Chapter 2546
Honda's meaning is very clear. If you give less, it will definitely not work. If you give more, he must be happy. However, Shen Tiezhu doesn't know how much is too little, and how much is too much?

He slowly looked up at Honda, and then slowly raised a hand, "Five...five...fifty buckets?"

When Honda frowned, Shen Tiezhu's legs began to tremble, "No, fifty dan?"

Honda frowned, and then said nothing, thinking in his heart that these fifty tans of grain would only be enough for them for a week. Just as he was thinking about it, Shen Tiezhu immediately said, "Taijun, at most eighty tans, the remaining , and can barely finish the New Year, how about it?"

Honda nodded at this time, "Eighty dan, let's go, let's go!"

In fact, Honda's trip was worthwhile. He also figured it out. If he can get [-] tans of grain, this family is definitely considered rich. However, according to the virtues of Chinese landlords, their family should have a lot of grain , even if they were given [-] dans, there would still be at least [-] dans left!

Seeing Honda nodding, the sweat on Shen Tiezhu's forehead ticked, and then he wiped it off with his hands.

"Okay, Master Shen, when will you give us the food?" Honda asked.

"Anytime is fine, even now!" Shen Tiezhu said quickly.

"Okay, it just so happened that we came here with a truck this time, and we'll get the food today!" Honda stood up after speaking, "Let's go, Master Shen, today, but thank you very much!"

When they reached the door, Honda looked back at Xu Donglai. Xu Donglai was taken aback for a moment, and trotted over quickly, and took out some ocean from his cuff, "I really don't have much in this small teahouse, Taijun, please forgive me!"

Honda didn't speak, just followed Shen Tiezhu and left.

It wasn't until he couldn't see their faces clearly that Xu Donglai spit thick phlegm on the Japanese people's back, "You dog, shameless thing, this is taking advantage of the fire!"

Still, it's what you have to do if you want to survive.

The East Street is in the middle, which is Shen Tiezhu's home. Shen Tiezhu said to the housekeeper at home, "Go, get [-] loads of grain and put it in the car for the Taijun!"

The butler didn't dare to say much, so he hurried away.

It took more than two hours to load the [-] loads of grain. Honda was very satisfied. Seeing that the truck was full of grain, Honda got into the truck and left.

Shen Tiezhu sat at the door, remembering that his bird was still in the teahouse, so he hurriedly sent someone to get it.

"It's unlucky, how can I meet Japanese people when I go out today, these bastards are simply robbers!" After Shen Tiezhu finished speaking, he took out his eye bags, then took a sip, lowered his head, and muttered in his mouth, "Don't let me meet you guys, you're hypocritical, and you still say it's a loan. Will there be time to pay it back?"


Shen Tiezhu spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and the phlegm was spit on the edge of a person's shoe in an impartial manner.

Looking up, he saw several strangers.

Shen Tiezhu frowned, unfamiliar faces, who are these people, "Who are they? Get out!"

Shen Tiezhu said bluntly.

"Master Shen, can you invite us in for a cup of tea? The road is a bit far away, beg for saliva!" The person who spoke was wearing a woolen jacket, a pair of gray trousers, and suede boots. This person, It was Chen Hengtao.His accent was from Beihai, and he acted like they were just passing by.

Shen Tiezhu was angry just now, how could he calm down now, "Did you see that there are two teahouses at the north and south ends of this east street, go and drink!"

With that said, Shen Tiezhu stood up and was about to enter the room.

However, Chen Heng followed him to the door.

As soon as Shen Tiezhu turned around, he was about to point at Chen Heng and scold him, but Chen Heng grabbed his arm with one hand and squeezed it hard, "Can we go in for tea?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Shen Tiezhu quickly admitted.

Today is destined to be the day when Shen Tiezhu bleeds heavily.

After entering the house, plus Ma Xiaokun and others brought by Chen Heng, there were a total of 20 people.

It seems that Chen Heng will never give up if he can't get food.

After entering the house, more than 20 people were the same as when they arrived at my home. Except for the student soldiers, the others were bandits themselves, and they drank tea as soon as they poured it.

I found some food in the house and ate it with my mouth open. , and it doesn't matter whether Shen Tiezhu agrees or not.

Shen Tiezhu immediately understood that these people were not ordinary people, they should all be bandits, but these bandits didn't even have decent guys, this...was too dramatic.

