this, he immediately ran over, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, "Honda-san, Honda Jun, is it so simple to solve?"

Honda got up and wiped his hands, "Is there any more trouble?"

"no no!"

Ma Tian hurriedly apologized, "Honda Jun, I haven't had a good meal this time, let's go, let's go eat!"

Honda didn't refuse either. A young talent like him should have received the highest courtesy and attention. In his eyes, Ma Tian was just an ordinary person, and a vulgar person at that. "Okay, let's go!"

To be honest, the dinner was prepared so sumptuously that Honda felt like he was dreaming. After dinner, before Honda wanted to ask him to help get rid of Yang Fei, Honda spoke first, "Daisaku Martin, these few days God, I have something to do, I guess you can't disturb me, I'm here as a geologist, but I don't know anything about geology!"


"If there's anything wrong, we'll talk about it after I come out of retreat!" Honda said, looking at him.

"Okay, Mr. Honda, then you can take a good rest, I will send someone to guard you!" Ma Tian could only say this. As for Yang Fei, it would not be too late to deal with him after Honda came out.

Speaking of which, Yang Fei's luck is pretty good. A Saga went to retreat to practice, and another Honda started to practice.

At this time, Hanwang Mountain was already somewhat uncomfortable. After receiving a tip, it was reported that the No. [-] Devil Pit had begun to be dug, which made Lin Jianhua feel bad.

The meaning of their existence is to fight the devils. Since the devils are in front of him, he can't see these devils doing whatever they want.

No matter what, I have to stop it.

However, Yang Fei was practicing in seclusion at this time, and even Han Qing sat cross-legged at the door and guarded Yang Fei.

He wanted to discuss with Yang Fei how to fight devils, but now he didn't dare to think too much, so he and Chen Heng led the people down the mountain.

"Boss, this time, I will take the lead and see the specific deployment of the devils. If you encounter danger, you will lead people to evacuate!" Chen Heng looked at Lin Jianhua and said.

"What are you talking about? It's impossible. This time, we are either fighting the devils to the death, or teaching them a lesson," Lin Jianhua said.

"That's true, but Brother Yang led people to attack the devil's stronghold a few days ago. Now the devil has withdrawn many strongholds. Now, most of them should be around the gold pit No. [-]. Therefore, if we want to fight the devil, we can only go to Near Pit No. [-]!" Chen Heng said slowly.

"The devils have a big team, and our dozens of people are really too few! After we go, it's like hitting a stone with an egg." Lin Jianhua could also see the result, but if he didn't fight, he would be sorry for Yang Fei and the others.

Braving the severe cold and staring at the wind and snow, Lin Jianhua led his people to the vicinity of Pit No. [-]. Even though this location is still several kilometers away from Pit No. [-], the place that stopped them was a village of ghosts. The village was blocked with barbed wire. The barbed wire fence is one foot high, and it is not a simple matter to get in smoothly.

Moreover, the entrance of the village was open, but surrounded by sandbags and with machine guns lying there, it was even more difficult to approach.

Lin Jianhua and Chen Heng began to discuss, "It's really not easy for us to get in in such a situation!"

"Yeah, I just asked people to look around. This village is completely surrounded. If we want to reach Pit No. [-], this is the only way we must go!" Chen Heng looked at the heavily guarded village, feeling a little bit sigh.

"From here, can we go around? We just need to go around, right?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"No!" Chen Heng shook his head, "The location of this village is rather special. This village is on the west side of a high mountain. How can we people climb it? Besides, it has been snowing for so long, and the snow is too deep. It is dangerous to climb the mountain. The sensitivity is too high, and the south, the south is the minefield of the enemy. We have passed through here and killed several brothers, so there is no need to think about it!"

"In this way, wouldn't we all lose the devils?" Lin Jianhua hammered the ground.

"Boss, I think we should retreat first!" Chen Heng was also kind, but Lin Jianhua's thoughts were too meticulous.

"I can't beat the devils, I feel bad!" Lin Jianhua shook his head, "Do you think that if we attack the devil's village now, will they be defeated?"

Chen Heng shook his head. "It's totally impossible. We don't know how many people there are in the village. Besides, there are machine guns in front of us. We have no chance to get there! Master, don't take chances. I think we have more chances." yes!"

"Oh? I'm worried. Brother Yang dislikes our attitude of sitting and waiting to die. Think about it, how many devils he has killed, but what about us?" This is what she, Lin Jianhua, is worried about.

