Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2544 Not Yang Fei

Chapter 2544 Not Yang Fei
"Yang Fei, you really don't remember?" Of course, Shen Wanxi didn't want to miss Yang Fei. This time, the Eighth Route Army moved north from the North China Plain to Beihai.Along the way, they encountered the devils. Due to the haste of the matter, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army in the forward position were surrounded by the devils, and in the end they captured so many soldiers without anyone noticing.

They didn't even have time to pull out a grenade!

"What you said is true, but we really don't know each other. Brother, I think, you must have mistaken someone!" Yang Fei said.

"No!" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, she was about to come over to talk to Yang Fei. Han Qing, who was standing in front of her, pushed her out.With this force, Shen Wanxi's entire body was retreated several meters away.

Although it is not enough to fall, Shen Wanxi knows the strength of the person in front of him!
"Yang Fei, you really don't know me? My name is Shen Wanxi, and there is another named Hu Dahai. If you don't want to see the two of us, you should always think about our brigade commander Li Jiguang, right? And political commissar Wang Wei, and Li Mobai! You don't remember any of these people?" Shen Wanxi didn't dare to take a step forward, so she could only shout from the spot.

At this time, some of the people beside him were displayed, surrounding Shen Wanxi.

"I don't know, I don't know what you mean when you say this to me, but I think we all have one thing in common, that is to fight devils! In the future, although we may no longer be an army, as long as we fight devils, we will fight against devils." It might be my friend!" Yang Fei said.

Han Qing also clearly understood that Yang Fei definitely knew the person on the other side, but Yang Fei died a year ago, they should be clear about this, why they just don't admit it?

"Okay..." Shen Wanxi didn't know what to say, but he also knew that the opposite person might just be someone who looked the same as Yang Fei and was also named Yang Fei, and the Yang Fei he knew might have died!

"Then... sorry to bother you!" After saying that, Shen Wanxi turned around and left.

Thinking about it carefully, back then, Yang Fei disappeared for no reason. The brother who went back said that Yang Fei was chased by a group of bandits in order to save a company brother. He and Yang Fei took different paths. Yang Fei attracted the bandits. gone.

And there was no bandit behind him!
Yang Fei, [-]% of them have already been killed by the bandits, or have been captured, or have been chopped into meat!

At that time, the entire brigade didn't quite believe that Yang Fei would die, and sent many people to search for Yang Fei. After a few months, there was no trace of Yang Fei.
In the end, Li Jiguang also had to hold a memorial service for Yang Fei and awarded Yang Fei a glorious medal!

However, Yang Fei has no family members, and this medal has been kept by the deputy head of their regiment, Leopard.

This is definitely not a good thing. Too many things happened in one year. Immediately afterwards, the devils tightened the encirclement, and the headquarters ordered that the entire brigade they belonged to break through to the north to cover the transfer of the Eighth Route Army headquarters to the west. Therefore, Most of them all headed north, but it was a hard battle. They had five regiments and broke up three regiments. Although the remaining two regiments did not suffer heavy casualties, their cadres suffered heavy casualties !
Therefore, after the brigade headquartered broke out, it immediately reduced the combat organization. The original five regiments were reduced to three regiments. The leaders of the three regiments were Shen Wanxi, Hu Dahai, and Li Mobai. As for the other personnel Most were also disrupted into different regiments.

Then the devils intercepted them fiercely, coupled with the betrayal of the defectors, the brigade headquarters has been in a precarious state. They could only transfer. In this way, they moved for more than a year, from the original plains to Beihai Province in the north. Beihai Province has a higher altitude and a higher latitude, so the winter here is very long. Many soldiers couldn't bear this day and sacrificed.The brigade commander Li Jiguang ordered that as long as the devils were killed, their cotton-padded clothes would be stripped off!Therefore, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army now have all kinds of clothes on their bodies.

Later, they encountered unprecedented challenges and were surrounded by devils again. When they broke through, many soldiers became prisoners!

