Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2539 Breakthrough

Chapter 2539 Breakthrough
Lin Jianhua gritted his teeth, "Okay, break out! Follow me!"

At this time, there is really no other way. The little devils are not only crowded, but also have too much firepower. They can't resist at all, and there is no hope!
Lin Jianhua took the lead and ran forward, and the soldiers followed him and rushed towards the west gate.

At this time, he heard the sound of "da da da" clearly, and the sound of machine guns came from the direction they were retreating.

"Yes, there is also Fatty, where is Fatty?" Lin Jianhua turned his head to look.

"Brother, after the fat man is broken, how can he quickly break through!"

"No, go break out, I'll help Fatty!" After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua wanted to go back.

"Brother, if we go now, it is tantamount to death. Fatty made the most correct choice for everyone. We followed you, and we also made the right choice. From now on, we will kill a few more devils to avenge Fatty!"

Lin Jianhua stopped, and he turned his head to look at so many brothers, who were all closely following him. All along the way, these brothers followed him sincerely, and never thought of leaving him, for the sake of a brother , he can't let down so many brothers!
"Okay! Let's go!" Lin Jianhua went to Ximen'er again after saying that.


Gunshots came from behind them, and a brother fell.

"Dodge!" Lin Jianhua yelled, and the brothers hid behind a wall, "Everyone, don't move!" After Lin Jianhua finished speaking, he took a grenade from his body and threw it towards the alley, "Go!"

They got up again and went to Simon.

Just now, Ximen'er was blown open by the devils. It shouldn't be too difficult for them to break out.

However, when they passed by, devils were already guarding the gate of the city at some point, and a heavy machine gun suddenly appeared in front of Lin Jianhua's eyes.

When they dodged, huge beads of sweat appeared on Lin Jianhua's forehead, "The gates of the city are blocked to death, brothers, all we can do now is break through, follow me, you, you, you, follow me, let's rush over and kill the devils." The blockade is blown up, I still don't believe it, we can't beat them!" Lin Jianhua stood up and charged.

"Brother, let me go!"

"Brother, I'm going too!"

At this time, these brothers are not willing to take Lin Jianhua's risk. What kind of friendship is this?

Lin Jianhua was very moved, but he didn't mean to be more handsome, "I said, I'll go, I'm your big brother, and I will protect your safety! As long as we break through this hole, we will win. This is the key." Time, I can't lose the chain, brothers, listen to me, Chen Heng should be outside the city with the recruits, if I die, I will follow Chen Heng!"

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

Lin Jianhua said his last words, "Don't be sad, I can't go back on my decision!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua rushed out with a gun in his hand, and the brothers who followed also followed Lin Jianhua like risking their lives!
The rest of the soldiers had tears in their eyes.

"The big deal is death, we can't let big brother take the risk to save our lives, we have to die together!" After finishing speaking, the rest of the soldiers rushed out with their guns!
No one is left!

They still don't care about their own lives, at the last moment, they also think about you together!

Lin Jianhua ran and fired a shot at the machine gunner, and the other machine gun started to shoot at them "da da da"!

A row of soldiers fell down, even if they fell down, they still tried their best to crawl towards the west gate!


Machine guns shoot at each other, if you live, you will live, if you die, you will die. There will never be so many heroes' names in history!Only one good story can be left!
Lin Jianhua was relieved to kill the last devil at the city gate, but they also sacrificed more than a dozen brothers!
After leaving the gate of the city, Lin Jianhua was most worried about the people who were left behind!
Walking out of the city gate, Lin Jianhua was very sad, "Fatty, Shitou, and so many brothers who gave up their lives are all dead!"

West gate, go forward is the road to the cottage!

"Brother, where are we going?"

"Go forward, the cottage will not be able to go, but we still have a lot of people!"

Lin Jianhua said, "Chen Heng is still bringing three hundred good recruits!"

"We fought for a long time, but we didn't see his shadow. Brother, let's not count on Chen Heng. Chen Heng was left behind by the previous village owner. He is probably untrustworthy!"

"Don't doubt your brother!" Lin Jianhua didn't believe that Chen Heng would not save him at all.

Maybe something really happened to him.

"Go, keep going this way!" After Lin Jianhua finished speaking, he took his brothers along, and there was an injured brother beside him. What should we do?
On the top of the mountain, there are some shadows that are ready to move. They have been here for several hours, and Ma Tian asked them to come and wait, saying that they will have reinforcements just in case!
Now, when these devils saw Lin Jianhua coming out with the remnants of the defeated soldiers, their guns were aimed at the unsuspecting Lin Jianhua and others.

When they were fully within their shooting range, there was a "bang" gunshot, and Lin Jianhua was shot in the arm suddenly. The brothers immediately threw Lin Jianhua down, and then hid behind a tree.

"Damn it, why are there devils here!" Lin Jianhua cursed fiercely.

"Brother, how are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm dead!" Lin Jianhua lay on the snow, pressing the wound tightly with his hands, the pain, the scorching pain spread all over his body, and his face began to turn pale slowly.

Slowly, the entire arm lost all feeling!

"Brother, you..."

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Lin Jianhua said, "Looking at how few of us there are, I guess the devils will come down in a while, so get ready!"

"Brother, don't worry, with me here, I won't let the devil succeed!"

Lin Jianhua closed his eyes, feeling a little cold on his forehead, and his whole body was also slowly getting cold.

Seeing that Lin Jianhua and the others did not respond, the devils at the top of the mountain immediately struggled for more than 20 devils to slowly pass down the mountain.

Under the command of a small team leader, more than [-] people formed a siege, slowly encircling Lin Jianhua and others.

Heavy snow fell one after another, and there was a sound of "creaking" snowflakes when stepping on the ground.

"Brother, brother! Don't sleep!"

The brothers stood beside him nervously, "Brother, wake up!"

"Big brother!"

Lin Jianhua finally fell headlong.

"Big brother!"

"Listen to my order, everyone be vigilant, the devil will definitely come over in a while, protect the eldest brother, kill the devil, and we will send the eldest brother to the clinic!"


(End of this chapter)

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