Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2531 Brother Yang, thank you

Chapter 2531 Brother Yang, thank you

Actually, who else could this person be?Naturally, Yang Fei came.

These days, Yang Fei practiced very smoothly, as if he had spent seventy or eighty years in cultivation.

When I woke up, I found that there were black things in the pores of my body.

Seeing this, Han Qing looked at Yang Fei in surprise, "Mr. Zhi is right, you are a martial arts genius!"

Yang Fei frowned, "Grandma's, what is this, it's so dirty!"

That's right, such dirt appeared on Yang Fei's body and even his face, how could he tell that it was Yang Fei if he didn't look carefully?
"You are washing the hair and cutting the marrow. It seems that you have practiced well!" Han Qing said in surprise, but then, he covered his nose, "Go and wash!"

"Okay," Yang Fei said and left the door.

As soon as he went out, the minion at the door hurriedly said, "You are awake, brother, the boss is at the foot of the mountain, hurry up and save the boss!"

"At the bottom of the mountain? Just come up, what's the matter?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"Don't talk about it, the transportation troops of the big boss to stop the devils did not rush out for a while, and were surrounded by the devils! Then, the devils brought the big boss over, saying that they would hand you over, and then released the cottage and the big Head of the family, hurry up and go!" Xiao Luo was very anxious!
"Well, don't worry, I'm going down now!" After speaking, Yang Fei ran down the mountain.

During this run, Yang Fei unexpectedly found that his feet were flying into the air, and he couldn't help being surprised. However, since it was the first time, his feet fell down after a short while, and then started flying again.

After so many times, Yang Fei mastered some skills, and was able to float in the air very quickly and for a long time.

When Yang Fei went down the mountain, he happened to encounter the scene he had just seen.

At this moment, Ma Tian was nervous. He knew that no matter how many people came, Yang Fei had no choice but to threaten Lin Jianhua, "Who the hell are you? Who are you?"

There was no sound, but Ma Tian swallowed, "If you don't come out, I'll kill him!"

Still no one speaks!
"Are you Yang Fei?" Asada Taro began to tremble.

This kind of silent threat is the most terrifying.

"If you don't come out, I will really shoot!" Ma Tian pulled him, and then slowly backed away.He immediately said to the back, "Hurry up, take someone away! I found out that we can't get away with it!"

"Okay! Asada-kun!"

this sound...

When he turned his head and looked, he saw a person with a dark face. Who is this person?

He shouted, "Who the hell are you?"

At this moment, Yang Fei grinned, showing his teeth.

"Who did you say?"

This person is Yang Fei.

Ma Tian pointed a gun at Yang Fei, "Go away, go away!"

"Oh, I'm so scared, you shoot!" Yang Fei withdrew his hands and pinched his waist.

"Okay, don't force me!" Asada said, he pulled the trigger, and there was a "boom!"

The pistol trembled, but Yang Fei on the opposite side had no effect at all.

Ma Tian glanced at his pistol, only to realize that there was no bullet fired just now, "You..."

"What are you, are you looking for this thing?" After speaking, Yang Fei took out seven bullets from his pocket!
"You..." Ma Tian looked at Yang Fei in disbelief, "How is it possible, how could you take out all the bullets?"

"It's impossible, because I'm not human!" As he said that, Yang Fei smiled, and immediately kicked him over. Ma Tian was completely defenseless, and was thrown to the ground by Yang Fei's kick!

The devils on the side rushed over immediately, pointing their guns at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei turned to look at them, and silently raised his hands, "I'm so scared!"

Ma Tian got up from the ground, seeing Yang Fei confessed, "Kill him!"

"kill him!"

Mata yelled loudly.

"Come on, kill me!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei burst out laughing, "Haha, come on, kill me, kill me!"

Faced with such a provocation, Ma Tian hurriedly took two steps back, "Shoot, shoot!"

"Haha, I laughed so hard!" Yang Fei threw bullets from mouth to mouth, "Is it these things? Is it these things?" After finishing speaking, he threw a bullet in Ma Tian's face, "Yes Not these things?"

Ma Tian turned pale, ""

"Hehe, listen to me, get out of here quickly, otherwise, can you imagine the consequences?" Yang Fei's harmless threat actually made Ma Tian frightened, " not human, You are a ghost! You are a devil!"

"Wrong, you Japanese people are ghosts, each of you is a ghost, I am not a ghost, I am a god, and I am here to deal with you! If you want to go, go quickly, I will count down to three! If you don't go, be careful Your dog's life!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei turned his head and stretched out a finger!