"Master Shen, we are hungry, do we have anything to eat?" Chen Heng asked immediately.

"Yes, yes!" With that said, Shen Tiezhu stood up and went to the door, and shouted to the housekeeper, "Bring in all the food you can eat!"

The housekeeper is not blind, seeing so many people coming in, Shen Tiezhu's appearance, it seems that something really happened, the old housekeeper made people prepare food on the one hand, and on the other hand, he arranged for the long-term workers and short-term workers at home , There are also some young servants who copied the guy and quietly went to the door of that room.

The room was very warm, and the flames in the charcoal basin were burning hot.

Several people were still lying on Shen Tiezhu's bed, "It's warm here, come, come!"

A few people went over and covered the quilt.

After the food was brought in, Chen Heng told everyone to fill their stomachs quickly.

Unexpectedly, after a while, these food still didn't fill their stomachs, "Master Shen, are you too stingy?"

Shen Tiezhu was taken aback for a moment, then quickly got up again, "Send me some food!"

The food was brought in again, and twenty people started to eat. It had been many days, and they had never eaten such delicious food. As expected of the landlord's house, the landlord's food was not for nothing!

Don't think that Chen Heng can be dismissed in this way, but the devil took away Shen Tiezhu's [-] loads of grain, and twenty of them, how can a landlord be poor?
After eating, everyone has almost eaten, and if they can't eat, everyone puts it in their pockets.

Chen Heng burped, "Master Shen, there are still many people in my family who need to eat, what's the matter? Bring me some food to take away?"

"Ah?" Shen Tiezhu was taken aback, "Who are you guys? How dare you plan on me? Do you know? When I whistle, the Wa people turn around and come back. At that time, there will be no comfortable days for you!"

"Oh, how powerful is the little devil?" Chen Heng sneered, "No, I want food, if I don't get it today, I won't leave!"

"You are bandits!" Shen Tiezhu shouted, and was about to open the door and leave.

Chen Heng winked, Ma Xiaokun went over and immediately pulled Shen Tiezhu back in, "Don't worry about leaving?"

Shen Tiezhu has entered the tiger's mouth, and it is simply impossible to get out.

"Master Shen, I'll give you a quarter of an hour. You should think about whether to give it or not, and how much." After finishing speaking, Chen Heng said, "Come on, let's see if there is anything worthwhile in this house, and search them all for me." !"

These words terrified Shen Tiezhu immediately!
It is true that he is a landlord, but there are a lot of valuable things in the house, such as the table and chairs of huanghuali, the western clocks found by the relationship, and the gold-plated pocket watch.

Not to mention these things, even if it is a hoe at home, it is Shen Tiezhu's hard earned money.

"" Shen Tiezhu was speechless.

Chen Heng sat on a chair with his legs crossed, staring at Shen Tiezhu firmly. He didn't want to be a bandit, but no matter what he did, he had to have something to eat. In this remote place, he felt that dealing with such a landlord and local tyrant would be difficult. Do not use electricity very means will not work!
To do justice for the sky, you must let the people who follow you eat, right?

"Master Shen, do you have anything to say to me?" Chen Heng asked.

"You guys, what are you going to do?" Shen Tiezhu asked.

"What I said is very clear, food, we want food!" Chen Heng said lightly, "I know how much food you give to the Japanese people, and the same amount of food you give me!"

"You are like lions!" Shen Tiezhu shouted angrily.

"In a word, will you give it?" Chen Heng asked coldly.

"No!" Of course, Shen Tiezhu would not be polite to this kind of tough tone. He heard it clearly just now, and there was another cuckoo call outside. It seemed that the old housekeeper had already arranged people outside, so he was not afraid. Didn't they have Twenty people?There are more than 20 long-term workers, day-time workers, and servants in their family. When the time comes to fight, it is not certain who will win who!
However, what Shen Tiezhu didn't expect was that just after he finished speaking, Cheng Heng punched him.

The fist hit Shen Tiezhu's nose heavily, and immediately, a pool of blood emerged from his nose, and the blood flowed down from his nostrils and directly entered his mouth.

Shen Tiezhu was stunned for a moment, his head was buzzing. At this moment, he didn't want Chen Heng and the others to be bandits, because they were bandits!

