Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2545 Landlord Shen Tiezhu

Chapter 2545 Landlord Shen Tiezhu

Two kilometers to the north of Jiangjiatun, the name of the town is Heishui Town.

It is located in Beihai, and this is a relatively remote place, so the town is not big, and the population of the town is not large, at most there are more than 30 households. There are two streets in the town. People here are used to calling these two streets Dongjie and Dongjie. On West Street, in Heishui Town, there is obviously a family with high walls and a deep courtyard, and there are two stone lions at the door.

The door opened, and a chubby, swarthy man came out, holding a birdcage in his hand, looking happily, "Xiaoqing, come, call one!"

The bird jumped happily, "twitter..."

The man immediately laughed, "It's good to be so obedient, come on, call me one more time!"


"Haha, that's great!" After finishing speaking, a skinny old man followed behind him, "Master, there are three families who haven't paid the grain this time, and these three families have been in debt for a long time. I think this year is the I can’t think about it anymore! How about waiting until next year?”

Hearing this, the man immediately frowned, "Next year? This next year, next year, next year, how many next year? No, just today, Old Chai. I heard that these three families are your relatives?"

"Oh, yes, relatives of my family!" Old Chai said.

"Since it's your relative, why don't you collect it today? Isn't it just three buckets of grain? This kind of land in my family should also be given to me! Don't you think so?" fighting bird.

"Master, I'm afraid this year is really going to die. These three relatives are unlucky enough. Mr. Chai's wife is sick, so he spent a lot of money to hire a doctor. I heard that when he ran out of money, he exchanged it with grain. Mr. Chai The second family has a dead mother, Chai Lao and the third family have no strong men at all, during the harvest time, more than half of the grain in the field was stolen, and only five buckets of grain were harvested!"

"Five buckets?" The man turned his head to look at old man Chai, "Wouldn't it be nice to give me three buckets?"

"Yeah, but... Chai Laosan's family owed food to other families before, so when the harvest came, they paid back to other families. Therefore, there is really no food left at home. Look..."

Before the old man Chai finished speaking, the man shook his head, "No, no, I owed others, and I paid it back, but my family didn't pay it back. How could this be? My family is not a charity, is it? It’s the Chinese New Year, I’m a landlord, yes, but the landlord’s family doesn’t have any food left!”

"That's what you said..." Old Chai was quite embarrassed.

"You can do this matter! Anyway, I still say the same thing, if you can't harvest the grain today, you will double what you owe me!" After the man finished speaking, he turned and walked on the street.

The old man Chai looked astonished, he had no choice, logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with renting someone's land and giving them food, but everyone knows that landlords don't show affection, hey!
The East Street is relatively prosperous, there are two teahouses, one in the south and one in the north, and there are some singers in the teahouses, which is why Shen Tiezhu is most willing to come.

Shen Tiezhu is the only landlord in Heishuihe. Most of the land in this town belongs to his family. Even the two streets in this town were built by the Shen family. The Shen family, but it is said that it is everyone. However, there are also people who are rich.

The teahouse in the south is called Fulai Teahouse, and the song sung in the teahouse today is "serving the country with loyalty".Shen Tiezhu, who got the news early, naturally would not miss this beginning.

After entering the teahouse, the waiter served him and sat down. After finishing a pot of Longjing tea, Shen Tiezhu sat down, put the birdcage on the table, picked up the teacup, closed his eyes, smelled the smell, and seemed to enjoy it.

Isn't this life supposed to be this comfortable?

There are not many people drinking tea in the whole teahouse. The one who can come every time is Shen Tiezhu. Shen Tiezhu is a frequent customer and spends a lot of money in the teahouse. "When will the show start?"

"Master Shen, half an hour later!" said the waiter.

"Half an hour? Master, I can't wait for half an hour. Hurry up, hurry up!" Shen Tiezhu urged, then picked up the teacup, blew on the powdered tea leaves, and took a sip.

"This one……"

The waiter in the shop was embarrassed, "Master Shen...this is really not good!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Tiezhu put the teacup on the table and stared at the waiter, "No? How can it not be possible?"

"The ones who came today are not ordinary people. They sent a letter saying that they will come in half an hour!" said the waiter.

