Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2532 The Latest Information

Chapter 2532 The Latest Information
Heavy snow fell, covering the entire Pingcheng County. It seemed that such days would last for a long time.

At this time, on Hanwang Mountain, Chen Hengzheng was very excited and said to Lin Jianhua, the master, "It is absolutely true, the master, I heard that there is a batch of supplies to be shipped to Pit No. [-]!"

"Materials?" Lin Jianhua looked at him, although he was a little suspicious, but he couldn't stand the current situation of the cottage that was short of supplies.

"Yes, I heard that this time it was sent by Pingcheng County. Dog traitors, let's grab what they sent. I don't think Brother Yang will make things difficult for you and me, right?" Chen Heng said.

Even so, he was still nervous, because he was afraid that Yang Fei would say that they just robbed things casually.

However, the cottage does not have much food now. If it is half full and then two meals a day, it can last for one and a half months, but what will happen after one and a half months?

This matter, they must quickly find a way.

"In that case, let's do it. I've heard of it. What's the name of that traitor?" Lin Jianhua couldn't think of the name for a while.

"Big boss, are you talking about Zhao Hengsheng?" Chen Heng obviously knew that in Pingcheng County, no one knew about Zhao Hengsheng. This guy was the biggest rich man in Pingcheng. He was able to become a rich man in troubled times. Obviously, he must have something to do with the Japanese. what cooperation.

"Yes, yes, yes, I heard that Zhao Hengsheng is the richest man in Pingcheng, do these things belong to him?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Of course!" Chen Heng said immediately, "The master of the family, saddle up the little devil and say that Zhao Hengsheng is the second in Pingcheng, but no one dares to say that he is the number one!"

"Well, not bad!" This time, Lin Jianhua's thoughts became more firm.

"But..." Lin Jianhua looked at Chen Heng, "Why does Zhao Hengsheng send supplies to the little devil now?"

"Isn't that simple?" Chen Heng smiled, "Two days ago, a lot of stick soldiers came from the county, that is, puppet soldiers, and they all went to Pit No. [-]! I think it's because they don't have much food, so I just Zhao Hengsheng will send it!"

"Well, that makes sense!" He nodded, "Okay! If that's the case! Let's do it!"

"Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, this time, I have already calculated. If we go there, we will definitely be able to grab something! Then our cottage will also be able to solve the urgent need." Chen Heng said.

"Okay, then let's set off tomorrow morning and start an ambush against Zhao Hengsheng's supplies team at Songjiapu!" Lin Jianhua said.

At this time, Yang Fei happened to come in, and Lin Jianhua told him about it.

As soon as he heard that it belonged to a big traitor, Yang Fei immediately became interested, "If you don't steal from him, what are you waiting for?"

Yang Fei agreed, and this matter will be handled easily.

"Okay, all of our cottages will set off tomorrow, and we'll come back quickly after we've snatched something!" Chen Heng said excitedly.

"How many things are there, do I need to go all out?" Yang Fei looked at Chen Heng and asked.

"Brother Yang, I heard that there are a lot of supplies this time. It should look like a top ten cart." Chen Heng thought for a while and said.

"So many? This traitor party is really good enough, okay, let's set off together tomorrow, and we haven't robbed things for a long time!" Yang Fei would say it well. In the past, he had been robbing devils all the time. Let alone the devil's supplies, he didn't even see the devil's car!
Early the next morning, Lin Jianhua counted the number of people, except for a few gatekeepers, and then led the team away.

At this time, Pingcheng seemed to be calm. From the county seat to Pit No. [-], they waited for a long time but they did not get anyone, let alone supplies.

Could it be that Zhao Hengsheng didn't go to Song's shop?Think about it, Songjiapu is the only way to get to Pit No. [-], and you will arrive at Songjiapu in a short walk from the county seat.

"Chen Heng, is your information accurate? Why is there no one now?" Lin Jianhua couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Yes, it stands to reason that the material team should have come here a long time ago. What's the situation?" Chen Heng was also a little unpredictable.

"Wait a minute, maybe something happened!" Yang Fei signaled them to wait.

"Chen Heng, you ask a brother to go ahead to see what's going on. If the situation changes, we'll leave!" Lin Jianhua was caught in the devil's trap last time, but this time, he had to be careful.

"Okay, boss, I'll let someone go ahead and have a look!" After finishing speaking, Chen Heng asked a brother to go ahead to find out information.

After a long time, the little guy rushed over, "Master, the county is in trouble now!"

Got into trouble?

Yang Fei frowned, "What? What happened in the county?"

"No, I heard that the county seat is now surrounded by many people, all of whom are farmers, businessmen, and workers!"

