Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2540 Here Comes the Devil

Chapter 2540 Here Comes the Devil
The soldiers became alert one by one, their ears moving slightly.

Not long after, the devils rushed over. It seemed that they thought that the people they were looking at were the turtles in the urn.


With an order, the soldiers stood up, pointed their guns at the approaching devils, and started shooting.

However, these devils were holding light machine guns. After a burst of "da da da" shots, several soldiers fell down. This...

"Come on, they can't beat us!" The devils exchanged, and a captain ordered, "Throw a few grenades over there!"

The grenade plucked the string and threw it over!

"Ah! Captain Protection!"

"Hiss, hiss..." The lead wire of the grenade reached inside the grenade in an instant, and suddenly, with a "boom", a big hole was blasted open!

A fat man was lying on Lin Jianhua's body, his back was injured by a single shrapnel, and he wanted to stand up, but found that he couldn't move.

"Haha, go! They have no room to fight back!"

After the devil finished shouting, he ran towards Lin Jianhua and the others.

At this time, the sky was so dark that it swallowed it like a blood basin.

I only heard a "whoosh", "boom!"

A ghost fell down.

Hearing the gunshots, the devil quickly found cover, and wanted to see how many people had come.

Seeing this, the devils were stunned immediately. About 300 people ran towards them. The bullets passed through them and hit the nearby trees. The captain of the devils immediately ordered, "Retreat! Retreat!"

Yes, how could thirty devils be the opponents of those two 300 people?
The devil quickly evacuated, and it happened to be Chen Heng!

They rushed over, took a quick look, and found that Lin Jianhua was unconscious, and most of the surrounding soldiers were seriously injured!

"Come on, hurry up and take him away!"

Chen Heng gave the order, and the recruits immediately evacuated here with people on their hands.


In the dense valley!
The temperature here is like spring, and the surroundings are covered with green plants. In Beihai, there is no such place at all. When Yang Fei woke up, he found everything around him, as if he had arrived in a strange place again. Get up quickly, "What is this place?"

He took a deep breath and touched his wound with his hands, and the wound had already healed.

Why is it so strange? Obviously, he was severely injured by Honda, and it was not easy to wake up, but the wound had already healed. He tore a hole in his clothes and found that the wound was still bruised. Looking around, unexpectedly No one was there.

He got up, thinking about this place, he was really unfamiliar, how could he end up here in a world of ice and snow?
Thinking of this, Yang Fei wondered, did Mr. Zhi show up?
If Mr. Zhi shows up, then he can let Mr. Zhi teach him kung fu!

A voice broke the silence, Yang Fei turned his head and saw Han Qing!
Han Qing fetched some water with a big leaf, "Are you awake?" Han Qing looked at him with a smile, and then said, "Sir, come, drink some water!"

Yang Fei caught the big leaf with his hand, and then took a few sips. The water was sweet and really good.

"Han Qing, where is this?" Yang Fei looked at Han Qing strangely.

Han Qing shook his head, "I don't know either!" However, Han Qing said again, "Sir, you met warriors from the Wa Kingdom. For you!"

"Aimed at me?" Yang Fei sighed, "To be honest, that guy is really powerful. My three-legged cat's kung fu is really no match for him." Speaking of this, Yang Fei looked at Han Qing, " how did you find me?"

Han Qing sat down, "It's strange to say that I stayed in the place where you were killed for a day, and accidentally fell into an inexplicable abyss, and then, after falling down very strangely, I met you."

"Then the wound on my body..." Yang Fei looked at him, "You healed me?"

"Of course!" Han Qing said, "I have studied medicine, besides, I actually found some herbs here, and these herbs have a very good direct effect on reducing swelling!"

"I didn't expect that we are here. We have to find a way to get out. If the devils know that we are gone, they will definitely besiege the county. I'm afraid the thirty or so brothers can't resist so many devils!" Yang Fei was worried. Said.

"Sir, you have been in a coma for seven days. During these seven days, you haven't taken a drop of water. Fortunately, you woke up. Otherwise, I don't know how to explain to Mr. Zhi!" He took out some wild fruits, "Let's eat some fruits. After eating, I'll find a way out. If we can get out, let's hurry back to the county seat!"

"Okay!" After hearing this, Yang Fei immediately picked up the fruit and gnawed it.

Not to mention, Yang Fei really likes this place, the spooky weather outside, who knows when it will snow?It's so warm here, if you bring your brothers here, you can enjoy life for a while.

After eating the fruit, Yang Fei stood up and said that he wanted to find a way out with Han Qing.

There is no road in this place, but there is a small road, which was formed by Han Qing removing some plants with a knife. The plants are lush here, and the flowers and plants grow tall. These plants are flowing. They look around, and it looks like a The canyon, there is a warm current blowing here, Yang Fei firmly believes that if you keep going forward, you will definitely be able to get out!

After fighting for so many years, Yang Fei has rich practical experience. They have picked a lot of fruits along the way, and they don't know when they will be able to go out. Therefore, they have to make food their first priority.

They walked for a long time in the depths of the weeds. About three days later, Yang Fei saw a different light, "Han Qing, come here, can you see what's there?"

Han Qing looked ahead, the light didn't look like the light here, rather than the light here, it was more like the reflected light, the light here was erratic, more like underwater.

"Sir, maybe, if you walk over, it will be the outside world!" Han Qing said.

"Let's go and have a look!"

The two of them ran for a while, and suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew in, "Yes, it's outside, Han Qing, put on your clothes, we're ready to go out!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, Han Qing wrapped the thick clothes around his body again.

Then they walked thousands of miles, and sure enough, the cold wind was getting stronger and stronger, they could only bend over and walk outside slowly.

The wind was blowing so hard that they couldn't open their eyes, so they closed their eyes tightly and walked out of the cave slowly.

The wind slowly decreased, and when Yang Fei raised his head, he was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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