Speaking of which, there was no one in the teahouse at this time, and he was the only one. However, he has gotten used to it over the years, and there are really few people in Heishui Town who can afford tea money and Qu'er money. However, Shen Tiezhu was very unhappy when he heard what the shop waiter said. It can be said that he is the patron of their Fulai Teahouse. Without his patronage, hehe... there is no way their teahouse will not close down!

"Presumptuous, my master Shen, if I tell you to start the show, just start the show, what nonsense are you talking about!" Shen Tiezhu shouted.

The shop owner Xu Donglai ran out immediately, "Oh! Oh, Master Shen!"

Shen Tiezhu glared at him, "Boss Xu, the show has already opened at this point in the past. Today, what kind of distinguished guest is making you wait?"

Shen Tiezhu looked superior.

"Master Shen, you don't know that this song has been prepared for a long time, but a person came, and this person said yes, let it be opened half an hour later, you said..."

Before Xu Dong finished speaking, Shen Tiezhu said, "What? This person gave you more money than my Master Shen?"

"No, no, that's not true, but I can't afford to offend this person, and neither can you, Mr. Shen!" Xu Donglai's embarrassment made Shen Tiezhu frown immediately, "What do you mean? In this Heishui Town, I Shen Tiezhu said the same thing, but tell me, who asked you to save face like this?"

Shen Tiezhu really didn't believe that anyone in Heishui Town could speak more weight than him, and even the county magistrate would give Shen Tiezhu face, haha.He looked at Xu Donglai, Xu Donglai covered his mouth with one hand, and whispered in Shen Tiezhu's ear, "Master Shen, he is from the Japanese country!"

Hearing these three words, Shen Tiezhu was stunned immediately. He sat down on the chair, "What did you say? Japanese people? Why do Japanese people come to Heishui Town? Just come here to listen to your music?"

"Master Shen, I don't know exactly what to do, but I have to wait for him to come!" Xu Donglai said.

"Since the Wa people are here, I will leave. I have never dealt with the Wa people!" Said, Shen Tiezhu stood up and left.

After walking a few steps, he turned around and picked up the teacup, poured another cup of tea, and drank it down, "Go, I'm leaving now!"

As he said that, Shen Tiezhu quickened his pace, thinking to himself, "Dog, I heard that Japanese people kill people without blinking an eye. I don't want to die. I don't even want to see this Japanese man!"

"Ouch!" Thinking about something in his heart, Shen Tiezhu bumped his head on a person, and before he could see who it was, he began to curse, "That bastard who doesn't have eyes?"

Looking up, he was actually wearing an army green military uniform, with a five-star logo on top of his head, a small beard on the corner of his mouth, and the leader was wearing a long robe and a long knife at his waist.

Not to mention that he had never seen this outfit before, Shen Tiezhu had heard of it before. Shen Tiezhu immediately shuddered, his body went limp, and he immediately collapsed to the ground.

Mouth began to tremble.

Xu Donglai came to a Japanese man, and immediately bent over, "Taijun, Taijun!" Xu Donglai smiled obsequiously, and a Japanese soldier walked in front of him, and said to the leader of the Japanese, "Honda-san, this This one is Manager Xu of Fulai Tea House!"

Honda smiled and came over immediately, "Hello, Manager Xu, it's an honor to meet you!"

"Honour, honor!" With that said, Xu Donglai invited Honda and other Japanese people to go inside.

At this time, two Japanese soldiers immediately grabbed Shen Tiezhu on the ground.

Xu Donglai took a look and immediately caught up with Honda, "Your Excellency Honda, Mr. Honda, this... this is Shen Tiezhu, Master Shen..."

Upon hearing the name, Honda immediately turned his head, hurried to Shen Tiezhu, looked him up and down, and then stretched out his hands, "You are Master Shen!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly said to the two Japanese soldiers, "You guys, let me go!"

Shen Tiezhu was released, but he was still a little nervous, he didn't dare to look up at Honda's face, "Taijun, Taijun, I am Shen Tiezhu!"

Xu Donglai had seen a little bit of the world, "Master Shen, the Taijun shook hands with you!"

Shen Tiezhu quickly reached out and shook hands with Honda.

In fact, the purpose of Honda coming to Heishui Town this time is to meet Shen Tiezhu and ask him to donate some food to the Japanese soldiers. After all, many soldiers came to the mine, and there are also some stick soldiers. They all want to eat with their mouths open. .

Seeing Shen Tiezhu, Honda smiled from ear to ear.