The establishment of the army has greatly shrunk a lot.In the end, I got the news that the devil was leading the captives all the way to the north, so Li Jiguang ordered to catch up with the devil and rescue the captured soldiers at all costs!

That's why there's what happened next.

When Shen Wanxi left and returned to the regiment headquarters, he was always in a low mood. When he saw Yang Fei, but Yang Fei didn't recognize him, he once wondered if there was something wrong with his vision!
When they found Li Jiguang, Hu Dahai and Li Mobai were there. When everyone saw Shen Wanxi, they all asked him, "Why did you arrive only now!"

Only then did Shen Wanxi slowly raise his head, "Do you think there is really an identical face in this world?"

Everyone was a little puzzled, "What's the point? Did you bump into someone?"

Li Jiguang looked at Shen Wanxi and asked, "Old Shen, tell me what you encounter!"

Only then did Shen Wanxi tell Li Jiguang what happened to him just now.

After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai looked at him with a smile, "Old Shen, you are really confused. Yang Fei has been sacrificed for more than a year, how could he appear? Besides, the place where Yang Fei sacrificed was in Pingyuan, how can he appear now?" Could it appear in the North Sea?"

"Yes, Commander Shen, you must have mistaken someone!" Li Mobai also said the same.

"Hey!" Li Jiguang sighed, "It's all my fault. If I suppressed this matter at that time, Yang Fei would not have sacrificed! Maybe our future battles will be easier!"

"Brigade Commander, don't listen to Shen Wanxi!" Hu Dahai said, "Now we are all provoked by the devil's domineering. Don't worry, we have three regiments now, and there are more than 200 people. Although we are not familiar with the place here, However, I think we still need to vigorously develop the revolutionary base areas and make a contribution to the subsequent victory of the revolution!"

"That's right!" Li Jiguang looked at Shen Wanxi, "Does he really not know you?"

Shen Wanxi shook his head, "Yes, he doesn't know me. I mentioned the names of Li Mobai and Hu Dahai, but he also shook his head and said he didn't know me. I wonder, did Yang Fei lose his mind?"

"Okay, since we don't know each other, maybe we have really admitted the wrong person!" Li Jiguang said, "Now, our first task is to find a way to find out where the devil is going to arrest our comrades! This point If you don’t understand, I’m sorry for them!”

When many things come together, it becomes a big event. For example, when Shen Wanxi met Yang Fei, it was really like a reunion between old friends. Even though they used to hate each other, they were all revolutionary comrades. teary eyed.

But Shen Wanxi didn't believe in this evil, he thought, even if Yang Fei didn't recognize him, then let Da Guang go, Da Guang is now the battalion commander of their regiment, so it might be easy to let Da Guang go!After all, Daguang can know Yang Fei.At dawn the next day, Shen Wanxi called Daguang, and after telling him about it, Daguang opened his eyes wide, "I just said, nothing will happen to our regiment leader, Captain Shen, we Where is the head now? Huh?"

Hu Dahai was very excited, so excited that he thought Yang Fei was really alive, but Shen Wanxi said, "But, it is very likely that he is not your team leader, but a person with a similar appearance?"

"Impossible!" Da Guang shook his head and said, "I can recognize our regiment leader at a glance. Don't forget, when I was our regiment leader's guard, we all lived together!"

"Well, so, are you sure?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Yes!" Daguang said, "There is a bump on our leader's left arm, obviously, it's here!" After speaking, Daguang raised his elbow and pointed to the location!

"In this way, we just need to see if there is such a bump on Yang Fei's arm, right?" Shen Wanxi asked. ,
"Of course!" Daguang said, "By the way, Captain Shen, where is our leader now?"

As soon as he said this, Shen Wanxi suddenly laughed, "Hahaha, I don't know!"

"I don't know?" Daguang became excited, "How is it possible? Didn't you meet our regiment leader? Where did you meet?"

"Just outside the village where we fought yesterday... in some places!" Shen Wanxi said just now, and Daguang turned around and ran away as if he had received definite information.

