Chapter 2536
Before Honda went back, Asada paced back and forth in the room.

Regarding Yang Fei, he was having a headache. After talking to Honda, he didn't expect Honda to agree without saying a word. He thought he should have some way to solve it. However, this Honda has been away for so long and hasn't come back yet. He couldn't help but feel a little worried again, "Honda-kun, I hope you'll be fine!" Ma Tian was in a rather disturbed mood, if he killed Yang Fei and all the bandits in Pingcheng County by the way, that would be great!
I think so, but I'm afraid that Honda will not be able to deal with Yang Fei, but instead he will be decapitated!

If he died here, it would be really difficult, he was a little worried!

Regarding Yang Fei's ability, Ma Tian felt that it was either a ghost or a god, but he himself did not understand what Honda's ability was.

After a while, a Japanese soldier ran in, "Daisaku Asada, Mr. Honda is back!"

"Back?" Honda finally let go of his heart. "Hurry up, invite Mr. Honda in!"
As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a shout outside the door, "No need to ask, I'll come in by myself!"

Ma Tian hurried to the door, "Honda-kun, you are back, I have been waiting for you here!"

"Master Asada, tell me what to do, I'll take care of it!" Honda sat down directly, picked up the teacup and drank the tea!
"What did you say?" Ma Tian couldn't believe his ears, "Is this true?"

"The real can't be fake, the fake can't be real!" Honda said with a haughty look.

"Mr. Honda, you are really amazing. This Yang Fei has troubled me for a long time. Today, his death means that our gold mine will be able to produce well. In addition, the county... Yes, Mr. Honda, since you killed Yang Fei, what about...the bandits? Can you kill them by the way?" Ma Tian looked at Honda and asked.

"I'm not interested in those bandits! If you are interested, you can go there!" Honda didn't even look at Ma Tian, ​​"Okay, I'm a little tired, Mr. Honda, I hope you go quickly Pingcheng County Come back, after all, this is the county seat nearby, and it is also the only channel for us to transport the ore out, you have to solve it as soon as possible!" Said, Honda walked away without looking back.

Ma Tian was a little angry at Honda's attitude, here, he is the highest officer, this Honda has no respect, it is simply hateful, but, for the sake of him killing Yang Fei, he endured it, but if there is a next time, Ma Tian I feel that I will never tolerate him.

In this way, Honda immediately brought enough people, and then set off to Pingcheng County.

In the headquarters of Pingcheng County at this time, Lin Jianhua heard that Yang Fei was lost, but he was lost. He found Han Qing, "Brother Han, please find Brother Yang, who took him away?"

"I don't know the specific situation, but what I know is that this person is definitely a master, even on par with me, but I couldn't catch up with him. It seems that he is a little bit better than me !" Han Qing analyzed carefully. "However, don't be nervous. I probably know the location of my husband's disappearance. I will look for it. You hurry up and do your work now. If I find it, I will tell you. If I don't, I will tell you as well." !” After finishing speaking, Han Qing disappeared as soon as he turned around!

"My poor brother Yang, who can beat you?"

However, just when Lin Jianhua was worried about Yang Fei, suddenly, a soldier ran in, "Master... No, Commander, our whistle said that the devil was found ahead, and there are about a hundred devils waiting Hurry to the direction of our county!"

"What?" Lin Jianhua stood up from his chair all of a sudden, "There are about a hundred people? Hurry up and notify everyone, and all of them will guard me on the city wall!"

"Yes!" Saying that, the soldier ran away immediately.

"Come on!" Lin Jianhua hurriedly deployed.


"Go, find Chen Heng, and let him bring all the recruits to me. Don't these recruits want to be soldiers? Let them experience what a real battlefield is like!" Lin Jianhua shouted.

"Yes!" The soldier heard this, and immediately ran to find Chen Heng.

Now is the critical moment, Lin Jianhua went to the ammunition depot, loaded a few pistols, and then pinned two grenades.

After about half an hour, Chen Heng immediately led his people outside the headquarters. When he heard that the devils were coming, he immediately brought the recruits over.

After finding Lin Jianhua, Lin Jianhua hurriedly said, "The ammunition depot is here. Hurry up and distribute the guns to your recruits. When the devils come, shoot as soon as you can. Don't be afraid!"

"Yes, but... Commander, there should not be enough guns for our [-] people!" Chen Heng said with some embarrassment.

"Coercion is not enough, isn't there still a grenade? Just throw it at me when you see the devil!" Lin Jianhua finished speaking, and went to the city wall in person.

This time the devils came here, and they didn't know who they brought with them. If they knew, what countermeasures they could take, but even if they knew, they didn't have any countermeasures!
In short, they can only use guns!
Soon, they heard the sound of a car engine, and the devil drove over in a snowmobile.

When it was out of range from the county seat, the car stopped suddenly, and then Lin Jianhua saw Ma Tian himself!
"Little devil, come on, come on, you're full!" After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua now loaded the bullet in his pistol.

But any passionate patriot will never allow anyone or any organization to discredit his motherland.

"Brothers, listen, we have nowhere to go. The cottage has been taken over by the devils, and the gold and silver treasures have also been stolen by the devils. Now we can only unite as one, deal with the devils together, and put our only thing in our place." Keep our place safe, we are not bad people, but the most noble thing to love the motherland."

This matter will definitely not be that simple.

Suddenly, Lin Jianhua saw a cannon. The barrel of the cannon was hidden behind a tree. From his perspective, it could be completely blocked. When he moved to the other side, it was still blocked by the tree.

"Brothers, be careful of the devil's shelling. Let's hide for now! Don't show your head!" Lin Jianhua shook his head and quickly bent down, looking out at the devil from the lookout.

Sure enough, within a short while, a small group of devils tried to be safe under the city wall, so under Honda's command, the small group quickly hid at the city gate!
"In a while, if you see a devil showing up, call me without hesitation. We still have three hundred reinforcements. It is our honor to die in battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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