Xiao Luo looked at Yang Fei and said.

"This..." Lin Jianhua didn't know where the trouble was going.

"Brother Yang, why don't we withdraw?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"If I'm not wrong, it's another demonstration organized by a group of students. However, we can't withdraw. Didn't you say that there are not many devils in the county now? It just so happened that we took the headquarters of the devils. Everyone, in the county Life is okay!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Brother Yang, are you crazy?" Lin Jianhua looked at him in surprise, "We are bandits. Could it be that we took the county seat and become the magistrate of the county?"

"Brother Lin, didn't the heroes of Shuibo Liangshan seize the county towns one by one? If we seized the county town of Pingcheng, wouldn't there be food and drink?" Yang Fei asked.

"We can take it, but we can transport these materials to the cottage, isn't it okay? Let the common people see us bandits, that's great!" Lin Jianhua was very worried. Yang Fei said this, what was going on in his heart? He didn't know or understand what he was thinking about, but he couldn't ignore what Yang Fei said, after all, Yang Fei had never miscalculated.

"Han Qing!" Yang Fei shouted.

Han Qing came over, "Sir!"

"Tell me, should we continue to be in the cottage, or should we add this county town of Pingcheng?" Yang Fei looked at Han Qing and asked.

"You have the final say, anywhere!" Han Qing didn't care so much, as long as Yang Fei wanted to fight, he was capable enough to protect him.

"Brother Lin, what are you worried about?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"Brother Yang, we are bandits, so we should occupy the top!" Lin Jianhua looked like some bandits. For so many years, he seldom showed it to others, so that the common people were used to seeing bandits, so they didn't think they were scary.

Do not feel terrible,.How will you mess around in this way in the future?This is definitely a problem.

No matter what to do now, Lin Jianhua showed his attitude, but Yang Fei had long wanted to treat this devil-fighting army as a regular army. Although it was safe in Hanwang Mountain, the enemies he faced were few after all.

Only from here can we really meet with the Eighth Route Army. This is an opportunity.

Yang Fei looked at Chen Heng again, "What do you think?"

"Brother Yang, although I don't understand what you mean, but since you said that you want to take away the devil's county seat, well, let's take them! Isn't it just a county seat? But, brother Yang, there are more county seats, so we can grab them." I still think it's safest for us to go back to the mountain." Chen Heng looked at Yang Fei and said.

"This is what I think. People treat us as bandits. There is no way. We are bandits. However, we don't have many brothers, and Hanwang Mountain is relatively close to Pit No. [-]. Maybe they will take over the cottage at any time." , Devil, you're too cunning, if I'm not in the cottage, the cottage probably won't be able to withstand the devil's attack!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother Yang, then this county is fine? Our numbers are still small. If the devils send a large army, we still won't be able to hold it!" Lin Jianhua was also worried about this.

"Don't worry about that. Although the county seat doesn't have any natural advantages, this is also its biggest advantage. In the county seat, we can implement our policies, eat and drink without worrying about it, and we can also develop our number of people in the county seat. I think we can’t admit it when people say we are bandits, but if they ask us, we can say that we are heroes who beat devils, and as for the designation, we can say that we are the Ninth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army!” Yang Fei looked said with him.

"In this way, we are the regular army!" Lin Jianhua nodded.

"Yeah, so there must be a lot of people joining the army!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go, capture the county as soon as possible, and develop the urban militia on the one hand, and on the other hand, I still think I have to send people to take care of the cottage!" Lin Jianhua was still worried about the cottage.

After staying in the small pond for a long time, it naturally lost the original paradise.


Originally, there were not many students marching, but they marched along the way, and many people participated in it. In the age of civilization, we must use civilized methods to solve the problem.

There were many participants, and everyone had a flag in their hands, with slogans such as "democracy, freedom, equality, and fraternity" written on it, but the most important thing was the slogan on the banner that said Japanese devils get out of China.

"Give me back my rivers and mountains!"

"Defend China!"

"The Japanese devils get out of China!"

Shouting various slogans, they walked along the main street and slowly arrived at the entrance of the devil's command department.

The devils had already set up their machine guns at this time, pointing their guns at the marching crowd.

"Little devil, get out of China!"

Facing the devil's headquarters, the masses shouted slogans one after another.

Ma Xiaokun was the leader who shouted slogans in the crowd, and Zhao Junjie was responsible for keeping the surrounding people involved.

At this time, they were confronting the devils face to face. No one knew whether the devils would shoot. They would shoot sooner or later, but their main purpose was to seize the devil's headquarters!
"****, when do you think we will attack?" Zhao Junjie asked.

They didn't discuss this matter in advance. After all, such things are all improvised.