Xu Donglai hurried over and wiped a chair with his sleeve, "Taijun, this way please, the good tea will be served soon, and the song will be sung immediately!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Donglai waved his hand, and the waiter immediately brought a pot of tea over, and poured tea into the cup on the side of the table.

"Master Shen, please sit down, just sit next to me!" Honda said.

The corner of Shen Tiezhu's mouth twitched, "No, no, I can just stand!"

"Hey, don't be so restrained. When you come to Heishui Town, you are the host and I am the guest. How can there be a reason why the guest sits and the host stands!" After finishing speaking, Honda pressed Shen Tiezhu on the chair, and he sat down. Down.

"Master Xu, pour tea for Mr. Shen!" Honda said.

Xu Donglai was taken aback for a moment, and quickly regained his senses, "Okay!"

With that said, he quickly poured Shen Tiezhu a cup.

This job of serving people has always been done by the waiter in the shop. It's good for this Honda to let himself pour tea for Shen Tiezhu himself. Could it be that he, Shen Tiezhu, is the only master in Heishui Town?Isn't he Xu Donglai?
Without daring to think too much, Xu Donglai stood behind Honda.

With the sound of various instruments, the stage began to sing songs.

As for how to sing, Shen Tiezhu didn't dare to think about it anymore, he seemed to listen to it very well, but with the Wa people sitting next to him, his ears could only listen to what the Wa people had to say.

When the final part was sung, Honda immediately stood up and started applauding!
Shen Tiezhu didn't dare to neglect, and quickly stood up and applauded. "Okay!"

When they sat down, Xu Donglai refilled them with tea.

"I have heard a little about the story of serving the country with loyalty. This Yue Fei is a famous general who resisted the Jin Dynasty. He is your great hero in China. He fought desperately against the people of the Kingdom of Jin in order to regain his homeland! However, you have a not-so-good emperor. !" After finishing speaking, Honda looked at Shen Tiezhu, "What do you think?"

Shen Tiezhu immediately said, "Taijun, you are right, that's it!"

"Yeah, the twelve imperial decrees let Yue Fei go back. This kind of advice is harsh, and he is not a good emperor!" After finishing speaking, Honda said again, "This is fighting, that's how it is. Fighting is a soldier's ability, and he is also a commander. ability, and more importantly, the problem of food!"

"You're right!" Shen Tiezhu could only agree.

"The so-called, before the three armies move, food and grass go first, that's the reason!" Honda sighed, "Your Huaxia is full of smog, and our imperial army of the Great Japanese Kingdom is here to clean up the smog for you and return it to you. A blue sky and white clouds, tell me, are we a rebel army?"

How dare Shen Tiezhu resist what Honda said?I can only nod, "Yes yes yes!"

"You have worked hard, but you Huaxia people have been beating you all the time. Think about it, we do good deeds and don't want to be famous, but you are stopping us Wa people. If you say it is small, you Huaxia are our younger brothers in Wa country. If you say it is big, We are all in East Asia, and East Asia should go hand in hand, but you China is too backward, and we are going to help you make progress, you say, even brothers in the family, shouldn't we do this?" Honda looked at him and said.

Shen Tiezhu didn't know what Honda wanted to express, but he understood that only by nodding his head could he survive!

"Yes, yes, you are right!" Shen Tiezhu swallowed.

"Recently, our Imperial Army of the Japanese Kingdom encountered a problem. There is not enough food and grass. This is a kind of resistance for us to help you Huaxia. It stands to reason that we help you. We can just send the food and grass. However, the road is long and the food and grass are delayed. No, this is going to make it difficult for us!" Honda's intentions are already obvious, and Shen Tiezhu can't understand it anymore, this is just pretending to be crazy!
"Taijun, how much food do you want?" Shen Tiezhu asked, as long as he wanted food, not life, Shen Tiezhu could satisfy him.

"Huh?" Honda frowned, "What are you talking about? How could we in Japan ask for things from our little brother? You are thinking wrong. I mean, borrow, yes, borrow, borrow a little, let's get through this One calamity, after it's over, I'll give it back to you!" Honda said.

"Oh, that's right, Majesty, how much food do Japanese soldiers need to borrow?" Shen Tiezhu asked quickly.

"This is up to you, Master Shen. In fact, I can't open my mouth. There's nothing I can do about it. Just watch it!"

(End of this chapter)

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