Before Yang Fei could say three, Lin Jianhua hurriedly cupped his hands, "Thank you, brother!"

Even Lin Jianhua didn't recognize Yang Fei. When Yang Fei turned his head, he saw behind him, and there was no ghost.

"Brother Lin, you don't know me anymore?" Yang Fei touched his face with his hand, and found that it was sticky and darker with touch!

"You are..." Thinking of this, Lin Jianhua suddenly realized, "Brother Yang?"

"Yes, yes, let's go, go up the mountain, I'm going to take a shower!"

After speaking, they went to the mountain.

As soon as we reached the mountain pass, we heard a burst of gunfire.

However, the gunfire soon died away.

When he arrived on the mountain, Yang Fei took a bath and changed two buckets of bath water. The first bucket of bath water was like washing coal, and the second bucket of water began to be normal.

When he arrived at Juyi Hall, Lin Jianhua was waiting for him.

"Brother Yang..."

"Well, brother Lin, you were really dangerous just now!" Yang Fei sat down and said with a smile.

"Hey, it's all my fault for being careless. I'm really sorry, Brother Yang, for causing you trouble!" Lin Jianhua was a little embarrassed.

"What are you talking about, Brother Lin, you've been bullied by devils, who will help if I don't help?" Yang Fei waved his hand, "Is there anything, I'm hungry!"

"Oh. Hurry up. If you have something delicious to buy, hurry up and bring it here. Brother Yang wants to eat it!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay!" After saying that, Xiao Luo left.

"By the way, the gunshots just now..." Lin Jianhua said, "Many people led by Chen Heng were killed!"

"Chen Heng was killed?" Yang Fei asked, and then, with a smile, "If you die, you will die. If you kill this devil, you will kill him. Don't worry!"

At this time, Chen Heng came in, "Brother Yang! I was so angry just now, why didn't you kill those devils? I took people with me and killed quite a few, and the rest ran away like dogs!"

"Haha!" Yang Fei smiled, "I can't deal with opponents who are not opponents. If these people teach them a lesson, maybe they can grow their memory!"

"They are devils. You also said at the time that you will kill devils when you see them. Our goal is to kill devils!" Chen Heng said.

"Well, yes, so, you are right! I have a bit of a woman's benevolence!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Brother Yang, there is one more thing!" Lin Jianhua said, "You are taking a bath, and I didn't tell you!"

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Yang Fei asked. ;
"The devils probably successfully mined the gold mine. At night, they took the snowmobile to pull the mine. I took people to dig some of it, and I guess the rest has been transported away!" Lin Jianhua said, " So, during this period of time, we have to beware of devils mining gold mines!"

"Well, let me settle this matter!" Yang Fei agreed, "Brother Lin, you have a good rest, I won't let them take out anything from our country, even if it's a stone!"

"Brother Yang, what can you do?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"A way?" Yang Fei smiled, "Not yet, but since I said leave it to me, then leave it to me and you can rest assured!"

"Okay, then, Brother Yang, thank you very much!" Lin Jianhua smiled.

"Thank you for what? Let me tell you, Brother Yang, first, we are brothers, second, we are compatriots, third, we all have a common goal, don't thank me, this is what brothers should do! "

Yang Fei's words made Lin Jianhua feel very emotional. He originally thought that Yang Fei was not here and wanted to prove himself, but he didn't expect that Yang Fei would be let out in the end. No matter what, he was able to know Yang Fei and use Sansheng to come Said, is also a big deal.


After Ma Tian went back, his expression was not good. He sat on the seat and looked up at the window. The trees outside the window made him feel a bit like a tree. "Quick, quickly block the window for me!"


The two young men took a piece of wood from somewhere, and nailed it together.

"Where's Honda-kun? Where's Honda-kun?" Asada asked.

"Honda-kun is still retreating!" said a ghost soldier.

"If he doesn't come, our gold mine won't be able to produce normally, Yang Fei is coming, he's coming!" Ma Tian tremblingly sat on a chair, holding a water glass in one hand, and the other hand, holding the table.

"Mr. Ma Tian, ​​what's the matter with you? Isn't it just a bunch of bandits? How powerful are these bandits really?" A young assistant came over and asked.

"You know what a fart, you haven't seen it, how powerful Yang Fei is, is the bullet fast? Before you shoot, the bullet is already in his hand, tell me, is this still a human?" Ma Tian said loudly scolded.

"Your Majesty, Ma Tian, ​​can I take someone to kill the bandits?" The young master looked at Honda and asked.