Zhao Junjie asked Ma Xiaokun, and Ma Xiaokun naturally didn't know what the best time was.

"Minister Zhao, what do you think?" Ma Xiaokun asked back.

Originally vowed to seize the devil's headquarters, but when they got to the front, they found that their organization was successful, but the attack was delayed.

"****, let's charge now! Charge in, kill the devils, take their guns, and Pingcheng County will be ours!" Zhao Junjie said.

"You're right, I think so too!" After Ma Xiaokun finished speaking, he turned nicely to the crowd, "You little devil, get out of China!"

The marchers quickly followed suit and shouted, "You little devil, get out of China!"

"The country is at its most dangerous time. As Chinese people, we have to do something for our motherland. Listen to my password. From now on, rush into the devil's headquarters and kill those two devils!"

With Ma Xiaokun's roar, many people were eager to try.

"Come on!" Ma Xiaokun shouted loudly.

A group of people began to rush towards the devil headquarters inside.

"Da da da……"

A shuttle of bullets hit, and many people were shot and fell to the ground on the spot, and many people were injured to varying degrees.

"Come on..." Zhao Junjie shouted.

Those who charge are simply in the majority.

"Da da da……

At this time, the two machine guns fired at the same time, and the flames that spewed out instantly made it difficult for people to move an inch.

"Ba Ga Lu, you people, get out of here, if you don't want to die, come and charge!"

cried a little devil.

At this time, the crowd began to hesitate, and everyone knew that the first person who charged was likely to be sieved by bullets.

Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie stayed where they were, "Come on, don't rush!" Zhao Junjie shouted again.

"It's the last time, let's do it again. Comrades, we can't back down. Now that we have embarked on this path, we will go all the way to the dark. Don't get excited or nervous about anything."

"Come on!"

Ma Xiaokun yelled, and started to rush forward.

"Da da da……"

The bullets seemed to be quivering on the muzzle of the machine gun like a sneezing monster.

"Da da da..." The bullets kept stopping here, as if the beads were connected to the city.

"Come on!" Zhao Junjie kept implying outside!

"Come on!"

Although there were riots in the crowd, many people could not go out behind closed doors and began to withdraw from the parade. The slogan just now released their inner turmoil.

Ma Xiaokun kept rushing inside.

Suddenly, something seemed to be tripped under his feet, and then his whole body rushed over, gliding two meters on the ground and finally stopped.A devil who came out from behind the sandbag sneered, then jumped out, and directly held Ma Xiaokun's head with the muzzle of a gun.The students didn't dare to say anything when they saw that their bodies were being controlled by the devils.

"Comrades, don't worry about me, rush in, rush in, you will win!" Ma Xiaokun closed his eyes.

"Baga," the devil directly hit Ma Xiaokun on the head with the butt of his gun.

In an instant, blood flowed profusely.

Seeing their atrocities, the masses unconsciously wanted to do something.

The little devil saw that after controlling Ma Xiaokun, the crowd began to stabilize, and he guessed in his heart that this person should be their leader.

"Leave quickly, otherwise, this person will die!" The little devil shouted loudly at those people.

Zhao Junjie hated his teeth so much that they had to leave early for this event, but what about their ** now?
Everyone looked at Zhao Junjie. After all, Zhao Junjie was the head of the organization of this event, so his words naturally carried weight.

"Everyone... let's withdraw first!" Zhao Junjie said.

When everyone heard that there was nothing to do, they could only withdraw from the parade.

"Zhao Junjie, you are a coward, and you brought someone to kill you. Now, this devil is specially targeting me. You mean that there is only one machine gun left. As long as you rush in, you will win!" Ma Xiaokun said Zhao Junjie roared.

Zhao Junjie frowned. Although what he said was good, if this continues, not only will Ma Xiaokun not come out, but so many lives will be costly.

"***, just wait, I will definitely save you!" Zhao Junjie finished speaking, and then asked everyone to leave first.

As for how to save him, there is no way at all.

Just as they were retreating, Zhao Junjie suddenly found dozens of people with guns rushing over.

Looking at their attire, they should be bandits.

Everyone was so scared that they immediately walked to the side of the road and stopped.

Yang Fei walked over to Zhao Junjie, "Are you the organizer of this event?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Junjie's face turned pale immediately. Could it be that devils and bandits colluded?In any case, this is what is happening before their eyes.

In the past, there were many cases of collusion between devils and bandits.

Up to now, it was impossible for Zhao Junjie not to admit it, and the people around him surrounded him one after another, and they gradually supported Zhao Junjie with silent actions.

He looked at Yang Fei, "Yes, I am, what do you want?"