"Ah?" Chen Heng didn't expect that Lin Jianhua thought so. Suddenly, he smiled, "Master, so, you are worried about this?"

"Yeah, look, brother Yang has achieved such a great achievement at such a young age, but what about us? Hey!" Lin Jianhua was a little emotional.

"Brother Yang, you don't have to think that way. I think Brother Yang is upright and acts like a general. We are not as good as Brother Yang, but Brother Yang didn't look down on us! Otherwise, , he shouldn't be with us long ago!" Chen Heng was right.

Compared with how capable he is to do great things, Yang Fei is better than them, but they are not bad, at least they dare to beat devils, which is much better than many people.

Although thinking this way, it feels a bit rigid, but this is the truth. At least if you are not afraid of death and dare to fight with devils, this is powerful enough.

The village in front of them is impenetrable. At least, so far, they have nothing to do. There are too few people and poor equipment. This is the gap.

Who said that the sun will rise so quickly tomorrow?

Three days later, it was still snowing heavily, blocking the mountains and even submerging the road to the cottage. Lin Jianhua asked his brothers to still guard the gate of the cottage. Who knows, will the devils suddenly come over next?

In the past three days, Yang Fei didn't wake up, and seemed to have entered a certain state. This was Yang Fei's first practice, and he didn't expect it to take so long.

According to the information, the devil seems to have dug a gold mine recently, and the entire No. [-] pit has become very sensitive.

This is not a good thing.

Chen Heng hurriedly found Lin Jianhua, "Master, I heard that the Devil's No. [-] Pit seems to have found gold!"

"I've also heard that it's broken!" Lin Jianhua gritted his teeth, "I want to contribute to the country, but I have limited skills, really..." Lin Jianhua said here, still a little choked up.

"Brother Yang hasn't left the customs yet? Where's Brother Han?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Not yet!" Chen Heng said, "But there is one more thing I must tell you!"

"What's the matter? Is there anything worse than the devil's first pot of gold?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"That's the matter. I heard that the devils will send troops to take away the gold mine and refine it!" Chen Heng said.

"When?" All of a sudden, Lin Jianhua seemed to have thought of a countermeasure.

"It should be today, the head of the family, are you interested in making a vote?" Chen Heng asked.

"Ha, there is no such thing as an endless road, that's great, then let's set off now!" After speaking, Lin Jianhua immediately called all the brothers together, and then took them away.

Before leaving, he deliberately left a few people to watch over Yang Fei and the others, and he also explained to them what he was going to do this time and where he would be.

The snow in Beihai seems to be the biggest snow in China, and it is also the longest snow.

This time, it is impossible for the devils to send a car over. The only possibility is to use animals to pull the car over. Although the speed is slow, it is the safest after all.

They lay in ambush on the only way the devils must pass to Pit No. [-].

Breathing out, it seems to be able to feel a little warmth.

Chen Heng said, "Boss, our chance is to fight this devil's transportation force. After the fight is over, we have to go!"

"I know that we have few people and few bullets. However, it is impossible for this devil's transportation force to be well-armed. People are all fleshy. If we have sacrifices, we must severely damage them! Make their transportation completely Paralyzed!" Lin Jianhua said fiercely.

"Yes, that's it!" Chen Heng said.

However, this wait, until the afternoon.

In the afternoon, seeing that there was no movement, the brothers began to complain. They were lying in ambush here in such a cold day, and they still couldn’t see a ghost. How angry they were!
Even Lin Jianhua felt that the ambush was in the wrong place?

Just as he was about to let his brother retreat, he heard a few dogs barking.

"Stop talking!" Lin Jianhua hurriedly shouted.

Sure enough, after a while, a few dogs came slowly pulling the sled. On the sled stood the Japanese, with guns in their hands, looking around. middle.

A dozen or so Japanese were all stepping on sleds, looking left and right.

This is the devil's scout. Obviously, they didn't find Lin Jianhua and the others. After waiting for a day, their bodies were all covered with a thick layer of snow, so no one would notice.

But the snow dog only cares about running, completely ignoring the hidden dangers around it.

Finding no one, they walked straight ahead.

Not long after, they heard the sound of a rumbling engine, and then they saw a few snowmobiles. It seems that this devil has put a lot of effort into this. Although the snowmobiles are not big, but this If gold ore was put on it, it would be able to put a lot of it. Moreover, he saw the snowmobiles coming continuously behind him, so he knew that the devil really mined gold this time.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Heng said, "Brother, I'm afraid, we won't be able to digest so much!"

