Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2538 A Different Bomb

Chapter 2538 A Different Bomb
Seeing this, Lin Jianhua didn't dare to expect the student soldiers to come. No matter how many student soldiers there are, they may not have any attack skills, and they will be killed eventually!
He still has a feeling that he doesn't want those recruits to come over.

The silence at this time made Lin Jianhua's nerves alert, and he immediately ordered, "Look around quickly, don't let the devil steal our way!"

He personally led a few people to another intersection. The intersection was filled with the smoke of war, and his eyes, nose, and throat were also filled with these things that were difficult to add in words.

He took out all the things that could be taken out of the arsenal, and he also took out all kinds of weapons that could be used. At least, if the city was lost, they had experienced it.

All of a sudden, Lin Jianhua heard footsteps, and immediately made people quiet. He loaded his pistol with bullets and carried a rifle on his back. He quietly looked west along the wall and saw a group of sneaky devils. As he was coming in this direction, he gestured with his fingers, and the soldiers immediately hid themselves. When the devil continued to appear in front of them unsuspectingly, Lin Jianhua fired first, and the bullet hit the devil's head. The child lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

"Peng Peng Peng..."

"Da da da……"

For freedom and peace, for democracy and new life, maybe they don't understand these things themselves, but they are fighting for these things. Without bloodshed, it is impossible to get peace. Without bloodshed, it is impossible to get democracy. Without bloodshed , where can I come to be independent?
Lin Jianhua and the soldiers around him faced the devil's strong artillery fire, so they had to fight harder and retreat slowly. Only when he merged with everyone did they realize that they were surrounded.

Moreover, it was these devils who surrounded them!
Then, there was deathly silence.

"Brother, devils have been found in the east!"

"West side too!"

"Brother, there is still the south side!"


"Okay, I got it, brothers, what I can do now is to fill the gun with bullets, it belongs to a man, and fight with me until the end!" Lin Jianhua finished speaking, and sent bullets into the barrel of the gun one by one. .

With the sound of "Kacha Kacha...", no one is willing to quit. This place is a crossroads, and it is also the place Yang Fei pointed out.

At this time, I heard the voice of the devil persuading to surrender, "You are all a group of warriors. Our Great Japanese Empire appreciates your courage. You can surrender now. Our Japanese Kingdom guarantees your safety. In addition, the support of our high-ranking officials and generous salary I hope you will recognize the facts now!"

"Shhh, shut your mouths!" Lin Jianhua shouted.

At this time, they couldn't see where the devil was, they could only hear the devil coming from the west. If they didn't guess wrong, the devil should be behind a wall on the west side now.

Even so, Lin Jianhua didn't dare to take it lightly, if he passed, he might be beaten into a sieve!

"Brother, I have a solution!"

Lin Jianhua turned his head and saw that it was the one who told him to surrender just now. He looked at him with a bad face, and then said coldly, "If you want to surrender, just go there. I have no right to stop you from surrendering, but if you are I found out that you are a traitor, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go!"

"Brother, just now, I was a little impulsive. Just now, I killed two devils. If I surrender now, why don't I let those little devils chop me up? I'm not that stupid!"

"What's your name?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Brother, you can call me Shitou, they all call me that!" Shitou said with a smile.

"Well, since it's not a surrender, tell me, what should we do now?" Lin Jianhua looked at him and asked.

Stone sat down and took a few grenades, "Brother, I thought, I'll pretend to surrender in a while, and throw this grenade over there. Isn't there devils everywhere? Then I'll blast all the way, and then, let's Break out of the siege, didn't you say it? Let's break out, and leave the green hills behind!"

"Shitou, I know what you mean, but the risk in your past is too high, you should think of another way!" Lin Jianhua knew that this was clearly a death, and he didn't want to watch his brother die!
"Brother, try it. If you don't try, how will you know if you can succeed?" Shitou smiled and took two more grenades.

"Brother, I think you can give it a try. If the stone succeeds, I will stay and stop the devils from chasing you!" said the fat man.

"This is death. I don't want to see you die. It's not easy for us to come from the cottage together. You are all my good brothers. However, I will do such a thing!" Lin Jianhua said Grab the grenade on the stone.

However, Shi Shi's figure flashed, "Brother, let me go!"

As he spoke, he put a few grenades in his pocket and shouted, "I surrender, I surrender!"

With his hands raised, he walked slowly towards an alley, and suddenly realized that there were really many devils, those devils had never thought that someone would actually surrender, the devils smiled evilly, then turned to look at Lin Jianhua and the others, Suddenly, he pulled the string of a grenade and rushed towards those devils!

There are too many devils, too tempting, it is simply a beautiful landscape, he can't wait to kill these devils with a hand grenade!


Lin Jianhua couldn't help shouting!


All of a sudden, a heat wave came from that alley, accompanied by the arms, legs, and even heads of some ghost corpses, dyeing the whole alley red.

The heat wave melted the snowflakes floating above the head in an instant, and it actually started to rain lightly!
"Stone!" Lin Jianhua yelled, got up and rushed over with a pistol!
Everyone followed Lin Jianhua and rushed over, leaving only Shitou standing guard at the crossroads. He held the heavy machine gun tightly in both hands and listened vigilantly to the sound of footsteps around him.

When Lin Jianhua arrived at that alley, there were many corpses piled up on the ground, and he had no way of finding the stone corpses!

Some surviving devils groaned on the ground, their last breath still flowing. The soldiers' eyes were red, and they took their guns and smashed them heavily on the heads of those surviving devils with their butts.

"Stone! Stone..."

Lin Jianhua looked around, his feet were sticky and blood was flowing, and after a while, it turned into ice.

"Brother, let's break through quickly!"

"Yes, brother! Break out, we can still fight the devils!"

(End of this chapter)

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