"Da Guang..." Shen Wanxi called out, and in a blink of an eye, Da Guang was gone!
"Hey!" Shen Wanxi shook his head, "How could Yang Fei still be there?"



It is a village surrounded by river water. The river water will only flow in the spring and April of the next day. The food of the whole village is the sauerkraut pickled in the previous year, and it is served with rough noodles.If you want to eat meat, you can cut open the river and go down to fish. However, the ice is very thick at this time, and it is really not easy to cut open. There are also a lot of fish that experienced villagers can touch.It's not like going out once, you can touch it!
Now Jiangjiatun is full of many people. These people look like dolls. Of course, most of them are armed with guns.

Chen Heng called Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie, "Although Commander Lin Jianhua is awake now and his wounds are recovering well, he still needs to recuperate for a while. There are so many of us in Jiangjiatun. More, tell the students, if you can help the villagers with their work, you can help. In addition, you must let the students pay attention to the surrounding environment! Once there are devils, you must tell me that we must always guard against devils attack!"

Ma Xiaokun nodded, "Don't worry, I'll talk about it!"

"Zhao Junjie, then you will be responsible for asking your classmates to help the villagers with some things. We can't live here for free. Although everyone makes a bed full of seven or eight people, this is already what the villagers can provide. The best conditions, chopping firewood and collecting water, everyone can do what they can!" Chen Heng said.

"Don't worry! Leave this to me!" Zhao Junjie said and left.

In the next few days, Jiangjiatun became lively, and the students were working in full swing. In addition to normal drills, they just did things for the villagers, went up the mountain to cut firewood, and some courageous students were able to catch some prey. Rabbits Anything is considered a rarity.

Another group of students stayed at the mountain pass, watching the surrounding situation closely. Some students even had to put on dirty clothes and looked around the nearby villages like refugees in order to get the corresponding information.

Lin Jianhua opened his eyes, saw that it was Chen Heng, and looked at him with a smile, "Recently, have you received any information from Brother Yang?"

Chen Heng shook his head, "No, I'm afraid he died in the hands of devils a long time ago!"

"Hey, what about Brother Han Qing? He went to look for Brother Yang, what about him? Didn't he see him?" Lin Jianhua asked weakly lying on the bed.

"No, besides, we are now in Jiangjiatun, which is sparsely populated. They can't find us normally. I believe that if there is fate, we will meet again!" Chen Heng said.

"Well, let's wait for the opportunity to arrive!" After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua said, "Chen Heng, how long have we been in Jiangjiatun?"

"It's been more than half a month!" Chen Heng said.

"Bring a few good tricks, and bring some recruits, and look around to see if there are any devils, and rich businessmen, and ask them to pay some money, food is also fine! Can we live and live in Jiangjiatun for nothing? , The common people must not have much food, so how will the common people live in the future?" Lin Jianhua said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you! Now, I'll just find the older ones, Ma Xiaokun and others, and I'll take them with me! Don't worry, I'll find someone to take care of you here!" Chen Heng said.

"I don't need you to take care of me!" Lin Jianhua said, "Our most important thing now is to solve the problem of food! But we must be extra careful. Many landlords are now armed, so be careful!"

"Well, I got it! I'll definitely go, master, take care of your body!" After speaking, Chen Heng stood up and went out.

He found Ma Xiaokun and others, and after talking about it, Ma Xiaokun immediately became interested, "Okay, okay!"

First of all, Chen Heng asked someone to find out if there were any of these landlords nearby. If they were willing to take the initiative to ask for food, then it would be easy to say, if they didn't take the initiative, then let them take the initiative!

In the end, there really were so many landlords!

The villagers of Jiangjiatun naturally contributed several rich and unkind landlords.

Two kilometers north of Jiangjiatun, there is a town. There is a large family in this town. This large family has [-] hectares of land. Every year, their warehouse alone can't hold it. Not only that, but they are not willing to share it.

Chen Heng has decided, this is the target of their knife!
After counting the number of people, they set off.

Under the leadership of Chen Heng, they arrived in the town around 10:30 in the middle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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