"If you can't eat, let's walk around!" Lin Jianhua said.

Well, then you can't eat and walk around!
The snowmobile drove away and went straight to Pit No. [-], which meant that they still had to wait here. Now that there were fish, they continued to wait.

After all the vehicles left, Lin Jianhua shouted, "Brothers, listen to my orders for a while, the devils dare to dig out our country's gold mines, don't blame us for being rude, and give them all to me safely in a while." Go back, I have no one to distribute the gold and silver treasures in the cottage to you, and if you follow me, you are fighting against the devils, life is fought from the dead, and being content with the status quo will only make us lose our dignity and self-confidence!"

"Master, we listen to you!"

"Yes, master, we listen to you!"

"Okay, since the brothers listen to me, then wait a little longer! We just want the devils to know how powerful we are!"

After speaking, they continued to hide in the wind and snow. Since their bodies were covered with thick snow, it was not so cold now.

After waiting, in the middle of the night, the rumbling sound came up again, and the lights of the car just provided them with a view.

"Boss, someone is here, when will we call?" Chen Heng asked.

"Wait, wait until the devils have completely entered our ambush circle before we start fighting!" Lin Jianhua said.

"it is good!"

The car drove by, and when they entered the middle, Lin Jianhua fired the first shot, and then the brothers around started shooting the devil who was driving!

The well-trained devils immediately entered a state of emergency defense when they heard the gunshots. However, no matter how prepared you are, the distance to failure is getting closer and closer.

Lin Jianhua jumped up, took a pistol and started shooting at the devil with "bang bang bang!"

Apparently, Lin Jianhua, who was well-prepared, became more and more courageous as he fought and killed more than a dozen devils one after another.

A battle like this must be resolved as quickly as possible, because this place is not far from Pit No. [-], and Ma Tian, ​​who heard the gunshots, will inevitably bring people to support him.

After playing for half an hour, Chen Heng immediately said, "Master, it's okay, we can go!"

Seeing that the devils are about to be wiped out, it is really regrettable to leave like this!
"Chen Heng, you lead people to retreat immediately, I will take five people with me, and I will leave after I wipe out all the current devils!" Lin Jianhua ordered.

"Ah?" Unexpectedly, Lin Jianhua began to love fighting at this time.

"Boss, let's go, half an hour is enough time for the devils to bring people here, let's go first, there is still time!" Chen Heng persuaded.

"No, you obey, take your brothers away now! We don't have many bullets, and if we go on like this, we won't be able to leave. I made a mark when I came, and I can go back! Hurry up!" Lin Jianhua shouted.

Chen Heng sighed, "Master, then we will pick you up from the mountain pass, and you have to come back quickly!" After speaking, Chen Heng immediately retreated with his people.

The remaining devils did not give up resistance, they are now guarding gold, which is the lifeblood of their empire, but for every Chinese, it is also the lifeblood of their motherland!

"Hit!" Lin Jianhua yelled, the bullet was ejected, and a devil fell down.

Bloody and rainy, is such a scene rare?

Five minutes later, Lin Jianhua also realized that he had to retreat, because the devils didn't show up now, and their sight was not good at night. If they kept fighting here, they might not be able to leave in the end.

"Retreat!" Lin Jianhua yelled, and they began to retreat!

At this time, the alliance in Pit No. [-] had already surrounded Lin Jianhua, and behind them, the devil's encirclement became smaller and smaller.


A shot went off.

A brother in front of Lin Jianhua immediately fell down.

"Not good!" Lin Jianhua secretly called out.

"Everyone hides!"

After Lin Jianhua yelled, he immediately got down on the ground. In front of him, the devil's flashlight kept shining in this direction, "I really regret not listening to Chen Heng's advice. Now, they must not be able to break through!"

I have a grenade in his silent place.

If the devil really came, then this grenade was the proof that he finally came to the motherland!

Before dying, take a few with you!
The encirclement gradually narrowed down to a distance of almost a dozen square meters after the occupation.

Lin Jianhua took the gun and killed one first!
Slowly, the devils surrounded him like crazy!
"Brothers, I'm sorry. If you have a next life, I, Lin Jianhua, will treat you like a beast, and I will pay you back!" After finishing speaking, he held the grenade in his hand.