Yang Fei raised the corner of his mouth, "Very good! We are ordered to get rid of the devils!"

"You get rid of the devils?" Zhao Junjie looked at Yang Fei, and the person in front of him was so strange.

"Why? Don't you believe it?" Yang Fei asked.

"You are..." Zhao Junjie didn't have the nerve to say that you are a bandit.

"We are the Ninth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army!" Yang Fei said directly.

"Nine Route Army?" Zhao Junjie's eyes widened, but the outfits in front of them were so unusual, isn't this just a bandit?
"Why? Don't you believe it?" Yang Fei asked.

"No, if you can really kill the devils and save us, I, Zhao Junjie, can grant you three wishes!" Zhao Junjie looked at him and thought to himself, nothing more than that, they just want some money, and money is a real thing. a good thing.

"There's no need to wish. Killing devils is our purpose!" After speaking, Yang Fei led the people to the Devils headquarters.

At this time, the crowd that was gradually leaving slowly gathered back.

At this time, the devils saw Yang Fei and others, and they immediately shouted, "Who are you? Don't come here, be careful and we will kill him!"

Ma Xiaokun is still in the hands of the devils. If he doesn't leave, they can't let him go. They even thought about it. Ma Xiaokun is definitely not going to let him go. This is a magic weapon to restrain them.

"Hey, I said, let me go, I'll leave your whole body!" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

"Hehe, just kidding, in the hands of our Japanese soldiers, you want to save people? I'm afraid it will be even more difficult?" The devil sneered at this.

"You fart!" Yang Fei shouted loudly, "In my eyes, it's easier for you to die!"

"Then try!" the devil shouted.

Yang Fei took out his pistol, and saw that the devil hid his whole body behind Ma Xiaokun, "What? Shoot?"

Yang Fei frowned. He didn't expect this little devil to be so shrewd, "Hey, you wait! I promise you, you die first, how about it?"

"Stop bragging, you want to kill me? It's not that easy!" The little devil provoked Ma Xiaokun in front of him.

Yang Fei pointed his gun at Ma Xiaokun, carefully targeting the devil's weakness behind him.

At this time, only a gunshot was heard, "Boom!"

Everyone quickly closed their eyes, and even a few female students covered their eyes and dared not look at the scene. No matter how strong they were, how could they be able to beat the devil behind them?

When everyone took their hands away, the scene before them dropped their jaws in surprise.

"Sure enough, the person who died was the Japanese behind Ma Xiaokun!
Just now Yang Fei saw clearly that although this little devil was hiding behind Ma Xiaokun, the devil still had to poke his head out from time to time to see if the person in front of him dared to do so. He was confident that at the moment of Yang Fei's design, he could drill Behind Ma Xiaokun.

People, when there are always mistakes, Chinese people can make mistakes, and Japanese people are naturally self-righteous.

Yang Fei sneered, and then shot out again, and the devil behind the sandbag fell into a pool of blood instantly.

Yang Fei put away his pistol, "Follow me, come in!:"

When he arrived at the devil's command post, Yang Fei immediately ordered, "Go and search to see if there is anything worth taking away. There are some important documents, we must not lose them!"

After finishing speaking, the bandits began to search the Japanese headquarters.

Everyone was dumbfounded, the most dumbfounded was Zhao Junjie, he hurried to Ma Xiaokun, "***, you're fine!"

Ma Xiaokun breathed a sigh of relief, "Damn it, it's a good thing they didn't close the team, otherwise, I'd be miserable!"

"****, the one who saved you this time was the Ninth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army, why don't you hurry up and thank him?" Zhao Junjie looked at Yang Fei who was still in surprise and asked.

"Well, okay!" After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun came to Yang Fei, "Hello!"

Yang Fei turned his head and saw Ma Xiaokun, "Little baby, don't study hard, come out to hang out with the society?" Yang Fei said a word, and looked directly at the people in front of him tidying up his things.

"Mister, hello, although I don't know how to address you, thank you for saving me!" Ma Xiaokun said politely.

"Okay, it's all right!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei suddenly remembered that Zhao Junjie called him to fuck just now, and even turned around and said, "Wait!"

Zhao Junjie and Ma Xiaokun looked at Yang Fei, wondering what Yang Fei wanted him to do.

"You are the student union's student, yes, you are very brave, if possible, we can make a friend!" Yang Fei said.

"Of course!" Ma Xiaokun was of course very happy, to meet someone with a gun, this is not an ordinary person!Hearing what Zhao Junjie said, Yang Fei naturally had a new view on Ma Xiaokun.

"Sir, thank you!" Ma Xiaokun bowed and said.

"It's okay, it's okay, family!" Yang Fei smiled awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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