Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2534 Honda Appears

Chapter 2534 Honda Appears
After they went back, Lin Jianhua told Yang Fei that when they came out, they sent a few people to the cottage.

Yang Fei asked, "Go back to the cottage now? Why?" He was a little puzzled, after all, the previous arrangement was not like this.

Lin Jianhua said with some embarrassment, "Brother Yang, we came out in a hurry. We didn't take many things from the cottage, for example, those gold and silver treasures, such as a lot of guns and ammunition, we didn't take them back, although I don't care about gold and silver. Treasures, but I am worried, the devil took the opportunity to go to the cottage, and these things are in the hands of the devil!"

"Brother Lin, I think it's too late to go at this time. We have occupied this county. Logically speaking, the devils should have known about it long ago. I'm worried that the few brothers who go there will be in danger!" Yang Fei analyzed road.

"But, no matter what, we are stationed in the county now. We have used too much of that money. Brothers must eat. The money is just right for us." Although Lin Jianhua was also worried, he had no choice but to take the risk.

"Forget it, this thing will always happen, we don't need to be so entangled." After Yang Fei finished speaking, he heard the noise outside.

"What's wrong?" Yang Fei was a little surprised.

Lin Jianhua got up quickly, and went out with Yang Fei.

After going out, I saw many people standing outside, and these people were clamoring to see Lin Jianhua and Yang Fei.

The two quickly asked, "Folks, what are you..."

All of a sudden, many ordinary people knelt down to Yang Fei and the others, "Commander Lin, thank you for coming! We are the only ones in dire straits!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua hurried over, "Fellow folks, stand up quickly, what are you talking about?"

Yang Fei and Lin Jianhua helped them up, but they saw that the villagers were holding things in their hands, "Commander Lin, we support the army and love the army. You are real heroes who beat devils. We are poor and have nothing to give you." , Whatever we have in our house, we just bring it, I hope Commander Lin and Mrs. Yang don't laugh at us!"

As they said that, the villagers put a few eggs and other grains on the ground.

"Fellows, you can't do this. We soldiers can't take every needle and thread from your common people. This is iron discipline!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he rejected the kindness of the fellow villagers.

However, how could those fellow villagers just accept it again, put down their things, and then backed away, "Mr. Yang, you are heroes who beat devils, these things are trivial!"

Knowing that Yang Fei and the others would not accept him, they could only turn around and run away.

In a flash, the fellow villagers disappeared.

Looking at the things placed there, Yang Fei looked at Lin Jianhua, Lin Jianhua also felt very speechless, and could only nod his head, "Okay, okay, let's accept it for now, on the battlefield, let's kill a few more devils That's it, what do you think?"

"Well, well, I can only accept it!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei turned around and asked the two soldiers to clean up, and put all the things in the kitchen.

The day passed quickly. In the evening, Chen Heng took the recruits to train on a wasteland outside the county seat. The training subjects were also very common and simple, that is, let the recruits carry out bayonet training with a wooden stick!

This is the simplest, but also very practical.

The next day, a man with injuries all over came. As soon as he entered, Lin Jianhua frowned, "Wang A Cai?"

Wang Acai raised his head slowly, "Big boss, I'm useless. We went to the cottage. Unexpectedly, we didn't meet the devils. The devils had already occupied the cottage. I narrowly escaped death under the cover of A Niu and Li Zhuang. I can't go!"

Lin Jianhua shuddered all over his body immediately. Sure enough, as Yang Fei said, these devils must have thought that they would go back, and their intelligence should not be worse than theirs. He stomped his feet, "Little devil, I and You are not finished!"

"A Niu and Li Zhuang should both be dead, the boss must avenge them!" Wang Acai coughed twice after finishing speaking, and then spit out a mouthful of bright red blood.

"Wang Ah Cai! Wang Ah Cai!" Lin Jianhua quickly hugged him, "Call the doctor quickly, call the doctor quickly!"


Wang Acai died because he was shot in the back. The bullet was very close to the heart. With the current level of medical treatment, it is impossible to survive. Even the doctor said that it is a miracle that he was able to return here from the cottage after being shot. No, Wang Acai's death made Lin Jianhua depressed for several days.

In this way, on the one hand, the training of recruits, on the other hand, the county town slowly returned to its previous state.

A week later, the heavy snow in the sky was still dancing in the sky like ethereal fairies.

That night, Yang Fei urgently went out to go to the toilet, but he felt like there was someone around him. He turned his head to look, but he didn't find anyone there. When he just put on his pants, a shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw the person in front of me with a pair of eyes, even holding a cattail fan in his hand in the snow, he looked at himself with a smile.

Yang Fei frowned, "You pervert, what do you look at when I go to the toilet?" Yang Fei cursed.

However, the person in front of him didn't speak, just looked at him, shaking the fan in his hand, as if he was looking at him, Yang Fei pushed him away, "Get out!"

As soon as the man was pushed, Yang Fei walked away.

"Yang Fei?" the person behind called out.

Just as Yang Fei turned his head, the man laughed.

"It turns out that you are Yang Fei! Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm going to take you away today!"

The person who came was Honda!

At the invitation of Taro Asada, he had to do something. In fact, Honda didn't care about politics or public opinion. He only cared about the character of his opponent!
Honda smiled, and with a flash of figure, he was behind Yang Fei, "Don't look, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Honda grabbed Yang Fei's arm and jumped lightly!
Sensing the strangeness, Han Qing even ran out, "Stop the thief!"

Saying that, Han Qing immediately jumped up and chased after Honda.

In the snowy sky, flakes of snow scraped his face like knives.

Not long after, he felt that his whole body was falling, and the speed of falling was very fast.

"Damn it, what do you want to do?" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

"Don't cry, you'll be happy!" Honda smiled, and after it was over, their bodies stood on the same ground.

The ground is still full of snow, and the sky is still snowing.

What is this place?
Yang Fei looked around, he had never seen this place before.

(End of this chapter)

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