"The bandits in front heard you clearly. You are surrounded now. It is still too late for you to surrender. Martin Daisaku will definitely treat everyone generously. He has been a bandit all his life. Think about your family! Think about your mother and wife, who are they? Come and take care of them, who will take care of them? How old are your children? Could it be that they just died in vain! Surrender quickly, in exchange for your last life!"

The devil yelled.

Lin Jianhua sneered, "Brothers, I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua was about to open the grenade!

But, all of a sudden, his head was hit by the devil's gun butt!

Unexpectedly, while the devil was shouting, he had already touched it.

After arresting Lin Jianhua, Ma Tian came over, pointed the flashlight into his eyes, "Baga! You bandits are very bad. Today, I will execute you good citizens who are not empires for our empire!" As he said, he Just pull out a gun!

"Little devil. If you want to kill or die, please do whatever you want, the big deal, I will be a good man again in 18 years!" Lin Jianhua already regarded death as home.

"It seems that you are Han Wanwan's boss!" Ma Tian asked.

"Oh, I still know Lao Tzu. Yes, Lao Tzu is the head of Hanwangshan. Let them all go, and I will go with you!" Lin Jianhua shouted.

"It's impossible to let go! Since you are their leader, it's easy to handle. Now, you and I will go to your cottage immediately, find Yang Fei immediately, and let him surrender, otherwise, you will die. Die!" Ma Tian pointed a pistol at Lin Jianhua's head.

"Hehe, if you want Brother Yang to surrender, I guess you have no way! Little devil, kill me, I have long wanted to be a lonely ghost, because the lonely ghost will take you away! Come on!" Ah!" Lin Jianhua shouted while waiting for Ma Tian.

"Baga!" Asada Taro slapped Lin Jianhua on the face.

Immediately, a trace of blood oozed from the corner of Lin Jianhua's mouth. Violence cannot solve a person with strong goals and beliefs.

"Come here, take him to the foot of the mountain, and see if this Yang Fei is willing to change their boss!" Ma Tian ordered, and a few devils came and tied Lin Jianhua to Wuhuada.

They swaggered to the foot of the cottage.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Heng suddenly raised his heart.

"Hey! It's a pity!"

However, as soon as his words came out, a black shadow passed by him immediately, and he didn't even have time to see who it was, but it disappeared in a flash.

"Brothers, point your guns at those devils. If they dare to do anything to our masters, our bullets will not spare them! Do you hear me!" Chen Heng shouted.


"Come on, boss, hurry up and yell a few words, I'm afraid you won't be able to yell if you want to!" Ma Tian smiled triumphantly.

"Hehe, it is simply impossible for me to persuade Brother Yang to surrender, little devil, I will let you kill me, otherwise, you will regret it!" Lin Jianhua angrily yelled at Ma Tian.

"In front of me, no one has ever dared to speak to me so loudly. You are the first one. However, I have a good temper. If you scold me casually, don't you bandits pay attention to benevolence and righteousness? I want to see, at this time Will Yang Fei save you, is he willing to be a bastard or a hero!" Taro Asada chuckled.

"Wait, I'm afraid, someone has already gone to the mountain to report, it's okay, I can wait, you should wait longer today, but the final winner is the winner at this time, you lose, and if you lose, you have to retire It's gone!" Ma Tian wiped the muzzle of the gun with his clothes, and then pushed it against his head.

At this time, a black shadow circled around them, Lin Jianhua subconsciously understood that this was Yang Fei, and hurriedly shouted, "Brother Yang, I'm sorry, but you can't compromise with the devil, my life alone is not important Yes, you have to figure it out for yourself! Chinese people, don’t be traitors!” Lin Jianhua shouted.

It's not that Ma Tian didn't see this black shadow, but if it was Yang Fei, he should be able to see clearly and guess right, but this is a black shadow, could it be that Yang Fei is this black shadow?

He started to tremble, "Yang Fei, don't play tricks, you should understand that I have your brother's life in my hands, if you dare to mess around, be careful I will kill him!" After finishing speaking, Ma Tian looked around, what's going on, I can't see anyone either!
"Let him go quickly, otherwise, you want to die, right?" A voice seemed to come from the void.

"No, who are you? Who are you?" Ma Tian hurriedly pulled Lin Jianhua over and pointed the gun at his forehead!
(End of this chapter)

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