"Don't make such a fuss, you are not qualified enough!" Ma Tian sighed, he has seen Yang Fei's ability, even Saga has never beaten someone, what can he do as a major?
Captain Xiao Wu is still imprisoned in Hanwang Mountain, he is not capable of saving Xiao Wu, let alone the others.

"Your Excellency, I think it's easy to get rid of the bandit's cottage!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Major Yamaguchi, we haven't been able to take down the mountain several times. What can you do?" Asada looked at him with disdain.

Yamaguchi lowered his body, "Your Excellency, I think this matter needs to be done..."

After some rhetoric, Ma Tian nodded again and again, "There is an old saying in Huaxia that soldiers never tire of deceit, and there is also an old saying that it is called "striking from east to west!"

"That's right! Your Excellency, if you use this strategy to take down their stronghold, all you need is a fire, and these bandits will have no place to stand. In this way, we don't care about their life or death for the time being. If they leave, that's fine." , to harm other places, anyway, our main task now is to mine gold mines and serve the empire!" Yamaguchi said devoutly.

"Yamaguchi, I misunderstood you just now, I'm really sorry, you are responsible for this matter!" Asada looked at him and said, he knew that this matter was inherently risky, if something really happened in the future, He is not willing to come forward, this is life-threatening!As long as there is Yang Fei, there must be risks.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured, I will start planning tomorrow, and within three days, I will take down the cottage!" Yamaguchi said and went out.

Asada sighed, "It would be great if this is done, but if it doesn't, Major Yamaguchi, I think your life will be in danger!"

Who can control who?Ma Tian sighed, and sat there, it would be dawn soon, and Ma Tian couldn't close his eyes all night, he was really afraid that when he opened his eyes, he would see Yang Fei!

During the daytime the next day, Ma Tian went to sleep for a while.

The defenders of the gold mine are getting less and less. Last night, Chen Heng chased and spanked his ass. In the end, he took dozens of people out, and only about thirty came back!

Such a loss ratio is simply too great.

At this time, the devils guarding the mine dropped sharply to eight or ninety people. This number is really too small. When Ma Tian woke up, the first thing he did was to talk to his superiors about the situation, and then asked them to send more people. come over!
The superior immediately agreed, and the importance of gold is self-evident, which is why Ma Tian's superior is so forthright.

Not only that, Ma Tian ordered that all the puppet troops from nearby counties be brought over to be responsible for guarding the gold mine, which is a top priority.

In Beihai, most of the puppet troops here came from the Bangzi Kingdom, which had been destroyed long ago. Therefore, the devils arrested the young men in the Bangzi Kingdom. The strange thing is that people from the Bangzi Kingdom volunteered to join the army. Just forget, they are Bangzi Country.

The county closest to the gold mine is called Pingcheng County. Pingcheng County has a small population, but its area is not small. It was also invaded by devils early on, and it has been living under the tyranny of devils for so many years.

Even so, there is an anti-Japanese force in Pingcheng County. The number is not large, but they are all working hard to fight.There is a middle school in Heisei, and the vanguard of the Anti-Japanese War is also in this middle school. Although speech is not free, it cannot stop them from resisting the Japanese. These days, they plan to plan a parade and use their power to retaliate The behavior of the devils, this is an opportunity, this is what they should do as a Chinese person.

These days, a very strange thing has happened in Pingcheng County. All the puppet troops in the county have left the county, and even the devil command post in the county has two devils tightly guarded at the gate.

There is no specific news, and people in the county are spreading the word, "The devil is going to fight, and I am afraid that Pingcheng County will be free soon!"

In this way, everyone in the county will be very happy if one spreads it to ten, and ten spreads it to a hundred.

In Heisei Middle School, a middle-aged man with thick eyes was talking with a dozen students in a large lecture hall.

"Mr. Chen, it is now rumored that the devils are going to fight, and even the puppet army has been dispatched. It can be expected that they have encountered a lot of resistance now. The forces outside should be very strong. Teacher Chen, I think that we Take this action, take out the devil’s headquarters directly, and then we will be more free!” The one who spoke was a gentle boy.

"Ma Xiaokun, I know what you mean, but the situation outside is unstable now. Why should we take down the devil's headquarters? I think we have to give up this parade for the time being. The devil's machine gun is outside the headquarters. We are unarmed, how can we get in?" Chen Yinan shook his head, directly denying Ma Xiaokun's opinion.

"Mr. Chen, I think what Ma Xiaokun said is correct. Think about it, the devils are now mining our country's gold mines outside the city. They must have no time to take care of the county seat. We seized the county seat and merged with our own people outside the city. Why are you hesitant to kill two birds with one stone?" Zhao Junjie was a little puzzled.

