Chapter 2537
At this time, the atmosphere suddenly condensed to the lowest point, and the soldiers on the tower did not dare to make a sound, they were all waiting. This time, it was like the eve of a storm.


A loud bang.

The position of the city tower trembled.

Lin Jianhua turned over and looked out from the lookout. The devil was pointing at it with a machine gun.

He pointed a pistol at a machine gunner, and with a "bang" gunshot, the devil fell down before he had time to prepare.

"Aim it, hit me!" Lin Jianhua yelled, stretched out several guns from the lookout, and started shooting at the devils outside.

Immediately, the whole county looked like a New Year's Eve, and gunshots erupted everywhere.

The shells bombarded the city, and rows of houses fell down at once, burning raging fires, and the common people hurriedly avoided to seek refuge to the east.

Beads of sweat appeared on Lin Jianhua's forehead, "More than 100 devils have come, and their firepower is too fierce!"

At this time, a younger brother ran over, "The boss, in my opinion, let's surrender, shall we?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Jianhua kicked the little brother over, "What did you say, kid? Say it again!"

The little brother had never seen Lin Jianhua give out such a big drug, so he could only say bluntly, "Young Master, look, the little devil is too fierce now, if we don't surrender, we can only die here, Big Master, Where there is life, there is hope!"

"Dog thing, I really misjudged you, but remember to me, as long as I have breath, I will never allow the devil to be so arrogant. Moreover, there is another sentence to tell you, I am afraid that your current compromise will In the end, I won’t be able to return to that green hill, I’m afraid there will be no firewood!” Lin Jianhua has no time to take care of this rare-looking little brother in front of him, and to him, this is just the most normal thing!

Returning to his position, Lin Jianhua firmly grasped the gun in his hand.Yang Fei's life and death are unknown now, and his whereabouts are unknown, and this is what happened next.

Nothing could be worse for him than this.

Looking from the lookout, it seems that the devils have changed to another formation at this time. They have placed ten small cannons in unison. When the shells are put in, the artillery will emit a flame. After it is over, it will be angry for a while. blue smoke.

"Bastard!" Lin Jianhua gritted his teeth, "Everyone hide..."

Without waiting for him to say anything, "Boom...Boom..."

Explosions sounded one after another, the ground was mixed with snow and blood, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

Lin Jianhua hurriedly said at the moment the shells stopped, "Everyone, step back now!"

It's true that he won't be able to shine on the city tower, "Where did Chen Heng go?"

Lin Jianhua took people down the tower for the time being, "Last time, Yang Fei told everyone where to guard in the county town, you should remember, quickly enter the defense!"

After finishing speaking, the soldiers hurriedly started to prepare. At the main intersection, they set up machine guns. The city gate could not be held, and sooner or later they would be blasted away by the devil's artillery fire. But, so what?Wait for them to come in, and then duel with the devils!So what if he was a bandit before?
Are they still the Nine Route Army now?

Some civilians who hadn’t had time to run away watched from the window as the Ninth Route Army began to enter the defensive stage. , it seems that this place has really become a hell on earth.

Some people who were wounded by the shells were lifted up by several people and taken to a nearby clinic, and those who burned the house were rushed out and moved to the other side.

And the muzzle was aimed at the front, and the city gate seemed to be pushed hard.

The heavy snow was disturbing and did not stop, but Lin Jianhua, like all the soldiers, was sweating profusely. They did not dare to relax. If they relaxed, how could they help so many people?

Another round of artillery bombardment started, and the bricks of the city wall were overturned again and again, rolled down from the top of the city, fell to the ground, and then turned into pieces.

Not daring to be careless, Lin Jianhua gritted his teeth and stayed with the soldiers.


Why didn't they stay in the good cottage, but ran out again?
Where did Han Qing go?If he doesn't leave, maybe there is a better solution now!

However, only Lin Jianhua understands that the reason they came out is because the cottage will be taken down by the devils sooner or later, and sooner or later there will be no cottage, and this Pingcheng County is surrounded by flat roads in the southeast, northwest, and if they can't defend the city, they will Move elsewhere!

The last shell finally hit the city gate.

The city gate exhausted its last breath, and finally there was no desperate devil. The moment he fell to the ground, it was like a strong man falling to the ground.

"Kill Gigi..."

The devils rushed towards the city like crazy, as if they were the masters here, as if they had the right to this city.

"Brothers, get ready. We can't lose at this stop. All the people in Pingcheng County are behind us. It doesn't matter if we lose or die. However, our folks will also be unlucky! At that time, what will they do? ? Isn’t it just a hundred or so devils? The marksmanship is accurate, and each of them takes away three! The rest, I will deal with them!” Lin Jianhua shouted.


"Brother, look well, here, it's not what they say! Last time, Yang Fei personally told me that as long as you stay here and set up the machine gun, the devil's cannon is not easy to fire, and the devil does not He will rush over foolishly, I believe him!"

"Very well, it's time for us to behave. Remember, you can never embarrass us, bandits? That's a thing of the past. Now, we are fighting like them. We are all revolutionary soldiers. We also have a mission. Impressive!" After Lin Jianhua finished speaking, he saw a group of devils rushing towards here!


Lin Jianhua gave an order, and the heavy machine gun rang out. The bullet passed through the icy air, pierced the cold in the air, and directly shot into the devil's evil chest!

"Da da da"

Machine guns were everywhere, so that the devils had no way to advance and no way to retreat at this time. They could only lie down on the spot and fire towards the position!
Lin Jianhua took a pistol and shot at the devils crawling on the ground, "Bang bang bang..."

Several devils fell down in response, and Lin Jianhua's eyes turned red, "Everyone cheer up, we have reached the point where we cannot retreat now!"

The devils were still rushing into the city gate. As soon as they entered, they found another way to the left and right, trying to outflank this place.

(End of this chapter)

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