Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2535 The task received

Chapter 2535 The task received
This place is extremely strange, just thinking about it, he suddenly felt, who is this man wearing glasses in front of him?

Yang Fei turned his head, "Who the hell are you? Could it be that you are also a warrior?"

"Hehe, count your eyesight! However, I am a samurai, not a samurai!" Honda smiled, "You have hindered our progress in digging gold mines. You can imagine your fate today!"

"My fate?" Yang Fei looked at him, and he knew that he really had a fight with the other party, and he really couldn't beat him, as he could see from the distance he just came here.

What should I do, Yang Fei's mind started to spin, thinking of a way, what should I do next?
"Hehe, Yang Fei, your strength is really not good. It seems that if you fight against you today, you will lose even worse! If you apologize in front of me, I can spare your life!" Honda put his hands in and watched he.

It was only then that Yang Fei realized that this guy was really a Japanese, and that he was able to do such a thing was definitely done by a Japanese, and only Japanese would find a sense of existence from this aspect.

Yang Fei held his head high, "If you beat me to death, I won't bow to the devil, if you beat me to death!"

"Hehe, I'm defeated. Since you know warriors, can you see my current level?" Honda looked at him and asked.

"You? At most, you are a formidable devil warrior. Why? What's so great about you? Come on, beat me to death!" Yang Fei's tough bones were clearly visible at this time.

Honda didn't care, "I killed you with just one slap. I believe that with one slap, you are absolutely smashed to pieces. However, I don't like to kill you so straightforwardly. I am willing to torture you slowly. You are so painful that you would not want to live. At that time, you will feel what that feeling is like!"

Yang Fei glanced at him, "You talk too much, if it were me, I would kill him directly, no nonsense!"

"I'm different from you. I'm enjoying the pleasure of killing people. You won't experience this kind of pleasure at all!" Honda said, looking at Yang Fei, he knew that Yang Fei was still in the stage of strengthening his body, but At this stage, he has become the enemy of ten thousand people, but unfortunately, he fell into the hands of Honda, so naturally his own kung fu will not be missed. If he absorbs his kung fu, maybe his level Immediately become a stronger force.

At that time, if you make persistent efforts, you will become invisible endurance. At this stage, who is afraid of whom?

"Damn it, tell me how you want to torture me!" Yang Fei looked at him fiercely.

"Torturing you, I will absorb your bone marrow and absorb all your skills into me. Then, my internal strength will be greatly improved, and I will reach the highest level!" Honda imagined, This is really a great thing.

Who knew that at this moment, Yang Fei rushed towards the Honda like an angry cow.

Honda had just woken up from the fantasy, when Yang Fei hit his whole body heavily on the ground, Yang Fei jumped up and hit Honda with his elbow.

Honda pursed his lips, "Hehe!" With a sneer, he stood up without knowing when, and then he slapped Yang Fei hard on the chest. Yang Fei flew out of his whole body and took a mouthful Thick blood spurted out.

"Pfft..." sprinkled on the pure white snow.

Yang Fei who fell to the ground suddenly felt that his whole body was hot and painful, as if he had been in purgatory.

As soon as he got up from the ground, Honda came to his side again, "Aren't you willing to play? I'll accompany you!"

After finishing speaking, a fist seemed to carry a ball of flames, and it hit Yang Fei's chest violently again.



The voices came and went, and Yang Fei's eyes widened, as if his soul had come out of its sheath.

"Is it fun?" After Honda finished speaking, he lifted Yang Fei high with one hand, and then threw him forward vigorously.

Yang Fei's body was like an iron ball for an experiment, and fell heavily on the ground again.

"Dog thing..." Yang Fei couldn't support his body at all at this time, he wanted to stand up and put his hands on the ground.

"Get up, Yang Fei, if you want to play, I'll accompany you!" Honda smiled and shouted at Yang Fei who couldn't get up on the ground.

Bright red blood flowed from the corner of Yang Fei's mouth, ticking on the ground, his eyes were a little blurred, although he couldn't get up, but his hands were tightly grasping the snow.

"Yang Fei, get up, get up!"

Honda still shouted like that.

The sound was harsh, and Yang Fei thought it was a kind of noise!
For Honda, Yang Fei's ability is not weak, but if he meets him, if he meets him, he will meet Lord Yan!

Honda stepped on Yang Fei's head with one foot, and stepped down heavily until Yang Fei's head was buried in the snow.

"Come on, call out, call out, Yang Fei, come on, didn't you keep calling out just now?" Honda vigorously rubbed Yang Fei on the ground with his feet.

Half of his head was buried in the snow.

When he put his feet away just now.

Yang Fei's head slowly came out again.

"It's really tough, but there's no way to save it!" Honda He sneered, "Hehe, it seems that I have to teach you how to be a human being!"

After finishing speaking, Honda grabbed Yang Fei with one hand again. Yang Fei's ribs were broken several times, and his body was limp at this time, as if he had lifted a poor puppy.

"Did you see the front? If you can withstand this fall, I will spare your life. I think you are getting more and more interesting!" Honda said, and threw Yang Fei straight ahead. !
It seemed to be an iron ball, which fell heavily on the ground, and then Yang Fei rolled a few times on the ground. Suddenly, a hole opened in the snow, and Yang Fei fell down with a "boom"!
Startled, Honda immediately ran over. At this moment, an unpleasant smell came out of the crack in the ground!Honda subconsciously took two steps back, he suddenly found that part of his skill had disappeared, he quickly covered his nose, and when he wanted to check the situation again, the smell came again.

"Damn it!" Honda gritted his teeth, what's going on?
"Stop thieves!" Han Qing shouted from afar.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Honda jumped and fled quickly.

When Han Qing came over anxiously, "Sir, where are you?"

He yelled loudly, but no one around him spoke to him.

"Sir, where are you?" Han Qing looked around.


Han Qing looked at the blood stains on the ground and frowned, "'s all my fault for being useless and not being able to protect you properly!"

(End of this chapter)

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