Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2541 1 must save them

Chapter 2541 Must save them
Isn't everything here the same as what he lost consciousness?

A world of ice and snow, even now, heavy snow is still raging here, there is no sea in the North Sea, maybe, if it is a sea, it is this large snow field!
"Sir, come out!" Han Qing was also a little excited.

"Yes, it's out!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he turned around and found that the place where they came out had disappeared without a trace.

Yang Fei ran over and scratched the snowflakes on the ground with his hands, "No, where is the canyon?"

Han Qing also found it strange, looking carefully at this place, there is no canyon at all!Could it be that I really encountered a ghost?

"Sir, look, this is not the canyon we discovered at all, the mountains here are too low!" Han Qing said.

Yang Fei frowned, "Forget it, I owe him my life in this canyon. When I come back, I don't believe that I will be captured by Japanese warriors again!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he turned around and left, "Let's go to the county seat !"

Yang Fei had never been to this place before, and Han Qing walked by instinct. In the snowy day, they walked for nearly three hours, and Han Qing finally smiled and shouted to the tired Yang Fei, "Sir, come and see , Pingcheng County is here!"

Yang Fei ran over, stood on the mountain not far away and looked at the county town, but then he frowned, "This county town, something is wrong!"

"Is something wrong?" Han Qing also looked carefully, "Hehe, this place is occupied by devils!"

"That's right, have you seen the devil's sun flag? Unexpectedly, so many things happened in just ten days, and I don't know where Lin Jianhua and the others are now!" Yang Fei shook his head.

"In short, we can't go here, sir, let's go, I know, there are several villages nearby, we can ask in the villages!" Han Qing looked at Yang Fei and said.

"Okay, let's go!"

After speaking, they turned and left.

The village in the snow is very simple. The wooden houses of several families are surrounded by fences and several roe deer are surrounded. Yang Fei and the others found a family and asked in the courtyard, "Excuse me, is anyone there?"

Not long after, an older man lifted the curtain, looked at Yang Fei, "You..."

"Mr., I'm sorry to bother you. I just want to ask for some hot water. I wonder if it's convenient for you?" Yang Fei asked.

"Come in!" The old man lifted the curtain, and Yang Fei and Han Qing entered.

It was warm in the house.

Yang Fei and others sat on the kang, and the old man got two bowls of water from the teapot.

"Where did you come from? Judging from your accent, you don't look like locals!" The old man was a little puzzled. Almost no outsiders came here. Besides, this place is relatively remote. Who would come here for business or other things?
"Mister, we are just passing by!" Yang Fei did not dare to explain their purpose.

"Thinking of this era, you are either businessmen or Qiu Ba!" After the old man finished speaking, he lit a pipe, "After drinking water, hurry up and leave!"

"The old man has good eyesight, so he can tell that we are not businessmen!" Yang Fei laughed.

"The soldiers are in chaos, what valuable things are there for you to resell? Therefore, you are undoubtedly soldiers." The old man said very calmly, as if he was used to such things.

"Okay, old man, to be honest, we are indeed soldiers!" Yang Fei said.

"A soldier? Not a bandit?" The old man looked at them strangely again.

"It's a bandit, but it's not a bandit!" After speaking, Yang Fei stood up and prepared to leave. "Old man, what a bother!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei and Han Qing were about to leave.

It's just that, just as he was about to leave, he heard footsteps outside, and he yelled directly, "Dad! Dad!"

The man opened the curtain and came in. He wanted to say something to the old man, but when he saw Yang Fei and the others, he frowned, "Father, what are they doing?"

"Passing by, begging for some water, what's the matter? You're in a hurry!" asked the old man.

The young man just remembered, "Dad, it's bad, I was hunting in the mountains and found the devil!"

"Devil? What is the devil doing here?" The old man was a little surprised.

"I don't know, there are a lot of these devils. I think there are three or four hundred people! Seeing that it is getting late, I am afraid that the devils are looking for a place to live nearby! Let's go quickly!" After the young man finished speaking, he hurried to Packed up.

Yang Fei and Han Qing heard it clearly. "Little brother, did you just say devils? It must be unusual for so many devils to come. Where are they heading?" Yang Fei asked.

"Going to the west, but I also saw that this devil seems to have escorted a group of captives. I think he must want these captives to go mining!" After the young man finished speaking, he simply packed a few clothes, Then fill the bow and quiver on the back with bows and arrows. "Hurry up and leave too. If the devil really comes, you won't be able to leave even if you want to, but don't be caught by the devil!"

"Thank you for the reminder!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei and Han Qing went out, "Han Qing, let's go and see what tricks the devil is playing!"

The two of them went up the mountain again.

Sure enough, just as the young man said, there are about 300 devils, with a few cars driving behind and sleds in front, and they walk through the snow, but there are some soldiers behind them. Attire, Yang Fei immediately knew that these people were the same as the troops Yang Fei was in before, all of them were the Eighth Route Army.

"Damn it!" Yang Fei clenched his fist and slammed it heavily on the ground.

"What's the matter? Sir?" Seeing that something was wrong with Yang Fei, Han Qing hurriedly asked.

"These people are the Eighth Route Army, the same as my previous army!" Yang Fei said, "Han Qing, can you save them?"

"It's a bit difficult, there are too many devils!" Yang Fei said.

"No, these are my comrades, I must save them!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, we don't have a gun now, how can we beat so many devils? Let's find another way!" Han Qing said.

"Well, I know!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, I think we have to go quickly. Did you see that devil is coming towards us! It's getting late, and it's really like what the young man said, the devil is looking for a place to rest now !" Han Qing said.

The two had no choice but to slowly avoid them.

As for Yang Fei, he only had one thought in his mind, which was to save these soldiers and comrades!

"Damn it, I must save them!" Yang Fei gritted his teeth and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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