"Should I give it or not, the time is up for fifteen minutes!" Chen Heng went over and grabbed Shen Tiezhu's collar, and Ma Xiaokun beside him was also stunned. No, Ma Xiaokun has a kind of worship. For people like Shen Tiezhu, he keeps licking devils. He has always despised them. He wanted to beat up such a person himself, but Ma Xiaokun didn't even have the chance to do so.

Shen Tiezhu's head was still ringing at this moment, and he didn't hear what Chen Heng said clearly.

Ma Xiaokun went up and punched Shen Tiezhu in the chest, "Will you give it?"

"Here!" Shen Tiezhu felt tight in his chest, "Can I still give it?"

"If I knew this earlier, why should I take this punch?" Ma Xiaokun sneered.

"Let's go, get food for you!" Shen Tiezhu said, and as soon as he opened the door, he went out first!

Chen Heng immediately said to the people in the room, "Let's go, go get the food!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Heng walked out of the room first!


All of a sudden, he was hit with a stick, and Chen Heng was hit on the head without any precautions, and a warm current flowed down the head.

There is no doubt that Chen Heng's head has been opened.

When Shen Tiezhu saw Chen Heng like this, he became happy, "Hahaha, hahaha! Hit, hit me hard!"

However, the next moment, what stunned Shen Tiezhu was that so many people who came out of the room were directly with his servants!
This action made Shen Tiezhu want to die.

I saw that each of the people brought by Chen Heng took out a gun from their pockets, and pointed the gun at them, not to mention hitting them, if they wanted him to kneel, he had to kneel!

Shen Tiezhu saw that the situation was not good, so he ran away immediately!
However, just as he was about to run, there was a gust of wind under his feet, followed by a gust of dust.

Shen Tiezhu's legs softened, he squatted on the ground, and raised his hands, "Master, sir, I was wrong!"

Chen Heng didn't cover his head, the blood kept flowing. When Chen Heng came to him, he squatted down and stared at Shen Tiezhu's head with his gun, "Do you know that you are looking for death?"

"I'm looking for death, grandpa, please spare me?" Shen Tiezhu never expected that they all had guns on their bodies. For the convenience of going out, of course they all carried pistols.

"Knowing that you are looking for death, have you thought about the consequences?" Chen Heng asked again.

"I've thought about it..." Before Shen Tiezhu could finish speaking, Chen Heng directly pointed a gun at his head, "You know, if you still do this, if you open my head, you have to pay something!"

"I know, Lord, I'll get someone to pack the food you want!" Shen Tiezhu said hastily.

"Hehe, it's a good thing to know interesting things, so don't ink, do you have a car at home? Put them all in the car for me!" Chen Heng said.

"Yes! Yes! There is a car!" Shen Tiezhu nodded quickly, and then said to the servants who were holding the guys, "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and pack food for everyone, just like devils, eighty loads!"

"Same as a devil?" Chen Heng frowned, "How can you be like a devil?"

"This..." Shen Tiezhu didn't know what he wanted to express, and asked in astonishment, "Master, what do you mean?"

"One hundred loads!" Chen Heng said.

The muzzle of the gun was right in front of him, and Shen Tiezhu couldn't tolerate resistance, so he nodded, "Okay, okay!"

For a landlord, as long as he can survive, there is land, there are long-term and part-time workers, then there is food, this land is like the animals at home, it can create many things for you!
After more than two hours, the food has been loaded on the car.

Chen Heng said to Ma Xiaokun, "Go, see if the landlord's house has any livestock, preferably cows, and see if there are any cows. If there are any, bring some cows here!"

Ma Xiaokun left in response.

After a while, sure enough, Ma Xiaokun and a few people signed a few cows to come over, and they were directly harnessed to the car after they came.

Shen Tiezhu's heart is bleeding, this **** is more ruthless than devils!

"Hey, Master Shen, since you broke my head, then I... just lend you a few cows, isn't that too much?" Chen Heng asked.

"Hey! Not too much, not too much!" Shen Tiezhu said.

"In this case, then I'm not going to be polite! Xiaokun, take someone with you and go!" They said, and they were about to leave.

At this time, the outside was full of people. Some of these people were watching the jokes, and some were pointing at Chen Heng and the others.

However, so what, what they want is food, and these few cows, whoever is in Jiangjiatun, can help them work in the coming year.

(End of this chapter)

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