"Okay, don't talk about this anymore, the whole city is closed now, we can't get any news from outside, the truth of the matter, let me tell you, I'm going out of the city today, just to see how the devil is going Something!" Chen Yinan said.

"Mr. Chen, we can't wait any longer. The county has been occupied for so many years, and the people in the whole city are living in dire straits. It's time for us to contribute!" Ma Xiaokun said a little excitedly.

"Okay, I'll settle this matter, you can't go out without my permission!" Chen Yinan said directly.

Chen Yinan is a teacher at Pingcheng Middle School and the president of the Awakening Association. The Awakening Association has been established for two or three years. Ma Xiaokun is the chairman of the student union, and Zhao Junjie is the head of the organization department of the student union. The scene of escaping, this matter, they have waited for too long.

After Chen Yinan left, Zhao Junjie looked at Ma Xiaokun, "Chairman, tell me, this matter is on the surface, why does Teacher Chen disagree?"

Ma Xiaokun was thinking.

"Chairman, I think Mr. Chen should have forgotten the original intention of our establishment of the Awakening Association. We can't wait any longer to fight Japanese and kill devils! Wait, when will we see hope?" Zhao Junjie said .

"Zhao Junjie, tell me, if we have a demonstration, how many people will participate?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"If you make a decision on this matter, eighty to ninety percent of the students in the student union will participate. The awakening meeting has been going on for so many years. I am worried that some people will withdraw from the awakening meeting soon!" Zhao Junjie looked at Ma Xiaokun Said.

"It's not enough for our students alone. Workers, farmers, businessmen, these people must be mobilized! The more people, the better!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"President, don't worry, leave this matter to me!" Zhao Junjie said.

The reason why Zhao Junjie dared to make this guarantee was because his father was doing business in Pingcheng County. Who in Pingcheng County didn't know Zhao Hengsheng?Their family runs restaurants, pawnshops, and even the rickshaws in Pingcheng County. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the richest man in Pingcheng.

To be able to become the richest man in troubled times, in fact, Zhao Hengsheng also secretly had contacts with devils, otherwise, how could their family do so well?Regardless of what Zhao Hengsheng did, Zhao Junjie couldn't understand the devil's usual behavior.

"Minister Zhao, I know your ability, but this matter must be kept secret, and the confidentiality work must be done well!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Chairman, you should leave this matter to me. Now I think we should arrange the route of the parade, so that it will be convenient for everyone to join!" Zhao Junjie said.

"Well, I've already thought about this matter. The route will follow what we discussed before. The most important thing now is the propaganda department. Banners, promotional slogans, and other things, your propaganda department must come up with it!" Ma Xiaokun said.

A chubby boy said, "Don't worry, we started preparing a few days ago, hehe, thanks to Zhao Junjie, this kid paid a lot of money!"

"Well, well, now that all these things are ready, the time and place of our parade cannot be changed!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Okay, since we have made a decision, let's go at eight o'clock in the morning according to the stipulated time!" Zhao Junjie was a little excited.

This is an opportunity. There are not many devils in the city. They speak out their demands and put pressure on Pingcheng County. Maybe something unexpected will happen!

But at this time, Pingcheng County is in distress.

The devils called and told them to take ten carts of grain and ten carts of vegetables to the mine!

This worries the people of the county government.

Under normal circumstances, these conditions can be satisfied by the blessing of the county seat, but it is different now, the mountains are covered by heavy snow, and there is not much food harvested, let alone the preparation of vegetables in the winter!

Isn't this forcing people to die?
However, if you don't do this, can the devil let you go?

It had to be done, so the county government immediately ordered that the entire county must meet the requirements of the devils, especially the taverns in the county, to bring all the vegetables that can be used!
Yuanlai Tavern is the best tavern in the whole county. It can be said that the food is the best. The chef is the former emperor's royal chef. This must be the best.

But after receiving the order from the county government, Zhao Hengsheng was so angry that he didn't fight anywhere!

"I usually give devils a lot of benefits, but in the end, I really don't know what to do if I want something!" Despite Zhao Hengsheng cursing like this, he still said, "Put all the vegetables that can be used on the car. Don’t have too many vegetables in the cart!”

Looking at the cabbages and all kinds of vegetables being taken out, Zhao Hengsheng's heart was bleeding. The family business he had accumulated over the years, would he feel good about giving up these things?

Thinking of this, Zhao Hengsheng turned his head, not daring to look at the inhuman things!
(End of this chapter)

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